CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK DEADLINES: Ads must be ip by 1 PM the day before publication Ads that are to appear in Monday's paper must be in by 1 PM Friday PAYMENT: All ads must be paid tor in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us RATES: Rates are 10 cents per word tor the first day and 8 cents per word tor consecutive days the ad is run without change $2.00 Minimum lor first insertion $1.60 minimum lor consecutive insertions There is no refund lor ad cancellations. The COE cannot be responsible for more than one day's incorrect advertising insertion If your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 PM for correction in the next day s issue The ODE will not knowingly accept adverti sements which in any manner denigrates or uniustly excludes members of any age. sex. race color, national origin, religion or sexual orienta tion CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE rLOTHING WOMEN'S SIZE 9-10 black leather coat, $120 Men's size 26 brown leather jacket. $15. Men’s size 9Vi leather boots $10. Handcrafted leather briefcase, $35 Call 485-4932 after 5:00. 11-21 FOR SALE OHAUS SCALE for Christmas7 $78 Micros cope for Christmas? Eugene Scientific & Chemical 484-4018 11-18 BIRKENSOCKS by Birkenstock. Finally, a sock that fits the contour of your leg, just like Birkenstock's fit the contour of your foot BIRKENSOCKS are specially contoured to hug your legs and improve your circulation, so you float through the day feeling refreshed and relaxed Men's and women's sizes. BIRKENSTOCK Atrium (2nd floor) MON-SAT 11 -16 PM 687-0065 repairs & resoling ___1606:tfn TIRE CHAINS Fits A70-13, C78-14, 078-14 Used once $18 726-7059 eves 11-19 STUDENT SEASON BASKETBALL TICK ETS Etestoffer. Bill687-2876. 11-19 HEWLETT PACKARD 38E CALCULATOR 10-speed bike, both in excellent condition $100 each or best offer Call 726-0236 11 -20 FOR SALE: Saga 5-string banjor w/resonator $300 Leave message at 344-6694 between 10 am-10 pm_ 11-21 MUST SELL New Craig mini-cassette recorder; 2 quilts for single beds with matching pillow covers; Kodak-Extra camera, oval lens; 2 winter coast 686-1748 11-18 SERVICES^ TELEVISION REPAIR by experienced T V technician Honest, dependable service House call $15; nights, days, weekends 683-7488 _ _ 11-20 LAFLER SILKSCREENING Custom printed T-shirts and sweatshirts for dorms, club, businesses Quality printing, reasonable prices 342-1927 11-19 TYPING PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Selectric. Pick-up and delivery 485-4586_12-10 484-0303 Professional typing, resume composing, editing. IBM Executive and Selectric Excel lent servie. _1301 :UH TYPING: 15 years experience Papers, disser tations, editing IBM Selectric Pick-up & deliver Call Carole at 688-3983. 91 OTfn NANCY RILEY 686-9591 Typing/Editing Correcting Selectric. 15 Yrs Tech Publications. Experience. _012:ttn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST~Statistical specialist IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759. 953:tfn QQQQQQQQQl PRINTING? No, just looks like it Experienced professional, experienced APA format, IBM variable spaced executive typewriter 345-0266. b070_71:tfn TYPING GUARANTEED IBM Correcting Selectric III RUTH 345-5614 __UH TYPING: Professional work-all types. Pick up and delivery from University Terry 937-2932 or 937-3416 11-21 SOUND SYSTEMS Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Pearl Street 343-7683 Monday thru Friday 9-6 p m 5635:tfn HOUSEHOLD ITEMS THE FIRST PERSON TO SING the theme song to "Petticoat Junction" at 12:30 pm in room 300 EMU wins $5 from ODE Classifieds. Don 't be late! 11-18 BOOKS & SUPPLIES 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% off list prices New Books-Text Books-Clitf Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT and SOLD 10% OFF on all new books SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th SKI STUFF 1978 NORDICA GRAND PRIX BOOTS Size 10. mens, new $195, asking $55. 