MOTHER'S DAY IS KILOMETER ROAD MM Saturday, Ms? 10th 090 am Wand Park, Springfield T-shirts. numerous merchandise prizes and refreshments All pre-regislered moms receive a carnation Register at Nike Eugana. Feats and 9tu'Stocker Room Coat: S7 before May 1, Matter' For more into can 746-1669' 596 4-5 Eugana Council for Human Rights in Latin Amarlca presents El Salvador Election: An Analysis by James Stephens Recognized expert on Central America, Jamas Stephans will analyze the recant Salvadoran elections m terms of the hMtonal perspective and current political realties Tonight 7 pm 1236 Kincaid Latin American Cultural Center (next to UO Bookstore) $1 donation For into can 464-5067 000:4-5 UNITED STATES PREMIERE: TME SAVAQE LAND Drama ot revenge and love. Hawed Si PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA One day only. Aprs 8 7 A 9 pm. Oakway Cinema Sponeored by the university ot Oregon Asian Studies Society Test released by World Pacific Pictures. Portland Advance sate tickets EMU Mam Desk $2 SO studsnta, S? general At door *? students. S3 50 general 506 4-6 THE JAPANESE ART OF PAPERMAKING Thur. April 8 107 Lawrence luaf returned tram a tour of Japan where tha visited a paparmaking village and clsmorisvale me ancient praceee of making paper AS afcaeMaty treat An EMU Guttural Forwn event 559 4-6 Entertainment 1081 & Okve-Atnum Budding S67-07U PIXOTE Winner of 1981 Beet Foreign Fdm try NY and LA Film Critics. Pinole e a shockingly lyrical Brazilian film about the Me of some abandoned cMdran learning lo survive m complete poverty Amazing performances by Pixote (Ramos da Sava) and Manta Pare who won Best Actress 1961 from National Society of F*m Critics SHOWING 7 6 930 PM STARTS APRIL IMS CL SALVADOR: ANOTHER VIETNAM 574 4-15 Tim* lo GET XSTATIC with JOOLS HOLLAND & hit Mllllonalret FRIDAY, APRIL 9 • PM. BALLROOM Tickets available at EMU Mam Desk. Everybody's Aeoords Eugene/Corvalks. Earth River Records, downtown man This Is ths progressive went of the yesr. Not to be missed. Presented by the EMU Cultural Forum _ HELD OVER ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW Thursday & Sunday midnight All tickets $2 On sals to hour betore showtime First coma-tirst serve AT THE BIJOU 59? 4-9 THEMJOU «t2E.1Mi (at Ferry «L) NEW TICKET MICESR Mutant (Eun Thurt .) S? SO Oan. Adm.S3 EUGENE PREMIERE MY DINNER WITH ANDRE "The tart picture rt Ita year" Roger Ebert. PBS Sneak Preview* " Directed by Lewie Mata Starring and written by Wallace Shawn and Andie Gregory Nightly 7 and 9 30 pm Set-Sun Mat 3 30 pm $2 519:4-15 EMU CULTURAL FORUM START THE TERM OFF ON THE RIGHT FOOT WITH THE Spring Square Dance OREGON COUNTRY DANCE ORCHESTRA SATURDAY, APRIL 10 S PM EMU BALLROOM CHEAP! S1 .MHO student* *2 general pubBc At ate door 504 4-9 The EMU Cultural Forum Is now accepting AUDITION TAPES for the TWELFTH ANNUAL WILLAMETTE VALLEY FOLK FESTIVAL The year the Culture Forum e encour aging performer* and groups from aK ft* and ethnic traditions to submit tapes The tocus of the testrvai is music, but s not limited to that Poets, writers, dancers, and any other performers with ft* related acts are encouraged Tapes should be cassettes, and must be received by April 2? Please include name, number of people, and tn strumentabon of group, along with the address and phone number of a contact person Sendto WMamette valley Few Festival Suite 2 EMU University of Oregon Eugene. Oregon 9740? 505 4 9 TONIGHT Shanghai Express Marlene Dietnch pm Telefrance “A Monkey In WMer'’ 10.30 pm KOZY cable TV 11 594:4-5 Personals VIDA BARN RENTALS Under new management Fantastic dance, party or picnic location Fleasonable rates PM HU or 342-7272 __409 tin HAM TOOAV HAS A HAM SALON lor man and woman in tie EMU by tie Rec Canter We do haircuts, styled perms, color and free consultaaons Call SS7-1S47 or stop by lor appomtmantsOOS tfn Horseback Riding HAYMOCS • BANK DANCES C Bow Arrow Ranch 370MWF PROBLEMS? Crws Canter, U of O telephone totline 24 hours/7 days, strictly confidential Call PSS4PSS.779MF PREGNANT? WE WANT TO HELP Free pregnancy tasting Birthright 687-8651. 