Voter’s Guide for the Bookstore Board of Directors. Sophomore Two positions with two year terms Janet Eggleston The position of Bookstore Board Member is one that is not much in the public view. This despite the fact that most of the Board s ac tivities have a direct effect on every student I believe that we need more consumer oriented people on the Board. For the last three years the Bookstore has made $100,000 annually in profits. We need to explore ways to rebate this to the students either through further reductions in other areas such as tradebooks or supplies. The Bookstore is supposed to be non-profit and my foremost goal would be to ensure that it is. by rebating excess income to students. 1 was employed by the Bookstore last year, hence I know the inner workings of the store and have good communication with those who work there. This open communication is important for implementation of changes. I know the Bookstore and would like to make it truly responsive to students' needs. A common sense position, a common sense vote. Mark Farley 1 ask for your attention for a few moments as I. Mark Farley, wish to be elected to the Bookstore Board of Directors and am confi dent that for the price you pay for books each term you will be willing to give of your time. I seek to enlist your support believing that as a diligent worker and a consistent thinker. 1 will be an extension of each person as 1 carry out my duties. Through my duties 1 will be first concerned with obtaining a higher return for the used books that we sell to the Bookstore at the end of each term. Beyond this I simply expect to represent fearlessly what each of you would want accomplished at the Bookstore. As the Bookstore is indeed a concern for each of us. I entreat you to give a portion of your time next week and to invest it in some one worthwhile. Thank-you. Ed Conn The University Bookstore is a major focal point of our academic and daily needs. In many instances, we fall prey to the “Did Not-Order-Enough-Books’ teacher or the ‘Tll-Charge-A-Mint-I'm-the-Author’’ profes sor. As a member of the Board of Directors I would look into the publishers cost and the actual retail cost of our “required” textbooks and see what can be done about lowering prices. 1 realize that most of us find ourselves in tight financial corners after paying fees and housing rent and believe that a short term loan structure for the purchase of textbooks would be ideal. Let us see what we can do about easing our worries a little. A1 Whittaker In the past the University of Oregon Book store has passively served the student’s basic needs. However. I feel it has not effectively used its potential to become the invaluable cooperative organization that it could be come. Because the Board of Directors sets policies for the operation of the bookstore, a position on that Board will enable me to ex press my concern and innovate some im provements. If selected, 1 would like to use the bookstore’s influence to get professors to change textbooks less often. This would keep overall prices down as the student would have the option of selecting among many used books that would be repurchased. In addition, 1 would like to see the time available to resell books expanded. This would also reduce students costs by increas ing the quantity of used books available. In addition to these ideas. 1 would like to bring a more imaginative approach to the bookstore’s policies. However. I can’t do this without your help. As students, it is in your best interest to cast your vote in my direction. Graduate Student Two positions: the person with the highest number of votes will receive the two year position; the person with the the second highest number of votes will receive the one year position. Statement not submitted: Mary Sandell Pete Shepherd Where to Vote: At the Bookstore or the EMU When: Monday-Wednesday May 8-10 The Bookstore is your Bookstore so get involved and help make it better. BOOKSTORE Student-at-large One position with a one year term Dave Tyler The election of the Bookstore Board of Directors isn’t of earth-shaking impor tance to most students. However, the Di rectors set policy, policy determines prices, and prices effect every student. As a student, I’m not too happy with some of the bookstore’s management policies. 1 will bring a consumer-oriented voice to the board. * Last year the non-profit Bookstore again made a profit, this time of 100,000 dollars. These profits should be redistri buted to the student body through lower textbook prices rather than remaining in massive accounts for doubtful future ex pansion. * Increased student services. Examples would be offering the student discount theatre tickets, and serving as a payment center for EWEB and phone bills. * Increased temporary employees to handle the first-of-the-term textbook crunch. * Resale of used textbooks at a more reasonable, and lower price. The most important criterion is flexibil ity; the Board’s willingness to adjust to new ideas and shifting demand. Sym pathizing with management won't be one of my shortcomings. 1 will bring a strong, consumer-oriented voice to the Bookstore Board of Directors, and will strive to see that the highest quality service is offered at the lowest possible price. Statement not submitted: Mike Haddock John Lorenz Max McCartry Faculty One position with a two year term Muriel Jackson I should be pleased to represent the faculty of the University of Oregon on the University of Oregon Bookstore Board of Directors for a full, two-year term. I have just completed my first year of service and believe these past twelve months have given me insights into the ways the Bookstore can better serve the University community. By giving the Board a member with past Board service, a member who plans to remain in service for an uninter rupted term of office, I believe the best in terests of the University will be served. Freshman One position for a two year term Rocky Schatz Last year the University of Oregon Book store Incorporated, a supposedly nonprofit student oriented corporation profited some $100,000, while we, as students, still stand in long lines and pay high prices for texts at the only place they are usually available. The Bookstore provides us with a nominal 10% discount on all texts, yet continues to reap exorbitant amounts. My position and philosophy, as candidate for the freshman position on the University of Oregon Book store Board of Directors, is that those profits should be returned to the students. These profits can be returned to the stu dents in several ways. First, as an increased discount on texts. Secondly, in the form of additional cash registers and temporary help to reduce the long lines during the book buy ing rushes. The “book buy back center” is in dire need of reconstruction. An additional re gister and help would decrease long lines and increase clerical efficiency. Since the Book store is to be a student consumer oriented organization, it seems fitting that students should have at their dispossal actual costs of Bookstore products. I hope to build the Bookstore back into a student consumer oriented corporation, and with your vote, we’re one step closer. Keep this Voter s Guide for the election.