683-8100 _11-24 RACHILE CORSAIR BOOTS Size 11 -12, used 1 year $80 Randy 683-0763 11-24 OUTDOOR GEAR DOWN PARKA $45, Ice Axe $15. Stove $25. Crampons $20, Altimeter $15 Call 345-0096. 11-20 RECREATION UO RECREATION INTRAMURALS Wrestling Tournament Thursday & Friday November 20 & 21 6-9 pm ENTRIES DUE NOV. 18 IN 103 GERLINGER Individuals or teams welcome Weigh-ins are Nov 18 & 19 Questions? 686-4113 1602:11-18 UO RECREATION INTRAMURALS INTRAMURALS CROSS COUNTRY WEDNESDAY NOV. 19 3:45 PM CHECK-IN 4 PM START OF RACE Entry forms available at Gerlinger 103. Team Deadline Due November 17 at 5 pm. Individuals Meet at Check In Time 1603 11-19 BICYCLES BUY-SELL-TRADE Reconditioned bikes, used parts SECOND NATURE BICYCLES 1712 WHIamatta 343-5362 WE BUY USED BIKES _ 282UW 22” MOTEBECANE GRAND TOURING 10 speed, Blackburn racks, generator light $250 Call 345-0096. 11-20 HQQQQQQQQQ BIKE SALE Fine S-R 10 speeds . $30 off NOW $149.95 STU'S BIKE SHOP 771 Blair at Monroa 1591:11-19 For sale SCHWIIN COLLEGIATE SPORT 21 frame, excellent condition, $75. Eve: 485-9774 ask tor Dennis 11-19 JUST OVERHAULED 197? Mercier New alloy system and bars, brake cables, guides and hood Grab ons Kryptonite rack $149 50 484-2791. 11-18 CARS & CYCLES HONDA CX 500: 1978. Low miles, excel cond , with a bell helmet: asking $1400- or best otter After 7:30pm, ask for Lee11-18 73 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME Sacrifice, moving Good condition A/C, AM-FM stereo, p/w $1099 Call now: 485-820711-18 ANSWER TODAY'S CLASSIFIED FOLLY and win $5! VM8 1975 DATSOUN PICKUP with canopy Recently overhauled. $2300. 485-114111-21 AUTO REPAIR -Four & Six Automotive Specializing in repair and maintenance of 4 & 6 cyclinder water-cooled vehicles FOREIGN and DOMESTIC 1381 W 2nd Ave (2nd A Taylor) 342-3254 _5699:t1n SAAB and VOLVO maintenance and repair M A B SWIFT SHOP 1190 Main, Spring ft* td 747-5805 5253:tfn TRAVEL SUPER SAVER ROUND TRIP to S F Leaving Eugene Friday eve Nov 21, return Sunday eve. Nov. 30. $130 or best offer 345-6144 _11-19 MT BACHELOR SKIERS SPECIAL Stay 2 nights at regular rates, get third night for only $10 Phones-Color TV-Kitchen Units Queen Beds-Water Beds FREE Continental Breakfast PLAZA MOTEL Band, Oragon 503-382-1821 WANTED_^ CASH FOR ALL FORMS GOLD SILVER DIAMONDS BREIDE GOLD EXCHANGE, INC. Come see us at our new location in the Mohawk Plaza, next to the Waterbed Wa rehouse, or we will buy in your home. 9:30-7 Monday-Friday 10-5 Saturday-Sunday After hours call 687-0760 1216 MOHAWK BLVD. 747-4654 __1181 :t»n WANTED Basketball tickets to men’s games. Call 343-4901 __11-18 WANTED TO BUY BASKETBALL TICKETS All packets, 747-1312. Keep trying, Jeff. 11-20 WANTED BASKETBALL TICKETS One complete packet. 688-6450 after 5 pm. 11-19 PEN SEEKS DESK 3' x 3 or under David 683-5822 11 -20 SILENT PARTNER WANTED Return on money 10# plus $4500 year in tax shelter return. Call 998-3202 or 345-6927 11 -20 HELP WANTED OVERSEAS JOBS Summer/year round Eu rope, Asia. All fields. $500-$1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free Info. Write: IJC, Box 52-OR3, Corona Del Mar, Ca.. 92625. 12-9 OOOOQQOOO QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ OQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ Page 6 Classified FOLLIES! KENDALL AUEL WON $5 for answering Monday’s Folly: COME AND PREACH TO USA The ODE will pay $5 to the first person to come to room 300 EMU between 12:50 and 1 pm today and do his/her IMPERSONATION of a street-corner evangelist. 11-17 Watch for today’s Classified Folly! 