Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 21, 1981, Section A, Page 18, Image 18

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    Second Hand Clothing
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rS It 4'tf it ■**)* Jt ■* >/ Jl -* ~i£ It ■*'<* )i * >Sit ■*> >*
Take A Break From
Traditional Eating
The Vegetarian
270 W. 8th Ave
The Vegetarian Restaurant features a full selection of meatless dishes including
Lasagna, Tomales Enchiladas. Mushroom-Cashew Casserole, Homemade
Gluten Steaks. Pepper Nut Loaf, plus ten other main dishes served throughout
the week There is a variety of a ia carte vegetables steamed to perfection, and
you can really dig into a crispy salad at the bar Homemade desserts contain no
sugar (k>w-calor*e) Delicious meals at very moderate prices Recommended
even if you are not a vegetarian for a no waiting wholesome meal
The Vegetarian's Hours are:
Lunch: 11 am-2 pm Dinner 430-8 pm
Soup, Salad and Sandwiches from 2-430 pm
Closed Friday at 2 pm. for the weekend
Present this coupon at The Vegetarian Restaurant
for 25 cents off any Soup or Salad order purchased
Present coupon for redemption
Expires October 31 1981
Photo Oy fM' Mac*
The Student Health Center, across from Oregon Hall provides most of the health services students
need — for the price of tuition and fees
Health center offers free care
With a tight academic
schedule and a very tight pock
etbook. students need an ef
ficient and affordable health
care facility close by
This kind of health care is
provided by the many services
offered by the Student Health
Center, located across from
Oregon Hall
The center is open to all
students who have paid tuition
and tees and is able to treat
anything that students usually
get,” according to director
James Jackson
"We generally operate m the
place of the family physician."
Jackson says, pointing out that
the center m well equipped to
handle all the primary health
needs of University students,
from colds and sore throats to
allergies and nutrition educa
general practitioners on duty, as
well as a large staff of nurses
and consulting specialists tor
tt>e center s different climes
“If a student finds a general
practitioner he likes he can
request the general practitioner
again the next time he needs
medical treatment." Jackson
Aside from extensive general
care, the center offers services
geared especially to student
health problems, such as an
allergy clinic, a women s clinic
and a sports medicine clinic
Started two years ago m re
sponse to the "particularly
The center offers several services geared
especially to student health problems.
Because the center's infir
mary closed last spring, the
health center now operates
mainly as an outpatient clinic
with most of its services free,
except charges for lab tests.
X-rays, medication and other
items. Jackson says
The center refers students
who need hospitalization to one
of the two local hospitals or to a
student's home-town hospital,
he says
The center has eight full-time
severe allergy problems of the
Willamette Valley.” the allergy
clinic has on hand consulting
allergists to help treat any asth
matic or allergic problem Jack
son says
"It is a significant program,”
he says About 10 percent of
the students here encounter
some allergic problem or an
other ”
Jackson suggests that
students wishing to head off
Continued on Page 20A
Continued from Pag* 17A
gram airs daily at 5:00 p m
KWAX presents its own local
news feature — “In Other
Words" — Tuesday at 7.30 p m
In addition, KWAX presents
"Women s Voice," a local show
focusing on women's issues
Monday at 8:00 p m
On Saturday nights, KWAX
airs the popular drama serials
"Star Wars" and “Hitchhikers
Guide to the Galaxy.' as well as
"Prairie Home Companion.'' a
live variety show featuring jazz
and folk music
KWAX is looking for volun
teers to assist the station's staff
Kenney says People are need
ed for clerical, on-the-air and
reporting work Interested per
sons should go to the KWAX
offices on the third floor of Vil
lard Hall
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