EVENTS are you part OF THE MIDDLE CLASS myth? Is America entering a “New Economic Th Feudalism?” The answers to these questions await you as the EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents Richard £§rkex. ,rom Oxford Author The Myth of the Middle Clew Speaking on “Economics: The Coming Dark Ages Tuesday evening Jan. 20 8 pm EMU Ballroom FREE admission 1816:1-20 JOIN People’s Inauguration Day A:i Sat. Jan 17 ann w <£?Cer1 at 8 pm Featuring Grupo Rata SasMss.'trSS gay-birap as,™ dress and more information 2116.* -1°9 SPONSORED BY PROUTIST A talk on Liberation Movements ar.-eA1 lndia Room 101 EMU 2 FREE _2111:1-16 ALL CAMPUS 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament Saturday, January 24-Sunday, January 25 Gerlmger Annex, Official sign-up now at Intramural Office, 10? Gerlinger Annex. Call 686-4121 for more informa tion. Entry tee: $6 per team. HURRY! 32 TEAM UMIT Presented by U of 0 YMCA Student Cabinet and U of O Intramurals 2122:1-21 ENTERTAINMENT CINEMA 7 10th & Olive-Atrium Building 687-0733 EUGENE PREMIERE-ENDS TUESDAY THE CHANT OF JIMMIE BLACKSMITH Set in the year 1900, a half-breed aborigine is raised and educated by missionaries and ho, upon reaching manhood, leaves tofind hisway in the world What happens to him becomes one of the most powerful indictments of class exploitation to have ever come to the screen "The one great Australian film that I have seen " Pauline Kael SHOWING 7:30 6 9:35 PM Reduced Adm Mat Sat 2 pm 2099:1-20 HARLAN COUNTY USA A fascinating and moving work portraying a classic coal miner strike in Harlan County, Kentucky Academy Award winning documen tary SUNDAY, JAN. 18 7:30 PM 123 SCIENCE MONDAY, JAN. 19 7:30 PM HARRIS HALL 1-16 THE CULTURAL FORUM prraanta an evening off traditional Irish music with KEVIN BURKE fiddler off The Bothy Band and PAUL KOTAPISH on guitar FRIDAY, JAN. 16 8 PM GERLINGER ALUMNI LOUNGE $3 general public $2 50 UO students Tickets on sale at the door EMU CULTURAL FORUM proudly presents the witty and candid BBC production of Robert Graves’ I, Claudius Part 1 and 2 "It's about a family business called ruling the world ” Claudius. Emperor of Rome, nearing the end of his life, hastens to complet his history of his notorius family, the Claudian Caesars This series is a richly fascinating soap opera, better than anything you've seen on the major networks. We will be showing two 1 -hour episodes every Thursday night, # 1, A TOUCH OF MURDER, documents a grim beginning as Claudius' grandmother Livia poisons Augustus' heir Marcellus so her son Tiberious can succeed Augustus. In #2, FAMILY AFFAIRS, Livia poisons both Agrippa, Augustus' best triend and Drusus, her second son and the father of the young Claudius. THURSDAY, JAN. 15 8 PM 150 GEOLOGY $1.25 _ 1815:1-15 ENGLISH GRADUATE STUDENTS present ROBERT DENIRO Jodie Foster Albert Brooks in TAXI DRIVER Winner ot the Grand Prize Award tor Best Film at the 1976 Cannes Film Festival FRIDAY, JAN. 17 7 A 9:30 PM 177 LAWRENCE $1.50 2102:1-16 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PROGRAM OFFICE PRESENTS LORI AND THE OUTTAKES in a FREE DANCE Come rock and roll all night long. Let your hair down, your spirits up, and your ya-ya's out. Lori and the Outtakes are the up-and-coming band that rocked you at the Beer Garden, and are now taking Eugene by storm. Don't miss it! FRIDAY, JAN. 16 8-11 PM EMU BALLROOM ABSOLUTELY FREE 2101:1-16 !!!Storewide Sale!!I Inland and Imports Fifth Pearl Shopping Center 207 E. 5th Men s and Ladies ’ Imported Fashions Dresses, Skirts, Blouses, Tops, Rugby Shirts A. Smile Pants Rugs Bedspreads Tapestries Tablecloths, 9 & ft "c y &9 485-6616 Monday-Saturday 10-6 EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents THE SEDUCTION OF JOE TYNAN Power and principles, like love and marriage, collide in this critically ac claimed box office hit about a Senator with presidential ambitions and the price he has to pay. Alan Alda - who also wrote the screenplay - stars as Joe Tynan, a decent, likeable man who works hard to improve conditions for his constituents, but whose Washington job keeps him away from his wife and family Barbara Harris shines as Tynan s wife as does Meryl Streep as the lawyer with whom he has an affair THE SEDUCTION OF JOE TYNAN is one of the better films ex amining the stresses of modern politics FRIDAY, JAN. 18 7 8 9PM 180 PLC 81.25 Sorry, REMEMBER MY NAME had to be moved back to Feb 21 2120:1-16 EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents STAR TREK Starring William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy