SPEAKERS ■'The Slavary Debate In Missouri, 1S31-1SSS: A Micrososmlc Study at Perspectives ol Slavary In Anlit 11 um America" a the topic ol a lacturo by Or Barbers Groan University history department. today at 4 p m In Room 214, EMU ~Sou»> Africa and Israal: An UnShsty A Manes 7" a tha topic of a penal prasontation and opan discussion Tuesday evening at 8 at 1189 Mill Street Tha event a sponsored by People tor Southern African Freedom and a opan to the public For more Information, call PSAF at 485-1755 Japanese Architecture Lessons for the Madam World" is the topic of a lecture by Or Heinrich Engel, professor of architecture at the Hoschschule fur Gestal tung in Offenbach, Germany, today at 7 30 p m in Room 177, Lawrence Hall "CagnMtva Behaviors of Anxious Children" is the topic of a lecture by Dr Judith Fox, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, today at 4 p m in Room 146. Straub Han "There a Store to Tha HP Than Meets The Eye," is the title of ■ lecture by Janet Ptacido. a Hewlett-Packard employee In Corvallie. Tuesday at 7 p m in Room 238. Gilbert Hall Placido will discuss HP's calculator and what's behind it Sponsored by the Oregon Computing Association Mrroiviews tor totoretoam begins on Wednesday mom Inga 1 7 JO a.m. In Susan Campbsi Had. A resume must b* tomed In at toe tone of sign up. April 12 Economics Lab (Business Administration with con centration in Marketing) Snohomish County Public Defender and Seattle/King County Public Defender (Internship) (Social Seience s/Humanities) April 14 Federal Bureau of Investigation (Acct /Sciences /Bus /Languages/Law/Lib Arts) April IS Klamath Fans School District (Education) AisomaxA mmt.nr by Garry Trudeau BLOOM COUNTY SU4 HUH » NOW... rw BUN ttflPW ABOUT *NM*« wwycow. i NtMi, wk, mfwms air, nan? \ IKffih, l BET YOU m, ure 9GN0W& 1H6 wwie House «...<* "feme. 6UNNIN& me npghborhoop or 5 I M£M... kmm&MU f&imPONG? by Berke Breathed VMUM6. MH,dur imm mre&e m? \ I Classifieds 686-43431 CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOE OFFICE 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAM DESK DEADLINES: Ads must be placed by 1 pm one day prior lo publication Ads that are to appear m Monday s paper must be in by 1 pm Friday RATES: Hates are 1S cents per word lor tbe ttrwl day and 12 cents per word tor consecu tive days fie ad rs rut without change II SO minimum lor tha first Insertion 11 20 minimum lor conseuttv Insertions PAYMENT: All ads must be paid tor in advance unless a Oiling agreement has been established with us There is NO refund lor ed cancellation! The ODE cannot be responsible tor more man one day's Incorrocl advertising insertion The ODE s liability tor typographical errors, incorrect insertions or omissions in advertising published shall be limited solely to the cancel lalion of charges tor such portion of space occupied by the error It your ad appears Incorrectly, call 000-4343 before 1 pm lor correction m the next day s issue The ODE will not knowingly accept advertis ing which in any manner denigrates or unjustly excludes members of any age sex, race, color, national religious or sexual orientation For Sale SPECIAL COLOR TV Reconditioned and guaranteed SBS up 686-9719 after 7 pm 4-7 KENWOOD 40 WATT AMP Tuner. Bolivar 125 spies $200" otter All good condition, lots of life Cad 682-6920 __ 4-7 CLASSICAL GUITAR and hard case at bar paw pooo Can ?44-0175_4-6 DUNLOP MAXPLY FORT tennis racket. Uke new 330 CONOO JUNIOR metal tennis racket new 310 DESK STUDY LAMP with two 15w ttourescent lights SI S. Ph 244-5449 AD _ 4-7 CANON FTP SLR 25mm camera Leather case, tripod, 3150 Call Jett. 244-8179 4-5 MOOCM RS-222 or TRS-80 Bum. auto aen d receive. 200 Baud new/under warranty $170 746-9422 _ 4-7 MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY 1972 Chev Ca pns station wagon Excellent condition, just $900 Ur no 686-6171. Abbie or 687-0970 __4-12 73 TRIUMPH TR0 Restored, loaded, need $2200" Also classical PAN guitar with hard case 345-2492._' 4-5 '74 AUDI $800 aieo hiking boots 7N $100 mandolin $145 343-9959 4-6 McKenzie Coffee Monthly Special 10% off House Blend Coffee through April (Coffee by the cup^ We are in the * Mayflower Building ( ,782 E. 11th • 342-2071x Buy/Sell THE BUY 8 SELL CENTER has reopened at 361 Weet Mil, upstairs Muscat instruments, photo eqiapment. tools, stereos and camping gear BUY-SELL-TRADE 628 MF Instruction Guitar Instruction Folk/Bluegrass Relaxed non-competitive atmosphere Acoustic styles o* Dylan Browne Bea ties Seeger. CSNY. Baez many others TUES 15:30-16:20 MUS ISO Instructor Paul Fnedlander 470:4-8 ADD THIS CLASS! History of Electric Guitar in Rock Rock muse styles Berry. B 8 King. Hendnx, Page Clapton AJknan, others WED 15:30-1 *-20 MUS 407 instructor Paul Friedtander Fee added *54/? credits Open to a» students Classes include listening, lecture, dis q—ion Guitar Classes 3 CR P/NP COURSE FEE: $54 BEG. GUITAR I TLN 8520. 