Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 15, 1980, Page 6, Image 6

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    mike rust
rust never sleeps
Did you wait until Election Day
before you registered to vote?
If you did, Bob Martin thinks
you stink.
Martin, a member of the Lane
County Republican Central
Committee, spoke at a
committee meeting a couple of
weeks ago against the practice
of last-minute registration.
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A grizzled veteran of many an
electoral war, Martin said allow
ing people to register and vote
on the last day makes it easier
for non-residents to interfere
with Lane County elections.
‘‘Personally, I'm getting sick
and tired of people coming
across three state lines and
electing our representatives,"
he told the assembled GOP
faithful. "I think we should write
Norma Paulus and the Legisla
ture — though I don’t know how
much good that’s going to do —
and tell her to get off the dime
and stop that.”
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Martin said he saw three cars
with out-of-state license plates
delivering literature for Jerry
Rust and Jim Weaver at precint
233 and, he made it clear, their
owners were not the sort of
people you would let drip on
your living room floor.
“You should see what comes
in there,” he shouted. "You
know they’re not residents.”
Martin also reminded his lis
teners of the long line of poten
tial residents that formed on
Election Day at the courthouse.
“I’ve been out at the dump,
and it smelled better out there
the robber tree
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than it did in that line,” he ob
It almost makes you believe
the campus community isn't
loved by all Republicans. On the
other hand, no one’s ever
claimed that Republicans have
been regarded in an affection
ate light by the campus com
• • •
A search is already starting
for a Republican congressional
candidate in 1982.
Complicating the search is a
fight brewing over how the
borders of Oregon's congres
sional districts should be drawn.
One local GOP official says
the Legislature will establish
one at-large congressional
representitive rather than at
tempt to redefine the boundar
ies, a prospect to warm the
heart of many a budding power
• • •
In the wake of their national
victory, local Republicans are
preaching unity.
Even Rep. Mary Burrows, R
Eugene, erstwhile disciple of
Book Buyback has moved
to the basement lobby area.
Starts Monday, December 15,
and ends Saturday, December 20.
Our Buyback Policy:
1. You get half-price—
if a faculty member has ordered the book for the next quarter
However, at times we have more books for a class than
needed and we will not buy these books at the half price
2. You get Dealer prices—
for those texts not needed on this campus We’ll pay the price
offered by book dealers, which is based on the need for the
book in the national market
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3. We do not accept—
old editions, spiral-bound books, programmed texts, certain
inexpensive paperbacks, workbooks, most consignment
material, and extensively cribbed or damaged books They
are of no value to us or the used book dealers We purchase
such books only at our option
When to sell your books—
The buyback counter, located upstairs, is open during regular
business hours. It's not necessary to wait for a specific buying
period to resell your books However, the best service can be
had during the above time period because we have arranged
with the wholesale book company to have their buyers at the
Bookstore on these dates
John Anderson, attended the
meeting to reminisce about old
times in the Young Republicans
and to call for renewed efforts
on the part of local activists to
give control of the Legislature to
Republicans and a committee
chair to herself.
In keeping with the ben
evolent spirit of unity, fellow
Republicans gave her a nice
round of applause, notwith
standing the fact that Burrows
and the GOP Central Committee
are about as ideologically com
patible as Bambi and Godzilla.
Carter says
Mrs. Reagan
Carter suggested Sunday
Nancy Reagan was misquoted
as saying she couldn’t under
stand why the Carters didn't
move out of the White House
early to give her time to
redecorate the family quarters.
The president was leaving a
violin recital at St. Patrick’s
Protestant Episcopal Church
when he was asked to comment
on a report that he ‘‘hit the roof"
when he heard about Mrs.
Reagan’s purported wish.
At first, he started to decline
‘‘I never commented on it
then, and I don’t...” he began.
Then he changed his mind.
“She didn’t say that,” Carter
said. “I think it’s distorted. She’s
been very nice about the whole
thing. I’m sorry it was quoted
that way."
A report on the subject quot
ed an unidentified aide as say
ing the soon-to-be first lady
couldn’t understand why the
Carters didn’t take up residence
in Blair House, the government
guest quarters across the
street, for a few weeks to enable
the president-elect and his wife
to redecorate their new living
quarters before Inauguration
Day, Jan. 20.
A statement issued by Robin
Orr, Mrs. Reagan’s new press
secretary, said the president
elect’s wife made no such
suggestion but had remarked
that she might break tradition by
moving out early four or eight
years from now to make room
for Reagan’s successor.
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