Iran celebrates a year of holding hostages From Associated Press reports Tens of thousands of Iranians rallied at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran Tuesday, marking the first anniversary of its cap ture with celebration, revolutionary rhe toric and flaming effigies of the man whose future was being decided by American voters. The Iranian Foreign Ministry, meanwhile, pressed the Carter adminis tration for a quick, public response to its conditions for release of the 52 U.S. hostages, now beginning their second year in captivity. U.S. officials have said the conditions will be studied carefully before a response is made. The demonstrators shouted "Death to American Imperialism” and carried placards reading “Shame on Carter.” Papier-mache renderings of the U.S. president were set ablaze under sunny skies and brightly-colored banners de nouncing the United States. The demonstrators included Iranian troops and revolutionary guards, many carrying rifles with flowers protruding from the barrels, and thousands of school children, Western reporters said. Estimates of the size of the crowd ranged from tens of thousands by the reporters to hundreds of thousands by the official Iranian news agency Pars. Speeches inside the 27-acre embassy compound were broadcast outside, and Western reporters said the rally could be heard for blocks. Presumably, it also could be heard by some of the hostages. Iran claims it scattered them around the country fol lowing an aborted U.S. rescue attempt April 25. Recent reports, however, say most are now at the embassy. The reporters said no one was allowed in the embassy buildings. Prime Minister Mohammad Ali Rejai said regardless of the outcome of the hostage matter the United States would remain Iran’s No. 1 enemy. "The U.S. will continue its assault against us," he said. The year of captivity was noted in the United States with subdued observances marked by patriotism and prayers. A chilly dawn rally in Hermitage, Pa., on Monday attracted about 300 people. A high school band played "The Star Spangled Banner" and 52 candles were lit. On Tuesday, Iran's Foreign Ministry said a U S. government note delivered by the Swiss ambassador in Tehran on Monday contained "some provi sions which are contrary" to the demands. Pars reported. Rajai, quoted by Tehran Radio, said Iran had received a message from Carter “in which he commented generally on the issue." The Foreign Ministry said the Algerian ambassador in Washington had been asked to request the Carter-administra tion reply as soon as possible to Iran's official text of the conditions for the release "and they should notify the peo ples of the world through the mass media of this matter." It did not elaborate. The text was received in Washington late Monday. THE BIJOU THEATRE ENDS TUESDAY THE RED PONY Starring Robert Mitchum and Myrna Loy. To Steinbeck's poetic screen play. Louis B Milestone has added visual poetry as he did to Steinbeck's Of Mica and Man SHOWING AT 7 PM THE NORTH STAR Milestone's tribute to our allies during WWI (the Russians, remember?) with Lillian Heilman's brilliant screenplay, Aaron Copland's roistering score, lyrics by Ira Gershwin and some of the greatest panoramic camera work (James Wong Howe) in the history of film SHOWING AT 9 PM NOV. 2-NOV. 8 CASABLANCA NOV 9-NOV. 11 SMILES OF A SUMMER NIGHT and THE SEVENTH SEAL NOV. 13-NOV. 15 WIZARD OF OZ ADM $2.50 CHILDREN $1.00 5 TICKETS FOR $10 492E. 13ttl 686-BIJU Notice. The Bijou Theatre provide gen ulna motion picture entertainment' Ac cept no substitutes!! 11-4 EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents SQUARE DANCE with MS. SANDY BRADLEY World Famous Caller and LAURIE ANDERES on Accordion WASHINGTON. D.C.'S MOST BRILLANT DANCE CALLER FRIDAY, NOV. 7 8 pm EMU BALLROOM $2.00 ALL DANCES TAUGHT BEGINNERS. SINGLES WELCOME 1510 11-7 ON TOUR AFTER A SELL-OUT SEASON AT THE OREGON SHAKESPEAREAN FESTIVAL Sizwe Bans! Is Dead FRIDAY A SATURDAY NOVEMBER 7 A 8 LANE COUNTY CONFERENCE CENTER (formerly Willamette Christian Center) Tickets on sale at EMU Mam Desk, Meier & Frank, Everybody's Records $2 00 discount for first 100 U of O students to purchase tickets at EMU Mam Desk only Presented by: People for South African Freedom. U of O Black Student Union, EMU Cultural Forum. 