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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1980)
UO RECREATION INTRAMURALS MARTIAL ARTS Clinic & Demonstration Tuesday & Wednesday November 18 & 19 7-8:30 pm Introduction to Judo, Jujitsu, Karate. Hung Fu. Registration Fee is $2. Register at 161A Gerlinger by Nov. 18, 5 pm Questions? 10? Gerlinger or call 686-411?. HO 8 ATTENTION ALL HISPANIC STUDENTS MECHA (Chicano Student Union) will be having an organizational meeting Wednesday, November 19, 1980 at 5 pm in the EMU. room to be posted For information call MECHA 686-?508. 11-19 EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents GLORIA STEINEM speaking on WOMEN’S RIGHTS TUESDAY EVENING NOV 18 8 pm at McArthur Court TICKETS: S2 UO Students S3 General Public available at EMU Main Desk, U of 0 Bookstore, 8 Dalton Bookstore. For childcare infor mation call 686-4?76. 1570:11-18 FRIENDS OF THE FUTURE ENCOURAGES A PROTEST DEMONSTRATION The ‘Moral Majority’ is in town Tuesday, Nov. 18, at noon on the downtown mall (near the center fountain on Willamette), there will be a demon stration against the arrival in Eugene of members of the Moral Majority ' Friends of the Future encourages you to be there and to make you voice heard FOR: Birth control Abortion rights Gay rights Women's rights and the ERA Free speech AGAINST: Mindless defense spending The draft Interventionist foreign policy Sexual repression People who are sure they speak for God IT’S TIME TO UNITE THE OPPOSITION 11-18 r SKI TOURING EXTRAVAGANZA Free evening on X-C ski activities, films, displays Nov. 20, 7-9 pm. Sheldon Community Center, 2445 Wrtlakenzie Road Information 687-532911-19 What are you doing Spring Term? Want to know about an alternative to the U of O main campus? Come to the People and the Oregon Coast' seminar on Nov. 18 at 1:30, and find out how you can study on the 'Oregon Coast ' Room to be posted. 1596 11-18 BLACK STUDENT UNION (Striving for Exellence) Meeting Thursday, November 20, 101 EMU. Across from Post Office. We need your sup port!! 1648:11-20 ENTERTAINMENT CINEMA 7 10th & Olive-Atrium Building 687-0733 ENDS THURSDAY OREGON PREMIERE L’AGE D OR Withdrawn from circulation in 1934 and only rereleased 50 years after it was made, L'Age remains among Luis Bunuel's greatest achievements, and one of the tew surrealist films to stand the test of time SHOWING 7:30 ONLY and ORSON WELLES F FOR FAKE F for Fake is a uniquely entertaining tour-de force showing an artist having fun with his art. and sharing the fun with his audience. Wells asks himself what is the purpose of a work of art, leading the inquiry with a masters' touch. SHOWING 8:45 ONLY 1642:11-20 EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents MAYNARD FERGUSON DECEMBER 2 1522:11-21 UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRESENTS THE BALCONY by JEAN GENET NOV. 14, 15, 19-22 8 PM POCKET PLAYHOUSE Tickets: $4.50, $2.75 UO Students & Seniors, $3.50 other students & season ticket holders. BOX OFFICE: 686-4181 1617:11-19 EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents MICHAEL MURPHEY with special guests The Mission Mountain Wood Band NOVEMBER 25 7:30 A 10 PM TICKETS AT EMU MAIN DESK 1577:11-25 THEATRE 4:30 THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER NOV 17 A 18 Arena Theatre, Villard 4:30 pm FREE AMERICAN SOCITY OF INTERIOR DESIGNERS FUTURE SHOCK Narrated by Orson Welles, examines the social, scientific and technological developments that have drastically changed our world. WEDNESDAY, NOV 19 7:30 A 8:30 PM 150 GEOLOGY S1 11-19 THE BIJOU THEATRE ZORBA THE GREEK MUST END TUESDAY!) 6:30 & 9:15 PM $2.50 492 E 13th 686-BIJU MEETINGS WITH REMARKABLE MEN Nov. 20-Nov. 22 _ 1634:11-18 TONIGHT! Need a study break? The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother Starring GENE WILDER MADELINE KAHN MARTY FELDMAN Presented by SACK'S CIRCLE OF FRIENDS 150 GEOLOGY 7:15, 9,10:45 31.25 11-18 MORE NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS presented by the Survival Center WEDNESDAY, NOV 19 8 PM 341 GERLINGER FREE Learn to Survive 11-19 PERSONALS WANTED TO BUY: Student season basketball tickets- willing to pay top price 484-2942, leave message_12-1 Introducing THE TURNING POINT’S Apple-Pectin Perms $35 Includes haircut Perm reg $37.50 Haircut reg $10 2660 OAK ST FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 343-4813 ASK FOR CLAIRE 1558:11-21 HENRY: Meet for at 2 am for a four egg omelette at Lenny's Nosh Bar in the Courtyard LOLITA376:tfn WALLY KEMPE & Associates QUALITY party photography John Dutton-Manager Phone 344-8750 11-24 1 ' ' a CELEBRATE Children’s Book Week with Us All books, posters and calendars in the Children’s Section are 20% off this week only. Sale prices apply to cash register sales only. 20% Off Sale, November 17 through 22 13 th & Kincaid Mon-Fri 8:15-5:30 Sat 10:00-2:00 Upstairs in the Book Department Only at the UO Bookstore BOOKSTORE Textbooks 686-3520 • General Books 686-3510 • Supplies 686-4331 MARRY: Meet me tor homemade clam chowder at Lenny's Nosh Bar in the Courtyard. UHOI_ 376:tfn STICK rr ON YOUR BUMPER! 