A WORKSHOP FOR THESIS/DISSERTA TION writers and typists will be held on Tuesday, October 21 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 122. Chapman Hall Manuscript editing and Style Manual specifications will be discussed Call 686-5128 for more information. 1363:10-16 FEELING BURNED OUT? Come for help to a Workshop on Bur nout SATURDAY OCT. 18 8-4 PM 242 GERLINGER Sack lunch, childcare provided, Wesley, 1124 Kincaid. Registration begins 8:30 am For more information call 886-4099. Sponsored by UNIVERSITY WOMEN IN TRANSI TION 1352:10-16 UO CHEERLEADERS A KBDF present U of O 1980 homecoming Dance Celebrate with the Ducks and the Homecoming Court! Dance to music from the 50s to the 80s provided by KBDF's best! SATURDAY. OCT. 25 7:30 PM EMU BALLROOM S4 ADVANCE $5 AT DOOR Tickets available at Athletic Dept Ticket Office DON'T MISS ITU Refreshments, prizes, dance contests, and more . .!!! All proceeds to benefit UO Cheerleaders HOMECOMING COURT: Any recog nized or registered groups may nomin ate a candidate for the 1980 court. Applications now at Athletic Dept., deadline Oct. 22. Photo, reference let ters required 12 candidates will be chosen by panel of 5 judges Court will be announced at Oct. 25 game and presented at dance. 10-16 U of O Outdoor Program Invito* you to an OPEN HOUSE Tuesday, Oct. 21 7:30 pm Come find out about the many outdoor options available through the Outdoor Program Slide show, refreshments. 10-16 FNTEKTAINMENT UO YWCA PRESENTS JANE FONDA in A DOLL’S HOUSE Henrik Ibsen's classic play comes to life with Jane Fonda in the role of Nora, a woman who struggles against sex roles in 19th century Norway. FRI OCT 17 74 9PM 177 LAWRENCE *125 _,_1311:10-17 Oreaon Daily Emerald CINEMA 7 10th & Olive-Atrium Building M7-0733 TONIGHT THRU WEDNESDAY SPECIAL RETURN ENGAGEMENT From Franco-the wittiest comedy In year* LA CAGE AUX FOLLES (Birds ot ■ Feather) SHOWING • PM ONLY plus OUTRAGEOUS Director Richard Brenner's comedy trom Canada is about an out-of -the-oridnary rela tionship between a schizophrenic girl (Hollis Mdaren) an a transvestite performer (Craig Russel). A different, delightful and totally unexpected treat! SHOWING 9:45 ONLY Red Adm Sun Mat 2 pm 1357:10-22 ASUO 99 cent Movie THE HUSTLER Paul Newman is fast Eddie, a brash, cocky itinerant pool shark who chal lenges top man Jackie Gleaaon lor the championship. In his desperation, he sacrifices everything to win until realizing the stakes are to high. Newman's dyn amic performance is matched by George C. Scott’s aa an unscrupulous gambler. FRIDAY OCT. 17 7 & 9:30 PM 107 LAWRENCE 99 cents Lowest Prices In Town Beat Movies Around 1318:10-17 BILL PRESCOTT is keeping people up 2a.m.-6 am 1280 KBDF 10-17 EMU CULTURAL FORUM Springsteen Express You bring tbe ticket, we provide the ride Avoid hassles, parking, and driving. For only $8 75 round trip Join fellow Boss fans and leave the driving to us. Interested? Come sign up at Suite 2 in the EMU. (Hurry, only room lor 801 PltaM let u* know by Friday at noon) 1353:10-17 EMU CULTURAL FORUM praaanta a COUNTRY DANCE with BOB CHILDS and the MOOSETONES DIRECT FROM MAINE Squares-Contras French-Canadlan and Irish Music FRIDAY OCT 17 8 PM EMU BALLROOM 81 All dances taught-beginners. singles welcome 1362:10-17 ANANDA MARQA SOCIETY praaanta THE HEART IS A LONELY HUNTER Alan Arkin gives the best performance of his career as John Singer, a deaf-mute who birngs joy to the lives of others - but has trouble overcoming his own prob lems. A powerful emotional experience, based on a novel by Carson McCullers SATURDAY OCT. 18 7 A 8:30 PM 107 LAWRENCE 81.25 1338:10-17 COMMITTEE FOR MUSICAL ARTS The Piano Quartet KO-KELA Works by: Mozart, Dohnanyi & Faure Friday, Oct. 17 8:00 pm BEALL CONCERT HALL UO students 8 senior citizens 82.50 General Admission 85.00 BIG BAND Q\% % oO. ^ ** % \%o 3* %

