FOOD U DRINK GERTRUDE'S a feminist cate open to tha whole community Good food, good prices, on-going entertainmerr 1*11 Lincoln 343-034 02078:H The Great Late Spagetti Feed $3.25 AN You Can Eat Including pitcher of bear, aoft drink or Vi Iter of anna Tuesday. Thursday 8 30-11 p m Tha Spaghetti Warehouse 725 Waat 1st 02418UH OAK COVE BREAKFAST SPECIAL 2 eggs homemade hash & toast lor $1 854 E 13th 02409at HONEY’S CAFE Sat-SurvMon 9 am-9 p m Wed-Thur-Fn 11 30 am-9 pm 675 E. 13th 343-OP36 02433 11-4 BREAKFAST - LURCH - DINNER Homemade Pies, Rons and Soup "Wa peel our own potatoes “HOOTS” RESTAURANT Breakfast served tU day Open 24 Hours Oaky 2 Blocks East of Eugene Hotel Phone 345-8316 CLYDE SCOTT 440 E 8th OWNER Eugene Oregon 97401 02238 11-30 vegetarian restaurant Featuring complete vegetarian (inner* at reeeona t*e price* 270 Weel ttti 342-4335 02357 st> FVENTS EUGENE LION'S CLUB AUCTION Eugene downtown *on * club auction and rummage tale November 4th at the fairgrounds Rummage tale and tient txdcing Starting at 9 a m Lasta al day Auction it 7 pm 11 4 FISHBOWL FC LUES ENTf (TAINMENT BY CJMULO NIMBUS Friday. Nov 4 4:3(V«:30 pjn In the Flahbowt 02538 4 ENTERTAINMENT FALL BUOU DRAMA PRESENTS CHARLIE CHAPLINS MOST POPULAR FILM CITY LIGHTS, 1931 Tuesday, Nov. 3 ISO PLC 9 p.m. Admission SI.25 or a—on tick at 02565 11-3 SLOW BUCK IS STOMPIN AT THE BLACK FOREST THIS WEEKEND. 11:4 THE ANANDA MARCIA SOCIETY PRESENTS ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOOS NEST JACK NICHOLSON stars as Randall Pat-1 rtcfc M( Murphy the rebel who lakes on (he brg nurse at Oregon State Mental Hospital tn Salem Based on Ken Kesey s novel, and winner of all lour major academy awards Best Picture Best Actor. Bast Actress. Best Director Saturday, Nov. 5 and Sunday, Nov. 6 150 Geology $1 7 A 9:45 p.m. 02586:11-4 TONtQHT EUGENE OPERA J PRESENTS THE MAID AS MISTRESS A comic opera by Patpolaal 830 p m. Thundertotrd Motor Inn $4 ! Tickets available at (he door 8 p m Champagne/deeaert buffet Information 485-3988 ___02S7511 BLACK FOREST TAVERN, 2657 Willamette 344-081 Happy Hours. Monday and Wednesday — 9 301 10 30, Friday — 4-6 p m - MICHELOB ON TAP Entertainment four nights a week 1368811 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS WOODSTOCK (wttt • Httte help from our frtanda) Th» llm of the famous rock concert utaa special sound and filming techniques to f»g«iflf!t the many erbsu of the WOOO STOCK concert Friday, Nov 4 $1 a p-m. ONLY 1«C PLC AND THE AFRICAN QUEEN Starring HUMPHREY BOGART and KATHERINE HEPBURN thr» • a classic fhm which we present tor those who ve never seen it. as wen as hcse who want to see 4 aQian and agan Sunday, Nov. S S1 7 and 8 30 p m 140 PLC 02566 11-4 INTERNATIONAL STEAK ft BREW 1-5 A BeM Lin* 726-126 PRESENTS NOONEY RICKETT & COMPANY *15-2:15 02556 11 MIDNIGHT MAFIA: LIVE EXPERIMENTAL THEATRE Nov 4 4 5 Frt-Set MRS. DALLY HAS A LOVER Door* open 11 30 p m , $1 50 For reaervstons cell 4S5-1946 ATRIUM MALL, 10th 4 0«va 02546 11 -4 UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRESENTS JACK HEIFNER'S BITTERSWEET COMEDY VANITIES November 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12 8 p.m. Robinson Theatre UO students with current tee card may purchase tickets tor v, pnce at he UT bo* office 686-4191 02440 sb RENT ADVENT PROJECTION. Big Screen TV and Beta max lo play or record your own TV shows 686 0812 02289 ttn THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM Proudly presents in Concert JERRY JEFF WALKER WITH SPECIAL GUEST JOHN PRINE Sunday. November 6. 