er ai Banking official to speak An executive director of the World Bank will speak in Eugene this afternoon on a project to establish a world economic order. Earl Drake, the highest World Bank official to visit Oregon, wilt speak at the Valley River Inn, 4 p.m. today. Drake will speak in Portland this morning and will wind up a tour with the Eugene meeting. The Eugene speech will also kick off a year-long project to acquaint the Northwest with Third World nation proposals for a new international economic order. Drake's Eugene appearance is primarily for commun ity and civic leaders but the public is invited. Tree cutting permits offered The Siuslaw National Forest will begin selling permits Wednesday for cutting Christmas trees. Each permit costs $2 and entitles an individual to cut one tree. Other national forests have Christmas tree cutting programs in special areas. For information about those programs call 687-6521. The following areas in the Siuslaw National Forest will be dosed to tree-cutters: Cascade Head Biosphere Reserve, Mt. Hebo, Sand Beach area south and west of Cape Lookout Highway, Marys Peak (any area off of Woods Creek Road or Marys Peak Road), all National Forest within the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, National Forest land west of Highway 101, and all designated roadless areas. CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT Buddha’s Feast Most Famous Chinese Vegetable Dish Black mushrooms, bean curd, sheet black wood ear and many more in special sauce $4.75 China Blue 879 E. 13th Ave. 343-2832 Hours Mon.-Thurs. 11 to 10 Fri. 11 to 11 Sat. 5 to 11 Sun 5 to 10 Help needed at Red Cross The Lane County Red Cross needs assistance in several vol unteer service areas. On-the-job training will be provided for safety clerks and volunteer clerks at the chapter building. Photographers and people interested in a Red Cross speakers bureau are also needed. Interested persons should call Terry Rodriguez, at 344-5244. Open house set at law school The University School of Law and the Minority Law Student As sociation will co-sponsor an open house for pre-law students today in Room 229 of the Law Center at 7:30 p.m. The focus of the program is to inform minority and other students about law as a career, law school selection and the application pro cess, says Robert Cortez, assis tant director of the Minority Law Student Association. Cortez says that minority stu dents will be given “insights” into which schools offer the most fi nancial aid, which have a stronger emphasis on affirmative action, and what kind of assistance minor ity students can expect once in law school. Dean Chapin Clark, faculty members and minority law stu dents will speak with question and answer sessions included. Re freshments and a tour of the law center will complete the program. For more information call 686-3879 or 686-3852. Did you know Springfield Toyota service and parts has new hours 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Mon.-Fri., 8-5 Sat. courtesy card available major credit cards accepted • tune-up special $19.95 (most 4 cylinders) • alignment special $13.95 • 30% off on sound and stereo systems 722 S. “A" St. Springfield Call for Appointment 747-3341 dailfemerald I The Oregon Daily Emerald a pubished Monday through Friday ex cept during exam weeks and vacations, by the Oregon Daily Emerald Pubiahmg Co . Inc., at the University oI Oregon, Eugene. Ore 97403 The Oregon Daily Emerald operates independently of the University with oftces on the third floor ol the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press Emerald subscriptions are $7 per term and $20 per year News and Erttorial Display Advertising and assailed Advertising Production Etttor Managing Edtor News Etttor Photo Editor Graphics Editor Editorial Page Editor Sports Edtor Sports Supplement Edrior 686-5511 686-3712 686-4343 686-4381 Tom Wode Melody Ward Marv Fjordbeck Patrick Sutkvan Tom Ettet Glen Gibbons John Harris Ken Sands Wire Ed tar Associate EdHors: ASUO Community Consumer Departments end Schools Environment Features Local Poises State Pottos State Systems and Student Services librarian Night Erttor Arm. Nears Erttor Production Manager Advertising Manager Sales Manager Controter Judy Emerson Kathleen Monp Jim Alien Lorraine Nelaon Mary Foran Catherine Siegner Jock Halt aid Kevin Harden Ann Treneman Ket Osborn Jkn Wecheier Ann Treneman Sandra McMuten Carl Bryant Tracy Srmpeon Jean Ownbey peanuts ® // do vou have any QUESTIONS WHERE THE ANSWER IS'TEN" 7 briefs MEETMOS The Society (or • Pro#(melton in Fandom in Oregon wll hold its weekly meeting tonight at 7 p.m in the EMU. room to be pooled Altar a short buel ness meeting a game ol Dungeons tnd Dragons mil take place This game Is both lor experienced players and those wishing to teem how to play Experienced players wit be asked to help the new comers to the game There wM be a University equestrian team meet ing today * 6 30 p.m. In die EMU. room to be posted The Incidental Fee Committee wd meet today at 3:30 In the EMU. room to be pasted, for d scut eon at the Musim Student Association, the Sating Club, the Jewish Student Union. At sac and 3-D MISCELLANEOUS Deadine tor submitting winter term text Isis lor the UniverMy a Reserve Book Room is Friday Far lams or intermelton caf 686-3067 or MS-3637 lor the Ardstactore and ANed Arts Library The Psi Center wi sponsor a Dream Forum today at 3 p.m in the EMU. roam to be posted Three $1,000 scholarship* w*S be avakabte to undergraduate Business Admnx strati on matora who mart oaflen criteria Applcalons are due on Frtdsy.Cecl.1078 Check w«h the student sdvts ing oriioe In QJbari 271 tor farther delaMa The Many River* Group ot the Sierra Club writ hold an ntormal. brown bag lunch today at noon In lha EMU. room to be posted The UnrversSy at Oregon Ethnic Sturloe Prog ram . wrih assistance from toe EMU CuHural Forum. W0 present Le«o> JoneaAaraka a OUa award win ning play. ThaOutehmen/today al 230 pm aid again al 8 pm Content la not suitable lor cMdren The EMU CUHural Forum praaante "The Journey ct toe UMe Prince" by toe Rrety Puppet Theatre today from 12 tot pm. m the EMU 187 K atree ot charge to student* and the pubic POUCV The Emeralda bnala column w open to anyone wishing to announce meetings, lectures or merer lanaoue events Brief* are run only once and are sublet to apaoe ImKalans They riK*id be typed and triple-spaced In a SS-chaiecter margin Include al pednent information including toe date you wars It to tun. Alao. Include a name end phone number in caae we have quesSona Events with donaeons ot adim salon charges writ not be consi dered Al Items must be turned in by 2 pm toe day before pubtcation at the Emerald olloe. Room 300. EMU ^'Blouses, skirts^ nd pants in the1 prettiest, softest Fall colors you’ve seen in years f” GIANTSALE on WOMEN’S CLOTHING Enjoy our first Pre-Christmas Sale now with a host of prices cut 10 to 60% THE YANKEE •SMEEDE HOTEL 757 W