Energy savings require “muscle” claims Pollock By RONDA BISHOP Of the Emerald Conservation is popular to talk about, but hard to accomplish without muscle and compulsory measures said Walter Pollock, Oregon supervisor of energy and resource development at a Tues day meeting of the Lane County League of Women Voters. Pollock, whose agency in the Oregon Department of Energy is responsible for all conservation and alternate energy plans, finds forecasts of energy growth “academic.” Oregon forecasts in dicate a declining energy growth rate, he said, but they do not take into account variation of present sources or increases in popula tion. Pollock pointed out that statis tics show Eugene and Portland to be two of the most desirable U S. cities of their size. This indicates, he said, that Oregon’s population may grow faster than that of other states. Addressing the issue of re source allocation, Pollock said, “Without imposing mandatory measures, the only way to achieve gains is to greatly in crease government subsidies and incentives.” Pollock described solar energy as the most “cost effective” alter nate energy source. If Pres. Carter s incentive for solar energy passes, he said, Oregonians could have approximately 50 per cent of the cost of solar projects paid for by government. Pollock said he has already had many in quiries about the tax credit for solar projects which went into ef fect in Oregon Tuesday. Pollock reported that a 550-megawatt coal-fired power plant will be in operation here soon. He cautioned against view ing coal as the answer to the energy situation, however, be cause of the environmental costs. Regarding other alternate energy sources, Pollock sees op portunities in bioconversion and geothermal power. Westmoreland chosen for new BRING site The county-wide recycling organization, Begin Recycling In Neighborhood Groups (BRING) has a new service for Uni versity students, and at the same time is running into difficul ties with an established one. BRING has set up a permanent collection site at West moreland Student Housing for clear, brown and green glas ses, aluminum and flattened tin cans without labels, and used automobile oil, according to BRING representative Elise Fischer. The drop location is in the fenced area behind the Community Building at 2065 W. 16th Ave. The difficulties stem from garbage and plastics left during the week by students at the 13th Avenue and University Street collection point. “Recently people have been leaving recycla ble materials and miscellaneous garbage at this site through out the week," Fischer said. “This build-up has caused some distress to the University. People should only drop their mater ials there on Thursday afternoons between 1:30 and 3:30 p.m.” She asked students to find another way of disposing of their plastics and garbage. GRATIS_ TWO CUTE KITTENS — 8 weeks Gong to pound soon Please cal 687 -8605 10 7 PETS FREE TO QOOO HOME, 6 month male puppy ha* Lab Sponger house-named has shots very sweet and slow, good lor family or committed mctvidual 343-3581 107 rwmcHEs_ MCC Metropolitan Community Church A Christian Church reacting the gay community Al meetings open Worslvp 7pm 3800 Ferry St Wednesday Bible Study Information 464-9286 485-1847 or P O Bo* 3076 Eugene. 