Cambodian story fabricator confesses sham NEW YORK (AP) - A free-lance writer has admitted that he fabricated a story he wrote for The New York Times Magazine about a trip inside Cambodia with Khmer Rouge guerrillas. The Times reported in its Monday editions. Writer Christopher Jones, located at Calpe, Spain, admitted to a Times editor and two of its correspondents after three days of questioning that he had not been to Asia last year and had written the article for the magazine’s Dec. 20 issue without leaving Spain, the newspaper said “It was a gamble — that was it,” The Times quoted Jones as saying. "Unfortunately, the gamble was too big, and wasn't sufficiently researched, or tied down. The gamble was a mistake.” He said he made up the article, using his imagination and material he said he gathered in two 1980 visits to Cambodia, because he couldn't afford to go there. The Times said. In his article. Jones claimed to have spent a month in southwestern Cam bodia where the forces of former Prime Minister Pol Pot are resisting Vietnam military pressure. He described his travels, individuals he supposedly met. and a battle between Khmer Rouge forces and Vietnamese using tanks and helicopters. A.M. Rosenthal, the Times' executive editor, said in a statement: "We checked his reputation and were informed by a publication for which he had worked in Asia that he was a reliable journalist. After his piece came in, it was put through checking procedures ... "But in this case, these procedures failed to uncover the clues in the text that would have led us to doubt the veracity of the piece. "We do not feel that the fact the writer was a liar and hoaxer removes our re sponsibility. It is our job to uncover any falsehood or errors.” Rosenthal added: "I regret this whole sad episode and the lapse in our procedures that made it possible " The Village Voice on Jan. 13 noted that a passage at the end of Jones' article, describing a blind Cambodian minstrel, appeared to have been plagiarized from Andre Malraux’s "The Royal Way." a novel set in Cambodia. The TimSs said that following that charge, it wrote to Jones demanding an explanation and cancelling an assign ment for another article. Repeated at tempts to reach him then by telephone were unsuccessful. It said The newspaper said that after ques tioning at the Mediterranean resort town of Calpe, Jones admitted he had plagiarized the Malraux passage, saying “I needed a piece of color." The Times said Rosenthal ordered a full investigation after The Washington Post reported last Thursday that a Khmer Rouge official in Bangkok had said Jones had not visited the guerrilla en claves in 1981. et al. The IMversKy Chcte K CM will meet tonight at 8:30 at 1653 Agate St (behind ROTC building) Circle K International is the world's largest collegiate service organization Alt interested students are welcome to attend The UthstiO) Marketing Aeeoclatton will hold a meeting today at 3.30 p m in Room 337. Gilbert Hall Topics w* include the American Marketing Association seminar and current topics The International Studies Aaeocletton will hold a general meeting today at 4 p.m si Room 337. Straub Hall Everyone is welcome heat and writer Ain Kuo. an English professor at Washington State will talk about poetry and the private sector today at 2:30 p.m in Room 136 Education BuSdmg He wit also give a reading of his works tonight at 8 at the Homebred Truckstop 740 E 14th St Both c vents are free to the public For additional information call 686-3944 ' s the topic of a forum today at 4 p.m at the Wesley Chapel 1236 Kincaid St Members of the panel inciuOe John Crumbtey graduate student m coun seling. Alice Knotts United Methodist Campus Minster. Brian Netson-Munson United Methods! Minster from Veneta and member of the Mental Health Advisory Board and John Sherwood. University English Depart ment and member of the Mental Health Association ’ s the topic ot a career seminar ottered to students and faculty by OS Marketing Corporation on March 2 from 1 30-3 p m or from 4-5 30 pm in Room 101, EMU Space is limited Sign up m Room 246 Susan Campbell Had •ITER VIEWS Union Pacific Corporation (Accounting) Boise Cascade Corporation — Building Materials (Gen Bus Mat. Lib Arts majors with Sales Interest) Floating Point Systems (Computer Science) First State Band of Oregon (Bus Admin ) end Intem step (Freshman or Sophomores) NCR Corporations (Business Administration j Marc* 2-1 Peace Corps (Any mayor) March 4 The GAP Stores (All mayors) Saudi American Bank (Bus Admin Mkt Fin Acct ./Mattt Econ /C.S) March i Frito-Lay. tnc (Business Marketing) Pacific Gas ft Electric (Prefer Indust Reia Second Choice — Human Resource Mgmt) Precision Controls (Computer Science) University of San Diego Lawyer s Asst Program (Any mayor) Newport Bay Club (Physical Education) during the week of March 1-S are as Mows March! Peace Corps — 3.30-5 — Forum Room EMU Saudi American Bank — 7-8 30 — Room 108 EMU University of San Diego Lawyer s Assistant Program — 9-10 a m — Room 240 Susan Campbell Hall Bishop Hawk. Commercial R*a< Estate (Any mayor) Ungermann Bass. Inc (Computer Science) Fab. 25 American Graduate School of International Management (AH mayors) FILMS "The Mi and Slues,* a documentary film which has been aired on television wtH be shown at Lane Com munity College s Women s Program brown bag lunch today and Wednesday at noon and Tuesday at 1 f 30 a m m the Boardroom of the Administration Building The film depicts the different treatment of girts and boys from birth Call 747-4501. ext 2353 for more mformation MISCELLANEOUS Questions about whether you can receive urvem ptoymem rompsns—on will be answered tonight from 7-0 by People s Law School The free class »i be held at Patterson Community School. 