Events THE JAPANESE ART OF PAPERMAKING Thur. April 8 107 Lawrence 8pm Santo Monica erflst Erik* Karin has just returned from a tour of Japan where she visited a papermaking village cooperative She will show a Him, slides and demonstrate the ancient process ot making paper M ariaokitoty tree! An EMU Cultural forum event 559 4-8 dd Carlos Castaneda rip-off Michael Hamer's research’’ MICHAEL HARNER: “Castaneda, Shamanism A Healing” APWL8 IMS EMU KAILriOOto PACE 5?9 4-6 UNITED STATES PREMIERE: TMCSAVAOCLAMO Drama of revenge and love. Mated to PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA One day only. Aprs 6 7 6 9 pm. Oakway Cinema Sponsored by the University of Oregon Asian Studies Society Test released by World Pacific Pictures. Portland Advance sale tickets EMU Mam Desk S2 SO students. S? general At door S? students *? 50 general 586 4-6 Whaf «the drtference Between (he WARRIOR SHAMANISM o» Don Juan and me HEALING SHAMANISM of Michael Warner’ “Castaneda, Shamanism & Healing” amhl* am EMUSAU-ROOM FREE 5?8 4-6 FORUM ON RACISM AND THE ATTACK ON CIVIL RIGHTS m Eugene Oregon and m Washington D C Speakers will include Ron Herndon (Black United Front) Myra Willard (Former Affirmative Action Director, U erf O) and Catherine Lauris Wednesday April 7 Forum Room EMU 8 pm 601 4-7 CLIMBING: 2 slide shows by Jan Bndwell of recent first ascents East Face ot the Mooee s Tooth ' in Alaska and "Zenyatta Mondatta a new route on El Capttan sponsored by the Unrversity of Oregon Outdoor Program. Apni 7 at 8 pm m the EMU Ballroom For more info call 686-4265 _502:4-7 THE GAY MEN'S RAP GROUP will meet tonight at 7 pm at the Backdoor Coffeehouse 1414 Kincaid Call GPA at 686-??60 tor further into 6?? 4-6 JIM BRIDWELL This renowned American climber will present two slide shows ot a climb of the east face of the Moose's Tooth in Alaska and an ascent of a new route on El Capitan Zenyafta Mondatta Wednesday April 7. 8 pm, EMU Ballroom Sponsored by the U of O Outdoor Program __6314-7 Eileen Stevens Founder & Chairman of C.H.U.C.K. Committee Halting Useless College Killings As seen on: 20/20, Donahue, 60 minutes, People magazine Her son Chuck was killed In a fraternity hazing Incident In N.Y. She has now devoted her life to stop such practices of hazing 7 pm Wed. April 7 150 GEO, $1 admission Proceeds donated to C.H.U.C.K. 617:4-7 Personals INTERESTED IN SPEED READING? Consider the University Learning Re sources Center 's inexpensive alternative to high-priced commercial courses Four-week awfcshope. April S-2S UH fcSS-11 or UH 7-6:30 pet *30 lee includes all materials Tor more mtormaaon. call the LRC at 686-3226, or come by our office m Friendly Had __537 4-8 VIDA BARN RENTALS Under new management Fantastic dance party or picnic location Reasonable rate* HUM or 342-7272. _409Hn HAIR TOOAY HAS A HAffi SALON tor men and women in the EMU by the Rec Center Me do haircuts styled perms color and tree consultations Can 607-1347 or stop by tor appointments__068Hn PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free prog nancy testing BrUnght. 687-6661 4680U PLANNED PARENTHobo has a pregnancy test that is 98% accurate Cali tor appt 157UH HAVE A DWTY SLEEPING BAG? Fnd dependable service at 108 UW MAKE MONEY! nar | rung Your Ptoltiea' RAGS TO RICHES buys, consorts, and trades secondhand clothing lor men and women For apROMeent: 84*-703* MO E. 11th __1881 UWF ISOLATION TANK Relaxation through flota tion Call lor questions and appointment M3-KM UW 4-28 MIKE DONAHUE Newscaster He was a Greek si Oregon Sign up tor spring fraternity rush at Suite 5 EMU or call 686-2701 615:4-6 ASUO STUDENT INSURANCE is available tram Oregon Hall cashiers spring term through Friday April 9 The cost is 541 20 tor spring term or $81 65 tor spring and summer 527 4-9 PREPARE FOR GRE Learning Resources Center 2-week workstiop includes a review ot material covered m the exam, analysis of the lest structure and types ot questions, and Net-taking strategies April S-M MW May 4-27 UH 2:90-5 $?0 lee includes an materials For more inlormakon. call the LRC at 686-2226 _S&4-7 Journalism Students Taking the CET Mat tor J250 this term? The Learning Resources Center is offer ing a 4-week workshop to hetp you prepare Review of grammar and usage, rules of punctuation, capitalization, and spelling, and vocabulary development will be covered . Apr* •-2* UH 11-12:30 $30 fee includes all materials For more information call the LRC at 686-3226 or come by our office in Friendly Halt 5404-8 BETTER DAYS for PROGRESSIVE FASHION To get you m the swing for spring. Better Days tor Progressive Fashion is having a spring sale on aS clothing in the store Hurry in, sale ends April 16 770 EAST 1101 Mon-Frt 10:30-5:30 Saturday 11-5 ______ 575 4-9 DON SIMPSON Pres Paramount Pictures He was a Greek at Oregon Sign up for