00000000000000 THE ASUO IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICA TIONS tor the position ot ASUO Administrative Assistant. Applications and job descriptions are available in Suite 4, EMU. Filing deadline is Tuesday, Nov. 18th The ASUO is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer _ 1604:11-18 GREENPEACE IS LOOKING for volunteers to help staff and organize our office and more! Please call 687-8121._ _ 11-18 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is accepting applications for a correspondent to cover the 1981 Oregon Legislature The job begins Jan 5 and continues through the session Applica tions close Nov 28 The Emerald is an Affir mative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer _11-26 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT NEEDED Must be Work-Study certified Applications and job description available at the Learning Resource Center, 5 Friendly Hall Deadline for completed application is Dec 5. For additional information call 686-2226. _ 11-26 TUTORS NEEDED in lower division Math, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, and Lan guages courses Must be Work-Study certified We re interviewing for Winter term Pay starts at $4 21/hour for undergraduates and $4 44/hour for graduates Call the Learning Resources Center at 686-3226 for more infor mation._12-12 THE EMU CRAFT CENTER is accepting applications for the Craft Center Assistant EPA II position. This is full time for 9Vi months a year. Job descriptions and applications availa ble at the EMU CRAFT CENTER Application deadline is Friday, November 21 The Univer sity of Oregon is an Equal Opportunity/Affir mative Action Employer. Tom or Jim, 686-4361 1645:11-20 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BEING A PEER ADVISOR? ASK US... • Sociology : Gary Williams 639 PLC Ex:5012 • Psychology: Brud Hedges 142 Straub Ex:4936 • Recreation Dennis Williams 188Esslinger Ex:4150 • English: Sally McWilliams 118 PLC Ex:3911 • Political Science: Dian McGill 907 PLC Ex:4875 • Premajor: Steve Bysma 164 Oregon Hall Ex:3211 1643:11-18 SUBJECTS NEEDED for group experiment in psychology and poltical science. Sponsored by Institute tor Social Science Research, Univer sity of Oregon. Subjects may earn from $0 to $12. with an average of about $5, for less than an hour’s work The earnings depend on the decision of the group. The experiment will be held late afternoons/early evenings on the U of 0 campus. Call Alphons at 686-5062 between 9-12 am or 2-5 workdays for participation and/or information1632:11-16 DECISION RESEARCH NEEDS many sub lects for experments in judgement and decision making, on Thursday and Friday of this week. Native English speakers only. $7 for about an hour and 3/4's work. Call 485-2400, 9-5 pm. __1631:11-21 RESPONSIBLE HOUSEMATE (and/or part time aide) needed for quadraplegic woman (grad student) Grad student or serious artist with humor preferred Rent and salary includ ed Please call 485-6677._ 11-21 MECHA (CHICANO STUDENT UNION) is now taking applications for two (2) work study positions. Job require a minimum of four (4) house weekly in MECHA office Applicants must be native Spanish speaking Applications are due 11-25-80. For info call John or Daniel 686-3508. MECHA is an Equal Opportuni ty / Affirmative Action 11-24 ROOMMATES FEMALE U OF O STAFF MEMBER needs responsible female to share 3 bedroom fur nished house with laundry/garage $150 plus utilities 343-6863 after 5:30 pm.11-18 ROOMMATE NEEDED to share 2 bedroom apartment in South Eugene, $128 plus utilties. Call Gil after 4:30, 485-4953VM 9 RELOCATION PROFESSIONAL Graduate student due to arrive from out-of-state needs place to stay while getting acquainted Time period 2-3 weeks. Responsible, can share expenses. Would also like to hear from cordial, attractive women, age 23-28, to meet over coffee and possibly accompany me lo local concerts, movies, plays, etc. Write Curt, 1109 N Underhill, No. 1, Peoria, IL 61606. 11-19 2 FEMALE NONSMOKERS share super close-in Great home. Large room w/fireplace S dark room, $140, small room $95. Beth 663-8978.11-19 HOUSEMATE WANTED: Share nice home, quiet neighborhood. Includes own bedroo, plus study, washer, dryer $162/mo. Call Mike evenings, 343-0488 _11-18 1939 ALDER Available Nov. 20. Only 3 blocks from campus. Yard, wood floors, shared kitchen and common room $132 plus. Call Roger 686-944911-18 HOUSEMATE Lareg split level, decks, south hills overlooking Eugene 4 bed, 3 bath, students preferred $143. 