EMU CULTURAL FORUM Northwest Animation Rims made by local, Northwest indepen dent filmmakers «M be shown in 107 Law rence These tfvxMngs are free and are vi opportunity to see animation done in the Northwest. SATURDAY, APRIL • « p.M. 107 LAWRENCE FREE 014867 RITA MAE BROWN AUTHOR OF THE RUBYFRUIT JUNGLE SPEAKING ON “REVOLUTION, WOMEN AND THE ARTS” MONDAY, APRIL 10 8 P.M. EMU BALLROOM SPONSORED BY THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE WOMEN'S SYMPOSIUM ADMISSION FREE 01438 10 Middle East Expert JOHN ROTHMANN Political Analyst and Foreign Policy Consultant spaaklng on “Carter, Begin, Israel and the Middle East: An Analysis.” MONDAY, APRIL 10 7:30 P.M. EMU FORUM SKMKMEOBY JEWMH STUDENT UMON 4:10 ENTERTAINMENT HEY YOUI Bored? Need a break? Fool #ie need to be creative? Stop on by the EMU Craft Center, Room 69 EMU ground floor. 01419:sb THE AM AM DA MARQA SOCIETY PRESENTS YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN M«l Brooks' comic masterpiece stars Gene WHder (in Ns funniest rote), Marty Feldman (as an Igor whose hump kaape shifting sides), Peter Boyle (as a dancing "mons ter”), and Madeleine Kahn (as Wilder's ob noxious girlfriend) A great spoof on the ciassic Frankenstein Him! Sat, April ■ ISO GEOLOGY 711 pm. gt 01352:4-7 HEirr ADVENT PROJECTION,Big Screen TV and Belamax to play or record your own TV shows 686-°e'2 03134UWHTFN KOZY-TV MIDNIGHT FLICKS EVERY FRI. & SAT. WACO TWIN CMEMA 13th and Franklin THIS WEEK LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, The Rolling Stones All Seats 990 01479:4-7 BACKGAMMON 25% to 33% off selected attache styles. Bring in this ad and receive an extra dollar off ENDGAMES - on the man at 1040 Willamette 464-9646 4:7 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS BARRY LYNDON As writer, producer and director, STANLEY KUBRICK spent three years in meticulous concentration to reproduce an authentic vis ion d the 19th century — from customs to costumes to candelt scenes limed without auxilary light. A beautiful, overwhelming ar tistic vision FHday April 7 10 PLC 7 and 0:30 p.m. SI 3 WOMEN ROBERT ALTMAN'S 3 WOMEN is such a stimulating achievement in cinematic art that it makes one rethink the whole aesthetic of motion pictures. An interesting vision of women in the persons of SISSY SPACEK, SHELLEY DUVALL and JANICE RULE. Sunday April 9th 1 SO PLC 7 and 9:30 pun. $1 01404:7 ( LASSIFIED | OLLIES Winner Kathy Mitchell ANSWERED THIS AD: HUH SCHOOL SENTIMENT could win you $5 in today's CLASSIFIED FOLLY If you are the lirst person to come to 300 EMU alter 8:30 a m , wear ing a high school letterman's Jacket, you are a winner! 4* AND WON $5 GEORGE C. SCOTT M Islands In The Stream From the novel by Ernest Hemingway, Is lands explores the life and loves of an artist on a Caribbean Island. Sat. April S 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. 180 PLC $1 01476:4-7 WAHEY BUCKAROOSt SLOW BUCK swings at (yesl) THE BLUE RIVER TAVERN this Friday. 4:7 THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM Proudly Presents TOM SCOTT IN CONCERT WITH SPECIAL QUESTS THE CHARLES DOWD TRIO SUNDAY, APRIL 9 EMU BALLROOM 8 P.M. $4 - U of O Students $• - General Public Available now at the EMU Main Desk, The Sun Shop, and Everybody's Records. 01431:7 L J KING KONG Original uncut & uncensored version Saturday, April 8 7:30 and 9 p.m. Lawrence 177 Donation $1.25 Students for a Workable Future 4:10 UO YWCA presents a very special Chaplin Him THE CIRCUS plus short — A Day’s Pleasure both starring Charlie Chaplin Friday, April 7 7 and 9 p.m. 177 Lawrence $1/adults 50«/under 12 01457:4-7 OREGON REPERTORY THEATER INDULGENCES IN THE LOUISVILLE HAREM by John Oriock 8 p.m. Student Matinee 2 p.m. $2 Reservations: 485-1946 01331:4-7 April 6. 