GOP auditors gain little assistance By KEVIN HARDEN Of the Emerald An audit of the Oregon Republican Party has had trou ble gaining the cooperation of some of those being audited, says GOP audit committee chairer Lou Swayze of Portland. Gaining that help has been “the biggest problem the audit has encountered." says Swayze. who has scrutinized GOP financial records for the past three months. Swayze adds that, so far, the audit has found only a few record-keeping problems, which can easily be corrected Other problems include inadequate records of ex penses and revenue from previous years According to the committee's findings, the financial records of the party tor the past four years are "confused and not up to date. " Former GOP Chairer Walter Huss called for the audit to clarify discrepancies in the party's finances and to end allegations that he mismanaged the party's money Swayze and four other party members were appointed to the audit committee by Huss in February and were reappointed by new Chairer Dr Robert Voy after he replaced Huss earlier this month The committee is now trying to finish the investigation, Swayzesays "But the problem with the audit is that one thing we find just leads to another thing." The committee is following the leads to items they think might be important, but so far they haven't found any financial discrepancies to suggest that funds were not documented by former leaders, Swayze says Once the audit is completed, which could be within the next few months, the information will be turned over to an indepen dent auditing firm for an outside audit of the party, Swayze says Build a SOLAR HOME this summer This summer in Santa Cruz. California, the Owner Builder Center is offering a three-week residence housebuilding course Included are 100 hours of house design, housebuilding, and foodscaping. and 45 hours of actual building experience Sessions begin June 30. July 20. and August 11 and are limited to 20 students For information and reservations contact: The Owner Builder Center 1824 4th Street. Berkeley. CA 94710 Phone (415) 848-5951 ■ Inquire about our Bay Area evening classes * TURN YOUR BOOKS INTO CASH! BOOK BUYBACK STARTS MONDAY Thru June 9th. Our Buyback Policy: 1. You get half-price— If a faculty member has ordered the book for the summer or fall quarter. However, at times we have more books for a class than needed and we will not buy these books at half price. 2. You get Dealer prices— for those texts not needed on this campus We ll pay the price offered by book dealers, which is based on the need for the book in the national market. uo BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid 686-4331 Open: Mon-Fri 8:15-5:30 Sat 10:00-2:00 3. We do not accept old editions, spiral-bound books, programmed texts, certain inexpensive paperbacks, workbooks, most consignment material, and extensively cribbed or damaged books They are of no value to us or the used book dealers. We purchase such books only at our option. When to sell your books— The buyback counter, located upstairs, is open during our regular business hours It’s not necessary to wait for a specific buying period to resell your books. However, don't wait until the new quarter has started because we do not buy back books at the beginning of a quarter CLASSIFIEDS (Continued from Page 7A) KENT LAVERTY, STEPHEN FULLER, & TIM SCARLETT: Congratulations on your SUAB appointments (It the ODE won't prim. I wilt) JESS. 05052:5-?! 2 HEDONISTIC MALES spending week on pnvate secluded island oil coast ot Maine looking lor 2 compatible females to accom pany them Call Scott 4S5-34M. 5-?1 Phil sane aSrom: A ill I see you before you hop a DC-10 tor Chicago7 Give me a call at 485-1280 Saturday Your ECONOMICS STUOY PARTNER 5-?1 GINA HAPPY ? 1st B-DAY' Be ready to and chip and show oft that tatoo1 loveLfflie Jo. the J-Vaaey get Hamfcm Swany Lon Frye Kehh Debbie Marta Nese Nancy Stephanie and AByson 5-?1 Pregnant7 WE WANT TO HELP— * preg nancy testing Birthright 687-8651 _ _ _ nawifi TO OUR GOOD FRIEND BAD Happy B-Oay' R G . S N . A B e HANDSOME: Happy June 2nd and graduation I love you moat longest best and strongest GORGEOUS 5-?1 ••S": The Drift was a Mast And me rmmort* will Iasi But the erk q I (war Of this 1/6 O' veer Summer s con. .g loo Iasi1 Love ya. A" ps THANKS' TO TH€ GIRL «> human sexuality seal 101 ON TUESDAY. with me while lop. while shirt, brown shoulder length hair red bach peck biach Be pen and bag beauhtui eyes you mesmerize me I d love lo meet you Signed SOON-(HOPEFULLY)-A FRIEND, takmg the lest m 115-DENNIS C 5-?1 T. HOWELL III: R's NOT Hedy, *» Hedley" Get it straight now hon Hedley would be upset'- Hey1 Thank you lor a most wonderful action-packed vacation N s amazing how many good times and new experiences you can pack mto one long weekend' I enjoyed every mmole of il and you made it even more special My best wishes tor you today I know you'll do well XOXO XOVEY- S-?1 KETHIE and BESSIE Botoit bagels crustos K Marl Wendy's, Fellow Faiconian’ cruises into the developed erfy. VW. backgammon, the diet the Gonzo bathroom, hay lever pills. SWB i island F»tfk and the gnpe session at Speck s made me have the best and most memorable weekend here at the U of O,' m s keep m touch mis Summer' Love. 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New 101 W /»i 242 200/ MONDAY SATUHOAV 10 AM to 5 ?0 PM 024?8 TFN KARRA ALPHA THETA RLE DOCS *\ toe maaroom today1 Be toere* l ove TMt PAW S-'l IT’S NOT TOO LATE To Me you INTENT TO REOttTER CARO lor toe Summer Sasaton Stop by room 64 PtC or toe HagaAntr s (Nice 6-4 WHERE ARE YOU Norwegan Ftdhday Party Piano Player. B4ur R«*ng Music Mator at U o» M* you at Btoegraw Festival Keep m touch Mae Engsirom P O Bn 68 Trari OR «7$41 64 NEED HELP OH TIMM PAPERS. THEWS. ETC.? ProMMOnM ed*or» can aMMSt with «St rvj orgarvmg. reeaerctv He «SS Mil f> 1 *399°° Student Accounts Welcome Mom* o4 KMpuriw Diamond Value* llUtel /I VDjiviiiisI Downtown on ttie Mall /Valley River Center