January Specials at the Turning Point Perms $30.00 reg. $37.50 Personalized Haircut $8.00 reg. $10.00 long hair slightly more Call 343-4813 Ask for Claire 2660 Oak bring this ad expires Jan. 31st C2 trawftnttniirtfirtfintvuvwvv Biology major Alden recipient Susan Beebe, a senior biology major, is the first recipient of the Mary Alden Memorial scholarship. The $500 scholarship honors the late Mary Alden, a 1930 alumna who worked for many years as a medical technologist in Washington state. It was es tablished and is funded by her family and friends through the University Foundation. BUY ONE CLASSIFIED GET ONE Emerald Office, 300 EMU Mixed Nuts8 UNION Light Set $13.95 installed for $1.50 ^ A/ DISCOUNT ON SERVICE & REPAIRS ■ WITH YOUR U of O I.D. CARD. /U STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFF. WE RE KNOWN BEST FOR SELLING VOLKSWAGEN. FINE USED C ARS. AND EXCELLENT GARAGE SERVICE AT THE LOWEST RATES OF ANY AUTHORIZED VOLKSWAGEN DEALER- IN WESTERN OREGON. BRING YOUR CAR TO SIEGRIST AMD GET PROMPT SERVICE. EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIP. THE RIGHT PARTS. AND PAY LESS. SERVICE & PARTS OPEN SATURDAYS Service & Parts: Mon.-Sat. 8:00-5:30 Sales: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-8:00; Sat. 9:00-6:00; Sun. 12:00 6:60 HEART THROBS 20 words for $1.50 if placed by 1 pm Feb. 12 at the ODE office (300 EMU), UO Bookstore, EMU Main Desk. Great JANET: Your hair, your lips, your dreamy eyes Such beauty fashion can't disguise And on your thighs I'd love to dine Won't you be my Valentine? CIA Throbs from the LIL UPTURN: Like the wind through the trees Your love makes me shake But everytime I tell you so Your head begins to ache Past: LISA: Roses are blue. Violet are red My back is cramped, Fix your bed. Love, JOHN PHILBERT: Why don't we get together this Valentine's Day and aim your arrow for my target Hopelessly in love with you PEANUT JIMMY: How bout some hot sauce on a cold winter night? SUE r 71 rinilv emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through . Friday, except during exam week and vacations, by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the University ot Oregon. Eugene. Oregon, 97403 The Oregon Daily Emerald operates independently ot the University with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press News and EdHorUI Dtaplay AdvartMng and BuakwM Classified AdvartMng Production 689-5511 686-3712 686-4343 686-4381 Editor Managing Editor News Editor Assistant News Editor Photo Editor Graphics Editor Editorial Page Editor Ken Sands Sally Hodgkinson Glenn Boettcher Jeff Baker Steve Dykes Sioux Anderson Mark Matassa Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor Entertainment Editor octal* Editor* ASUO Community Environment Features State Systems Departments and Schools Politics Night Editor Qoiwral Stalf Classified Advertising Production Manager Ad Services Advertising Director Controller Tamara Swenson Jody Murray Erzsi De’ak Paul Telles Richard Wagoner Leslie Farris Jim Gersbach Bill Manny Marian Green Mike Rust Sally Hodgkinson Sally Oljar Sandra McMullen Ann Peterson Darlene Gore Jean Ownbey Disabled get tax break Handicapped individuals, taxpayers with disabled depen dents and businesses employ ing the handicapped can obtain special tax information from the Lane County Direction Service (LCDS) on deductions for special equipment, medical and school expenses, and other related costs. The tax information is de signed to help the handicapped and their employers save through special deductions, ex emptions and credits, LCDS University director Richard Zeller says. “We have information on such things as deductions for special phones for the deaf, guide dogs for the blind or deaf, motorized wheelchairs, therapy services and even hand con trols in a car,” Zeller says. The tax service is one of many offered by LCDS, a free referral service that provides individuals who have physical, mental, emotional or learning problems with information so they can become as independent as possible. briefs SPEAKERS Reed Martin, one of the nation’s foremost authorities on law as it affects the field of education, will speak on "Legal Issues in Special Education" today at 3:45 p m. in Room 250 Clinical Services Building. The Lane County chapter of the Council for Exceptional Children is sponsoring the talk MEETINGS The Friends of the Library will meet to night at 7:30 p m. in the Oregon Special Collections reading room. Room 206. Curtis Simic, vice president for public services, and Douglas Wilson, University Foundation ex ecutive director, will present a talk on the role of volunteer support groups at the University Refreshments will be served For more information, call 686-3056 Greenpeace is holding a volunteer meet ing tonight at 7:30 p.m upstairs in the Eugene Public Library. A slide show on harbour seals and a film on harp seals will be shown For more information call 687-8121 Alpha Kappa Pal Professional Business Fraternity will hold a general meeting tonight at 6 p.m. in Room 336 Gilbert Hall. All interested students of business and econ omics are welcome to attend. NOTICES Two labor history Aims, Union Maids and Loose Bolts will be shown Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. in Harris Hall. 8th Ave. and Oak St. Union Maids tells the story of the birth of the CIO in interviews with three women who were there Loose Bolts reveals the poor working conditions in auto plants, in the words of workers. The films are sponsored by Eugene-Springfield IWW. The Rotary Foundation is awarding scholarships for a year of study abroad for academic year 1982-83. Information and applications are available at the Eugene Rotary Club office, Room 205 Eugene Quality Inn, from 9 a m to 11 a m weekdays Five categories are available: graduate, undergraduate, technical training, teachers of the handicapped, and journalism. Five candidates may be selected from Rotary District 511, which includes 42 clubs in southern Oregon and northern California Deadline for submitting applications to the Eugene Rotary Club is March 1. /jutux Fishbowl DELI located in the Fishbowl • Peppered Beef • Ham • Raft Salami • Pastrami (turkey) • Salami (turkey) • Ham Stick (turkey) • Ham (turkey) • Cheddar • Provalone • Swiss • Jack SALADS BREADS • Cracked Wheat • Onion Rolls • Light & Dark Rye • Wheat Berry • Bean • Macaroni • Potato • Cole Slaw PAGELS Make your own sandwiches from a variety of meats and cheeses, salads available too. Open 11-7 Mon-Sat 12-6 Sun