1977 McArthur Court 8 p.m. Tickets $4.50 U ol O Students $5 50 General Public $6 00 Reserved $6 00 Day of Show Available at EMU Mam Desk, the Sun Shop and Everybody's Records m Eugene and CorvaHts Ticket* on Sale Today! 02390 4 HORSES TO RENT Hourly rates, scenic trails, no guioes WEEKDAYS, EVENINGS. WEEKENDS Telephone for Reservations Wmdgate Farms. 998-6789 i^c tfn CINEMA 7 10th and OMva — Atrium Bulldtng 8*7-0752 TONKJHT THRU TUESDAY SPECIAL RETURN ENGAGEMENT ROBERT DEM5RO and an ALL STAR CAST In F. SCOTT FTTZQERALD’S - THE LAST TYCOON 6 PLUS o BEUBONOO In ALAIN RESNAIS STAVISKY TYCOON: 7:30 pjn n STAVISKY: 8:A0 pjn. Reduced adm matinee Sal & Sun at 2 02546:3 PRESENTING: IN CONCERT Hawad e 8o« Rock Volcano KALAPANA Saturday November 5th, 7 pm WMamatta University AH Tickets $4 50 Available m Eugene at Crystal Ship Meier & Frank Everybody s Records 11:4 FRI. — SAT. NITES KFMY 980 MIDNIGHT MOVIES 1 TXS WEEK YELLOW SUBMARINE BEATLES EPIC FANTASY All Seats only 980 Nayftowwr Theatre. 11th and Aider 02552 11-4 KATHERINE HEPBURN IN LITTLE WOMEN (1933) Friday, Nov. 4 7 and 9 p.m. 150 Geology SI Sponsored by frie UO YWCA 02550 11-4 PERSONAL RICHARD S.: Send n your transfer applications — or no Yankee (Inner* It s not that I'm trying to get nd of you — but one of us must escape ""Mother 113 LIZZY: It finally happened1 21 and T W T M can t wait Love. Moe 11 3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JG. You are the one Wel come Home ILY 113 BEAUFERD A STEILER: Tomorrow nights the night Get ready* There s so much more m store Love. Salty and a Good Fnend ” 113 J. MICHAEL S BOOKS We pay the highest prices n town tor your quality used books 101 West 7th 342-2002 Monday-Saturday 10 am -5:30 pm Formerly Second Hand Book Man Same people, new name 02276 MHF TXE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION wil hold its weekly testimony meeting 6 p m tonight at Wesley Center downstairs lounge 1236 Kincaid St All are welcome 02346H You cant be lonely at “PICCADILLY” (N.W. LARGEST FLEA MARKET) THIS SUNDAY!! Lfi;>e County Fairgrounds 10 a.m.-4 pm 50«-25# 345-7931 02497 :HF COCKBURN. POSTER CHILD, CHOO, SMILEN BOB: With Peggy m the trees. PC on the rocks Tod ikes and Elvts by the fire, red light green Ugh! at two Dfving into Sandy beds, circular brush strokes on the wall Sing Yoho, Boom Boom and we « do it again — FOR THE HOUSE. Love ya. Pearl the Dick, Bonzi. Amy. Jag. Crip, and No big deal Dole 11:3 TO THE COWBOY OF PIKE: Thanks tor a fantas tic Halloween I Kappa Cowgirl 113 CONDCAOS— The Proto*) Bowl « flnaCy hers Too bad your Mason had lo and this way. Hava i n«ce tnp to Hamutac TC A s 11^ OOOOLES AND OOOOLES of love to our Signs Nu Noodtee — You re tha greatest) Decourts 11:: HEY Dave, Dor,, Todd. Stave. Mike, Rick, John Daddy and Eric, get psyched! Tomorrow night’s tn night We'l wine you and dtoe you and dance tfk night away Love, your Gamma Phi dates 11; PMKERTO* - CHEER UP! Mongo sends ha love Wilt tear down sky scrapers rf we don’t go lo turkey day Go with fie flow Kinky 112 A*son Abbott, Patty Thornton, Cam Sorenson Debbie Payne, and JtAe Smith To know you is ti love you You! always have a special place in ou hearts The men of Phi Gamma Delta 11:; CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW COURT o Phi Gamma Delta: Cathi Hope, Gen Hoyt, Kris! Kuistdad. Anne Duggan, Sue Sheehan, Sue Klafi