GTFF MEMBERSHIP MEETING Monday. Feb 4, 1980 7:20 PM EMU-Forum Open to all GTF's To discuss the Fair Share Election 2-4 ENTERTAINMENT A COMIC TRADITION IN EUGENE FOR OVER A YEAR! LIVE MATINEE FRI 8 & 10 PM $3.00 SAT 2 PM $2.00 10th & Olive-Atrium Building 687-0733 NO CHILDREN UNDER 12111 6051:2-1 SmHIng Forehead Sufi Circle PRESENTS BUGSY MALONE This comedy is unlike any other ever rrade A gangster musical set in 1929 New York City, it is a world of would-be hood Lims, showgirls, and dreamers. However, he entire film is played by child stars, including Jodi Foster (TAXI DRIVER), whose entourage includes G-Men whose machine guns shoot whipped cream! FRIDAY, FEB 1 76 9 PM 180 PLC $1.25 Adults, $.75 Children 6042:2-1 Romance Language Dept and Chilean Support Committee present Latin American Film Series-Argentina REBELLION IN PATAGONIA "A brilliant movie and valuable social history for all North Americans interested in the other half of the hemisphere. " also It Happened in Haulfm by Argentine prized drector, Pretoran SAT, FEB 2 Cinema 7 4:30 PM WED, FEB 6 177LAWR 7:3 PM $2.00 1-31,2-1,2-5,2-6 EMU CULTURAL FORUM presents THE MUMMY Starring Boris Karloff as the Egyptian Bandage, awakened by a foolish young member of a British archaeological ex pedition who reads aloud an invocation from the Sacred Book of Thoth within an ancient tomb Suddenly the mummy breathes again and begins an endless search for his lost love-an tgyptian prin oess SUNDAY, FEB 3 74 9 PM 180 PLC $125 6058:2-1 FRIENDS PRESENTS Anne Bancroft Shirley MacLain IN THE TURNING POINT A turning point in women’s films SATURDAY, FEB 2 7 4 9:30 PM 150 GEOLOGY $1.25 6044:2-1 COCAINE Is Sherlock Holmes' problem, and only Sigmund Freud can help him Dr. Watson oontrives to trick the great detective into seemq creud about his addiction Romance, adventure, and action abound n this film, starring Alan Arkin. Vanessa Redgrave, Lawrence Olivier. This is a true story, only the facts have been made up The Seven Per-Cent Solution 177 LAWRENCE $1.25 7 4 9:30 PM SATURDAY, FEB 2 Presented by Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity 6061 2-1 CINEMA 7 10th & Olive-Atrium Building 687-0733 SATURDAY THRU THURSDAY Marcel Carne s French classic CHILDREN OF PARADISE SHOWTIME IS 8.-00 PM ONLY Jean Renoir's Short Masterpiece A DAY IN THE COUNTRY SHOWTIME IS 7:30 ONLY Reduced Admission Sun Matinee 2 p.m. FRI6 SAT MIDNIGHT SHOWS HELD OVER BY POPULAR DEMAND MARILYN CHAMBERS In the X-Rated Classic BEHIND THE GREEN DOOR Require* separate admission THE ANANDA MARGA SOCIETY PRESENTS ALLEGRO NON TROPPO ALLEGFIO NON TROPPO is. on one level, a parody of FANTASIA; but the film goes beyond parody to become an exceptional film it its own right Director Bruno Boz ffitto displays Ns unique animation genius in a very creative integration of music and image One critic called this a cross between YELLOW SUBMARINE and FAN TASIA with a dash of Fellini PLUS STAR TREK BLOOPERS #2 SATURDAY, FEB 2 180 PLC 78 9 PM $1.25 605? 2-1 JSSS5-. + **■**"* JHG -rtfiMi n~* - CLOWN5 ^CUH° _ C WED. FEB 6 NOON EMUBaWoo"' FREE-- ^9.2.6 sS555ff 53MPcash and PWr5 979W«>amette 6062 2'1 toon THE grateful DEAD _—-—' ptRSON "•"ESSTboS? books^els Nf Used Ra,e 342-2002 m io 5.30 P ^ 10a.n» w> 5259. On ’ssssass? na* ftp ^ ^^685-90^ 453W»ttame«e PENNY: My great mistake at Ginza, have no means to contact you Call 484-6367 Jonathan. 2-1 EPILEPSY- It can be lonely I'd like contact with other students who share this condition A little talk and support dci n help us all Write P.O. Box 223, Eugene OR 97440. 