97403 1487034 IT OOP & PRINK GERTRUDE'S A lenvnet cate open to tie whole community Good tood. good pncee on-gong ensertemment 1181 Lincoln 343-0386 02078 HF BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER Homemade Pres. Ro*a. and Sot* We peel our own potatoes “HOOTS” RESTAURANT Breakfast served al day Open 24 Hours Daly 2 Stocks East of Eugene Hotel Phone 345-4316 CLYDE SCOTT 440 E 6th OWNER Eugene. Oregon 97401 02238 10-31 OAK COVE ALL YOU CAN EAT SPAGETT1 DINNERS 12.96 and laee 5-10 daHy 854 E 130< 0222 10-19 EVENTS JEWISH STUDENT UNION/HILLEL NEW ANO RETURNING STUDENTS ARE INVITED TO COME ENJOY BAGELS AND CREAM GET ACQUAINTED ANO FIND OUT HOW TO GET INVOLVED SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9 7:30 p.m. 1414 Kincaid FREE 10:7 IF BAKKE WINS YOU LOSE FIND OUT WHY OCT. 11 and 12 02209 12 BENEFIT RUN FOR THE WHALES. Greenpeace Eugene. Sponsor Sunday October 9 at 1 p.m. in Alton Baker Park 2. 4 or 6 mile runs $4 donation Al runners receive Greenpeace t-shirts Come early 10:7 DRUNK DRIVING — Whal to do* the Cops Na* You " A talk EMU. 7:30 p.m.. 10* 106 Oregon Daily Emerald CHESS TOURNEYS: Beginners Swiss Colum bus Open Eugene Hotel Fmai registration Oc tober 8 8-9 30 a m 345-5184. 345-2627. 485 9202 106 SPEAKER STEPHEN KANTER FORMER DIRECTOR of Portland Pubic Calender Olftce Professor of CnmciaJ Low at Lems ft Clark law school Friday. October 7 at 12:30pm in Room 129Lew School Tope The Pubic Defender and the Comma! Jus tice System 02227 106 BAKKE SYMPOSIUM Tuesday, Oct. 11 129 Law 12:30 p.m. Wednesday Oct. 12 EMU 12:30 p.m. 02208 12 ENTERTAINMENT FALL BIJOU DREAM PRESENTS D.W. GRIFFITH 1923 film THE WHITE ROSE Thursday Oct 6 8 p m 180 PLC Adrrsssion $1 25 or season ticket 02225 106 MUSIC BULLETIN 485-1411 Recorded ^formation on local, live music & con certs coming to Eugene & Portland 10 am. — 1 am 10:7 HORSES TO RENT Hourly rates scenic traits no guides WEEKDAYS. EVEMNGS. WEEKENDS Telephone for Reservations Wmdgate Farms 998-6789 1345 tin THE SAILOR WHO FELL FROM GRACE WITH THE SEA With KRIS KRISTOFFERSON and SARAH MILES Friday and Saturday. Oct 7 and 8. 7 and 9 30 177 Lawrence $1 25 02196:7 THE ANANOA MARQA SOCIETY PRESENTS THE STING Paul Newman and Robert Ftedtord star in tie tremendously entertaining caper ilm, as the heroes pul "The Sting on the bad guys m one of tie most ingenious plots ever conceived Winner of seven academy awards, including Best Picture Sat Oct ■ 150 Geology 7 and 9 p.m. $1 02226 10-7 JANIS A documentary about Jen is Joplin Saturday. Oct. ft 7 and 9:30 p.m. 180 PLC SI 02210:8b SOOTH EUGENE HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTS WARREN MRJ-ER'S IN SEARCH OF SKIING At 8 pjn. Thureday. Oclober 6 at South Eugana Auditorium $2 at ski shops $2 50 at door EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS THE EXORCIST Based on a true case, ttss Mm. starring Elen Burstyn. Unda Bar and Mas von Sydow e a ch*ng tale of demonic possession It you have seen it onoe. or never, you shoUd see It now' PLUS THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW. An animated short to enhance the mood FRtOAY, OCTOBER 7 7 and 9:30 pjn. 180 PLC 11 AND CASABLANCA A daaaic Mm *ia« was based on an unknown play w*h unknown locations and arAsd by unknowns Thw a a (Jiance to see CASA BLANCA on 8ia Mi screen onoa agan Play « agan. Sam SUNDAY. OCTOBER 9 7 and 9-JO p.m. 100 PLC *1 02236:7 MITHRANDIR at Murphy A Me Thuraday-Saturday Oct 6. 