7. 8, 9 Aprils Atrium Mail FRI.-SAT. NITES KFMY 980 Midnight Movies TMS WEEK Slapshot STARRING Paul Newman All Seats Only 980 MAYFLOWER THEATRE, 11th ANO ALDER 01459:4-7 BROTHER SUN, SISTER MOON Directed by Franco ZttMdl (Romeo and Juliet), is a beautiful love story portraying the life and ecs tasy of St. Francis of Assisi. A movie made to be seen in the Spring. APRIL 7, FRIDAY AT 7 ARO 9:15 P.M. 150 GEOLOGY, U OF O ADMISSION $1 4:7 EUGENE OPERA! Presents Mozart's DON GIOVANNI The story of Don Juan 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 31st Friday, ^>ril 7lh Saturday. April 8th Added Performance Apr* 14th 3 p.m. Sunday. April 2nd Churchill High School Tickets $6 $8, $3 for students & seniors through a purchase by the Transient room tax fund. Tickets — 405-2965 il1288:4-7 HORSES TO RENT Hourly rales, scenic trails, no guides WEEKDAYS. EVENMGS, WEEKENDS Telephone for Reservations: Windgate Farms, 996-6789 1345TFN CINEMA 7 10th and dve — Atrium Bulking 687-0733 TONIGHT THRU TUESDAY 1976 MONTREAL OLYMPICS Highlght o( the 21st Olympics, focusing on the physical virtuosity of the individual performers, box ing, track & Held, women's swimming, gymnastics (Nate Comaneci) SHOWTIME: 8 p.m. only PLUS Jeff Bridges and Arnold Schwarzenegger STAY HUNGRY Special return engagement at 9:50 p.m. only Reduced admission Sat. 4 Sun. at 2 p.m. Frt. A Set. midnight shows HELD OVER BY POPULAR DEMAND MARILYN CHAMBERS In the X-Rated Classic BEHIND THE GREEN DOOR MIDNIGHTS ONLY 01451:4-11 PERSONAL $500 WEEKLY possible mating our circulars Learn the mail order business Send self addressed, stamped envelope: EMDEECO, Box 302 Azusa, Calf 91702. 4:14 Don't Forgot UNO’S DELICIOUS ITALIAN FOOD Bet you didn’t know that, besides our dei ctous pizza, we also have a ftA Ine of dnners. A perfect place to go after Duck basketball or just to get out of the rain. Just drop in. Now open until 1 a.m. Monday to Saturday; Mkl night on Sunday. 342-8111. 03602Ifn PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRENO AT ORTH RIGHT. Confidential information and free preg nancy test Call 687-8651. 005741fn 1978-79 CULTURAL FORUM POSITION OPENINGS APPLICATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED ONE COORDINATOR WILL BE SELECTED FOR EACH OF THE FOL LOWING AREAS; -HERITAGE MUSIC -FILM AND LITERATURE -CONTEMPORARY BSUES -POPULAR CONCERTS -VISUAL AND PERFORMMG ARTS PICK UP APPLICATIONS IN THE EMU PROGRAM OFFICE. SUITE 2. EMU. DEADLINE FOR APPLYING IS 5 P.M., APRIL 19. THESE ARE NON-SALARIEO POSITIONS 01375:4-19 VOLUNTEERS WANTED for Bob Wood for Con gress Campaign. Possible colege credit Contact: Craig Frasier 485-3733 4:10 CONTACT LENS WEARERS. Save on brand name hard and soft lens simples. Sand lor free illustrated catalog Contact Lens Supplies. Box 7453, Phoenix. Arizona 85011. 4:10 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELIZABETH and Heide. See you tonight. Love. Dean and Susan 4:7 RELAX AND REMOVE TENSION at the Cedar HaaMi Spa. Co-ed and non-menWarah^. Offering Swedsh massage. Polarity therapy, sauna and wtxrpool 485-0654. 