683-1223 keep try ing. 11-19 FOR RENT WEST SPRINGFIELD 1 Vi miles from campus Two bedroom apart ment. appliances, drapes, carpet, laundry, off-street parking End of bike path $210. Frank 741-1506 or Nancy 344-8888 1124:tfn 361 EAST 13th Centrally located, one bedroom apt. Ap pliances, carpeting, laundry facilities $199/$215 plus deposits Manager 342-8502 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-8252 1115:tfn STUDIO $170 a month. Utilities included 2 blocks from campus. Large, with a balcony Call 344-6151. Available Dec. 19. 11-18 McKenzie Townhouses 17 th and Hays Easy access to campus, on the bike path and all shopping Two bedrooms, 1 'h bath, applianced kitchen, carpet, drapes, off-street parking. $249 plus deposits, $225 six month lease Manager 485-5851. IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-82S2 1119:ttn Eastside, Westside 475 EAST 15M1/S109 Room in house, kitchen privleges. Resident Manager 343-0459 evenings 1728 FERRY/8119 Nice quad, carpet drapes Resident Manager 6860eves. 1247/1257 WEST 6th Studios and one bedrooms, carpets, drapes, laundry facilities Great storage! $135-$169 with 6 month lease Call Manager 683-1095 625 EAST 16th/$279 Furnished 2 bedroom apartment. Carpets, drapes, appliances Very close to campus. Resident Manager 485-3461 SOUTHGATE 2345 PATTERSON /J269 One and two bedroom luxury apartments. Carpets, drapes, laundry room, courtyard, sauna Resident Manager 686-0072 IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-8252 1515:tfn APARTMENTS: 3-bedroom contemporary. The Hayward House Fully furnished, decks, underground parking 1290 E 18th, mgr #7. $495/mo. 485-4390, 484-1238, 484-1827. 11-25 LARGE FURNISHED 1-2 BEDROOM apart ments near campus. $215/$285. No pets. 484-1619,689-1081.1527:tfn ALDERWOOD CLOSE IN CAMPUS 1 bedroom, carpet, drapes, water and garbage paid Laundry facilities, covered parking. $229 plus fully refundable deposit. Adults, no pets Manager 484-6113 eves. IPM CO., REALTOR 1065 HIGH ST. 485-9252 __1619:tfn LARGE ONE BEDROOM APT to sublet New Carpet, paint, furniture. $220 with $160 depo sit Close to campus Call 343-1491 11-18 CLOSE TO CAMPUS One bedroom furnished apartment for rent-1442 E 18th across from Hayward field. Avail Nov. 30 or Dec. 15. If interested, call 683-8415.11-18 LARGE TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT Fur nished, dishwasher, laundry Sociable student atmosphere, only '/? block from campus! $300 month Available December. Leave message 683-7235. 11-21 QUADS QUADS $125 Clean, available now THE BROWN DERBY 441 E 17th 683-7353 _1456:tfn QUADS 738 E 16th Available now Private bath, Vi block from campus JEAN TATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT _1620:tfn QUIET QUADS Private bath & refrigerator $145 per month 345-1272 _ 11-19 QUAD $115 Utilities paid 1360 Alder Street, #65.485-4167 13-3 DORM CONTRACTS McCLAIN DORM ROOM FOR SALE Must sell both contracts by winter term. Good location. Contact Susie or Kathryn at 485-9766. 11-19 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Single. Mor Ion, graduate women s unit, available now. Call 687-2067.11-19 DORM CONTRACT AVAILABLE for winter and spring terms Most costly term already paid! Male or female. Call Cathy or Monica. 686-6127,11-19 UNIVERSITY INN DORM CONTRACTS for sale Both roommates wish to sell 2nd floor. Call Steve or Doug anytime 686-6054. 11 -20 I OST & FOUND STOLEN 11/11/80 Bright blue pack from Law School. Contained no items of value (except to me) Return to lost and found (Law School library). No question asked. 11-20 MARKET BASKET TOM’S A U of O TRADITION Domestic A Imported boor* Large selection of chilled wines, coffee, hot sandwiches, your grocery need and school supplies. OPEN 24 HOURS Personal checks, VISA, Mastercharge accepted TOM'S MARKET 19th A Agate 1122:UWH EVENTS THE U OF O OUTDOOR PROGRAM PRESENTS BICYCLE TOURING IN FRANCE Beaches, chateaux, wine, food, quiet roads and quaint villages all make cycle touring in France a great experience. See this free slide presentation: Tuesday. Nov. 18, 7 pm, 146 Straub Hall. 1644:11-18 Tuesday, November 18,1980