1:30-2:50 UH. Rm 178 Mu sic For the complete beginner' Covers Popular song accompaniment, reading music, and melodic playing BEG. GUITAR II TLN 8585. 4-5 20 UH. Rm 211 Music A continuation at Beg Guitar I with some basic music theory Register at the Music Department In structor. David Case 342-6826 588 48 WWVATE GUITAR tTKjvKluataed to your skif 1/interests 6 lessons. $40 Lezlie. 741-0683 evenings__4-6 JAZZ: Then Til Now Earn three credits white exploring |azz history from 1900 to 1980 Taught by Carl Wotoeck in an mformat. non technical style with lots of m-class listening THURSDAYS 8:30-9:20 PM TLN *856 MUS 199 $54 FEE 5184-7 ADD THIS CLASS! Rock Classes INSIDE ROCK I Overview of roots (50s) to Beatles, Who, Chuck Berry, Elvis, others WED. 11:30-2120 MUS 199 INSIDE ROCK II Overview more 60s, Stones. Clapton. Hendrix, S.F. sound. Doors, Dylan to New Wave THUWS 15130-1930 MUS 199 Instruments STEPHENS Stringed Instruments Since 1972 we have hand built fine musical instruments and offered complete repair ser vice. 1417* OUVE *2 484-0915 941 :MF Sound Systems WE BUY STEREOS SALES AND SERVICE Large selection warranted stereo components STEREO WORKSHOP 1409 Mato, Springfield 741-1597 963 tfn Services CUSTOM ROTOTILUNG Soil conditioning, composting, and fertilizer Difficult access gardens no problem Any size garden 683-4367 or 935-1042 4-12 K. M / "Consignments J I Quality Used Clothing m For Men & Women 1689 Pearl St. Check 683-7066 LOWEST PRICES « HIGHEST QUALITY Mon.-s«t. IT’S TAX TIME ASSOCIATED TAX PROCESSORS I come to you! Can Jerry, 687-1887 Lcensed tax preparer_4-16 LAFLER SIL K SCREEN Bulk printed t-shirts 343-2308 or 342-1927 528:4-9 Typing EXPERIENCED TYPIST using IBM Setectrc III - Call Mina between 8 am and 11 pm at 726-9824__362.MW TYPING DONNA 344-1818 2326MW TYPING; 15 years experience Papers, disser tations, editing IBM Selectric. Pick-up and delivery Call Carole at 888-3083. 2403:tfn TYPING UNLIMITED 747-8208 Grad School Approved/Guaranteed Selectric: Call for pricing 189ifn PRO TYPING/EDITING On vacation (yippee!) till 4/29 Jennifer 485-3883 __491:4-28 PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Selectric Call Barbara 345-0747 495MWF TYPING / EDITING Call Judy or Sara 888-0738 _ 979.HFM EXPERIENCED TYPIST Essays, resumes, term papers and graduate work Can Cindy 888-0553. _393MWF PROFESSIONAL QUALITY TYPING at a price you can afford Call Janice, 728-5853. _367:MWF CYNDI'S PROFESSIONAL TYPING Graduate School Approved 887-8328 _ 35SMF PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate approved Near campus. 344-0788. 460 tfn 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE On campus during day IBM Selectric. Call 720-7588 anytime346:HFM PROFESSIONAL TYPING Same day service $ 85 per page 344-5027. 533 4-9 TYPING GURARNTEED perfect, fast. Pickup and delivery Karen, 741 -0486 anytime. 4-9 HAWK WORD PROCESSING; Computer system makes typing obsolete. Theses, reports, resumes Free pickup/delivery 343-5513 4-9 TYPING Guaranteed fast, perfect. Pickup dekvery, elite. $.85/page Wendy. 683-8684 4-5 COMPUTER WORD PROCESSING by YOUR WORD’S WORTH 342-7548 525:6-24 Books •0,000 BOOKS IN STOCK Ail selling 25% to 50% off list prices New Books-Text Books-Cliff Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF an new book* SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 70S East 13th 5223:ttn Art Supplies ART, ARCHITECTURE OREGON ART SUPPLY Open 7 days a week Evenings till 7 pm on 13th near Hllyard 683-2787 591 4-5 Recreation SABRE FENCING SHAPE-up with sabres Co-ed beginners class starts April 5, 6:30 pm Register at Ess SHAPE office or call 345-2357 tor info 4-5 Bicycles WOMAN’S BIKE chest freezer Make offer 484-9237 4.5 RECYCLED BIKE WORKS Quality Reconditioned Bicycles Repairs - Parts - Service We Buy. Sell and Trade 296 Blair Blvd 485-5886 _552:4-14 FOR SALE: Woman s 3-speed bike, good condition $60 Call Traci 484-9725 4.7 TWO RALIEGH three speed 343-8344 $55, $40. 4-8 German A U TO at RVIC E VWs-MERCEDES-BMWs DATSUN-TOYOTA-AUDI Reliable service for your foreign car 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon*