Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 09, 1978, Section A, Page 6, Image 6

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    Muslims slam shah, media distortion
Of the Emerald
American newspaper reports of Iran s
chaotic domestic situation frequently distort
the true nature of forces opposing Shah
Muhammed Reza Pahlavi’s regime, mem
bers of the Iranian Muslim Association
claimed Wednesday
The IMA held a press conference in the
EMU to correct some of those distortions
aid to declare that Pres. Carter’s state
ments of support for the shah contradict
Amencan s reputation as freedom-lovers.
Shariati said.
IMA members are followers of Ayatollah
RuhoUah Khomeini, the exiled enemy of the
shah and leader of the world's Shiite Mus
lim sect to which a majority of Iran’s 35
million people belong.
Khomeini, who lives in Pans, has vowed
not to return to Iran until the shah is ousted
from power Shariati maintains 96 percent
of Iranians have rallied behind Khomeini in
Iranian Muslims living in the United States
(shown here in a local demonstration ear
lier this year) continue their attacks against
the shah of Iran and Amencan media
coverage of the political situation in Iran.
opposing the shah and in favor of establish
ing an independent, democratic Islamic
Iran. ’
Shanati and other IMA members zeroed
in on two distortions' they say frequently
appear in American media reporting on
Iran—the claim that conservative Muslim
leaders like Khomeini are angry over the
shah s so-called land reform program and
his attempts to liberalize the status of Ira
nian women.
The shah s land reform has entailed con
fiscation of thousands of acres of farmland
traditionally held in a kind of public trust
called waqf
Rather than redistributing this land
among peasants, Shanati said, the shah
has sold it when the pnce was nght-Tke
program has forced many Iranian farmers
to relocate to distant parts of the country,
leaving them to raise crops without gov
ernment aid in the form of machinery and
Thanks to the government s pndng sys
tem for agriculture goods, many farmers
find it impossble to make a profit and mig
rate to the cities in search of jobs, Shanati
sad. The shah s agriculture policies have
forced Iran, a former food exporter to im
port 90 percent of its food.
One IMA member, who identified herself
as Sarah." denied the Khomeini's follow
ers want to oppress women. Many Iranian
women have been jailed and even exe
cuted for opposing the Shah, she said. The
sight of Iranian women in traditional dress
participating in anti-shah demonstrations
testifies to their preference for life in a
democratic Islamic Iran over some
Western-style liberation. ' she said.
Shanati describee the Iranian state en
-yisoned by Khomeini and his tolowers as
Islamic and independent.
An independent Iran would be essentially
neutral, free of control by outside super
powers. Shanati sad
Bookstore votes to give up control of stock
In the wake of a decision made
last month to divest itself of South
African bonds, the University
Bookstore has decided to allow an
investment firm to manage its in
vestment portfolio.
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8 Section A
The board, which voted 7-2
Tuesday to give up control, previ
ously controlled the $96,250 in
TENNECO Corporation securities
by meeting on its own.
The board has yet to select a
firm to handle the stocks
With the move, the board hoped
to save time on its investment deal
ings. The board voiced concern
over keeping the funds in Oregon
and also was concerned with the
returns and the liquidity of the m
In other business. SteveGirsch,
speaker for the Long Range Plan
ning Committee. suggested the al
location of money for the planning
of a bookstore guidebook and
service listing. The text would also
.ncfude maps and a short history
of the store.
Early m the meeting, bookstore
General Manager Jim V^iams
demonstrated the new computer
linked cash register which will
judge efficiency and profits of
non-text merchandise.
Now we win have a much more
intelligent orgamzatson of our bus
iness,' WiBiams said
The board also decided m a
unanimous vote to adopt a re
stated pension plan, which, ac
cording to bookstore attorney. Jim
Harrang, would give employees
better retirement benefits.
The board also passed a motion
to alow the bookstore to give no
more than $10 in donations to
groups asking for merchandise or
Williams reported total store
sales had slewed to an 8 percent
increase over last year Lower
University enrolment and availa
ble store space are factors in the
sales decline, according to Wil
Finally. WiHiams was appointed
to investigate hiring an architec
tural firm to do a preliminary study
regarding alternatives for expan
sion, of the Bookstore
I ask the sexpert
Q. In your first column, you said
that women don t ejaculate. Why
then in so much literature does
this happen?
A. A sexually aroused woman is
a well-lubricated woman In
females a semniquid matenai is
excreted by the vaginal walls. This
fluid serves a purpose of lubrca
tion and is not really comparable
to the male ejaculate, which plays
an mtegr^ role m orgasm and re
production. However sometimes
when a woman has an orgasm
she or her partner will feel a
gush’ of this fluid as her vaginal
musdes contract and expel this
fluid. Hence the misconception of
ejaculation' tn the classical lit
erature ’
Q Please comment on blue
balls" as to what it is and what
causes €
A. There are two answers to this
— one is medrcal and the other is
popular fiction Medically spean
mg. after surgery or a trauma to
the testes, blood wi! accumulate
subcutaneously in the scrotum
This effect, a natural response is
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called blue balls for obvious
reasons and lasts several weeks
In the popular lingo men often
refer to themselves as having
‘blue Daits when deprived of sex
This is phmaniy a psychological
feeling—not a real physical
phenomenon—but not without
merit in the male culture since
many a helpful female has been
persuaded to rescue the poor lad
m distress when he applies this
Q. What is the death rate for
hDal ligations7
A. The answer to this depends
partly on the procedure used The
overall rate for a laparoscopy pro
cedure -S 7 5 per 100,000 women
Breaking this into age groups
15-20 years the rate is 0 per
100.000 25-35 years s 10-20 per
100.000 ithis is comparable to
childbirth) and after 35 the rate is
12.5-25 per 100.000
for IFC
Thursday, WowniWr •. 1*7*