DORM CONTRACTS HELP! MUST SELL DORM CONTRACT by Feb. 10 Both male and female rooms available Call 686-6060 anytime 1-30 PETS THE PERFECT RENTER'S PET! Beautiful male zebra finch, 3' bamboo cage, nest, water tube and food supply. $20. 683-6690 Wednesday, Thursday after 7:30 pm only 1 -29 I OST & FOUND GOLDEN WEDDING RING Square stiapeo with the name Teresa inscribed in it and the date: 30-VIII-80. Reward. Call 683-8254. 1 -28 Lost: WEDDING RAND probably in Mac Court on Friday, Jan. 23. If found, please call 343-0705. SREWARDS 2-2 CHILD CARE FOUR SEASONS MORNING SCHOOL opening Feb. 2. Homey, westside preschool Teaching arts and crafts, music, science, movement, etc. Call Charlotte, Liz, 344-7690. 1-30 FOOD & DRINK Aunt Lucy’s WINE LOFT is now open Tue*.-Sat. Wine by the glass. Free hors d'oeuvers 5 to 7 Henry's on tap 1340 Alder 683-1795 MWF:1-30 EVENTS Free Guitar Clinic Luthiers from STEPHENS STRINGED IN STRUMENTS will conduct a no charge guitar clinic at the campus SUN SHOP Saturday, Jan. 31, Bring your guitar tor its yearly physical, 2224:1-30 FUN RUN Wednesday, Jan. 28, 1981, 3:45 pm. Meet at Pre's Trail signboard. Run 2 or 4 miles. 2219:1-28 THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM and THE CREATIVE WRITING PROGRAM present w.s. MERWIN In a reading of his poetry and pros* A New York-born poet and poet translator, Merwin has traveled widely and currently resides in Hawaii; he has published works translated from French, Spanish, Latin, Portugese, Chinese, and Japanese originals - including Twenty Love Poems and A Song of Despair, from Pablo Neruda, in 1969 In additon to the Pulitzer Prize in 1971 and the Shelley Memorial Award in 1974, he has received grants from the National En dowment for the Arts, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Academy of American Poets, the National Institute of Arts, and the Arts Council of Great Britain. W.S. Merwin is know as the purveyor of the "stone and bone" school of poetry; throughout his career he has departed radically from an earlier style of controlled, elegant verse (e g. A Mask for Janus, 1952) toward looser, individual forms (The Drunk in the Furnace, 1960), and has been moving more toward open, surrealistic poems since the publication of The Moving Target (1963). He works less with "craft" and "old techniques" than with "imagination" and "enigmatic necessity;" his translations also demon strate a gradual move from archetype and myth toward a kind of mysticism that is evidenced in his prose piece “Turg vinder's Stone" (from The Miner s Pale Children, 1970). THURSDAY, JAN. 29 8 PM 150 GEOLOGY FREE 2239; 1-29 Gay Coffeehouse Tonight, 7:30 pm Call GPA at 686-3360 for location 2261:1-28 SHALOM, SHALOM Attention U of O students. Jan 28,10-12:30 in EMU lobby, ZEEV, THE ISRAELI SHALIACH-EMISSARY TO OREGON will answer all your question on trips to Israel, special and general programs there, and the Middle East situation Hillel is sponsoring this event and expects you to come and greet Zeev 2260:1-28 The Hostage Crisis ITS RATIONAL AND IRRATIONAL DIMENSIONS It you teel angry, decei'Jed, outraged - or if you feel a need for more facts - come present your views, ask questions and be an active participant. Also a presen tation by The Iranian Student Assoc. THURSDAY, JAN. 29 7:30 PM EMU DAD'S ROOM FREE 2250:1-29 SURVIVAL CENTER PRESENTS DR. JOHN BURKHARDT Slideshow giving perceptions of the Pentagon and national security. Discussion to follow, suggestions for involvement WEDNESDAY, JAN. 28 8 PM EMU FORUM FREE 2251:1-28 ENTERTAINMENT THE BIJOU 492 E 13th (at Ferry St) 686-BIJU The Best Sound System The Best Theatre In Town Admission $2 ENDS WEDNESDAY SINGING IN THE RAIN Simply put, it's the best Hollywood musical ever made. Plus: * All Star