ran" lO-epeeo. imMc blue, rack included 345-6379 eeee.4-6 BIKE SALE $50 off i CENTURION FuMmcei899 Unsurpassed Quality 553:4-5 Cruise into Spring (rsar-drum hub-tubular fork) SPECIAL S199 Only at 592 4-9 Cars/Cycles GOVERNMENT SURPLUS CARS AMO TRUCKS Many soU Svough local sales under S300 CM 1-714-569-0241. ant 1631 lor your tfciactory on how Id purchase4-5 1S7S SAAR SS Recent engine ana kansrrxs sion work Excellent $1900/best otter 344-9419 4_6 Auto Repair I VOLVO maintenance < MAS SWIFT SHOP 56?5ttn Travel STUDENT TRAVEL Budget flights Eurailpasses. Brnran passes IntT studerf ID cards tours boons insurance AYH cards work programs and much more Cal! OEE Student Travel (206) 632-2448 4-16 WANTED: STEPPARENTS SM REWARD tor pemcvation m resear cr study 6 weeks commumcahor training and 2 weeks testing For more aitormafton please cat Joanna Hoskins MS Counseling Psychology 344-1154 evenings and weekends 4-6 neghbortiood near college prelerred comple tely fuiTHshed met dishes and linens about June 15 to Aug 14 Write soon, no phones here mail slow Jan Wtikams Pouch L. Ket chikan. AK 99901 4-16 Opportunities LOOKING FOR A CHALLENGING JOG? Wik-be juniors. seniors and grads apply to Pe R A In fee ReaMaaca HaGs next year! Re sttent Assistants receive tut) room and board plus $160 tor the academic year 1982-8? Single mom and telephone provided Applica tions now available m the Housing Office Walton Hal' and due April 12. 19e2 Aisc aval able RA Intern positions tor wik-be soph mores Check out these fOOe at rrformationai meettngs. April 4. 5 6, or 7461 4-7 THE ESCAPE HELD STUCRES Program has many opportunities tor students to earn up per-division credit while volunteering at a pubic school We have placements in etemen tary and secondary schools, many are fust a quick take nde from campus Come check us out n the EMU Lobby. 9-4 daily until April 9. or cal US at 686-4351__585 4-9 FRUSTRATES AFTER MM: COURT? The ESCAPE Field Studies Program has placements available in several community service agencies Earn upper-divieion credit while assisting a handicapped child or an elderly person leading after-school activities with elementary-aged children, or working on a juvenile corrections program There we many other placements avakabte ttws spring so come see us in the B4U Lobby 9-4 daily until April 9 or cat us at 686-4351.583 4-9 $15/00 RESATE opportunity on your college ring A specialist on gold and other meta! rings is a) the Bookstore the weak 10-3 Better vome by for the exceptional investment - with rebate A! the UO Bookstore4-6 INTERESTED IN DRAMA? Asset a teacher at Cascade Mkttte Scholl m her drama class and earn credit through ESCAF>E Like P.E or Intramural At Shasta Mattie Schools there are openings n both areas tor volunteers to asset teachers vm me ESCAPE table m me Lobby of the EMU tor more information or talk to Lori, ext.4351 597 4-9 Help Wanted DRIVER NEEDED TO MAKE deliveries to electronics firms m the Portland area Must have Oregon driver s license be a student and be tree Wednesday and Fridays for trips to Portland Business background preferred May expand position to include saies response ties if Qualified and interested Contact Joyce Atom or Jeff Miller Specialized Training Pro gram, 686-5311496 4-6 PERSON TO ASSIST in meeting production demands of a work activities center Duties include materials handling Penchwork assertion and quality control of parts Fast precise work required Must be a student work-study and experience in electronics preferred Contact Jett Miller Specialized Training Program 686-5311 496 4-6 