MEETINGS The April 24to Co—Mon to End too War In El Salvador will moot today and ovary other Tuesday at 7 30 p m at the Wesley Cental. 1236 Kincaid St. to plan tor the April 24th March and Rally A gay man'a rap group will meet today at 7 pm at 1414 Kincaid St . in the Backdoor Cotteehouee For more information, call the Gay Peoples Alliance at 686-3360 or stop by them office in Suite 318. EMU The Society of Protoaetonal Journalists will meet tonight at 7 30 m Room 301 -A. Alien Hall The International Studies Association will meet tonight at 6 at Denise Michel's house to plan spring activities, set meeting times and get reacquainted For more information call 343-5279 (Denise), 343-7670 (Deb) or the 686-5051 (International Studies office) The American Adeem sing Federation will meet today at 4 30 p m In Room 301 -A. Allen Hall Alpha Kappa Pal Business Fraternity will hold a general meeting tonight at 6 in Room 336. Gilbert Hall SPEAKERS "Oregon's Future Timber Supply Assessment: Computer Modeling and Productivity Assumptions," tfts topic of s lecture by David Sters. director of forest resource planning tor the state Department of Forestry, tonight at 7 30 In Room 233, Science I Practical techniques for integrating writing as a learn tog tool Into the classrooms of eS disciplines is the topic of a lecture / workshop by Anthony Adams, lecturer In the University of Cambridge education department, today at 3 30 p m in Room 307, Chapman Hall Adams presentation will be followed by a sherry reception at 4 30 p m For further information call Lmda Robertson at 686-5414 The Talmud is the topic of a lecture by Prof Ja cob Beck Wednesday at 9 30 a m in Room 341. Gilbert Hall WORKSHOPS Military lax resistance is the topic of a workshop. « s sponsored by Peace Concerned Tax Consultants, today at 7 JO p m in the south basement room ot Harris Hall in the County Courthouse Call 686-9049 tor further information THEATRE "The Grieved Are Many. I Am Told*' by Alan Boye. will be presented by the Oregon Repertory Theatre today at 8 p.m at ORT. 222 East Broadway Ave The stormy life of poet Emily Dickinson is presented by Boye. whose reading is part of a series designed to present the works of local writers Five plays have been selected to be presented as stage readings during the spring months Admission is free CLASSES "Slepperenttng: His, Hers or Ours?” is the title of a free two-week class offered by the Eugene Public Li brary which will meet this Thursday and April 15 from 7-9 p m on the second floor of the library The class fo cuses on how to cope with a new member of the family who Is: pampered, neglected, jealous, suspicious, untrustworthy, detached, resentful, deceitful Me thods demonstrated and practiced in class will In clude: negotiation, fair fighting and decision-making Preregistration required by calling the Lane Commun ity College Home Economics Department. 747-4501, ext 2533 MISCELLANEOUS An ongoing lather’s support group offered by The Looking Glass Families in Transition Project will meet today at 7 p m at the Wesley Center. 1236 Kincaid St The six-week group will explore what it is like to be the father or stepfather of a teenager For further informa tion call Looking Galss at 609-3111. PoNwortier positions available now lor ASUO elec tions. Call Bev Shoopman, ASUO. 686-3724 Episcopal Lantsn worship today at 4:30 p m in the Koinonia Center Chapel. 1414 Kincaid St 686-43431 The ODE cannot be responsible tor more than on* day's incorrect advertising insertion The ODE s liability (or typographical errors incorrect insertions or omissions in advertising published shall be limned soiety to the cancel lation ot charges tor such portion of space occupied by the error if your ad appears Incorrectly, call Mt-4343 before 1 pm tor correction in the next day s issue There w NO refund lor ed cancellation! For Solo SPECIAL COLON TV Reconditioned and guaranteed $85 up 686 9719 after 7 pm 4-7 KENWOOO 40 WATT AMP IUMI ft I spurs $200 otter Ait good condition lots ot He Call 66." 