Hearing undercuts agency remodeling By CATHERINE SIEGNER 01 the Emerald If testimony in Eugene Mon day could decide the issue, Pres Carter s plan to reor ganize the U S Forest Service and the Department of Interior into a new Department of Na turai Resources would be scrapped U S Rep Jim Weaver. D Oregon. chairer of the Forest Subcommittee of the House Ag riculture Committee. and Congressman Tony Coelho. D Calit., conducted the hearing before a small audience in Harris Hall Testimony was also given on H R 2799. which would establish a salvage timber set-aside program for small logging companies, and on herbicide use in the national forest system Weaver has already stated his opposition to the Carter proposal. ' It seems to me a case of reorganization for reorganization sake." he said Monday "I certainly know from experience that making something bigger and more centralized does not neces sarily make it more efficient '* Carl Stoltenberg. dean of the OSU Forestry School, said he cannot see how the reor ganization plan will result in better management of natural resources and reduction of red tape, as the Carter administra tion has claimed "Personally. I do not see how the red tape encountered in working with the Forest Service and BLM (the Bureau of Land Management) would be reduced by combining two huge agencies into an even larger monolith," he said Stoltenberg said he would have more confidence in the plan's improving natural resource management "if the current administration had a convincing track record of seeking better management in its other actions " He added that an understanding of such issues and efforts to resolve them "have not been evident characteristics of recent White House policy " Stanley R Christensen, director of the National As sociation of Conservation Dis tricts, said the NACD opposes the proposed reorganization because the ' move would weaken the natural resource functions of the Department of Agriculture The Forest Service has a proven track record in dealing with people on the local level.'* Christensen said He added that the NACD favors a decen tralized field-based organiza tion to improve efficiency and effectiveness Speaking on the set-aside legislation. Bob Lindsay, direc tor of Industrial Relations for the Associated Oregon Loggers of Springfield, said his or ganization has worked for years to establish an effective salvage sales program to benefit the small logger and remove dead, down and insect-infected timber from the forests Lindsay said the Forest Ser vice and the Small Business Administration have recently made it possible for a one-year trial period for a Special Sal vage Timber Sales program He said the program does not take away a slice of the timber pie upon which the mills depend Rather, it is a program designed to increase the supply of raw material by harvesting and utilizing the dead and dying material that has been going to waste in our forests " Bonnie Hill of Alsea told Weaver and Coelho of her experiences with the U S En vironmental Protection Agency when she was trying to es tablish a correlation between herbicide spraying and high miscarriage level in women liv ing in the Alsea area Hill s efforts were partially responsible for the recent EPA emergency ban on the use of 2,4,5-T and Silvex ESCAPE manual funded By BERNARD SCHWARTZ Of the Emerald The Incidental Fee Commit tee decided to fund a contested ESCAPE training manual Mon day night after a lengthy and often heated debate over whether ESCAPE is a course or a University program "It Is a course," said IFC member Dusty Rhodes, and therefore the training manual Is a text which ESCAPE tutors should pay for themselves," he added "In no other course on this campus (do incidental fees) subsidize texts " ESCAPE (every student car ing about personalized educa tion) faculty advisor Judy Sanders disagreed, calling ES CAPE "a viable leadership program" which develops a curriculum and produces a manual independent of the faculty If the IFC cut funds for the ESCAPE manual, then mem bers would have to buy them from ESCAPE Sanders said charging money for the manual "would bring it nearer a text" and de stroy the whole involvement philosophy of ESCAPE IFC member Kevin Chambers agreed with Sanders, calling the ESCAPE program "a learn ing arm of ASUO." Rhodes countered, saying "the manual is undoubtedly a text because students involved get academic credit" that they don't get in other programs The IFC endorsed its April 5 decision to allocate S3,331 to ESCAPE, including about $1,000 for the manual In other business, the com mittee unanimously negated its April 9 decision, deciding to fund high school recruitment visits for the Asian American Student Union, Panhellenic and the Intrafraternity Council The committee also voted 6-0 to increase the Forensics bud get from $6,000 to $7,000 and agreed by consensus to allocate $10,135 to the Student Bar Association and $3,470 to the Chinese Student Union IFC chairperson Janet Eggleston was absent from Monday's meeting I Full Feature Under $goo BOHSEI 3000 f Deluxe hand-held electronic \ calculator with full memory, 8 digit LED display < Only SCJ99 BGHSEI ENTERPRISE CO., USA uo 13th & Kincaid 686-4331 [ Open: Mon-Fri 8:15-5:30 Sat 10:00-2:00 ~ BOOKSTORE ^ I AaA your "Advanced Campus Electronics’' CtnterAAA [ n\//\v . 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