Page 10 TOO (HUY MLLST Eiip—m earning oppor tunity Part-bme/fulHiftie For more mtorma fion. cat 746-6422 458ito adults in subcontract workshop specializing m benctiwofk assembly May include preparation and assembly ot electronic components 20 hours per week Contact Jeff Miller at 686-5211. Must be a student, work-study preferred4964-6 WORK-STUDY POSITIONS available Amazon Child Care Center Teacher s aide S3 70-$4 per hour M 9-2:39, T 1-4 30. W:11:30-2, F:9-1:30 Cleaning person T and Th 5:30-7 pm Cal Andi. 485^554 547 4-5 WORK-STUDY POSITION Administrative Assistant to the Director. Office ot Sudani Advocacy Must type 50 wpm. heavy Mmg. some ^dependent research Requires atten tion to detail and interest to the problems of student government 15-20 hrs per week $4 per/hr Contact Marca at 686-3724 or mqmre at ASUO Suite 4 EMU Deadhnee April 9th The ASUOaan AA/EO employer5494-9 ASSMTANT DWCCTOR of Women m Trans> Son Work-study. SS p'hr or sapend *50 per month tor 1015 hours per week Jobdescnp tions and applications available at the ASUO office to Suite 4 EMU Deadkne April 7 We are an AA/EO employer557 4-7 OVERSEAS JONS Summer year round Eu rope. S Amer , Australia Asia All fields *500*1200 monthly Sightseeing Free into Write UC Box 52-OR 3 Corona Dal Mar. CA 92625 4-23 JON INronHATIOW. Dallas Houston over seas Alaska *20.000 to *50.000 possible 602-996-0426 Dept 0394 Phone call retun dabie4-9 WORK-STUDY Exhibit guide tor science museum Work with school groups mornings only *4 'hr Science background preferred Can WfSTEC 484-9027 558 4-5 ESCAPE TUTORS FOR: Special education after noons Monday through Thursday Easier Seal Pool help with reading 1225 to 1 25. any combrt atnnofdays McComack Elementary School Need tutoring in reading math everything Mornings at WRard Elementary any daytime hours at Jefterson Jr High and South Eugene hkgh. any combination of days work. 8 30-11. any regular combination of days Gilharri Elementary Many other volunteer opportunities avasaPie m 4J schools Can Volunteer Services 687-3472 562 4-9 WORK-STUDY JOBS available in the Human Neuropsychology Lab Work s primarily with telephone research subject contact and health screening procedures Pay starts *4 29 Cat 686-4966599 4-9 WORKING M HOURS A WEEK? Getting paid tor tent why not get credit to make these extra hours worthwhile Student Program Man agement a branch of toe ESCAPE Field Study Program otter you upper demon credit it you are a student leader working to an EMU or ASUO sponsored program up to five credits available tos term Penodc meetings and a project required For more totormabon contact Art Donagney at ext 4351 or room 327 EMU 598 4-7 WORK-STUDY Language Lab attendant Abie to work 9:30-10:30 am MWF Inquire and Language Lab 14 Fnendty Ha*4-5 WANTED: University students with cerebral palsy to volunteer tor Dioteedback studies Please call Biofeedback Cknc 686-3566 tor information 58? 4-9 WORK AT HOME |Obs available Substantia' earning posse* Call 594-641-800? ext 986 for information 4-5 Roommates ICED A PLACE? HAVE A PLACE? Screened people neeC you now' *20 toe. 6 month membership Don t take chances UNITED ROOMMATES 747-73*7 Everyday 11-* pm 828ifn S1M PER MONTH Furnished rooms m 3 bedroom noose Female non-smokers please Becky 342-3661. eveorOQ 344-0463 4-7 SUNNY, SPACIOUS house needs tomale 'male roommate to share w/3 others Fireplace bike path to campus *101 50 343-5278 4-7 SHARE SPLENDID APARTMENT with graduate student *150 mo plus utilities Mary 343- 9470 342-HELP_4-5 MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE Large room