Funding cutbacks leave library in bind “I ""ninn unccn Ol the Emerald Nowhere in the University are the effects of recent budget cuts more evident than the library. At present the library is short $37,000 after repaying a “loan” received last year to pay off debts for on-going periodicals. In addition, the administration has withheld another $65,000 but has given the library first priority on any unexpected University funds. "I'm glad the University has made the library one of the high priorities and has issued public statements in support of the restoration of the $65,000," says University Librarian George Shipman. Like all departments, the li brary has absorbed a 15-percent cut in supplies and services, but the resulting losses are great because the library has a staff of over 130 people, Shipman says. Besides this year’s direct budget cuts, the library hasn't received the funding it needs from past legislatures, he says. “Our library this year has fared better than a lot of cam puses in Oregon, but in the last 10 to 15 years, the library's budget has not kept pace with the rate of inflation." The library’s acquisition bud get for 1969-70 was $350,000, and for 1979-80 it was $1.1 mil lion — a 214-percent increase. "Even with a growth rate of 214 percent, the acquisition budget only bought 28,000 items in 1979-80, as compared to 29,882 in 1969-70,” Shipman says. And if the library continues to be funded at the same level, “we’ll have no new (book) title money. It’ll all go to pay for on-going committments (per iodicals). “An academic institution is sustained by the influx of new ideas, concepts and theories contained in these publica tions,” Shipman says. “The research conducted by students and faculty in a com prehensive University requires that the library purchase broad ly and in depth in all disci plines.” The current budget situation has made this impossible, Ship man says. However, the library is planning to review all per iodical titles in an attempt to cancel periodical subscriptions that aren’t urgently needed. The plan will enable tne li brary to cancel subscriptions without going through the entire periodicals collection each time, Shipman says. d,<