2-1 HAVE A PARTY! VIDA BARN 896-3913 4901 :MF M.S. 8 KE.: Friday nite. And the strip is, hot The DG housedance will be tops Drinking dacs and making dinner Y qj'II think the nite's so far a winner1 Then to the dance to f oogie and groove T oall those funky, get down tunes! Here's to the evening! K.N. & M B. S!G EP KARL: The wine was nice and Y cur company was greet But. tonights the night. It will be first rate. Vicky SIGMA CHIS The Gamma Phis are strollin' Toyour place for rock n rollin' So let’s get keyed you guys For the best time of your lives! HERE'S TO SAT NITE!' We knew our court waa first rale, but you guys outdid yourselves! We'll wake up to donuts, "apple |uice" and you any morning! Thanks' Love. THE ALPHA O'S THE ALPHA O’S PROUDLY PRESENT their newest pledges Carrie. Cheryl. Elizabeth, Jeanne, Judy. Shirley, Terri and Vicki Congra tulations and welcome to the best! KAPPI 'S: Here's you next hint: Technological advances-there's no need for "keys " Discovering this mystery will be quite a "breeze"!! Look tor final hint on your door Saturday Hope to see ya all there! SIG EPS Boom. boom, boou . boom, the FIJI men Boom boom. boom, boom, the Alpha Chis Boom. boom, boom, boom, spaghetti and wine Boom boom boom. boom, will be divine1 Boom boom, boom boom1!! Jennifer Hart The phone call aroused my curiosity Try again Steve P Drop by MAX'S TAVERN and check out a REAL HURRICAN AT WORK! 5994: “Jungle Jim” of “Down the Drain” fame I love listening to you even it you are on tape1 Why don't they let you out of your cage more often? AN ADMIRER TROGLODYTES! Ghoke on the stars and stripe May 1 st STEVE BARROW HAPPY 21’er IF YOU’RE IN DOUBT...about pregnancy, call BlrthrighL Free testing, 687-8651 6161 THE TOONZ at Paru Tower Sat at 9 ?0 $2 admission Everyone welcome1 Rock and roll lives! This weekend at Duffy's DUFFY’S FAMOUS FRIDAY AT 41 Live Music with HOT WHACKS Friday and Saturday 9 PM to 2 AM SUNDAY AT THE LOFT open from 11 AM STAN & TERRY “Sandune" 8 20-11 20 PM. Mainstream Soft Rock S1 cover 1250 Alder above Jeb's 6067 SEXY SUSIE: Congrats on making it through the "Biq I " Can t wait to have you back in leans and T-shirls and to share late mte munchies with Love YOUR ROOMIE BUCKO: Remember what BooBoo says What ever we do this weekend, a rainbow of love prevails1 Lost UCLS HAT KAPPA SIGS: The party was great and you guys are (no1 Thanks, love Pi Phis ALPHA PHI A/p re looking forward to a natural" time tonight ciiz naturally you're great1 SIGMA NU TO OUR SAE DATES: Bruce, chuck Hassan and Craiq-We II pretunction with daquiris to start the evenmq out right then to the party where wp II boogie to Rapper's Deliqht" 4 rowdy Chi-O's and our neighbors next door we'll be the last to leave the dance floor1 Here a good time' L aurie Darlene Melanie and Tarm Library hours hinge on budget, work-study staff University Librarian Don Smith says he’s “surprised at the lack of negative response” to the library's shortened hours, but warns that this year’s calm might not last through 1981. Smith says the budget prob lem "will get worse before it gets better.” The problem, he says, is to attract enough work-study students to fill 70 percent of the library's jobs. Right now the library employs only 60 percent work-study students, which means 40 per cent of the workers are budget ed staff. Budgeted staff members cost the library 100 percent of each salary dollar, while work-study students cost the library just 20 percent, with the remaining 80 percent paid by the federal government in student grant money. The Oregon Legislature al locates funds to cover 30 per cent of the work force, with ad ditional funds to cover 20 per cent of the money needed to pay the expected 70 percent work-study force. Smith says the legislature's expectation of a 70 percent work-study force is unrealistic. He would like to see the legislature allocate enough budget money to employ 50 percent of the