15th Avenue and Polk Street No registration e necessary Sociology mayors: The sociology peer advising pro gram is now accepting applications for peer advisors for Spring term If you are interested in helping others gaming valuable practical experience and upper division credit stop by our office at Boom 709. PLC or call 686-5012 or 683-4878 Ask for Dave DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed ■ Classifieds 686-43431 CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOE OFFICE 300 EMU DO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAW DESK DEADLINES: Ads must be praced by 1 prr one clay poor to puDticatior Ads that are to appea' r Monday s paper must be m by 1 pm Friday The OOE cannot be responsible for more than on* day's Incorrect advertising insertion The ODE s liability for typographical errors incorrect insertions, or omissions in advertising pubfshed shat1 be Imned soieiy to the cancel lation of charges for such portion of space occupied by the error If your ad appears tncorracdy, call m 4343 baton 1 pm for correction in the next day s issue RATES: Rates are 15 cants par word for the first day and 12 cents per word for consacu ttv* days tne ac s rur without cftangs SI .50 mtobnum tor Via drat In portion *1.20 min Oman for conaautbra InaorHons There Is NO iwfund tor ad cancadattons PAYMENT: All ads must be paid for in advance unless a outing agreement has been established with us The ODE w* not knowingly accept advertis ing which m any manner denigrates or unjustly excluOes members of any age sex race color national, religious or sexual orientation, Clothing DO YOU NEED EXTRA MOSIEY? We need wedding gowns or, consignment tor Rent-A-Spouse Chapel Wedding Dress Bou tique opening soon Call 686-0410 or 485-7459 for further information 234 2-2? T-SHIRTS! uafler Silkscreen imprinted sportswea' with an accent on quality and service 343-2306,342-1927. 221:2-26 Page 10 For Sale REMEMBER :o have a KING DAVID’S FALAFEL for lunch TODAY. EMU cafeteria 22? MWF FOR SALE: GTE answering machine JVC KD-10 cassette recorder OSi computer Craig ca« 747-7416 ?45-2467 66?-?50? 2-22 “REAGAN’S WRONG'* bumperstickers 1/S1.25. 2 $2 RW Group PO Box 694 Corvallis OB97??92-25 *72IURKWOOD MOBILE HOME 12 x 60 ’wo bedrooms appliances smalt per okay 484-5929. __ 2 25 POCKET COMPUTER TRS-80 w printer carrying cases cassette deck Immaculate condition $?00 best offer Dale 343-?520 2-26 Typing TYPING UNLIMITED 747-9296 Grad School Approved/Guaranteed Setecmc Call for pricing TYPING: 15 years experience Papers dis sertations editing IBM Selectric Pick-up and deliver Call Carole at 688-3983. 2402 :tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specia list IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759 876 tfn TYPING WANTED Term papers manuscripts resumes FAST-ACCURATE-S.8S PAGE Self-correcting Selectric 344-5856 271:2-25 TYPING DONNA 344-1(16 2326 MW Please call me 1C Type your papers neidi 342-7446 2-25 SUPERIOR SERVICES T yping - all tunas 726-7596 564 HFM TYPING/EDTriNG Cal Judy or Sara 686-0739 979HFM RUSH PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selector Graduate School Approved CaM Paula Domong 464-9405 _ 198 tin TYPING Professional guaranteed same day service 85 cents per double-spaced page Call 7 am-noon 4-6 pm 7-9 pm 344-5027. _ 166:tfn PRO TYPING/EDITING 2 blocks from UO Graduate approved Specializing m theses and dissertations Jennifer 4(5-3863 _ 938:tfn PRO TYPING ALL LEVELS IBM Correcting Selectrtc Call Barbara 345-0747 495:tfn Instruction Spanish Lessons Tutoring/teaching $5 lesson Call 686-9036 before 9 pm 2-26 STEPHENS Stringed Instruments Smce 1972 we have hand bum fine musical instruments and ottered complete repair ser vice 1417YiOUVE*2 484-0615 ___ 941ME CLARINET Pans-Nobiet with case good condition wood t?00 Can Michael 342-1051 2-26 Sound Systtmi WE BUY STEREOS SALES AND SERVICE Large selection warranted stereo components STEREO WORKSHOP 1409 Main, SpHngltold 741-1597 96? tin YAMAHA 40 WATT integrated amplifier $225 Kenwood semi-automatic direct drive turntable $75 or make otter will barter Call 667-0236 _ 2-2? MclNTOSH C26 stereo preamplifier, rarely used excellent condition $?50 Rob 686-8273 2-24 Books 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK Ail selling 25% to 50% off list prices New Books-Text Books-Cliff Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF all new books SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 766 East 13th 522? Ttn Art Supplies Mat & mount with the beat. OREGON ART SUPPLY is having a Special end of term SALE! On Crescent mat boards. Don't miss it! W« r» on 13th near HHyard 297 2-2? Ski Stuff I NEED CASH! Lange Phantom II Comps size 10, $50 Scott Superlights w st/e 10 liner large shell $50 Both pairs in good condition Call Jimat?4?-8069 2 26 Cars/Cycles 1971 FORD All power AC. remarkable cos melics/mechanics - must see1 ?45-?662, 11 __2-22 GOVERNMENT SURPLUS CARS AND TRUCKS now available through local sales under $?00 Call 1-714/569-0241 lor your directory on how to purchase Open 24 hours 2-26 Monday, February 22,1982