69?0 4-7 CLASSICAL GUITAR and hard case at bar gain price Call ''44-01 75 4 6 DUNLOP MAXPLY FORT tennis racket, Ike ne» S30- CONDO JUNIOR metal tennis racket ->ew 110 DESK STUDY LAMP with two 16* Houreacent tights $15. Ph 244 5449 AD_£7 MODEM RS 222 or TRS-80 Buss a Jt d receive 200 Baud new under warranty $t 70 746-9422_4-7 MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY 197/ Cbev Ca pns station wagon Excellent condition just $900 Ulno 686-6171 Abb* or 687-0970 4-12 74 AUOI S800. aNo raking bools 7N $100. mandolin $146 242-9959 4-6 NOW ON SALE Danners Mountain Trail boots and Cowtown Western boots Reg $99 now $75 CAMPUS SHOE SHOP M3 E l 3th 343-MI 3 _ 61849 BESLER ENLARGER .Vomen s 2 speed bike Mane oilers 464 9227 4-6 SPEAKERS FOR WALKMAN CASSETTE or other small cassette players Call Kevin between 12-6 4-7 CAMBRIDGE Diet tor sale All flavors available Can Molly at 686-4794 4-6 Instruction ADD THIS CLASS! History of Electric Guitar in Rock Rock music styles Berry. B B King Hendnx Pege Clapton Allman others WED 1S:30-1t20 MUS 407 instructor Paul Friedlander Fee ectted S54/? credits Open to an students Classes include listening, lecture dis _cuaamn_ JAZZ: Then Til Now Earn three credits while exploring jazi hislory Irom 1900 to 1980 laugh! by Can Wo«Jeck m an informal, non-technical style with lots ot in-class listening THURSDAYS HO-tiW RM TLN MM MUS 1M $M FEE 5184-7 Guitar Classes 3 CR P/UP COURSE FEE: $54 BEG. GUITAR I TLN 8520, 1:30-2 50 UH, F)m 178 Mu sic For the complete beginner1 Covers popular song accompaniment reading music, and melodic playing BEG. GUITAR II TLN 8585, 4-5 20 UH, Rm 211 Music A continuation ot Beg Guitar I with some basic music theory Register at the Music Department In structor. David Case 342-6826 588 4 6 ADD THIS CLASS! Rock Classes INSIDE ROCK I Overview o< rods (50*) to Beatles Who. Chock Berry Ekns others WED. 1*30-2120 MUS 1M INSIDE ROCK II Overview more 60s. Slones Clapton Hendrix. SF sound. Doors. Dylan to New Wave TMURS 11:30-1*20 MUS 1M PRIVATE GUITAR Indwduakzed to your skil i interests 6 lessons HO Lezlie 741-068? evenings 4-6 Guitar Instruction Folk/Bluegrass Relaxed non competitive atmosphere Acoustic styles of Dylan. Browne Bea tles Seeger, CSNY Baez many others TUES 15:30-1*20 MUS 1M Instructor Paul Fnedtander 470 4-8 ITS TAX TIME ASSOCIATED TAX PROCESSORS l come to you' Can Jerry 687-1887 Licensed ta* preparer _ 4-16 CUSTOM ROTOTILUNG Soil conditioning composting and fertilizer Difficult access gardens no problem Any size garden 682-4267 or 925-1042 4-12 LAFLER SILK SCREEN Bullr printed t-shirts 343-2306 or 342-1927 _S28 4-9 INCOME TAX RETURNS Professionally prepared Special rates to students and faculty 27 East 10th 464-0303. 456 4-6 Typing TYPING: '5 years experience Papers, dtsser talions edrtmg IBM Selectnc Pick-up and delivery CaH Carole at 666-3063- 2403 tin TYPING UNUMITEO 747-9296 Grad School Approved/Guaranteed Selectnc CaH lor 189 ttn PRO TYPING/EDITING On vacation (yippee1) till 4/29 JennHer 46S-3663 491 4-28 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Correcting Selectnc Graduate approved Near campus 344-6756. 460 ttn TYPING GUARANTEED IBM Correcting Selectnc Ruttl 345-5614 288 UH PROFESSIONAL TYPING Same day service. $85 per page 344-5027. 5?? 4-9 COMPUTER WORD PROCESSING by YOUR WORD'S WORTH 342-7546 525 6-24 TYPING GURARNTEED perfect fast Pickup and delivery Karen. 741 -0486 anytime 4-9 HAWK WORD PROCESSING: Computer system makes typing obsolete Theses, reports, resumes Free pickup/delivery 242-5512 4 9 Sound Systems Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Peart Street 343-7663 Monday thru Friday 9-6 pm Saturday 9-1 pm 5625 ttn WE BUY STEREOS SALES AND SERVICE Large selection warranted stereo components . STEREO WORKSHOP 1 1409 Main. SprtnglMd 741-1597 96? ttn 90,000 BOOKS IN STOCK AH setting 25% to 50% oft list prices New Books-Text Boofcs-CMI Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF a« new book* SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 790 E**t 13th 5223 ttn Bicycles BUY-SELL-TRADE Reconditioned bikes, used parts SECOND NATURE BICYCLES 1712 WMamoMe 343-5362 WE BUY USED PARTS __716UW RECYCLED BIKE WORKS Quality Reconditioned Bicycles Repairs - Parts - Service We Buy. Sell and Trade 296 BWr Blvd. 465-5686 ____ S8a0-1« Cruise into Spring New Zephyr 5-speed cruisers (rear-drum hub-tubular fork) SPECIAL $199 Only at RECYCLED BIKE WORKS 296 Blair 465-5886 592 4-9 NISHMd SPORT 21 10-speed metallic blue, rack included 345-8379 eves. 4-6 FOR SALE: Woman's 3-speed bike, good condition $60 Call Traci 484-9725 _4-7 TWO RALIEQH three speed $55. $40 343-6344 4-8 “531” FRAMES by Hotdsworth INTRO PRICES FROM $250 FUJI—CENTURION $50 off most bikes STU’S BIKE SHOP 9lh 9 Monroe 619:4-6 24” CENTURION with Union generator fenders and rack $90 343-1352. 