Reporter speaks of revolutions Eye-witness relays viewpoints based on first-hand experience The better-organized the black majority becomes in South Africa, the more it is op pressed by their government, news correspondent Wilfred Burchett said to almost 300 persons Wednesday in 167 EMU. “There's no possibility negotiations will take place," Burchett added, saying re volutionary leaders in South Africa only resorted to arms after other means of dealing with the government had been exhausted. Burchett addressed the topic of “Revolution—a View from the Front Lines,” relaying his experiences in China, Africa, Vietnam, North Korea, Laos, Mozambique, Angola and the Middle East. This was his first speaking tour in the United States. He is a veteran reporter for the Guardian, an independent Marxist newspaper. His ap pearance with irwin Siiber, the executive editor of the New York based newspaper, was sponsored by the University Cultural Forum, the MayDay Cultural Committee and the Eugene chapter of the National Lawyers Guild. Examining his media cover age of revolutions, Burchett said he is impressed with the solidarity of revolutionary peo ple. In Africa today, “this is the last push now into the stron ghold of racism and fascism.,' he said. He added the black revolutionary forces will “push further south until they have South African troops against the sea.” In a question and answer session following Burchett s speech, he was asked why the Guardian criticizes South Af rica, where 67 blacks were kil led in the 1960 demonstration, but ignores Uganda, where hundreds of thousands are rumored to have been mas sacred. Burchett repiied, “Uganda is, unfortunately, an independent country." iff***4 \NW\[e \N\ne' All natural flavors! KE HOUSC Wine Cocktails w-t \ i i An idea whose time has come! Ready-to-serve cocktails . only they're made with Califor nia white wine instead of the hard stuff to be lighter, more refreshing All natural flavors! Chi Chi tastes just like a Pina Colada Strawberry Senorita tastes just like a Strawberry Margarita Senorita tastes just like a Margarita Sunburst tastes just like a Sunrise Orange Smash tastes just like a Wallbanger Kona Tai tastes just like a Mai Tai Calypso tastes just like a Daiquiri Ale 14% by volume A product of Troian Wine Specialties. Los Angeles California Z *■/ f J* 9 4 * Be cool! Wear The Cube! Get this beautiful Ice House necklace by DuBarry Fifth Avenue for $3 50. includes tax, postage Cube, tongs on 24" chain Mail check/money order to: ICE HOUSE NECKLACE • PO BOX 9 • BROOKLYN NY 11232 Zip X SHOWN \ ACTUAL SIZE Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery Julian Bond speaks Mon. The EMU Cultural Forum will present Georgia State Sen. Julian Bond for a free guest address Monday at 8 p.m. in the ballroom of the EMU. Bond, nationally prominent civil rights leader and founder of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, won election to the Georgia Legislature in 1965 He was denied his seat in the Assem bly by legislators objecting to his "statements on the war in Viet nam." Despite winning two special elections in 1966, he still did not take his seat until 1967 after the U S. Supreme Court declared the Georgia State Legislature had erred in refusing his place He eventually served four terms in the House, and in November of 1974 was elected to the State Senate where he now serves Former prof dies in Eugene A former University psychology professor, Lester Beck, died Fri day at Sacred Heart Hospital at the age of 68. Beck was a member of the Uni versity faculty from 1934 to 1942 He then entered the military ser vice and resumed teaching after the war He taught at University of Southern California, Portland State College and Oregon Col lege of Education at Monmouth until his retirement in Eugene five years ago Beck was an author of text books and articles His book and film entitled Human Growth are still used to teach sex education in schools Contributions in memory of Beck should be made to the Uni versity Development Fund electronics plus V, west 25tf eugene 34c t-Mfi service repairs has IZED nter ufacturers ha AU wants to electronics CENTE ING