1 IMPEACH REAGAN 2. REAGAN-FASCIST GUN IN THE WEST 3. FIRST NIXXON. NOW RAY GUN! Highest quality vinyl, water-and-nuke proof, 3" by 12", 4 year guarantee. $1.50 each, 4 for $5.25 10for $12.00, 25for $25.00 M/C, VISA, Money Orders shipped immediately: personal checks-4 weeks. TRADER RICK, Dept. 106 Box 15684, Salt Lake City, UT 84115. 11-19 BE A FOLLIES FOOL! Watch for ODE Clas sified Follies Tuesday, Nov 17 Receive instant fame and $5! 11-18 FOURTH WAY STUDY GROUP Idiots required 683-8237, 342-2021,683-4877 11-20 CHIPS: Please forgive, didn't really mean it, let's get togehter at Arnold's for soup, salad and sweets (1459 East 19th) and talk it over MIKE 11-19 BASKETBALL SEASON TICKETS for sale, face value, call 686-6047 or 686-6160 11-18 CHERYL: Happy anniversary, it's been a great month Let’s meet at Arnold's to celebrate, 1459 East 19th 1623:11-19 ALDER HOUSE ANNOUNCES the tryouts for its 1980-81 Alder Blossom Court 1790 Alder St. 7:30 Wednesday the 19th. Call ext 4261 or ext. 4252 for escort or information 11-19 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION Present* FREE COPIES OF THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR "The Monitor is representative of the finest in independent, courageous and unbiased journalism." Walter Cronkite, CBS News TUES. A WED. NOV. 18,19 See table at 13th and Unlverlaty, or In EMU Lobby, depending on the weather. GET FAST, DEPENDABLE SERVICE on Alterations at Slegmund’s Cleaners 821 E 13th Ave _181:UWH MAKE MONEY RECYCLING YOUR CLOTHES! RAGS TO RICHES Buys, consigns and trade second hand cloth ing for men and women. For appointment: 344-7039 380 E 11 th MON-SAT 11:30 am to 8 pm _1554:UWf TO MY GREYHOUND BUS TRAVELING COMPANION from Denver to Salt Lake City on Saturday night, Aug 16th Whoever Wher ever you are I'd like to be in touch with you. Please call (209) 251 -8182. Thanx, BETH P S. Happy (belated?) birthday. Tom: YOU WIN I'll buy the pitcher of Heiniken 9:00 at B.J. Kelley’s 1647 11-16 BRIAN LAWSON Roses are red Crater Lake is blue I had a great time at Diamond Lake with you. The hide-a-bed's buggin' The snowball fights were great I don't look twelve years old, So give me a brake Thanx for a nice weekend Love. EILEEN _ 11-IN KELLEY CALDWELL 5 days! Can you wait? MISS PIGGY Dogs can sing it, chickens can sing it, even a frog can sing it KERMIT THE FROG _ 11-18 PEAR V.M. I love you J.C.1_y 8 KELLY STARK Woke up with part of your Halloween costume around my neck Honest ly-what's happened to morality? Is Bloom Hurt corrupt? If you want it, come tapping GRIGS __ 11-18 JEN We sure had fun when you sal on the hump Happy 33rd! THE NIGHTCRAWLER ___ 11-18 CURT Congratulations! You qualify for social security. Don’t forget to take your Geritol _ Love, NTH FLOOR 11-18 PHI PSI’S Last year's champagne and rose was really a treat, but last Friday s action at the alley can't be beat! Thanks so much. ALPHA PHJS 11-18 TO LAURA The greatest dale at Diamond Lake, this weekend was the best1 The thoughts of drinking and dancing all night and playing in the snow will be fun memories Too bad there was NO LIFEGAURDM! Thanks tor everything. Love. ROCKY 11-18 Diamonds are forever. And so will be my memories Of our Diamond Lake housedance Miss Tina Bocchi, You were the perfect date on a perfect wee kend! I can't tell you enough how much I appreciated You being there through thick & thin You were great! Thanks again Love ya, JOHN ___11-18 DON’T BE A SCROOGE Send that special friend an ODE Noel Note on Dec 12. 20 words for $1 50 if placed by Dec 8 at 1 pm Such a deal!_ 11-18 HELP! My maroon vest left the Delt house on Fri. night without me I need my keys DE SPERATELY If ound please call 683-2449 or return it to the Delts Thanks 11-19 Come and enjoy sporting events on our BIG SCREEN 3355 E. Amazon Dr., Eugene 342-3575