Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 09, 1979, Section A, Page 12, Image 12

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(Continued from Page 11A)
Two TRJ-DELTS are 9cnemmg. and we hope
you're dreaming of that "EVENING IN
Paid Vandermolen 5-11
LESTER — Lite » tu» o» surprises, and they
come along sooner than you think1 Always.
LEE ANN ADAMS - You're the best little
sister I could ask tor . so get well soon, you owe
me a party' YOUR BIG SIS
MELON BALLS MEL - You're the best Httle
sis - How about tea sometime? Love ya.
FOR US Thank you lor yelling us on during the
chug You're terrific' Love. THE SIGMA KAP
PAS 5-9
You sure nottce when your pr«e poa*eeeions
are missing Keep that tongue in --1 B S
OAMMA PHI Shoe* end Hoppy." Thank*
tor being the beet relatives ewer' Love y* —
Jugs” b-9
OAMMA PHI: I said I would return So good to
ha back — inarm* ior me gtxxj irnm r*:ji
TIM POfrrtR - You think you re to parcap
riva. but you don't know avarything, yat I
ramatn unfkppad out PS Thta is radaamaWa
lor ona backrub 5-9
•ILLY Of MAH - Happy Birthday to my
Vrtvaatheart Iowa Always POOH BEAR 5-9
Voter’s Guide
for the Bookstore’s Board of Directors
Ensel Yamada
All students in one way or another have
some involvement with the University
Bookstore, therefore the bookstore should
be responsive to the needs of the students. My
job, if elected, would be to help the book
store with its responsiveness to the students.
Hopefully my experience with other
businesses will help me accomplish this.
Personally I have an interest in getting to
know the workings of the bookstore. The
bookstore is unlike any other business as it is
student owned and run. 1 find this oppor
tunity to help run this business an especially
intriguing one.
Statement not submitted:
Gary Contantine
Harry Ricks
Barbara Lyman
One position for two year term
Steve Baker
The University of Oregon Bookstore is a
nonprofit student oriented corporation. Its
purpose is to meet student needs at the
lowest possible cost to students. Last year,
this supposedly nonprofit organization
profited approximately S83,000.
As representative of the students, it is the
Board of Directors’ responsibility to see that
these profits are returned to the students. I
believe one of the most direct ways to ac
complish this is to increase discounts on
Bookstore products, such as textbooks and
other school supplies.
Being a full-time student and an employee
of the Bookstore, I have developed a well
rounded understanding of how this or
ganization functions. I would greatly
appreciate vour vote this week.
I Sopho
ITIOrC Two positions to serve two year terms
Mike David
Every student at this university spends on
an average between J50 and 5100 a term on
text books. The continued discount of these
books, currently 11%, is an issue I’m very
concerned about. Keeping costs down for
students in all areas of the bookstore is
something 1 want to continually pursue.
The University of Oregon Bookstore,
Inc. is a non-profit organization formed to
serve the students and faculty of this
university. It’s very important that this cor
poration receive good, knowledgeable
management in ordert to keep its prices as
low as possible while still keeping the book
store financially solvent.
As a business major, concentrating on
marketing, I feel I have considerable
management skills and the abilities to work
with the board of directors in keeping
student costs at a minimum. I feel I can
obtain good corporate experience and add to
the board an opinion representative of
student needs. Because prices affect us all, I
ask that you vote May 9, 10 and 11 in the
bookstore general elections.
William Orkin
One of the main issues facing the
University of Oregon Bookstore is the
problem of how to reduce the costs of text
books to the student body. Currently, the
Bookstore gives students an 11% discount on
I fed that one solution to this problem
would be to make use of the Bookstore's
current excess profits by extending the
student discount rate even further. Although
the Bookstore needs a certain amount of
profit to act as working capital, 1 think it
would be in the best interest to a minimum in
order to extend the student discount rate on
I feel that the qualifications necessary to
handle the problems faced by the bookstore
include having previous retail experience
and a strong academic knowledge of business
and accounting. I believe I meet these
qualifications by having worked as an assis
tant manager of a retail clothing store ami
by earning a 3.5 in my business courses.
Statement not submitted: Tricia Sewell
Sharon Gitelson
Kent Laverty
One position for a two year term
Robert Lang
The Bookstore is your Bookstore so get
involved and help make it better.
13th & Kincaid 686-4331
Open: Mon-Fri 8:15-5:30 Sat 10:00-2:00
Page 12 Section A
Graduate Student
Hal Darst
The Bookstore thus far has shown itself to
be by far the most progressive business in
the college community. Besides providing
efficient services and some lowered costs, it
was quick to act in divesting itself of any
connection to South African investments.
This should be continued.
Besides the usual rhetoric about improv
ing efficiency, lowering costs, etc., what I
would like to see are:
• a review of the hiring policy and greater
efforts in Affirmative Action hirings, par
ticularly with respect to minority and foreign
students. Presently there are only two
minorities of a total 80 employees. This is
Two posit ioas:
one to serve a one year term
and one to serve a two year term.
particularly important in that vna restric
tion** and other constraints leave only the
bookstore and the EMU cafeteria as the
main potential employers of foreign
students. Smce Gov. Atiyeh is working to
make financing even more difficult for those
people bringing different cultures to the
campus, the issue is of major concern
• a creation of a bookstore fund to aid
community area groups that have no ongo
ing income stream yet provide a valuable
service to the community.
• increasing the participation of
employees in the determination of Bookstore
policy and priorities.
statement not submitted:
Loren Alien
Mary Sandell
Bill Piels
Gar)' McMahon
i would like to underscore the importance
of the students’ input into the policy
decisions made by the board that are handed
down to the students in the form of keeping
textbook price increases to a minimum,
increasing service and convenience and con
tinually searching for ways to keep the
bookstore from being out of reach of the
students. In addition to these issues I would
also favor increased student input into the
board's decisions and would work toward this
goal in a serious and responsible manner.
Student polls at the bookstore during the
first week of school arc an obvious method of
obtaining this increased input.
I have gone through many of the same
hassles involved in university life as everyone
else. However, as chairman of the Student
University Affairs Board the past year, I
have had an excellent opportunity to gain
experience in student representation, in ad
dition to obtaining very comprehensive
knowledge of the sometimes complex
workings of this University. In addition I
have had the advantageous opportunity of
serving as an ASUO representative to the
Board of Directors of the Oregon Daily
Once again I would like to encourage
students to vote for responsible representa
tives at your bookstore.
Andy Vandermolcn
We need more consumer orientated
people on the Bookstore Board of Directors.
1 feel our nonprofit Bookstore should not
have shown the S100,000 annual profit it has
shown for each of the last four years. We can
reduce this excess profit by: 1. paying
students more for used books, 2- lowering
the profit margin on supplies, 3. increasing
the textbook discount. These moves would
return the excess profit hack to the students,
As most students know this year the
Bookstore divested its holdings in companies
supporting the government of South Africa.
What many students do not know is that the
Bookstore has accounts with the U.S. Na
tional Bank of Oregon, a bank that owns
shares in the funding corporation that makes
loam to the South African government. I
believe the Bookstore should move its ac
counts to another bank until U.S. National
sells its South African stock.
The Bookstore is for the students. As a
member of the Board of Directors, my
priorities would be to move the Bookstore
bank accounts and see that excess profits are
returned to the student.
Keep this Voter’s Guide
for the election
Where to Vote:
At the Bookstore or the EMU
Wednesday through Friday, May 9, 10, 11