|T NTERT A1WMENT HORSES TO RENT Hourly rates, scenic trails, no guides WEEKDAYS. EVENMQS. WEEKENDS Telephone lor Reservations: Windgate Farms. 998-6789 1345 TFN SOLAR ENERGY PARADE FLOAT CONTEST WITH PfVZES a float can be a decorated car or bicycle 150 FREE KAZOOS will be given away to members o» Kazoo marching band, anyone can join. Musicians bring your irv seumente. JUOOLMQ GAMES — all three bal jugglers can participate, advanced jugging skills not nfcessary to win prizes. Come ride your bike or walk dong SATURDAY APRIL 29 NOON SHARP Meet at South Eugene High School parking lot 19th A Hllyard parade past Saturday Market 428 CINEMA CENTRAUA PRESENTS MARCELLO MASTROIANNI IN The Organizer Friday. April 2Bth Saturday. April 2Bth 177 Lawrence $125 7 4 920 p.m. 003794-28 THE ANANDA MARGA SOCIETY PRESENTS THE ADVENTURE OF SHERLOCK HOLMES’ SMARTER BROTHER Gene WHder. Marly Feldman, and Madelne Kahn join comic forces in an Inspired salre. Wilder plays "StgT Holmes, who jealously insists that his older broiler's name shoMd be "Shear-kick" Holmes. Using some hilari ous mefliode of dedudon, Wilder teams up wilt a zany potceman (Feldman) in a kin romp to solve lie crime ot lie century Sat.. April 29 190 PLC 7 4 9 pjn. $1 01361:4-28 ACTION NOW PRESENTS JIMMY CLIFF M The Harder They Come Filmed In Jamaica. The Harder They Come folows the He of a young reggae singer slugging to free Nmaatt from the bondage (rf lie ghetto. The sward winning soundtrack Friday and Sabadey 28 4 29 150 Geology $1 01593:4-26 c. EMU BEER GARDEN ENTERTAINMENT BY THE Ralph Hardiman Sextet FRI. APR*. 28 4-7 p m. EMU OMNQ ROOM COURTYARD FREE POPCORN LD. REQUIRED 01579:4-28 FRL-SAT. NIGHTS KFMY 980 Midnight Movies THB WEEK Bugs Bunny Super Superstar All Seats Only 980 - MAYFLOWER THEATRE, 1Wi and ALDER 0259628 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS WIZARDS An epic fantasy of peace and magic. An animated «lm, directed by RALPH BAKSM. This la one of the few new animated ftlme to come to the screen. FRIDAY, APR*. 28 180 PLC 7,8:49 * 10 pjn. 81 And NASHVILLE NASHVILLE is the funniest epic vision of America ever to reach tie screen. This is a dose look at Ife in the South, He in America and tie affects of society on irsfviduals. SUNDAY, APR*. 30 180 PLC 7 and 8:30 pjn. 81 ' 0140828 Tonight Don’t Miss Dave Van Ronk Originator of Cocaine Musa" AT THE PLACE 9 pjn. 8490 180 S. Part 21 8 over — I.D. required 003924-28 c LASSIFIED f OLLIES Winner Richard Whitson ANSWERED THIS AD: DO you OMUI0 METE* HMOST Wva gat a waytohajpycuout-'ntaOOiECIartlifllPodtoaa* mt pMttag *okal»«n »« mrm car. Com lo •« •MtoorEMUbaMan 11 and 11-JO ajn. today P S. Dorft tag* to bring your TfTIITORtlPIHIIWilE8IIMA83MM LICENSE For sttoaRAs and tea total iiMton cal Dan Thomas. RT MT 887-9511 or 8424887 01325:4-28 J. ■MCNAEL'S BOOKS Wto pay 8>a Ngheel prices to town tor your tpaMy. used books. 101 West 7to 342-2002 Monday SMirrtay 10 &m.-530 pm 1Q278MHF ■O T: Reese don't be mean-to-me cuz today’s our 1Vi anniversary toenks so much tor your bve end sweetoherm end even toe nooblaatoatbniaed up my arm Love torevar. Wtoeels. 