4665M Journalism Students Taking the CET test tor J250 this term? The Learning Resources Center is offer ing a 4-week workshop to help you prepare Review o* grammar and usage, rules of punctuation, capitalization, and spelling, and vocabulary development will be covered April S-2P IIH 11-12:30 $?0 tee includes all materials For more information call the LRC at 686-3226 or come by our office in Friendly Hall 540:4-6 "W?* “ondoy tod Wednesday. Friday 4-6 pm Si pitcher Me and SLACK FOREST TAVERN ------190MWF **^9 “T00®" it available «*ti*®h*f* #prtn0 Wrm trough ^*v- £**»"«• coal A $41 30 lor spring ••rm or $81 65 lor apring and summer 527:4-9 INTERESTED IN SPEED READING? Conatder ihc University Learning Re “VroaaCenlar a inexpensive alternative » high-priced commercial courses ** •-» 1* Mt-11 or UH 7-6:30 dim *?0 »ee Includes all materials more mlormatlon. can the LRC at 606-3226 or come by our office m Friendly Hall ' 537:4-8 PREPARE FOR GRE Learning Resources Center 3-week wor*sh°P includes a review ot material covered In the exam, analysis ot the test structure and types ot questions, and test-taking strategies **•*-* MW 3:30-5:30 “■Jt«-27 UH 1:30-5 $-,° tee ^eludes ell materials For more mtormason. ca« the LRC at 606-3226 ---_J»afi:4-7__ BETTER DAYS for PROGRESSIVE FASHION To oat you m the swing tor spring. Better Days “ F^*kx> 8 haw>0 « spring sale J"--**10 ** s**® Hurry in. sale ends 77* EA6T116i Mon-Fri 10:30-5:30 “ ‘ rii-« -—. 575:4-9 ^****JI**Q tlas t3*6" changed to my place Saturday For more into, call Stevie T, 4th Boor Dou2‘?s_- 4-5 A8KLEPIiU>S meeting Tuesday 4-6, Kappy Sigma. 1090 Aider. 7 30 pm CWTrai Happy Anniversary. I LOVE YOU - 4-5 happy birthday ELIZABETH CONLAN LOTS OF LOVE RON LLOYD and friends. P.S Sorry, it s a little iate' 4-5 rruo*E* association PARTY!! Attention all ISA members, and an y»w«ereMBd in ISA; were getting together Tuaaday. Apr* 6 a 8 pm at Denise Michel s ***** t0.Plan <*>' spring activities, set our meeting times and have a great time For affection or more information call 343-5279 (Demse)^-7670 (Deb) or 686-5051 (Inter national Studies Office) 4.6 PROFESSIONAL HELP with tax returns reasonable rates 342-3537 4.5 The FACULTY CUM * ONN TON LUNCH 11:30-2 weekdays STUDENTS WELCOME. The big yellow houa* at 13th and University. _ HONATIO Meat me at 3 pm tor i roast baa* sandwich at Lanny’t Nosh Bar in tha Cour tyard LOLITA 128 tin VICTOR ATIYEH Gov of Oregon Ha was a Greek at Oregon Sign up for spring fraternity rush at Suite S EMU or call 686-3701. 804:4-5 TOM McCALL Former Oregon Governor He was a Greek at Oregon. Sign up for spring fraternity rush at Suita 5 EMU or call 686-3701 605:4-5 PHIL KNIGHT Founder/Pres of Nika Corp. He was a Greek at Oregon. Sign up for spring fraternity rush at Suite 5 EMU or call 686-3701 606:4-5 JIM: Spring fraternity rush is finally here!' Don't forget to go to the orientation on April 12 at 5:30 pm in room 167 EMU XXOO CATHY 607:4-9 SOCCER Man interested In playing eoccar tor the U ol O Club Sports team next fall should attend a mealing tor all player on Friday, April 9 at 3 pm In room 337 EMU .-I...H02.4-9 LEADERSHIP BROTHERHOOD ACADEMICS SOCIAL COMMUNITY FRATERNITY Sign up for spring fraternity rush, Suita 5 EMU or call 686-3701.606:4-9 OR.KEN You know... If I wasn’t so goddamn considerate Welcome back We ll be seen in green DAMN Con siderate 4.5 SHERI-LYN SCULLY (yes, you!) Happy birthday you scuMugger Stay on the streets. 4-5 jmu Cultural Forum presents Kick off the Spring Term \ with a SPRING SQUARE DANCE featuring the Oregon Country Dance Orchestra All dances taught beginners & singles welcome SATURDAY APRIL 10 8:00 P.M. EMU BALLROOM SI.50 U.O. Students S2.00 General Public Admission at the door -emu Food Service fe^^fe^^^fe^^Introducing New Burrito Supreme Refried Beans Sour Cream Chopped Olives All wrapped in a flour tortilla Cheddar Cheese Onions $1.50 UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRESENTS KAUFMAN $ HURT'S CLASSIC COMEDY YOU Cmi.TYKE IT WITH YOU ROBINSON THEATRE APRIL 9 10 H.17 8 P.M. FOR TICKETS CALL 696-4191