% % QNVS 919 FRIENDS OF THE FUTURE and UNIVERSITY VETERANS JACK NICHOLSON in Five Easy Pieces 'Absolutely, positively, A master piece" Rex Reed SATURDAY OCT. 1« 7 A » PM 177 LAWRENCE S1.2S 1339:10-17 EMU CULTURAL FORUM THAT WILD A CRAZY GUY STEVE MARTIN starring in THE JERK The jerk of a story drunkenly relates his rise and fall - a jerk who never realized he was adopted, who lets the woman he loves forsake him while he babbles in the bath. A wierd and strange version of Horation Alger tale - THE JERK FRIDAY OCT. 17 7 A 9 PM 150 GEOLOGY $1.25 75 cents, kids under 12 1358:10-17 THE BIJOU THEATRE STARTS FRIDAY!! GET OUT YOUR HANDKERCHIEFS See Section B, page 7 for details COMING! 10/23-10/25 ALLEGRO NON TROPPO* METROPOLIS 10/130-11/ KING OF HEARTS* 11/2-11/3 NORTH STAR* THE RED PONY 11/6-11/8 CASABLANCA* 11/9-11/11 SMILES OF A SUMMER NIGHT* THE SEVENTH SEAL 11/13-11/15 THE WIZARD OF OZ* 11/16-11/18 ZORBA THE GREEK* 11/20-11/22 MEETINGS WITH REMARKABLE MEN* MIDNITE AT THE BIJOU 10/17-10/18 BEATLES IN TOKYO* MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR FLASH GORDON *1 10/23 -10/25 THE LOVE GOOESSES FLASH GORDON «2 10/30-11/1 I WAS A TEENAGE WEREWOLF* IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE FLASH GORDON *3 •NOTICE! The Bijou Theatre provides genuine movie entertainment ACCEPT NO SUBSITUTESH 1366 10-17 emu cultural forum piaaanta FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT’S day for NIPHT Bissel and J®an e ^pie making a s^iwsr.srss SET «- »US 35 upon to settle bers 0( the film beset individual production crew, which couWsnarl thep^ ^ ^ in one tunny i)®1™? * piay a scene eotrass (B^tVetus^«oepr0va| butter because she warn as mis serve Coping with incidents enable ,hem to coalesce the group a fqr n)GHT is to finish the ,l,rn ^ truest and 0,,enCj:emms a°bou. leaking It .s Tslw Enghshb:.«h some subtitled KSiSSt.i. iso plc 1: PARK PLAce now teatures JAZZ ,„U«S0«Y; 7 0MOO Om**V THOMAS HORSTMAN After 9.00 - Open Mike fri-SAT: Dan Mile Duo 8 30-12 00 NO COVER PARK ^ w pARK (Across from Saturday Market)^ Smiting Fomb-dSuflCIrcf PRESENTS lord of THE RING years in the ^ ' h9nigue m animation to Tn entirely new techn que Earth. portray the inha^3"1® ° 7 » *-.30 PM ^TUROATOCT. is #1 25/ .*T5 150 GECH-OGY ^aO-10-T 7 EMU CULTURAL FORUM prments Sir Alec Guiness of STAR WARS famo In The Lavender Hill Mob Here Alex Guiness leads, perhaps one of the wackiest bunch of crooks in motion picture history and one of the best British comedies. A meekly anonymous bank clere, together with his "Lavender Hill Mob." perpetrates one of the most daring robberies in comic cinema The dialogue, the characters, and the chase are all superbly funny. Also showing is a hilarious Peter Seller/Spike Milligan short THE CASE OF THE MUKKIN ESE BATTLE HORN. SUNDAY OCT. 18 7 A 9 PM 180PLC S1.25 1360:10-17 PERSONALS LAMONT: Meet me for a corned beet sand wich at Lenny's Nosh Bar in the Courtyard LUIOI_375:tfn KATIE For a good time call 686-BIJU _10-22 WHY PEOPLE CARE ABOUT YOUR PREG NANCY Birthright. Free tests, confidential 687-8651 _4683 H FIENDS OR PHANTOMS BEWARE OF HALLOGRAMS OCTOBER 31 20 words for $1.50 if placed before _1 p.m, Friday, October 24_ HYMIE: Meet me at chocolate rum cheese cake at Lenny's Nosh Bar in the Courtyard LOLITA _375:tfn We provide model composite photography to enhance your career 485-8117 ATTENTION ADVERTISERS Talented models available 485-8117 10-16 KHALSA COUNSELORS Call now tor a personal appointment 485-5634 _ 10-17 ASUO ELECTIONS Want to get involved with your student government? Run for a position with the Student University Affairs Board Filing dead line is October 17th at 3:00 p.m. For more information come to the ASUO Office, Suite 4 EMU 1315: 10-16 HARLAN ELLISON Thursday evening, 7:30, EMU Ballroom. Tick ets $3 00 at Main Desk, Gandalf's Den, and Anderson Headquater, 37 W. 13th. Call 686-9928 Paid: Students lor Anderson. 