42S THE VBA BARN — Now taking reservations lor spring term PARTIES. MEETINGS. PICNICS. DANCES, MC. *75 and ip. 996-3913 0B985MF MICHELLE YOUNG, FRANK PARTRIDGE. MARK FAHEY, SOHAft. TAREENN, Support MIKE LOCKWOOO FOR ASUO PRESBEMT (Paid Committee to Pact Lockwood) 5:1 T. Her back, though her skin was composed of thousands of tkiy teeth itself was sM scarred from his grip. C. 428 HEUREUS ANMVERSAIRE BEAU I (tars you Brad Pachl) Let s gM together tor soma more good times. Lous, deux jeune Mas, Rob and Gin. 4 28 CLAM, I, the unkind, the ungrateful? ah, my dear, I cannot look on thee. 428 O what can aH thee. Knight-at-arms so haggard and so woe-begons The sqMrreTs granary Is kill, and the harvest s done. 428 MALLARD DRAKE — Can run circles around Donald. He is cute, tool 428 PHI PSI HOUSE: We re ready to party I (Looking forward to seeing your crazy t-shirts!) Love, the Alpha Chis 428 TOMGHT — Everyone come to Duffy’s and celeb rate KAREN BERRY’S 21 er at Mdntght 428 TO: Zip and the Biggest Part of the Null SM. Look ing forward to no rain, catching cars, and winning all those banana splits! The Chicago Kid and Ernestine. 428 BARBARA RENEKY, welcome to second floor! Hera's to many nights in the Fishbowl! You’re toe nicest Junior leaguer I know! Good luck my friend. Nancy 428 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE, Hope you're coming home this weekend. Gitta and I are dying to see you. Hoping your birth day wil be a good one. Be good If you don’t come home. Thank you for a beautiful weekend on toe 11th. 12th, 13to and 14th I love you Dave 428 LORRENE — wiahing you the beM of everything on your 21 at Birthday Love Mke 428 PHI PSI RICH, So glad you have an epen mind, let’s take it slow — older woman 421 TOM SKBINER raised some important issues con cerning our Ives. If you desire further rfscussion call 886-0968. 5:1 WE THINK JEFF WARREN IS THE GREATEST THING SINCE MATZO! EOEN ABRAMS, JOEL JAFFE, RAYMOND MOSES. OARY CONSTANTINE. STACY LOEB, JERRY FORSE. DAVID LABOVTTZ, KEITH BERNE, ESTER MAMERMESZ, YESWYAH QELROO. (Paid by theta supporter*) 428 DEAR SUS, hare's to wMng and doing and perk ing out, and sluing over our boats. Mostly, here's to. and cheers to. youM Happy 1Mi BrthdayH Love, the Big Baby. 42B ONE MORE YEAR TO OO and youT be two-o (plus one I) That magic age. tveyT have to keep you in a cage. To keep you out of Duffy's an a today night with Scandal playing. You'd put quite a Ightl So hare's to another year Med stti laughs, tricks and lots cf Begalbsarl btoch love, Smtty 42B SUS-HAPPY TSBl.KMy rear me-UNHEAiJIPitaey. Edha and al our chldran «M be at toe popping «t the Zzchampagne! So let’s party I ZaBty and Zue 428 TURD FLOOR SMBTH — Big game Friday night. Mast you In fie dark oomsr dtianstabe. 1st door smoeSe. P.S. Qo Btaaitsl 42B KAREN BBRR'I’ IIAPPI tlBT BBYTHOAV. Thanks tor being such a gnat Mg ala. Unda.428 RANDY. SOOT. BARMS. RK3C AND KEN. GET PSYCHED FOR SATURDAY NUHTI WE AREI SHERRIE ROSE ANN. OMNE. SHAWN AND TRACY. 428 CAbkkT. whatever la ehakavar la ehatavar eR be. HamS. 42B CALQARY HTTCM — What V you don't Rta ahat toga on your coat Reave? - Secret Admirer -428 Beach Bays. HR's and Saar Maim tor a arondsrhJ year I just aant to say Thar* you and HAPPY BBtTHOAYl Love. RSa Jeanne 428 AflPt- We're glad we re a part oi you Your item pledgee. M.B., MB. B D , JJL. J.B., JA. 428 ■-OOWRa FOR THAT 8PEOAL BOMB OWE? Can CoreacM UtdmAerf' tar itaing. marrtags. needs. 747-0187 Box 104, Sprtnglsfct 01487*9