with fireplace with lor studious female in beautitu home Close to campus laundry *50 off 3rd month rent Angie 683-69784-7 WANTED: Female senior/ grad roommate *117 month plus utilities Close to Amazon jOQQ»XI path cat 345-93094-6 ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2-story 2 bedroom apt 1 block from campus Non smoker preferred *125 per month Call Vanessa 686-2703 4-8 SHARE MCE HOUSE with professor (often 3 kids, dog also) near campus Fireplace laundry, no tobacco or pet *125. spkt utilities 344- 94404-7 MALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 4-bedroom house w/2 females and 1 male Furnished Washer .'dryer 3 blocks from cam pus *125 month 345-5594 4-7 ROOMMATE WANTED to share three be droom house Fient *115 Four blocks from campus Fireplace wash /DRYER. DISH WASHER. GARAGE, BIG BACKYARD PAR TIALLY FURNISHED Call 484-1374 4-5 For Rent 381 EAST 14to One bedroom apartment with carpet drapes range refrigerator furnished Off-street park mg Laundry facilities *189 plus deposit Manager 343-1458. 3-7 pm IPM CO., REALTOR 1089 MOM ST. 4*5-8292 222ifn Two bedroom in 6-piex Carpal, drapes tuny appkanced Ofl-street parking, laundry taclti lias $209 plus deposit ALSO 511 Eaat 11» One bedroom with carpet, drapas. range refrigerator ofl-street parking, laundry tacilfles $189 plus deposit Manager 345-8387 MU CO™ REALTOR IMS HIGH >T. 445-4253 691 «n ACROSS FROM CAMPUS Large turnishad two bedroom apartment Oishwaatiar. garbage cksposai $255 month $43-1881. 290:1>n CAMPUS Excellent modern one bedroom apartment m quel 4-unit buMdmg New carpet and pHnt. $165 465-807029S1tn COMFY 4 PLUS BEDROOM home. 10 minutes from campus. 18th and Lawrence $425 par month 344-4806328 tin Near Island Parti, river, bike path and down town Small complex with laundry Water and garbage paid 145 MarPi A Cal Frank 741-1506 or Nancy 344-8888 363tin Walk to campus Quiet one bedroom apartment at 1345 Ferry Carpet, drapes appliances storage parking $195 Helen 344-2061 or Nancy 344-8888 391 4-29 QUADS Newer convenient location starting at $100 phauMBes 343-5616 and 663-273? 201 im two bedroom apartments near campus $150 SHOOT SOME BASKET* take a dip si the pool pump 9ome iron and take a hot sauna Beautiful south hilts town houses Fireplace, dishwasher carports • garage close to bus lines and shopping Only 3 bedrooms available 4427 Fox Hollow Rd 484-6393 S47 ttn Centennial Apartments New Tenant Bonus Special Discount Rates Largs swimming pool Tennis courts Sauna RV parking 3 lo 6 mmuws to downtown Eugene Spring field, QfUotO CW 747-2045710ttn FURNISHED STUDIO Campus location utMns paid Comemporary tumomnge Private oatr snare kitchen witn one otfter Covered parking and laundry avaaaOie SI 6b Manager 484-4194 455 ttn THE KINCAID Newly remodeled and turrushed one bedroom and large studKi apartments $210 Cal Rck at 484-2776493 4-6 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT witn kttcnen and beth living and dmmg room $220 rent S’25 g a and you pay utilities Student Plaza 945 E 19th 344-3413 501 4-30 STUDIO Furrwhed no coucn 624 East I7tn Garbage paid laundry avaaaOie SI 50 lor two months rent S165 last Sally 683-8273 520Hn FURNISHED STUDIO 1SS1 MKJH Utilities paid Contemporary furnishings Private baths share lotcher. with one other Campus'downtown area S16S Manager 26 344-0315 524-tfn STUDENT'S COOPERATIVE ASSOCIA TION has a limited openings tor men and women at Janet Smith Co-op 1790 Aider St Spong rale s $425 tor room and board and S2 50 a day tor boarding only Call 686-4261 or 686-5189__4-9 