CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOE OFFICE 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK DEADLINES: Ads must be in by 1 PM the day before publication Ads that are to appear in Monday s paper must be in by 1 PM Friday PAYMENT: All ads must be paid tor in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us. RATES: Rates are 10 cents per word for the tirst day and 8 cents per word tor consecutive days the ad is run without change $1.50 Minimum lor first insertion $1.20 minimum for consecutive insertions There is no refund for ad cancellations. The OOE cannot be responsible tor more than one day's incorrect advertising insertion It your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 PM tor correction in the next day s issue The ODE will not knowingly accept adverti sements which in any manner denigrates or un|ustly excludes members ot any age. sex. race, color, national origin, religion, or sexual orienta tion CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE CLOTHING WE’VE JUST RECEIVED some new sun dresses and there are more on the way to ANDREA’S 2441 Hllyard 345-1324 ANDREA’S Yoga Pants and Elastic Backs are now available in new fabrics of cotton and blends for spring They're only $15.25 a pair and we can make them special for you! ANDREA'S 2441 Hllyard 345-1324 FOR SALE GETTING ENGAGED? Lovely 18 point diamond and wedding band Reasonable Also cap and gown. 896-3750._5-12 ROLLERSKATES for sale Like new (blue tennis shoe) $25 or best offer Ladies size 5Vi. Call Carole at 686-5914.5-9 MOVING-GARAGE SALE: Davenport, car pets. beds, cheap. Mattresses, tables, desk, drapes, deluxe range, much more. 687-1886, 240 West 20th Ave. _ ^12 GREAT GARAGE SALE at 1144 Washington, Saturday, May 10th, Sunday, starts at 10:00-4. 5-9 ONE LARGE TRAILWISE pack, inside frame $40. Lease message 484-6299 for Jo. 5-9 MOST OF THE TIME we don't have the chance to walk barefoot on soft ground. The Birkenstock footbed is the answer, it adapts to any surface and is masterfully contoured to the natural footprint. So wear your fashionable shoes as you need them, but wear your Birkenstocks as often as possible Birkenstock Footprints Atrium (2nd floor) MON-SAT 11 -6 PM 687-0065 Repairs A Resoling MOVING SALE: Saturday & Sunday, 24th A Patterson, furniture, stereo, kid’s stuff & lots of miscellaneous.5;9 LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems. Foam cut to size BEST REST MATTRESS CO. . 632 Blair 343-0222 HAVING A PARTY??? GRADUATING??? Or just getting together for any or reason??? “WILLIE'S FARM" will play good earth rock & roll music for you. Call Sue at 726-0740 5-9 NEW LADIES white, tashion designed, tennis wear, with red, green, blue trims. Sizes XS-S M-L, prices $10-30. Please call 485-4586 or 484- 9275._ 5-9 b0701970 OLDS CUTLASS 4 dr., good cond AM-FM cassette, radial tires-$550. Marantz 1060 Amplifier, like new, 45 watts, only $100. 6070485-30335-9 CEDAR SAUNA, 102 X 80 X 800D Modular construction, must sell for material cost. 485- 6800 662:5-9 BIKES (22”-23”) (73 VEGA PARTS, RE CLINER CHAIRS, 64 VW BUS.) Portable stereo 683-4356 5-12 FOR SALE: Nice portable color TV's in good working condition, guaranteed $75 and $100: 485-0732.__ 5-9 NEW COMICS, 2 weeks in advance, used Sci-Fi in paperbacks. Buy & Sell used Rock-n Roil records FANTASY SHOP 1272 Pattmon_ 345-2568 STEREO CASETTE tape deck, dolby, CRD2, $100 Sears 19“ portable color TV $75, Syl vania 19“ portable B&W TV $45. Offers considered, 726-6444. 