and DeForest Kelley. A special effects bonanza that earned STAR TREK an Oscar nomination, the dazzling, refur bished USS Enterprise warps with us through space once again When an unidentified alien destroys 3 Klingon cruisers, Captain Kirk, now Admiral, returns on special assignment to com mand the Enterprise Reunited with his old crew, they mobilize to stop the alien intruder from its relentless flight toward Earth SATURDAY, JAN. 7 7 5 9:30 PM EMU BALLROOM $1.25 A 75 cents 12 and under 2119 1-16 EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents KEETJE TIPPEL Directed by Paul Verhoeven, one of the up and coming filmakers of Dutch cin ema, KEETJE TIPPEL beautifully re creates the atmosphere of late 19th century Amsterdam It is the story of an irrepressibly spirited young woman who, - with her poor rural family, migrates to Amsterdam in search of food and work. Keetje works in a wool factory, a hat shop, is raped, contracts tuberculosis, yet her indestructible spirit carries her through adversity to a lucky break. SUNDAY, JAN. 18 75 9 PM 180 PLC $1.25 2121 1-16 THE ANANDA MARGA SOCIETY presents I LOVE YOU, ALICE B. TOKLAS This hilarious spoof of 60's countercul ture life stars Peter Sellers as a middle class lawyer who turns on, tunes in and drops out. In the process he learns about free love, communal living, and those famous brownies from The Alice B Toklas Cookbook. Widely acknow ledged as one of Peter Sellers finest films. SATURDAY, JAN. 17 7 5 9PM 180 PLC 81 2110:1-16 B.J. KELLY'S presents SLEAZY PIECES THURSDAY 82 FRI 8 SAT 82.50 9:30 Happy Hour Friday 4-7 pm IMPORTED coffee (Sb tea By the'Tound or by the Cup Kinko’s 764 E. 13th 344 .7894 Bean of the Month Kenya $4.45 lb. Compare Our Prices Eugene Council for Human Rights in Latin America presents LATIN AMERICAN FILM SERIES BRAZIL HOW TASTY WAS MY LITTLE FRENCHMAN A beautiful and entertaining mixture ot anthropology, humor, political allegory, and unsettling prophecy A Frenchman captured by Indians tries nobly to inte grate himself into the society of his captors. SAT, JAN. 17 Cinema 7 4 PM WED, JAN. 21 1 SO Geology 7:30 $2 2114 1-21 THE ANANDA MARGA SOCIETY presents THE DEER HUNTER A vivid image of American culture and the tragic effects of the Vietnam war Tracing the lives of three men through the metaphorical rituals of marriage, hunting and war. The Deer Hunter creates a powerful and emotional vision of the 1960's FRIDAY, JAN. 16 7 A 10 PM 150 GEOLOGY $1.50 2129 1-16 THE SUFI CIRCLE PRESENTS YELLOW SUBMARINE John Lennon’s music lives on! To the strains of Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hears Club Band, the Blue Meames invade Pepperland Our heroes, The Beatles, arrive in their yellow submarine and use their unique and perceptive music to thwart the villians. FRIDAY, JAN. 16 7 A 9 PM 177 LAWRENCE $1.50/$1 children 2112:1-16 THE BIJOU 492 E 13th (at Ferry St) 686-BIJU The Best Sound System The Best Theatre In Town All programs $2 STARTSTHURSDAY SWEPT AWAY A modern classic - Lina Wertmuller’s foray into the class struggle explodes into a fierce battle of the sexes that is as witty as it is wise, as ferocious as it is funny. SHOWING 8:50 PM Sunday Matinee 4:45 pm with FIREMEN S BALL Milos Forman's (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) delicious parody/fable of Slavic bureaucracy includes the fun niest and most wonderfully demoralizing beauty contest ever conceieved SHOWING 7:30 PM Sunday Matinee 3:30 pm Plus color cartoon BETTY BOOP FOR PRESIDENT BIJOU MIDNITE KZEL A MICHAEL LAMONT present LET IT BE The enduring documentary of the mak ing of The Beatles last album THURSDAY 96 cents FRIDAY A SATURDAY $1.96 Sunday Matinee 2 pm PERSONALS DON'T MISS Duffy’s famous FRIDAY AT FOUR THIS WEEK ONLY $1 PITCHERS FROM 4-6 PM LIVE MUSIC with Stoddard & Cole During the pitcher sale __1-16 NATURAL VISION IMPROVEMENT. . Help yourself to clear sight with Bates Instructor. Rick Hubbard. Group classes begin Monday, January 19 at 7:30 pm, CALL 686-4265. t -19 Why wait tor your new contacts One day service at the Contact Lens Clinic of Eugene 401 E 10th 663-2224 1699H THE SPECIAL YOU AND PREGNANCY Free pregnancy testing, Birthright 687-8651 468? H Cultural Forum Presents An Evening of Traditional Irish Music Kevin Burke of the Bothy Band “delightfully personable and impressively virtuosic” N.Y. Times & Paul Kotapish guitar-cittern-mandolin Friday, Jan. 16 8:00 p.m. Gerlinger Alumni Lounge S3.00 General Public S2.50 l' of O Students I'ickcts v»ld at the door only