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, spacious with view on South Willamette *180 Evenings 484-9846 days 484-20114-6 “Rooftop Decks’* Theee two bedroom apartments oiler cozy quiet living with large sunny decks tor study breaks We re next to campus and nave a recent vacancy you can take advantage of Find us behind Wendy s Franklin St location 1881 GARDEN AVE 144-1841 542 4 28 1790 ALDER Furnished one and two bedroom apartments available immediately Spacious apartment laundry facilities parking Across from UO Morse courts Cal 687-0684 544 4-6 U Of O FAMILY HOUSING has one and two bedroom furnished Weelmoreland apartments tor immediate occupancy at *111 -SI31 per month Also accepting applications tor two bedroom unfurnished at Amazon at S98 per month U of O student families only Contact U of O Housing Dept, 686-4281_543 4-7 FIVE ROOMS AVAILABLE in older house Ore block from campus Share 3 baths kit chen and living area Back yard wrth brick barbeque Parking Rents start at S10O-$135 plus utilities and deposit 687-9721 5-8 pm Morv-Fri579 tin ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Upper 'h of house Separate entrance, garden! area lots of windows and charm $250 plus 1718 Lincoln 687-9721 between 5-8 pm Mon-Fn 578:ttn TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT $216 Unfur nished Very nice large, and clean Quel budding campus ore block Hot water paid laundry facdrtes, drapes and carpet balcony Of!-street perking 750 East 18th, 345-7987. 687-8205 577 tfn 485-8859 06?1fn MOONY THREE BEOMOOM tumished apart ment near Sacred Heart Own washer dryer 8290 AduN.no P«ti 484-1057 572 4-9 NICELY FIXED UP FOUN BEDNOOM HOUSE S?00 mo $200 deposit Available now 809 W 3rd Awe 689-0486 or 485-000? 4-5 CHARMING 5 bedroom house. 2 bathrooms nice location. S350/mo Can Bonnie or Joe 683-2729 eves 3761 Kincaid 4< ONE MEDNOON two blocks from campus. $200 a month Cal BB 48S-3627 595 4-9 BASEMENT ONE MEDNOON apartment. 3 blocks campus Unfurnished, off-street park ing. $165 month MtehaSee uMBBee. CatJohn. 345-55064-7 CLOSE TO CAMMUS 1*70 ONYX Studio Drapes, sanu-fumshed $189 INN CO.. NEALTOM 1SSS HIGH ST. 485-8252 _927 ttn VICTOMtA HOUSE 448 EAST 12Si One bedroom Carpet drapes fully ap pkanced Two story $199 plus deposit PH CO., NEALTOM 1885 MQH ST. 445-42*2 _028ifn MCKENZIE TOWNHOUSES 17th and Hays Two bedroom. 1 V> baths appliances carpet, drapes $249 Manager 484-5386 PM CO, NEALTOM 1885 MOM ST. 485-8252 174 tfn 285 EAST 18Bi One bedroom with drapes range refrigerator oft-street perking Laundry facilities $185 plus deposit PM CO, NEALTOM 1885 MOM ST. 485-8252 389 tfn HR. VAMO APARTMENTS S71-87S HHyard Cloee to campus Interesting personable and homey one bedroom apartments Commrvent to campus Amenities include oft-street parking and luandry facilities $190 Manager 485-0721 PH CO, NEALTOM 1085 HUM ST. 445-4252 _ 609 tfn 745 EAST 1581 Two bedroom apartment yy block from cam pus Spacious and comfortable $280 plus $150 fully refundable deposit Manager 343-2061 PM CO, NEALTOM 14S5 MOM ST. 445-42*2 390 tfn PENPECT LOCATION University Manor I9lh and tkgh Large one and two bedroom apartments Appliances, carpeting and hard wood floors Parking laundry tecSitiae $205 and $245 Manager 683-1276 PH CO, NEALTOM 1SS5 HUM ST. 445-4252 608 tfn ALDERWOOD Lrve only one block horn campus m a high Quality spacious fully furnished apalment One and two bedroom units available $239 $314 Contact Resident Manager at 1860 Aider *11 ot call 484-6113 IPM CO, REAL TOP 1085 HIGH ST. 485-8252 925 ttn 625 EAST 16th Ouads one and two bedroom apartments Parking and laundry $159-$ 189 summer rate* beginning 5/15 on 5 month lease Manager 345-6417 Ml CO., REALTOR INf MOM ST 465-6252 _ 57? Hn 2666 HIGH ST. One bedroom apartment Appliances parking •no laundry $205 Manager ?4?