117 Monroe Street 01445:10 APPLICATIONS FOR ORIENTATION AIDES available Room 164B Oregon Hall. Deadline April 21st 4:12 PIKES — the "green death" We dkl survive 'cause your hospitaity kept us alive Love, the Tn-Delts 4:7 I LOVE YOU! Dr Pepper Kid. Have a beautiful day. affectionately YOURS. Tweetie Bird 4:7 MEL OF I.S.U. Tuna, Bee. and me are glad you’re here! We plan ned the fun. so hope for sun. let s do it to it. 4:7 LORRE L. Wear dancing shoes tonightl Sore teat la an unacceptable excuse unless you enjoy gating sympathy 4:7 QOOO LUCK Ms weekend THOMAS In a TRUEDSON Your loving tana — Boa. Wormsly. J.T., Mum sly, P-yang. Ace. Mai. Johnasini 4:7 HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSE SKEBONG Your spaas) to us si. Love. Coach 4:7 LISA JEANNE Happy Birthday CM! Hanger 4:7 DISCO DANCE) Friday night at 8 p.m in the Wat son Dorm Lounge. Penthouse Productions 4:7 MARK FORKER — have a great 2led Sorry we can't share it with you — Sid, Coty. Nanc 4:7 RUGGERS GOOO LUCK in Seattle Excess Baggage 4:7 LEISURE STUDY: Psychology of Leisure Project wants to interview people regarding their leisure activities Phone 686-5501 for information and appointment. 01487:4-11 NEED CREDIT? The pubic schools need you! Tutor In matt. Engtsh. social stodee science or special ed. There are lots of placements! Ask lor credit information at the ESCAPE tables in the EMU lobby 01484:4-11 SPANISH SPEAKERS?! HEP needs you Tutor a student in math, science or Englsh Ask lor credt information at the ESCAPE table, lobby EMU 01483:4-11 DO YOU HAVE 11-1 FREE? Work with some excit ing junior high kids and earn credt by teaching or assisting in: Jogging. Photography, Stained Glass. Bike Repair. Disco Dancing, and more. Come by the ESCAPE table EMU lobby 01482 4-10 THE UMVERSfTY OF OREGON declares that no person shal be denied participation in or benefits from any of its programs and/or activities (educa tion and employment) on the basis of age. hand icap. marital status, national origin, race, raigion. or sex If you have encountered acts of dscrim!nation in the mentioned categories you may lie a grie vance with the Office of Affirmative Action. Room 472 Oregon Hail. 686-3177. 01383:sb THE VIDA BARN — Now taking reservations tor winter term PARTIES. MEETINGS. PICNICS, DANCES, etc $75 and up 898-3913. 02885 :MF WATCH OUT, WORLD — LISA POLLARD tome 21 Sunday! Happy Birthday Uaa Love and Maaes. Old Rtek. Mark Carol, el aL, aap. Mksy Baby 4:7 It you have to goto he*, go tor a reason THE DEVIL IN MISS JONES The x-rated classic SATURDAY, APRIL 8 110 FENTON $1.50 2, 3:30, 7:30, 9, 1030, midnight Presented by Kappa Sigma 4:7 NOW HtRtNQ house he*> tor Spring term job * Sigma Chi. Can schedule work around classes. Save your tood bit, and eat tree with poite gentle men in a cherry atmosphere Call 686-5293 ask lor Greg or Mike 4:10 Slap on the OT — Loosen the Hula l-fcps Duffy’s is the place to be The passion Punch will loosen your Ips HAWAIIAN NITE SATURDAY, APRIL 8th AT DUFFY'S 4:7 FEMALE TRAVELING COMPANION: Tentative schedule: summer Alaska, autumn East Coast, winter Mexico. Child O.K. Send lor prctire and let ter ol introduction to: Jack, P.O. Box 5391, Eugene. 4:10 FOR 25 YEARS Bkkenstock has been making the ultimate in loot comfort lor standing or walking on the unnaturaly smooth and hard surfaces that sur round us all Birkenstock Footprints Atrium (2nd floor) M-Sat 11-6 p.m. 687-0065 repairs and resoling 4:7 STUCK WITH AN APARTMENT LEASE? Now is the lime to begin advertising tor sub-leasing during Summer term Try the OOE Classifieds it's your best chance! 4:7 ASUO STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE is avail able from Oregon Hall cashiers Spring Term through April 14, 1978. 01335:4-14 FREE MASSAGE OIL SAMPLE Just visit ota campus location ol UNCOMMON SCENTS 772 East 13th Upstairs next to the Excelsior 01391:4-7 J. MICHAEL’S BOOKS We pay tie highest prices in town tor your quaity, used books. 101 West 7th 342-2002 Monday-Saturday 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Carnn rl Ua#hA Man rofTnfny dtcona nma dour win jtnw poopte, n>w nanw 10276MHF INCOME TAX RETURNS professions fly prepared Speaal rates to students and laculty 37 E 10th or 345-7851 01417ab