Coieen Young, Jule McChow, and Sue DeLoretto Much fun and Fif love ahead 11 ; FRED BRAY: Sorry amnesia struck yoi afta you’d already asked me to your bind date function Try and have fun anyway Sincerely, Mfcheie P S Pray amnesia doesn’t strike ME before Saturday T.C.’e—It was fun waking you up Tuesday N?sr time we! have to stay up longer! Love, the Gammr Phi’s 112 TED WALKER lor I.F.C. He wit save you the money you pay but never aee. 113.7,1 GET YOUR MONEY’S WORTH ELECT JAY DONALDSON TO THE I.F.C. P**d for by Jay Donaldson 11:4 YOU GAVE ME $100 r’*** Ptoto »1M to top MtoM F*t CommMw. Aa tha committee's senior mam bar, r*» fought to aave your money while Instituting a rational budgeting proceea and aval-jetton. RE-ELECT DAVE TYLER TO IFC Experience that works (Pd. Contributors for Tyler) RE-ELECT DOUG BENSON to? INCIDENTAL FEE COMMITTEE tor continued — •Program Stabrify •Student Responsiveness •Objective budgeting (Paid by committee to re-elect Benson to IFC) 11:4 !-1 PIZZA UNO’S DELIVERS OUR 23 DELICIOUS VARIETIES OF Piping hot Right to your door And now we have two delivery trucks to give you faster service. Cal 342-3111 Now open until 1 am Monday to Saturday: Midnight on Sunday 00628:tfn WE TRAIN the future leaders of Amanca. Do you think it's a coincidence that the last five presidents were former Naval officers? You can be one. too, if you quafcfy See us n the EMU Century Room today 02571:11-3 If you've got the goods but no place to put them, try SELF-STOR for Indviduat storage unit rentals Sizes 5ftx5ft&5ftx 10ft and larger, all units are heated. Call 344-2710 West 11th and Bertelsen Rd 02096 tfn SAVE ON NATURAL COLOR 8X10 PORTRAITS 3 separate studio sittings at local Eugene Portrait Studio 3 8 X 10 natural color portraits m 3 beautiful gold-glass frames Now only $24 95 Call 485-4062 02464 12-12 THURSDAY NITE is MARGUERITA NITE FROM 9 p.m.-11 pjn. Live Musk DELAY BAND Thursday-Sunday 02509:11-3 (Classifieds continue on Page 8A) APATHY HURTS VOTE IN THE ASUO ELECTIONS Wednesday and Thursday 02530:11-3 THIS WEEKENO AT MAX SI Friday — Pilcher Sale 4-6 p.m Saturday—The McKenzie River Boys 9 p.m.-2 a m 11:4 JL, WW, Pfl, SD, CW Let stock or treat every mght. We love your goodies Nana 11:3 MARGRET had a exceHant time at the Pikes Hope to see you soon I think I'm in love! Jim 113 GAMMA PHI BETA ANNOUNCES thee 1977- 78 Little Brother Court Ed Conn, Tony Evans, Marc Johnson, Pete Demes John Bradtey. Jim Bennett. Roto Morse Bruce Hecht, Steve Jones and Dave Sngrey Congratulations' 11:3 LANE MEMORIAL BLOOD BANK DONORS NEEDED O Positive 8 units. O Negative 2 units A Positive. 7 units. A Negative, 2 units. B Positive 0 urws; AB Positive 1 Unit Don or hours Monday thru Thursday 10:30-1 DO. Tuesday thru Thursday 200-4 30 and Fndays 3 00-6 30 Call us lor an appointment at 484-9111 RETAIN HERLOCKER & HERBERT ON THE IFC We wiN work to keep Incidental fees from rising. Paid by Retain Heriocker-Hetoert Comm 11:3 ELECT MIKE LOCKWOOD SUAB POSITION #4 BUSINESS-ECONOMICS (Pd. Committee to elect Lockwood) 1:3 COUPON COUPON TWO FOR ONE Two spagetti dmners tor the price of one Choice ol tomato or meat sauces, with a pitcher of beer Now th.u Nov 3, 1977 La Cucina 311 Gateway, off Bettilne 726-1824 COUPON COUPON 02554 11-4 SNOW LION “Seconds” Regular Price Special Price Mountain Parkas.$55.00 $39.95 Polarguard Jackets....$60 00 $49.95 Polarguard Vests.....$36 00 $29.95 Downtown Mall 57 W. Broadway Campus Shop 764 E. 13th