5-9 SALE MAY 9-15 The Thrift & 10-4 M-F 7-9 Mon eves Quality Used Clothing and Household Goods WOMEN'S TEN SPEED BICYCLE-*85, Re grigerator, 7'A cubic foot-$100, Large toaster over-$20, office chair-$50. pair of speakers-$25 344-7445 _5-9 FOR SALE: Kenwood KA-3500 integrated amp, Kenwood KT-5300 tuner, Dual LS-506 direct drive turntable, like new, Mark 683-3295. DRAFTING TABLE & chair, manual typew riter, $30, 10'antenna, 484-6746 5-9 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Programmable Cal culator System includes Tl 58 calculator with carrying case and adaptor; PC printer master module, applied statistics module and more, $289. 687-15285-9 QUEEN SIZE WATER BEO-frame. heater, mattress, linen-$100 GE Stereo-turntable, AM, FM, 8 track, speakers all in one. After 6 p m 683-49385JJ GUITARISTS: Having trouble expressing yourself because you're stuck on "Dust In the Wind" or "Kicking Mule"? I teach styles of top fingerstyle artists: Ackerman, Athins, Breau, Coodey, Davis. Kottke, Reed, Travis, etc Also accompaniment styles of Baez, Denver, Light foot, Simon, Taylor, etc Beginners welcome Free trial lesson 688-4783 5-12 BUY & SELL__ BUY-SELL-TRADE Stereo, photography equipment, tools, musical instruments, etc., etc., etc. THE BUY & SELL CENTER 678 OLIVE TYPING STATISTICAL, MANUSCRIPTS Transcription-including legal / medical $1.00 per page Donna 344-1816 TYPING WANTED: Term papers, manu scripts, etc IBM Self-Correcting Selectric typewriter Fast-Accurate-Reasonable Phone PROFESSIONAL TYPIST Dissertations-Theses-Papers Math & Symbol Element Call MAGGIE at 687-0609,10 AM-7 PM Registered with Graduate School _177:UF QUALITY TYPING: Term papers, disserta tions, etc IBM Correcting Graduate school approved Call Helen 687-9623. ' MWF EXPERIENCED TYPIST: Have IBM Selectric. Can do almost any kind of typing job Call 688-8134. 5-9 Guaranteed typing Evenings 688-9799 _ 172:MWF Professional Academic Typing-Editing All levels, IBM Electronic Pica-Elite. Cyndi Henke 687-9326.171 :MWF SORRY! ALL BOOKED FOR MAY Jane THE TYPIST 344-6863 (or 726-5563) TYPING: 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE. IBM Selectric. Graduate School approved Will pick-up & deliver Call Carole at 688-3983. NANCY RILEY 686-9591: Typing/Editing Correcting Selectric. 15 Yrs Tech Publications Experience.012:tfn TYPING, IBM SELECTRIC II Graduate School approved Call Thelma 747-8290 (Springfield) PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Academic/Busin ess/Medical. Cassette transcription. Call after three p.m weekdays, all day weekends Joyce-Marie 683-2950._438:t(n TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric II. U of O Graduate School approved. Gmny, 345-7990 _5-12 PROFESSIONAL TYPING and editing IBM Executive and Selectric. 484-0303, 37 East IQMl.624:MF TULASI TYPING SERVICE a member of The Tulasi Group Professional typing of term papers-reports-re sumes, you name it! We use computerized word processing equipment to ensure accur acy and quality. Re-typing a specialty. Emer gencies handled with ease. CALL 688-3263. Pro Typing/Editing 3 blocks from UO. Graduate Approved Jennifer 485-3883 Expert Typing on Campus Theses-Papers-Letters-Stats Editing available Val 345-2054 TYPING: near campus, IBM Selectric availa ble. ALL EDITING SERVICES: spelling, grammar, sentence structure 485-8431 5-12 INSTRUMENTS PEARL DRUMS, 4 pieces, Zildian cymbals, fine sound, good cond, $?00 will talk Alan 686-5189 lei ring.5-12 YAMAHA ELECTRIC, 3-single coil pickups, chrome tremelo arm, w/case, strap and prac tice amp-$175. Also, Silverlone twin 12 in speaker cabinet with separate 100 watt head, $125 giveaway price. Call Rich 343-0513 5-9 SOUND SYSTEMS Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Pearl Street 343-7683 Monday thru Friday 9-6 p m 5635:tfn BOOKS & SUPPLIES 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% to 