Last chance to sign up for spring FRATERNITY By joining a fraternity you can experience all the fun times your college years can bring you. Get involved in social, athletic, academic, community involvement and brotherhood. April 12, 5:30 p.m. in Room 167 EMU —emu Cultural Forum presents Health Center Handy helps to heal the hurts of the weekend student-athlete By Mark Johnson OttomEmftd Senior forward John Gretg went skyward for a rebound during a basketball game in Fe bruary and came crashing to the floor with a grimace Even var sity athletes are not immune to the most common sports-relat ed injury on campus "At this university the sig nificant, No -1 injury is to the ankle,” says Dr Frank Baynes of the University Student Health Center “No sport is free, from basketball to racquetball to fris bee We see more ankle injuries come through here than any other ” To prevent injury to the ankle, Baynes suggests high-top shoes and cloth ankle wraps, especially for those who have been hobbled by such an injury before Sometimes in sports we ask a lot of our bodies and joints, such as the ankle." Baynes says, but there has been a big improvement on campus with more people using such prevention " Baynes believes that many weekend athletes can avoid in jury by following four basic guidelines • If you have an old injury, follow your doctor s advice Baynes says many people run around with known injuries and fail to follow advice that can prevent a new injury • Don’t get caught in the overuse syndrome People hurt themselves by trying to do too much Baynes says • Stay in shape Condition ing is the Great Preventer. Baynes says Injuries are greatly reduced if you are properly prepared for the sport • Take the time to get warmed up Certain sport groups have prerequisites — proper exercises that should be performed before particular sports,” Baynes adds GET YOUR JEANS AND TOPS FROM THE BUFFALO! his 3? hers Levrs 15.99 his 3? hers Calvin Klein Jeans 23.99 his 3? hers 3? kids c' Jeans, Bibs 81 Colors from 16.99 PLUS 10 OTHER FAMOUS DESIGNER BRANDS AT VERY LOW PRICES. They may be factory seconds, but no one will ever know. EUGENE 77 \V est 1 1 th -342-K-4H-3 ALBANY 122 East lsi 73.35 CORVALLIS -312 S U 3rd im ii7o SALEM Salem 1‘la/a .371-1)500 “FACTORY SECONDS” If you do sustain an injury, such as a strain or sprain, Baynes solves the age-old wager of whether to use ice or heat to treat the area "The rule of thumb with all new injuries is to use cold until proven otherwise,” Baynes says "In many cases, using heat may cause more problems by increasing the swelling In case of doubt, do nothing But 99 99 percent of the time, using cold right off the bat is OK." Baynes says, by word-of mouth, the use of cold has been catching on in recent years, and he's seeing more people around campus aware of what to do in such situations "Unfortunately, there are one or two people a month who come in after soaking their foot in a bucket of hot water over night," Baynes says, but I have to compliment the people such as the RAs (residence hall re sident assistants) and other staff for getting the word around " Other areas in which treat ment is better left to an expert are dislocations, jammed fingers and bad sprains "It is always best to assume a fracture until proven otherwise, and that s by X-ray Baynes says. "It's best to leave it alone Sometimes I can't tell whether something like a finger is dis located or fractured and I've seen my fair share The worst thing that can happen is to have someone try to pull it back into place and have it turn out to be a fracture " If it is apparent that there is a fracture Baynes says the best thing to do is apply ice to the injury to keep the swelling down and stabilize the limb to keep it from moving "It doesn t have to be a big fancy splint — just something to immobilize it until you can get help, Baynes says Cuts and lacerations some times also develop into someth ing more than minor "We clean most of the cuts, and punctures too, with soap and water But if the area is contaminated, we have to start looking at the possibility of te tanus," Baynes said He ex plains that an injection for te tanus must be made within three days of the injury Baynes adds that if injuries occur after Health Center hours, many times money can be saved by applying ice to injuries like minor strains and sprains and coming into the center im mediately in the morning, in stead of going to an expensive alternative The center is open from 8 a m to 8 p m and there is no fee for an appointment "I'm cheaper than an aspir in," Baynes said M HAIRCUT | i SPECIAL III Includes I Shampoo $C00 • Cut & Bio* Style J Ask NANCY CURTIS ♦or The ANSWER 129? N 18th Spfld 746-5752 Eiptres 4/17/82 1 I