CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAM DESK UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rates are 10* per wort the Irst day copy is admitted and 8< per wort each consecutive day the ad is run without change There is a 12 wort minimum All ads must be paid tor in advance The Emerald cannot be responses tor more then one day's incorrect advertising insertion It your ad appears incorrectly, cal 686-4343 before 1 p m for correction in the neat day s issue Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement wtl be adjusted There is no refund tor ad cancellations. The Emerald wil not knowingly accept advertise ments that discriminate on the basis of race, color, reigion, sex. age or sexual orientation CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE ITOR SALE QOOO upright PIANO New keys. S350 Phone 344-9964 11:22 Queen Hlde-A-Bed. S200 or make otter Must sel Cal 686-5146 or 345-6525. 1127 Selling Carson Hal contract tor Winter and Spnng terms. 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Cal 687-2650 11 22 ATHLETIC TICKETS — iragned — $50 NWion Camera — $225/Nikkormat 55 mm lens 485-5182 1122 ATHLETIC PASS — $50 unwgned Cal Jett 935-7426 after 530. 1122 DORM CONTRACT tor aale Cal TINA 6866180 1127 LET BEST REST solve your "Telaess problems Foam an to size BEST REST MATTRESS CO. 632 Btair 34341222 03441 TFN NEW COMCS. 2-3 weeks ahead plus under grounds old comes. Playboys and records FANTASY SHOP 1272 Patterson 345-2568 03602 TFN Dorm contract, ortenng $25 to anyone who Ml take over Cal Leonard 6865293 11 28 DORM CONTRACT: Sweeiser Walton now or at -arm CM HOLLY 6866558 1122 DORM CONTRACT: Snath #309 take over arty ime. inqure widen or cM MATT 6865361 1122 10% OFF AT ANDREA'S Nmwnter 24-29 aS non-sale fabncs and clothing Many other reductions. ANDREAS 2441 Ntyard 345-1324 Mon-Sal 10 AM-7 PM. Sir: 12-6 PV 04235:11-22 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE-550 if take over contract beginning Winter term Call 686-6535 11 2B HUY U SELL BUY SELL & TRADE Stereo, photography. eqMpment tools musical instalments etc «4c etc THE BUY t SELL CENTER 678 OLIVE 03486 MWF RECORPS/TAPES QUALITY USEO RECORDS 51 9610*2 95 Cash for records PREZ 744 E 13tn 342-2088 03427 TFN IT ABR1CS/NOTIONS 10% OFF AT ANDREA S November 24-29 all non-sale fabrics and clothing. Many other reactions ANDREAS 2441 HHyard 345-1324 Mon-Sat: 10 AM-7 PM, Sun: 12-6 PM 04236 11-22 y>OOKS/SUPPLIES 60,000 BOOKS m STOCK All SeUng 25% to 50% off 1st price New Books-Text Books-Cl* Notes-Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMTH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 03354TFN TYPING EXPERT TYPIST. Graduate, Legal. APA experi ence FAST CorrecSng Setectnc Pick up A deliv ery Sandy 343-9391 04220 TFN TYPING FAST A ACCURATE Linda 746-0534 After 6 PM 12:4 FAST, GUARANTEED TYPING CompeiSve College Rales Graduate school approved typists Resumes-Theses-Oiseertations-LeRers OFFCE HOURS 9-5 WEEKDAYS dome s Professional Typing Service 1309 Lincoln St 484-5640 Wlamette Towers Offices 04305TFN GRADUATE SCHOOL APPROVED TYPBK1 75* per page Linda GUI 688-7507 12:11 EXPERT TYPIST (and PROFESSIONAL WRI TER) with IBM for term papers, resumes 484-1590 124 “'•*’£'*! to help us dstnbuts a qualty food product Got* commissions, work alone or with a tr endy 746-7381 _w Disco 1444 needs bartender over 21 FJ or part tma 1444 Main Street. Spdngteld 0424011-28 WORK-STUOY POSfTKJR open to someone w«h good oomputer programmino s*0** >Nh THE GIRL ACROSS THE ROOM 1122 TO MY OCLT BROTHERS and SIOMA IB TENS: Hava a Happy TharRa giving! Leva, YOUR UTTLE SIS TIA 11:22 PIKES- Hava a BEAUTIFUL Tharkaghrtngf Wa leva ycufl YOUR UL SISTERS 1122 NEW PHI PSI MEMBERS, Craug, JoR. Oaan. On* Mara and Haro Congrats from tva FIRST LADY 1122 KE ol SAE- Ot» H D .* -as graal and you mada I so Haras lo many mora. YOUR GAROtNAL PUFF MEMBER 1122 CwigraaiNHona Rica M. You N maka a Graal KE PmuHnt Uwa. YOUR LITTLE SIS 1122 UEA SCLLE- VRiat art ya7 EacMsd tor a add and crazy Thankaovtng wth my «ad and crazy group? Hops so. OiZ wo ra glad lo hatra ya! DELTA LOVE. JULES 1122 TERRY DION You r* 21 today1 Wtiynafdrtr*a*mucftaayaumay.bul*vanwft*n you ar* a odor DON'T FORGET THE PANDA 1122 OREO HARTMAN and MATT YIO: Gobble, Gobble May* a good day* Your ROOMMIE 1122 HAPPY MRTHDAV MADAME ! Toial now madam® 1122 OYM RAT. Congratal Sma* and gat paydtad tor thro* more waakal P S How a a han0n?1 Lova. LINDA KATHY 1121 DAMLMQ BOOBALA EM tot* of Turkay but no ptaa. cafca* or candy Sao you naxt waak Foratrar. B008AL0TS 1122 SAE’s: In batorobaa. and boaara. and Pj. a a( ntght Tba dace and dancing waa outa-aight! Tha toncaon waa a paat aucoaaa. Lafa do a again, you guya ara th# baa« Lona , THE ALPHA PHI* 1122