Stare at the nose on this Mona lisa. What do yon see? lout tmv dots are visible on her nose lo exjxii I'lKV .III intetesllMU phenomenon. slate llal'd u! the dots lor '!() st Tone Is Diett immediately look .it the blank square beside lire Mona l.)sa. and blink In itb eves quit klv Wb.ti vou veil! see is called an "afterimaqe ( < mu' t< > < >ur free Mini I ,ess< m and ue II sin >ry v< >u Iwhc this simple capability that everyone [Possesses t ai 1 lx‘ used to increase readinq skills Not metelv readinq s|x‘ed. but the ability, to remember vvhat is read lot, after all is said and done, is what counts uo mosi siuaenu Read Slowly? Most students have no idea what their reading ahilitv is If they are typical, they read about 3< K t words per minute (or one page of a novel) Wliy is it that students read at virtually the same sjved. considering how very different they all ni eJ The cause can be traced hack to the I irst Grade When we were tauyht to read, we were asked to read out loud, word be word. Liter it) the Second Grade, we were asked to stop sayiny each word out loud But we never really did. 1 act is. you re sayiny these words nyht now not out loud, but to vourself. one u'ord at a time' This means vou read only as fast as you talk about 250 to 3r minute). How Do You Learn To Read Faster? With The Same Comprehension? At the Mini Lesson vou will find out how the Wixid course eliminates the habit of read iny only one word at a time How you can learn to read 3 or 4 words instead of only one Io set' how natural this is. look at the dot in the middle of this phrase the yrass ■ is yreen Try as vou may vou can t help but see the other words With training. you learn to use this natural, but un used potential You learn to see groups of words simultaneously This will double, tuple, possibly quadruple your present ability This concept is diametrically opposed to the old fashioned speed reading technique of picking out key phrases In the Evelyn Wvxxf course, skimming is a dirty word' Is there a positive value in reading fasterJ Ask the honors student how fast he reads Chances are he doesn't know either Test him and you may find out he s one of those rare birds who has learned to read faster by accident or. more likely by his sheer dnve to succeed That's what Evelyn Wood discovered in 1945. Dynamic Reading Wasn’t Invented. It Was Discovered. Evelyn Wood was working on her Master s Degree ■ it thi.-1 Jniversitv of l Jtnh in l‘M5 She handed in her tlx'sis. anti on the spot her professor. Dr ( Iwell I .ees. read the paper in a matter of minutes and then discussed it with her m astonishingly ( detail That incident inspired a 14 year Odyssey during which Mrs. Wood first found 50 IX'ople who read at sjreeds ranging from 1500 words jx'r minute to DO) words per minute. ’ll ten site found that they shared a number of common characteristics. Tliey read groups of words, complete thoughts sometimes, and not a word at a time Thee rarely stopired to re read a word or a par.ujraph Ivcause they didn’t under stand it. They finished thematenal first, went back to re read, if '•till necessary They hardly ever lost their place a common habit of slow readers And finally, none of them got bored by their own slow reading Instead, they spike of their reading as though it teere like watching a movie1 Painstakingly Mrs. Wcxxl taught herself these principles and increased her speed dramatically. She t(x> began to experience the excitement of "reading a movie In 1A55. the first course in Dynamic Reading was offered to the public. That year, classes were conducted f< >r members of the U S. Congress.Tire revolution in reading was on! Over 1,000,000 Graduates So Far. Since 1959. three President--, have invited Evelyn Wood instructors to teach their staffs how. to read Ivtter /Ml in all. the list of famous Graduates reads like Wire t tu p a:. -oikI.-i I S ( ss Kr If Kwh. / -.S < \ ,tup css I. »t* 1— -• Kmn l >.ii >:«.*! Ki.v^Um / ,S ( i ss Aii.ti i ( i,if ts|i )• ( S (Ornjit’ss !< »hn I >ini^*i!. IS ( i twjn'ss M.kI.IHR’ ( >,1M(lhf bn ini !< »hn ( norm. US ( < Hltj!t'S.S ) s WE< , Ckii*l.«-. I text,,!, •V D.inlt'iK Inmivv. US ( i >Hi]h ss Kmiinh US ('< >ihjn’s\ I ).wk! S Ki: i«4. I S ( '« nnjress Burt l allK .ist»*r At ft n Hi*>in.iN ) Milntiw I S (\ >tnjn\ss M.nsh.iil Mel .uImii Writer It *sp*ph M Montovu US ('(nnjress (mvWk! Nt'Km. I S ( i ttlyM’SS Ii oh Ntvni.ii /Vfrrvs Willi.;m I ’?* »\nmv US ('< tnifwss Abi.ilhuii Kibit• *fl I S ( n in tress I Ifinun Slkvbn! US ( tnnjress ( h’« mjt* ‘nh,«}.u At ft n * A! I jljnnn. I ! S () ingress I Irvm«i WlhilltM.. US (unijri’s.s Why Do So Many Enroll? Tins question was posed to several thousand college freshmen who had tust enrolled in the Evelyn Wood course The answers were varied, but mostly on the same wave length 1) They wanted to reduce their study time. 2) Thev wanted to feel more confident in class, more in control: and 3) They wanted to learn more, to achieve better grades At the end of the course, each stud&tf was asked if his goals were met. CX/er 95% said yes The other 5% received their tuition back (but more of that -later ) Look at these statistics, compiled from a list of 43 college campus classes ONE WEEK ONLY! Mon., Oct. 23rd thru Sun., Oct. 29th 3:00 pm or 7:00 pm Near the University of Oregon at the Eugene Hotel SPECIAL STUDENT CLASSES where the Evelyn W< h xl course was taught Read what the University of Illinois student paper said (Ed Sejud) "if a student avails himself of all the facilities by the (Evelyn Wood) Institute and attends ail the class sessions, the price boils down to only about S2 an hour, cheaper than any private tutoring you'll ever find. Spread over four years, the course can save thousands of study hours and can probably affect a boost in a student's grade point average Assignments which once tools days can be accomplished in a matter of hours, leaving much more time for other pursuits. The Institute estimates that it can save average students T5(I hours of study time each semester— probably an understatement " \<). of times ,peed increased 4 OS Increase in comprehension 10 20, What Happens If I Flop? If you fail to increase your reading ability at least 'A times, you receive a full tuition refund No catches, no hassles. We put it in writing THE GUARANTEE. Any student who attends every class, completes the required practice, yet does not improve read mg ability at least A times, as measured by the beginning and ending tests, will be eligible to receive a full tuition refund. -- TAKE A FREE EVELYN WOOD MINI-LESSON THIS WEEK ‘Ask about the special 25% STUDENT Discount * Enter the drawing for a free scholarship Who Teaches The Course ' Do You Lose The Enjoyment of Heading Slowly— Of Sauoring The Literary Style? How Much Do You Haue To Practice ? Does IQ hlave Anything To Do With It9 Can A Really Slow Reader Become A Dynamic Reader? Don t take anybody s word for it — not ours, not a nybodys. We developed the Mi ni • Lesson so you could make up your own mind about the course The Mini Lesson lasts only 1 hour. During that short time, you have a chance to trv your hand at it —to find out if it really can do the job for you. In 60 minutes over H0% of the audience increases reading speed. Just a little, but enough to know what it's like. At the Mini-Lesson you will find out how the Evelyn Wood technique handles difficult text book material How it improves memory and concentration. How it makes reading a pleasure instead of a chore Let's face it. if the Evelyn Wood course is for real, you ought to know' about it