1507:11-7 UO YWCA Present* Rita Hayworth in GILDA This is the film classic of 1946 which turned film-watchers eyes to the talents of Rita Hayworth. Co-starring Glenn Ford. FRIDAY, NOV. 7 7 and 9pm 107 LAWRENCE $125 11-7 UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRESENTS BEDROOM FARCE by ALAN AYCKBOURN NOV. 5, 6. 7, 8 8 PM ROBINSON THEATRE Tickets: $4.50, $2.75 UO Students & Seniors, $3.50 other students BOX OFFICE: 688-4181 1483.11-7 AKIRA KUROSAWA'S SANJURO Starring TOSHIRO MIFUNE SATURDAY, NOV. 8 7 8 9PM 107 LAWRENCE $1.25 1516:11-5 EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents JAZZ GIG with LE JAZZ HOT WEDNESDAY, NOV. 5 7-9 PM EMU Dining Room FREE! 1508:11-5 PERSONALS GET FAST, DEPENDABLE SERVICE on Alterations at Siegmund’a Cleaner* 821 E 13th Ave __181 :UWH Birth Control Clinic Education, Counseling, Referrals Pregnancy Testing Contraceptive Sales PLANNED PARENTHOOD 134 E 13th 344-1611 or 344-9411 _174W DEUTSCHER STAMMTISCH Jeoen Mittwoch Von 20:00-24:00 Uhr Bei Pizans, 1225 Alder St 1401.W SKIERS Recreational Ski Club meeting moved from Nov 5 to Nov 12 in EMU 1497:11-5 TOTAL WOMEN WANT REAGAN! 11-5 HELMUT: Meet for and egg salad sandwich at Lenny's Nosh Bar in the Courtyard LUIGI _ 376:tfn HORATION: Meet for a swiss cheese sand wich at Lenny's Nosh Bar in the Courtyard LOLITA _376:tfn TAPPA TAPPA KEG (Carson 2nd floor) will select its little sister court Wednesday Nov. 5 in the Carson Gold Room at 8:30 pm _ ii-5 HUNS, Meet us at Marie Callender's for Beega Breasts with N E. sauce SLICK-E-EGGMAN. P.S. We hereby undub you as a "Madam " ___11-5 TO THE TOKEN COWBOY, Have a clue and be prepared for lousy times Saturday night BO _____JJj-5 TO THE SIG EP COWBOYS, Saturday night was really hot with hootin and hollerin', puffs and straight shots starting out with a tailgater and partying into the night Chi O'* and Sla Epa hlt lt oft right. j 1J5 SIGMAS KAPPAS will be around to your dorm, fraternity, and sorority this week, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday selling raffles for dinners for two Be there1 11 -5 PIKE LITTLE SISTERS, Last Friday night was a trick-n-treating time, Thanks for a great party! You did a fantastic job! Your PIKE PUMP KINS. vi-5 FIJI BRADY BUGLE BOY, Thanks for the night at Pearl Harbor I never knew war could be such fun JULIET 11-5 TO MY BEAUTIFUL FLOWERCHILD KA SEY: A Note to say Happy Anniversary and that I love you very much. MARK 11-5 ANDERSON IN ’84 That which is worthwhile is worth waiting for ____ 11-5 PETE LEVIKOW: You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen great legs too! 11 -5 BILL: Good luck at UCLA KIM 11-5 RON LLOYD AT DUFFY'S Wednesday, Nov 12 1521:11-12 KAPPA ALPHA 1980-81 TomKAT Tom Garza Gordon Hoyt Eric Jacobsen Jett Johnson Bob Komin Dave Montgomery Mike O'Connell Jay Rapp Todd Roberts John Skrabo THETA announces their Court members: Duke Bates Bill Borok Rick Foster Mike Lockwood Doug Mahony Jim Pughbauer Dave Schmidt Rob Webb Mike Maher Craig Hoyt 11-5 ASKLEPIADS There will be a meeting tonight at 8pm in Room 113 in the EMU Bring a snack, drinks will be Drovided 11-5 PAUL, Your the best! Prrrrrr _____11-5 A D PI JANELLE: Even tho we didn't have a penny, we had your Visa, my U-Bank, a full tank of gas, a tew party favors and the guts to be spontaneous! Here's to road trips and chapter one! Love, BARB 11 -5 100 WOMEN NEEDED FOR MARKET SURVEY for large national manufacturer; doing over $2 billion in annual sales, will be market testing a new sanitary napkin in Eugene/Springfield 100 women who are current sanitary napkin users will be selected as participants If selected you will be given a 30 day supply of product and a gift for participation At end of test, you will be asked to answer a few questions about the product Interested women call Julie at 687-1153 Mon.-Fri., 9:00-4 00pm 11-7 COUPON -COUPON EASY RIDER SKATES Presents TWO for ONE i Bring yourself & your spouse, friend, parrot, or anything with two legs and you two can skate for the price of one. Expires November 19. in the courtyard l I I I I —i 673 E. 13th Repair-Service-Sales -COUPON COUPON THE BOOK DEPARTMENT invites you to meet RICHARD BRAUTIGAN author of Tokyo-Montana Express S 10.95 from Delacorte Press Thursday, November 6 9:00 - 10:00 AM Upstairs in The Book Department Only at the UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid Mon-Fri 8:15-5:30 Sat 10:00-2:00 Textbooks 686-3520 • General Books 686-3510 • uo BOOKSTORE 1 Supplies 686-4331