Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 23, 1980, Section C, Page 7, Image 66

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    Area offers smorgasbord
of political groups, activities
Of the Emerald
With the 1980 election lurch
ing toward its final stages, poli
tical activism is running
rampant both locally and
Lane County offers a wide
smorgasbord of political offer
ings to the connoisseur of poli
tics, ranging from the conven
tional to the more esoteric.
Liberals, conservatives,
moderates, social democrats,
Marxists of every shade,
anarchists of every stripe,
old-time Wobblies, unrepentant
refugees from SDS, class of
1969 — all usually can find a
spiritual home somewhere.
Even the most resolutely
apathetic can find an issue,
candidate or ideology that will
get the juices a-stirrin’.
Headquarters of the Lane
County Democratic Party are
located at 857 Willamette, with
daily office hours. Under the
leadership of county party
chairer Bill Morrisette, the
Democrats work to elect
Democratic candidates and
promote the principles of the
party platform. Also active are
the Young Democrats, a
campus-oriented group.
On Oct. 4, the Democrats’ will
hold their second annual "Don
key Trot” in Alton Baker Park.
The event features three-mile
and six-mile runs, with trophies
awarded in all categories and
T-shirts given to all participants.
Entry blanks are available at all
Eugene running stores with a $5
entry fee required.
Information about both the
county organization and Young
Democrats can be obtained at
party headquarters or by calling
Republican headquarters are
located several blocks away
from the Democrats at 47 E.
10th. Party chairer John Hanks
says that the GOP hopes to re
establish a presence on the
University through College
Republicans, a branch of the
Young Republicans.
Information about the Repub
lican party can be obtained at
headquarters or by calling
(Continued on Page 23C)
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