4-7 Cars/Cycles 1970 SAAB 99 Recent engine and transmis sion work Excellent $1900/best offer 344-9419 4-6 IDEAL FOR EUGENE! 70 Fiat 850, runs well, $800 Excellent fuel mileage 687-0966 4-8 197# DATSUN 210 Low miles, stereo, excel lent condition. $3400. Can 345-5730. 4-14 1970 VW RABBIT Excellent condition 175cc Kawasaki motorcycle, runs great 485-8590 4-9 Auto Repair SAAB and VOLVO maintenance and repair MIB SWIFT SHOP 2529 WBarnett* 404-9333 _S635tfn VW OWNERS: support academia and save money by having me. a graduate student and a mechanic with eight years of professional experience, fix your VW s i guarantee all my work and offer campus pickup and delivery Call Dennis Todd. 344-7906. 785:11 Travel STUDENT TRAVEL Budget flights. Eurailpasses. Britrail passes. Inf I student ID cards, tours, books, insurance AYH cards, work programs, and much more Call CIEE Student Travel (206) 632-2448 4-16 Rktes/Mcters WANTED: Ride to Portland over Easter wee kend Will share for gas Call 345-6458 after 5 4-6 ia/oMOwti wanted WANTED: STEPPARENTS $00 REWARD tor participation in research study 6 weeks communication training and 2 weeks testing For more information, please call Joanna Hoskins. M S Counseling Psychology 344-1154 evenings and weekends 4-6 ALASKAN PRINCIPAL/TEACHER couple wishes to rent 2-3 bdrm ncer home, pleasant neighborhood near college preferred, comple tely furnished mcl dishes and linens about June 15 to Aug 14 Write soon, no phones here, mail slow Jan Williams, Pouch L. Ket chikan. AK 99901 4-16 Opportunities SI 5/930 REBATE opportunity on your college ring A specialist on gold and other metal rings is at the Bookstore this week 10-3 Better vome by tor this exceptional investment - with rebate! At the UO Bookstore 4-6 INTERESTED IN DRAMA? Assist a teacher at Cascade Middle Schoi in her drama class and earn credit through ESCAPE Like P E or intramurals? At Shasta Middle Schools there are openings in both areas tor volunteers to assist teachers Visit the ESCAPE table in the Lobby of the EMU for more information or talk to Lori, ext 4351_ 597:4-9 LOOKING FOR A CHALLENGING JOB? Will-be juniors, seniors and grads apply to be RA In the Residence Halls next yeari Re sident Assistants receive fun room and board plus S160 tor the academic year 1982-83 Single room and telephone provided Applica tions now available in the Housing Office. Walton Hall and due April 12, 1982. Also available. RA Intern positions for will-be soph mores Check out these |Obs at informational meetings. April 4. 5, 6. or 7461:4-7 THE ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES Program has many opportunities for students to earn up per-division credit while volunteering at a public school We have placements in elemen tary and secondary schools; many are just a quick bike ride from campus Come check us out n the EMU Lobby. 9-4 daily until April 9. or call us at 686-4351 585:4-9 FRUSTRATED AFTER MAC COURT? The ESCAPE Field Studies Program has placements available in several community service agencies Earn upper-division credit while assisting a handicapped child or an elderly person, leading after-school activities with elementary-aged children, or working on a luvenile corrections program There are many other placements available this spring, so come see us in the EMU Lobby 9-4 daily until April 9. or call us at 686-4351 583:4-9 HEALTH MAJORS LOOK QUICK! What are you going to do in June after graduation? Don't know? Check with the Peace Corps We can give you some answers 620 4-6 DON’T FORGET! STUDENT UNIVERSITY RELATIONS COUNCIL Applications are due April 9th Meeting for interested applicants Tuesday. April 6th, at 2:30 pm in room 111, ERB Memorial Union._630:4-6 IF YOU WOULD LIKE to do meaningful excit ing wofk with the Gay Community, you can earn 3 credits for spring term with GPA. Call 686-3360 or come by Suite 318 EMU tor further info 632:4-9 Help Wanted TOO MANY BILLS? Excellent earning oppor tunity Part-time/fult-time. For more informa tion, call 746-6422 _ 458:ttn DRIVER NEEDED TO MAKE deliveries to electronics firms in the Portland area. Must have Oregon driver's license, be a student, and be tree Wednesday and Fridays for trips to Portland Business background preferred May expand position to include sales responsitoti ties. it qualified and interested Contact Joyce Albin or Jeff Miller. Specialized Training Pro gram, 686-5311 496:4-6 -emu. 95* Food Service BREAKFAST 2 Hot Biscuits with gravy and sausage The Cafeteria Grill 7 am -10:30 am Monday-Friday