THINKING OF BEING AN R.A.? (Resident Assistant) INVESTIGATE FURTHER... APPLICANT'S REQUIRED TO ATTEND ONE OF THESE MEETINGS: Sun. APRIL 4 - CARSON GOLD ROOM 7 p.m. Mon. APRIL 5 - BEAN WEST CONFERENCE ROOM 7 p.m. Tues. APRIL 6 - UNIVERSITY INN MAIN LOUNGE 7 p.m ♦Wed. APRIL 7 - BEAN WEST CONFERENCE ROOM 7 p.m APPLICATIONS DEADLINE APRIL 12 FORMS NOW AVAILABLE AT •RA INTERNS ONLY HOUSING OFFICE IN W ALTON HALL Starch Inhibitors Dieters, eat the starchy foods you love without getting starch calories. One tablet blocks 400 starch calories. We carry several brands of starch inhibitors, all totally natural and safe. 50 tablets for$999 Vital Health also has the largest selection of vitamins in Eugene, a full line of cell salts, and an excellent supply of herbs. Current sale Items Include: Nature Aid protein powder (reg. $7.95) ( J OQ white snnnh/ laet* w "W • w m while supply lasts 500 mg. Vitamin C $2.50 7 100 tablets Look for numerous other in-store specials. Vital Foods 57 W. 29th (Inside Payless) 343-0971 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT Now serving LUNCH Monday thru Friday 11-4 SOUP & SALADS Salad served with your choice of Oil & Vinegar, Blue Cheese, Thousand Island or French Dressing 1. Tossed Green Salad . J.95 2. Chefs Salad . $2.30 Tomato, Egg, Cheddar Cheese & Ham 3. Soup and Salad . $1.40 Garden fresh vegetables served with a cup of soup. 4. Bowl of Soup . $1.50 Different soup made daily. V COMBINATION Make your own combination plate by choosing one item from each group below. A. B-B-Q Pork Fried Rice B. Pork Chow Mein C. Sweet & Sour Chicken Wings 1. Braised Bean Curd • J2.50 2. Beef Broccoli • $2.80 3. Sweet and Sour Pork • $.245 4. Shrimp Egg Rolls • $2.40 5. Pineapple Sweet and Sour Chicken • $3.00 6. Three Shreds with Bean Sprouts • $2.65 Shredded Pork, Bamboo, Black Wood Ear and Bean Sprouts 7. Fried Mushrooms • $2.10 8. Sweet and Sour Fish • $2.50 9. Curry Beef • $2.80 10. Special of the Day / British armada Falkland bound LONDON (AP) - Defense Secretary John Nott said Sun day that Britain is ready to fight Argentina over the Falkland Is lands, and the Royal Navy prepared two aircraft carriers to lead a 40-vessel armada on a two-week journey to the remote colonial outpost Nott, calling a peaceful solu tion “unlikely,” said Britain could mount a blockade in the South Atlantic "without any as sistance from our allies" and would storm the Falklands "if it is the only and necessary course Asked in a television interview if Britain would attack the Ar gentine mainland. Nott said, "I am not closing any options, but I would not wish to discuss that particular one " Argentine President Gen Leopoldo F Gattieri told jour nalists in Buenos Aires that "if the Argentine people are at tacked by military forces, be it land, naval or air forces, the Argentine nation in arms will do battle with all the means at its disposal " An Argentine government communique said Argentine forces suffered at least six casualties in Friday's takeover of the Falkland, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands The British suffered no losses, it said Argentine naval sources den ied reports from London that 22 British marines destroyed an Argentine helicopter and a war ship before being overwhelmed Nott declared that British ad ministration would be restored to the Falklands “We mean to do it even if we have to fight," he said “We are not making the largest task force available out side the two superpowers with out the intention, if we have to, of using it." The Falklands, 250 miles off Argentina’s southeast coast, have been held by the British and claimed by Argentina since 1833. The inhabitants include 1.800 pro-British descendants of 19th century Welsh and Scottish settlers. Opposition Labor Party legis lators. backed by some rank ‘We mean to do it even if we have to fight. ’ arid-file members of the ruling Conservative Party, renewed calls Sunday for Nott and Fo reign Secretary Lord Carrington to resign over what they called Britain's humiliation in the Falk lands The U N Security voted 10-1 with tour abstaining votes to call for Argentina to withdraw its troops and for negotiations to begin Argentina's foreign min ister said his country is ready to talk but made no mention of withdrawing the troops After the television interview. Nott flew to the south England base of Portsmouth on a farewell visit to the aircraft car riers. HMS Invincible and HMS Hermes, and the assault ship. Fearless The British domestic agency. Press Association, said they will leave Monday with a total of 5,000 officers and men for the 8.000-mile journey Among them is Prince Andrew, 22, second in line to the throne, who pilots a helicopter The fleet, some sailing from the British base at Gibraltar off Spain's southern tip, includes destroyers, frigates armed with missiles and supply ships Affirmative action gets labor office OK After a lengthy investigation, the U S Department of Labor has approved the University's affirmative action program The department's Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs sifted through reports and documents for nine months before accepting the Universi ty’s goals, says Norma "Bean" McFadden, director of the affirmative action office The OFCCP is the federal "enforcement arm" of the affir mative action program In its review, the OFCCP commented on several strengths of the University’s affirmative action program, including a policy on sexual harassment and a career development plan for faculty and staff However, the OFCCP cri ticized the affirmative action program on campus in a number of areas. Specifically, the agency saw a need for the University to: • provide a more detailed analysis on the success rates of women and minorities com pared with males and non-mi norities in the area of promotion and tenure • provide more justification for promotions of males and non-minorities when minor ities or women are equally quali fied • centralize all the individual department's records on promotion and tenure The OFCCP maintains that decen tralized record keeping makes it difficult for the affirmative ac tion office to monitor the promotion and tenure eligibility of faculty members • examine under-representa tion of women and minorities in individual departments in the arts and sciences college • divide all professorial ranks into tenured and untenured subgroups The University already has developed and approved remedies for the problem areas. McFadden says, adding that her department's major goal is to bring a larger percentage of women and minorities into the University's workforce Academic employment gains for women and minorities have been “fairly slow'' over the past decade, she says McFadden cites budget restraints that have limited the number of jobs as the main reason for the lack of diversity in faculty and staff on campus Monday, April 5,1982