Bloopers of 1936 * Ronnie Reagan Funnies * Betty Boop color cartoon Showtlmes 7 & 9:30, also Sunday ma tinee 3:40 pm STARTS THURSDAY MY BRILLIANT CAREER BIJOU MIDNITE ERASERHEAD 1 28 UNIVERSITY THEATRE and UO OEPT. OF DANCE PRESENT DANCE ‘81 Jan. 23, 24 Jan. 28-31 8 PM ROBINSON THEATRE Tickets: $4 50, $2.75 UO students and seniors, $3.50 other students. Box Office 686-4191 2143:1-30 WOMEN'S LAW FORUM present* Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers in SHALL WE DANCE? A musical comedy with a Gershwin score. THURSDAY, JAN. 29 7 8 9 PM Law School, Rm 129 $1.25 EMU CULTURAL FORUM proudly presents WOMEN DIRECT FILM LUMIERE Jeanne Moreau Feb. 1 SUMMER PARADISE Gunnel Lindblom Feb. 18 WOMEN Marta Meszaros Feb. 15 PEPPERMINT SODA Diane Kurys Feb 20 MY BRILLIANT CAREER Gil Armstrong Feb. 22 2228:1 -29 IMIVGRSITY Iraygl Think Spring Break Make your plane and train reservations now. For lowest fares and best connections || 683-5577 Smith Family Book Bldg Free Parking in rear. 77A E. 13th EMU CULTURAL FORUM PROGRAM COMMITTEE PROUDLY PRESENTS Songwriter Showcase FEATURING: EMMY FOX BARNEY BARBOUR CECELIA OSTROW PERCY HILO The woodwork in Eugene is hiding four talented musicians and songwriters who are getting together this Thursday to perform and talk about their own songs These songs reflect each performer s unique and personal views Ranging from political awareness and social concerns to personal ballads, this showcase will provide an opportunity for members of the community to encounter local artists in an intimate atmosphere THURSDAY, JAN. 29 167 EMU 7:30-10:30 PM $1 at the door 2222:1-29 EMU CULTURAL FORUM proudly presents the witty and candid BBC production ot I, CLAUDIUS PARTS 5 and 6 "It ’s about a family business called ruling the world " Fiendish Livia really outdoes herself in #5 POISON IS QUEEN, Augustus takes mysteriously ill when he lends a sympathetic ear to Germanicus' stories of Livia’s manipulations. On Augustus' death, Livia emerges triumphant with a forged will naming Tiberius as heir In #6 SOME JUSTICE, he nearly loses the throne when the popular Germanicus dies in suspicious circumstances. With Livia and Tiberius in power, Claudius has to be even more careful, for Livia suspects him of talking with Augustus before his death THURSDAY, JAN. 29 8 PM 177 LAWRENCE $1.25 2227:1-29 ENGLISH GRADUATE STUDENTS present ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S FRENZY From the Master of Shock: A Shocking Masterpiece! FRIDAY. JAN. 30 7 A 9:30 PM 123 SCIENCE $1.50 2227:1-29 THE ANANDA MARGA SOCIETY and SUFI CIRCLE present Meetings With Remarkable Men FRIDAY, JAN. 30 7 A 9:30 PM 180 PLC $1.50 2258:1-28 CINEMA 7 10th & Olive-Atrium Building 887-0733 EUGENE PREMIERE-ENDS TUESDAY WHY NOT! (pourquois pas!) Coline Serreau has made more than just a light comedy of three young bourgeois who drop traditional expectations and adopt the roles they feel most comfortable with in an unusual menage a trois. Many of the laughs have a sharp edge that remain with you SHOWING 7:30 ONLY Red Adm Mat Sun 2 pm plus COUSIN COUSINE SHOWING 9:20 PM Red Adm Mat Sun 3:40 pm PERSONALS THE COLLECTOR'S Rock and Roll Eugene Quality Inn Jan. 27 & 28 No cover 1-28 HYMIE: Meet me tor chocolate rum chee secake at Lenny's Nosh Bar in the Courtyard LUIGI _376:ttn DUFFY S FAMOUS FRIDAY AT 4! $1.75 pitchers from 4-6 pm LIVE MUSIC FEATURING Fox & Weasel at 5:30 pm 1-?0 NYMPHOS You do realize this means war!_1-28 TIM STEELE: You're the best little brother a Gamma Phi could ever havel Still thinking of you Luv. CATH1-28 KAREN KILTER QUILTER: To my special lil' sis' Good luck this week! Your plebe days are almost over! Love, AW_1-28 YOBO Mazel Tov Darlin' G. Four months and we re still ticking together! Sarrunghammda! WIFEY ___ 1_-28 ALPHA PHI INITIATES Enjoy this morning? There's more to come tonight Love. THE MEMBERS_1^8 TO THE PERSON WHO l'«J drive all night for (just to buy you some shoes): I'm thinking about you.