50% oft list prices New Books-Text Books-Clift Notes-Magazmes USED BOOKS BOUGHT and SOLD 10% OFF on all new book* SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 5223:TFN RECREATION WOMEN'S SLOW-PITCH SOFTBALL team needs skilled players for summer Call 484-9008 or 688-5630 5-14 BICYCLES 2 10-speed bikes-$30, $50 Cali 747-6513 after 6 p.m. or weekends VELOCIPAC PANNIERS HIGH QUALITY TOURING BAGS CYCLE WORKS 663 East 13th, 3 blocks from campus 708:5-9 MENS 10-SPEED Schwinn needs work, $30 343-1193, 754 E 13th Apt A, above Excelsior __ _ _ _ 5-9 PUCH 23". Clips, rack-$160. GARLOTTI 21" Rack, light, lenders. overhauled-$100. 2 brand new WHEELS-Campy hubs, 1 1/8" Riglda rims, new rubber-$100 Annie or Jon 686-5189 686-5190. 5-8 PEUGEOT PX-10, white. Reynolds frame, excellent condition. $260 or best offer 683-4889. 5-9 PEUGEOT 10-speed 23 inch good condition, with extras $125 683-2284 around 6 #6930 SERVICES_ CASH paid by dealer for antique and used ORIENTAL RUGS. 485-2863.5-8 HAULING, I'll pack and haul, or store your stuff, you'll find MY TRUCK IB BIG ENOUGH. Dave 686-8453. 422:ttn CARS & CYCLES 1972 240Z DATSUN. 90000 miles, stick, mags, stereo cassette, white, original owner Call 485-8850 5-16 1971 DODGE TRADESMAN VAN: Con verted for camping-bed, sink, stove Excellent condition Best offer 342-2798 5-9 •76 OATSUN 21 OB, 57.000 miles radials, AM. 27/40 E.P A Runs and drives excellent $2,850. 484-6225, Keep trying5-9 80 TRANS AM Sharp with T-top, 2 mo old. $7000, 484-6206, 683-1443. 5-1_2 1967 FORD CONVERTIBLE, good condition, sacrifice $1500 or best offer 686-8499 or 484- 9211.__5-27 73 VW CAMPER-VAN 68000 miles, econ omical, great for traveling, $2800 or best Call 344-6974. 5 9 MUST SELL $225 67 Dodge Cornet, great condition in & out with mags Call evenings 485- 5678. _ _5-1^2 USED '69 FORD station wagon, runs great. $500 or best otter, 345-5547. 5-1 ? USED '69 FORD station wagon, runs great $500 or best otter 345-5547, ask for Tim. 5-1? AUTO REPAIR JIM S HONDA THE ALTERNATIVE HONDA CAR SERVICE Specializing in mobile tune-ups All work quaranteed 484-4556 RR8?:MF NO NAME GARAGE VOLKSWAGEN SERVICE « REPAIR 2159 Roosevelt 689-7159 5216MWF SAAB and VOLVO maintenance and repair M & B SWIFT SHOP 1190 Main, Springfield 747-5805 525?:tfn Join our ODE All 22 Emerald editorial staff positions are up for grabs for this summer and next year. We need editors for news, graphics, entertainment, sports and more. Applications are available at the Emerald offices, Room 300 EMU, and must be returned by 5 p.m. May 16. Positions are paid—work study is available. The Emerald is an equal opportunity employer. IVomen, minorities and the handicapped are encouraged to apply. ! Re-elect CAMILLA PRATT to EWEB I CAMILLA PRATT supports energy conservation and development of renewable energy sources#opposes further nuclear power development*supports the public power movement«opposes the Regional Energy Bill#believes all | EWEB operations should be environmentally sound*wel I comes citizen input. \ Endorsed by the Oregon League of Environmental Voters Committee to Re-elect Camilla Pratt to EWEB, Huibert Paul, treasurer, 4390 Pearl Street, Eugene LANE COUNTY YOUNG DEMOCRATS ENDORSE THE FOLLOWING PROGRESSIVE CANDIDATES: DAVID JENNINGS City Council Ward 3 CYNTHIA WOOTEN City Council Ward 7 CATHERINE LAURIS Mayor JOHN STEWART EWEB Wards 2 & 3 JON SILVERMOON EWEB Wards 1 & 8 SARAH HENDRICKSON EWEB Wards 6 & 7 These endorsements were made under the threat of senior party CARTER SUPPORTERS to EXPELL the Young Democrats from the party. WE DON’T CARE!! We place people and principles above party politics. JOYCE REYNOLDS, President Lane County Young Democrats