-0459 Ml CO.. REALTOR 1006 MOM ST 404-6252 _ 566 tin 3501 HILYARD One bedroom apartment Apphcancas parking and laundry $197 Manager 68?-4??0 mt CO.. REALTOR IMS MKJH ST. 4U42U ___565Hn 2345 PATTERSON One and two bedroom apartments Parking and laundry Adultsonly S249-S308 Manager 344-4242 Ml CO- REALTOR 1SM MOM ST. 4M-S2S2 _ 564 Hn 1505 ORCHARD One bedroom apartment Pool laundry Fur nished SI 78 and $199 Manager 343-3014 Ml CO.. REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 465-6252 563 tin Quads SIX QUADS 1750 Hkyard Carpeted share bath and kitchen Bits paid Rent by March 10th receive $20 gift certificate and rent discount $95 first/last $65 deposit refunds ble Deb or Sally 663-3203 3231fn WOODSIDE MANOR 1810 Harris Very nice quads wilh private or semi-private baths Share kitchen All uWities paid Covered parking $129 and $144 plus deposit Manager 686-3470 Ml CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST 465-6252 —-6Q5 Sn ROOMS IN OLDER HOME plus quads 1858-66 Harris Carpal, drapes oti-etieet parking. laundry facilities AS utilities paid Sl?9 plus daposS Managar 344-2524 MM CO., REALTOR isssmohst. ms-ui: 327 tin No deposit Fro* covorwd parking CLEAN, OOEET QUADS S14S MCLUOMO UTIUTCS to block from campus on East 16th Furnished private bam and refrigerator Air conditioned MUm.2681*1 OUADS-1966 ALDER SI 25 month includes all utilities CaS 485-4167 or 464-0604 806Hn QUADS NOW RENTING from $139 with lease From $149 month to month Private to bam. private refrigerator One Woe* from mam library CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1944 ALDER 669-1679 358 tin LARGE QUADS $120 per month utilities paid 1827 Herns St CaS 485-8859_085 tin 601 WEST 11th Ouads with private bath and refrigerator Pariung and laundry all utilities paid $149 Manager ->45-8262 MM CO, REALTOR 1669 MON ST. 469-9292 571 tin 1728 FERRY Quads soma with decks Parking $129 and $139 MM CO, REALTOR 1086 MOM ST. 469-6292 __570 tin S99 W*st University Quads 738 East 16m to block from campus $99 monthly with lease to September 1. 1962 MM CO, REALTOR 1669 MOM ST 469-6292 __5691th 466-475 East 15th Room m house pki* quads $79-$89 a month on lease through August 31 Manager 484 5448 MM CO, REALTOR 1669 HIGH ST. 469-6292 __568 tin 430 EAST 15th Quad close to campus $130 AS utilities paid Manager 345-9466 MM CO, REALTOR 1669 MOM ST. 469-6292 567 tin Dorm Contracts SINGLE DORM CONTRACT lor sale Cell 344- 6878 MMr 6 pm_4-5 FOR SALE: Dorm contract Cheep Call 345- 11424-5 CHEAP DORM RATES for spring Reward 686-3102. laavs massage for Deanna Canar 4-8 UJ. WOMAN'S contract for sale 686-6082 _4-5 SUY MY DORM CONTRACT Benefits food shelter and new friends Ca« Anne 686-5282 4-7 CHEAP DORM CONTRACT lor sale Cal Lee Ann 686-5282 4-8 Events Whs! * the difference between the WARRIOR SHAMANISM of Don Juan and the HEALING SHAMANISM of Michael Hamer’ “Castaneda, Shamanism & Healing” a pm « ana EMU BALLROOM FREE __S?8 4-6 FORUM ON RACISM AND THE ATTACK ON CIVIL RIGHTS in Eugene. Oregon and m Weehmgton D C Speakers wifi include Ron Herndon (Black United Front) Myra Willard CFomter Affirmative Action Director. U of O) and Catherine Laurls Wednesday April 7 Forum Ftoom. EMU. 8 pm 601 4-7 Did Carlos Castaneda rip-off Michael Hamer's research’ MICHAEL HARNER: “Castaneda, Shamanism & Healing” «*«».• a pm EMU BALLROOM FREE ____§22*3 Monday, April 5,1982