frater nity rush at Suite 5 EMU or can 686-3701 616:4-6 IMTERNATIOHAL STUDIES ASSOCIATION PARTY! Attention all ISA members, and an yone interested in ISA; we re getting together Tuesday. April 6 at 6 pm at Dense Michel s house to plan our spring activities, set our meeting times and have a great time For direction or more information call 343-5279 (Oenise) 343-7670 (Deb) or 686-5051 {Inter nabonai Studies Office)4-6 The FACULTY CLUB a OPEN FOR LUNCH 11 30-2 weekdays STUOCNTS WELCOME. The big yellow house at 13th and University 4-7 JIM: Spring fraternity rush is finally here" Don't forget to go lo the orientation on April 12 at 5 30 pm m room 167 EMU XXOO CATHY 6074-9 SOCCER Men interested m playing soccer tor the U of O Club Sports team next tall should attend a meeting for ax player on Friday. April 9 at 3 pm m room 337 EMU -602.4-9 LEADERSHIP BROTHERHOOD ACADEMICS SOCIAL COMMUNITY FRATERNITY Sign up tor spring fraternity rush. Suite 5 EMU or cat 686-3701 608 4-9 FATS Meet me at 2 pm tor a Bavarian plate at Lenny s Noah Bar m the Courtyard LUIGI 033Hn RUSS FRANCIS Pro football player He was a Greek at Oregon Sign up for spring fraternity rush as Suite 5 EMU or call 686-3701 614:4-6 ESSAYS. POETRY, ILLUSTRATIONS etc for possible publication Payment upon publica tion Please submit manuscripts to Ppers PO Bo* 3437 Eugene 97403 or call 683-7143 for more information4-12 HAPPY BIRFOAY Susan Walters Love F.S.C., STEVE. REG. SYLVESTER. FRED 4-6 THEATA WINDOW WASHER You did a beautiful fob Keep up the good work AD MIRER4-6 CONGRATULATION CAROLE A KAI May you always be as happy as you are now Love. WADE4-6 WOMEN'S LINGERIE Good quality, may styles to choose from (just ask the guys on 1st floor) Call 485-9143. ask for Carole _4-6 USA Fn rate was panthers and werewolves Sat rule was frizzy han and Flash Gordon I had a great time1 How about you? RICK 4-6 ROLFING Jon Carroll Certified Rolfer 683-3689 E EVALUATION BEGINNER OR ADVANCE0 Cost is about the same as a semester m a US college $2,969 Price includes jet round trip to Seville from New York room board, and tuition complete Government grant*, and loans available for eligible students t.ive with a Spanish family, attend classes four hours a day, four days a week four months Earn 16 hrs of credit (equi valent to 4 semesters taught in U S colleges over a two year lime span l Your Spanish studies wiU be enhanced by opportunities not available maUS classroom Standard lied tests show our students' language skills superior to students completing two year programs in U S. Hurry, it takes a lot o< time to make all arrangements FALL SEMESTER SEPT 10 Dec 22 SPRING SEMESTER Feb 1 June 1 each year FULLY ACCREDITED A program ot Trinity Christian College SEMESTER IN SPAIN 2442 E Collier S E Grand Rapid*. Michigan 49506 (A Program ol Trinity Christian Collage) QA LL TOLL FREE for fuM information 1 800 253-9008 (in Mich., or if toll free line inoperative call 1-616-942-2903 or 942-2541 collect) ccccc?ii::cccccii5::cc?ii:c«::iii::ccccc*: PRECISION $ HAIRWORKS haircut the way you want it cut ! ********** no appointment needed**********' 29 th & Willamette 9:30.™0'™F,, behind Patty s Pizza 9:30-5-00 Saturday this spring search offers courses for credit The Mytho-Poetic World pf Gary Snyder/ The Existential anthropology of Earnest Becker Introduction to Peking Opera Men and Masculinity in Crisis Lesbianism Myth and Reality Introduction to Anarchism Cuba The Continuing Revolu tion Central America m the New Cold War Latin America: People, Culture, and Politics Race and Class in South Africa Solar Greenhouse Construction Exceptional Friendship Oregon Wildlife Management Issues Oregon Wildlands Forest Planning Perspectives Beginning Hebrew Intermediate Hebrew Spoken Finnish Readings in Finnish 1-Act Plays Humans In Their Created Envir onment Twilight ot Western Thought: A Christian Response, Part HI Roman Catholic Faith and Cus toms Behavioral Aspects of Sports Officiating Basic Cardiac Life Support — C.P.R. First Responder non-credit workshops Wine Making Workshop: How to Solve Rubik’s Cube Individualized Conversational Workshops in French, Ger man, Italian, and Spanish Introduction to Astrology Love, Sex, Marriage And All That Stuff Group Marriage Actively Con sidered Rolfing and Aston Bodywork and Movement Education Tae-k won-do Meditation Workshop Paganism and Witchcraft - Theory and Practical Ap plication Metaphysical Wisdom emu mill - 686-4305 OAKWAY CINEMA United flremtevt THURSDAY, APRIL 8 AT 7 AND 9 P.M. AT THE OAKWAY CINEMA Sponsored by the University ot Oregon Asia Studies Soc. OAK WAV MALL 342-3351 Advance Prices: ‘2. SO student ’3 00 General. Available at EMU Mam Desk Tickets at Door — ‘3 00 Students, ‘3.50 General ONE DAY ONLY! NO PASSES OR COUPONS THIS SHOW! ...and to think we met through an ODE PERSONAL