10-16 FINNEGAN’S is open in Eugene! Finnegan's of Eugene ras the same incredible selection of American and imported greeting cards as our store in Portland We clock over 2100 different designs from Pawprints, Recycled, Paper Moon, Caspari, Schurma, Portal, Workshop. Michel, Nouvelles Images, Green Tiger, Evergreen, People Productions, Greeting Seeds, Titanic, Richard Stine, Dale and Sunrise. We stock foreign language birthday and Christmas cards Finnegan’s of Eugene also carries great toys and gifts lor adults: Wind-ups for land and bathtub (Caran d'Ache art supplies, horned hats, Chinese yo-yo’s, Fimoclay, stuffed animals, Fischer-Technik, paper models, jigsaw puzzles, soap bears, imported wrapping paper, squirt gun cameras and Pustifix bubbles FINNEGAN’S CARDS & GIFTS is open at 1308 Hilyard 10-6 Mon-Fri 11-5 Sat Also In Portland Finnegan's Toys A Gifts 022 SW Yamhill _1261MHF TO THE BOYS OF SIGMA CHI: My, how the rumors fly There is a mix-up about last spring It has do with the redhead fling The girl involved has short red hair Her well-built chest attracts the stares The confusion of the U B award I want to clear The mole is the rightful owner around here1 The tall red haired coronation date - This ridiculous rumor she did not anticipate I hope this straightens things out Or I may have to shout THE GIRL WHO WAS TO PLATONIC _ 10-16 JANELL *207 DeBUSK: I saw you, I lost my heart With you I am that which cannot be seen by others With you I am all that I can be With you, you bring out the best in me With you, I can be comfortable and oh so calm With you, I can be as no other With you, I can be loving With you, no one else sees What you can see in me With you, my heart leaps and pounds trying to jump from its depth With you I must breathe deeply, to keep from bursting With you I can move mountains With you I feel everything With you my soul leaps in joy Without You I am an empty being being blown away and along by emptiness Love, your friend DONA VAN __tO-16 OARCI ELLINQTON Oui etait dans la classe de Martine J'ai besoin de parler avec toi - MUCHO FRONTOI (683-3306) SCOTT 10-16 MY LITTLE CUB: Happy 1 year! It's been fun for the past year. Let's keep it up. I love you GRIZZLY_ 10-16 PEGGY JYMME, MICHELLE, ANN Holly Karen. Lynn, Katy and the other Shaeffer foxes thanks for a great scavenge MATT OF CLARK_10-16 GAMMA PHI KARI Tonight is your night, so relax and enjoy yourself I'm very proud of you Love, JENNIFER 10-16 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TED COOK Have a great 18th— but watch out! Luv. MEGAN A KELLY 10-16 SHELLEY CHIOOO: Have a nice day We're looking forward to having you move back in! LOVE YOUR GAMMA PHI GRANNY 10-17 JULIE DEMPSTER Have a great day and get keyed for a super weekend Love, YOUR GRANNY 10-7 KELLY SEXSON Have a great day! Love, SUEJET 1Q-16 Hey Biggs baby you THETA lady Hold on tight Because tonight's the night Clue #3 I love to bike, lay in the sun & fly kites _10-16 NANCY Happy birthday and best wishes for a fantabulous day Love, 2nd Floor McCLAIN RACCOONS _ 10-16 TO THETA BIG SISTERS: Thanks for the mid-morning tour of Eugene And also for the breakfast that followed We won’t mention that only half of us made it to classes that day Love, the SPRING PLEDGES _ 10-16 OAYNA LYONS A JULIE BUHLER: Your new big sisters wish you a great day And welcome to our totem pole Theta Love. ?? 10-16 MELAINE J. Keep guessing Your soon to be THETA BIG SIS _10-16 PERSONALIZE YOUR ANNUAL Buy a clas sified sized ad to be put in your Oregana for your club or yourself More info, call 687-8313 (Continued on Page 12) Page 11 Section A