workers, with the remainder picked up by the federal government. He es timates an additional $125,000 per year is needed to implement his idea. As it stands now, the lack of work-study students, coupled with a retroactive wage increase from $2.94 to $3.16 an hour, has forced the library to cut hours. Rosemary Batori, library business manager, says the li brary may be forced to cut back other services unless more work-study students are hired. “Almost all of the reshelving is done by students," she says, "and ultimately the student across campus is going to suffer when books are missing." Kappa Sigma Larsen Jus! can’t wait Because you're my date For the D.G. Housedange L ds celebrate' Love. Y our D G Sweetheart T othe Midnight Raiders ot SAE What a welcoming, we awoke to see. Champagne and song at half past one You're the best and thanks, it was fun' Love, the KAPPAS SIGMA PHI EPSILON Mystery Exchange. White Lightening, Padded Rooms and more T aday another hing in the paper and front door Let's hear it for the Sig-Eps: Lots of dancing drinking, tun and games Cuz the KAPPAS are keyed lor their Mystery Exchangel1 NEW DAYTIME HOURS at THE LOFT Open from 11 AM Saturday. Sunday. Monday for coffee tea |uices. munchies. and open stage 1350 Alder above JEBS CRAIG: We ll be ready Sunday night Rugged rowdie, looking alright Nelson Knstofferson we're going to see With a dearer friend we could not be Thanks Imelda Joany. Tapioca. Yorkshire and Rum LOOK FOR THE ODE SKI SUPPLEMENT TUES, FEB 5th In tact you can place a Classified Ad to BUY SELL-TRADE your ski equipment in that issue and gets 20 words for only $1.00 Place your SKI STUFF Classified Ad TODAY at the ODE Office (third floor EMU) SATURDAY AT THE LOFT Open from 11 AM live music with GARY PARKS A LYNDIA SCOTT ^midnight Alter hours midnight to 3 AM 1350 Alder, above Job's 6068: LAURIE DEBERARD: Good Luck on your future lob-way to go' Love. Chris Happy Birthday Steve Have a wonderful day. Love, Cheryl TO THE BEST DATES EVER: Eishire. Link, Rode Coe. Cockburn, and Lusk Dinner and Dancing and a little romancing, the D G. Ftouse Dance will be truly enhancing' Love. Y air D G Dales ATTENTION: Today is Laura Adams 21st birth day at approximately 12 20 she will be at Taylor s drinking her first official beers Come help me get her drunk' Alison TOM BOYLE: Happy Ground Hogs Day' Hope tnp little guys can see their shadows this wee kend1 KAPPA SIGS: On Saturday night we II all be there And the party will al least last til 2 The Chi-Os are going lo dress with care Because there’s none heller than the men of KE Love TheCht-Os Vv’i ial do VALENTINE'S DAY and AIESEC have in common"? Carnations' Which friends will YOU surprise’Into 686-3724. 2-4 ANOTHER TOAST TO THE SIGMA CHISI Spaghetti and wine was oh, so tine It kept us going tilt way past nine The toasting and dancing was really great So here's to more Sigma Chi functions. We can hardly wait1 Love, The KAPPAS P S Here's to Brother EAton. we lov eyou we do1 SIG EP DUKE: Of the many limes we've raised a glass T ought we ll do it all with class I aouldn't have chosen a finer date. With my Big Sig-Ep Bro It's sure to tie great Love. BRA FRIDAY AT THE LOFT DAVE PERKINS, folk music from 9-12 $1 cover-Atter hours Midnight to ? AM OPEN STAGE JENNIFER: It you only knew how MUCH III miss you' I love ya' WRITE! Steve KAREN ZEIDLHACK: Tonight's the big night1 Good Luck and have tun Love. Your Beta Bud cV Celebrate Groundhogs Day TONIGHT DANCE 7 PM-Midnight EMU Ballroom Sponsored by ESCAPE 6066 GAMMA DELTA IOTA (ol the Ozone) proudly announces lt« 1980 court...In alphabetical order Karen Frohnmayer, Kaja Zaloudek, Julie Wolte, Shelly Arnold, Katie Weekly, Laura Storle. UJ a cc < o cc LU UJ OQ UJ cc cc d co m m jj