__1-28 FROG Happy Anniversary!! It's been 4 months ot love and happiness. Looking forward to our celbration Love ya much KAREN 1-28 WIFEY I like you. OH. .cheat Voolu. .Hamneda Happy . . month anniversary Love, YOBO _lj28 ALPHA PHI INITIATES This is the week Have fun, there's lots to come We love you THE MEMBERS_1-28 Q.A. | love you very, very much!! A.K. 1-28 BETA SCHMETAS Eric and Mark - talk about high times! Thanks lor a fantastic coastal house dance — skiing next time, too? If schpleef and seasonal leisure are feasible, we re easily amused Love, PI FRIENDS_1-28 VALERIE MICHALENKO you were late and I was waiting. What's new! Thanks for the great night of fun YOUR OSU FRIEND ___ 1-28 KANSAS: The Big "I" is here! Remember to hang tough and we re thinking of ya! Remember in jus a short week you'll be a Sigma Nul Love, Your Big Sis's DEBBIE A LINDA_1^28 LINDA I am with ya all the way and know you'll do great. Love ya, DEBBIE 1 -28 jCITUI Food Service Fish bon'l Open N:.10-l 1:1)1) pm M i ll) am-1 1 pm Sat 12-11 pm Sun \c\c\c\( innnnn Contact Lenses PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED HARD t SOFT LENS REPLACEMENT LENSES CLEANED ft POLISHED DAVE TAWNEY Certified Optician 149 West 12th St. Located in the Equitable Insurance Building, Vi block from the Eugene Hospital & Clinic between Olive & Char nelton. Phone 683-4164 1773:WF LEGS: Meet me for marinated mushrooms at Lenny's Nosh Bar in the Courtyard LOLITA 376:tfn New for Singles Let me match your interest and values with other singles in this area. Very reasonable fee CONTACT FRIENDSHIP DIRECTORY 317 W. Broadway. Sulfa 112 Eugene, Oregon 97401 343-0463 10 am # pm Mon-Fri 1-30 TUPPERWARE PARTY Last chance to buy Tupperware before prices go up! Friday, Jan 30, 6:30 pm 1910 Univer sity St. (Adelphe House) to order ahead call 343-7288 1-29 Massage Therapy Relieve stress and tension Feel better immediately. Deep relaxing massage therapy. Reba Townsend, 344-4629. State licensed 1 -28 THURSDAY NITE AT DUFFY’S OSU vs UCLA LIVE on the BIG SCREEN! 1-30 GAMMA PHI INITIATES: You’re doing great so far, but there's more to come Keep on smiling! We love you. THE MEMBERS 1-28 KRIS POWELL Does Ray Fraley ring a bell? Please contact me. ext 5326 SUSAN 1-28 THIS WEEKEND AT DUFFY'S A Battle of the Bands FEATURING: HOT WHACKS FOX & WEASEL Twice the music - Twice the fun FRIDAY A SATURDAY NITE 9-2 Plus a special appearance by FOX A WEASEL at Duffy's famous FRIDAY AT 4 1 30 HAPPY 20th BETHINEI Congratulations on your 1st. AOCC AMOUR C.K._1-28 MODEL WANTED: Muscular, athletic, body builder Free pictures of yourself in exchange for posing Hobby, not commercial, no hassles. Equal opportunity. Bob, 343-9411.1-28 KIM COLEMAN My little sis' Wishing you good luck this week, have fun You too, Cherie TIM P.S. See you tonight.1-28 NATURAL VISION IMPROVEMENT Help yourself to clear sight with Bates Instructor, Rick Hubbard Day and evening, private and group classes, for all ages. Call 688-4265. 2-4 HONORABLE MEMBERS PLEASE HOPEFUL INITIATES (Continued on Page 8) installed for $1.50 c\ r\ c\ n o 3 r\ Classified FCLLIES! c c C) TRACY FITZPATRICK won $5 for answering Tuesday’s Folly: JUGGLERSII! Come and entertain us in 300 EMU at 11 30 sharp The Oregon Daily Emerald will pay $5 to the person who can juggle three different pieces of fruit tor two minutes (The ODE will provide the fruit). In case of ties, an additional piece of fruit will be added 1-27 Ms. Fitzpatrick juggled her fruit tor 1 minute, 30 seconds Watch for Monday’s Classified Folly! c c c c c o c c c c c