7, 8 CINEMA 7 HMi and ONve — Atrium Budding 607-0733 TONIGHT THRU THURSDAY KUROSAWA'S IKIRU (TO LIVE) IKIRU is tie movsig story ol a modem man who Imws he » gong to dto and his struggle to confront «. Showing at 7:30 p m only tat EUGENE SHOWBtG of SATYAJT RAY’S THE MUSIC ROOM A beautiful sympathetic story ^oJa Mod ** whose loss of tarrsty senda twn rto 8 existence, only to return to happmees stwn he hears ot plans tor a mustt festival M color . ^Jmng at 9:45 only. UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRESENTS EQUUS A play by Paler Shaffer OCTOBER 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 8 pm ROBINSON THEATRE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON 686-4191 U O students may purchase tickets tor hat price with current tee card 02170:10-14 BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 Willamette Happy Hours. Monday and Wednesday 10:30. Friday — 4-6 p m. INCHELOB ON TAP 344-0616 — 9:30 k) Entertainment lour nights a week 136881fn THURSDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES PRESENTS ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK with BILL HALEY and the COMETS, the PLATTERS and other original ROCK N ROLL greats October 6 150 Geology 7. 8:30 A 10 pjn. S1.25 HOME FRIED TRUCK ST OP THURSDAY Breakfast CYNTHIA CARAWAY Lunch: CHRIS PAUL Dinner NO STRMGS ATTACHED FRDAY Breakfast: BARBARA DZURO Lunch: MKHAEL HARRISON, DON LAX AND AHMSA Dinner: DAVID GREENFIELD SATURDAY Breakfast UMAJA, tag sound >azz band Ltnch JOB. BURMSTEM with votrast guest Dinner. JO CHMBERG SUNDAY Breakfast GREG FELD AND JEFF STER 12 30 p.m.. PAT BURKE, pantommst Lunch MTTCH UES Ormer DAVD WRITER AUOrnONS FOR MUSICIANS Thursdays. 3 pjn. See Ctaudto Qiaefle on INfi beNsssn IWysrd and Alder 02235* AUDITIONS THE EMU PROGRAM OFFICE ia now accepting damo tapes (reaMo-reN or cassette) from per formers wishing to piey tor Noon Gigs or Flsh boert FoWlaa. Tapes should be a maximum of 10 minutes long and should be submttM by Oct. 14 to SuNe 2, EMU Ground Floor. 02217 :11 MEN! WOMEN! JOBS ON SHIPS! American Foreign. No experi ence requred Excellent pay Worldwide travel Summer pb or career. Send S3 tor information that wR heip you Snd the job you want. SEAFAX Dept J-7, Box 2049. Port Angeles. Washington 98362 10:10 MORTAR BOARD MEETS Thursday. Oct 6. 4 30 p m.. EMU. room to be posted 10* EX-GAYS who have found the key Confidential Counseling Barnabas Ministry P O Box 485. Veneta. Oregon 97487 02053 WH JOURNALISM MAJORS — Get practical expen ence m copywriting production, production, photo graphy. layout and design The Oregana has staff and editorial positions open Applications are avail able n Room M-111. EMU Appkcatxxts are due Friday, Oct 7. 1977. at 4:30 p m Interested non maprs are encouraged fo apply, too. No expen ence necessary For more m format on cal Cnxi Ney at ext 4305 or 342-3179. 02221 7 NUDES, Had one hel of a nude time, ttiving the Datsun 200 nude, kstenng to station KNUD, drink ing Nude Nun and playing Name that Nude Thanks, we t have to get nude again sometime The Window-Watchers 10* CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GIRLS who sue ceesfuty raided every fraternity on campus, then relumed tie goods. More to come later guys. Love, tie Composite Colectors. 10* UNOERGRADSII Give portraits for the gilt-giving season. 8 wallet size pictures FREE with your por trait order $5 sitting tee. reduced prices KENNELL-ELUS STUDIO, 343-8881. 02131 ifn “GRITS” HAPPY 19'ER! Cheer up We love ya! Bend S McKews 10* ALVA — HAPPY 19th Birthday! Sony I'm a day late Stay sweet your roomie. Toni! 10* BORIS — MY DESIRE is growing stronger — please dont stop now! Love Natasha 10:6 THE VtOA BARN — Now taking reservations for summer term PARTIES, MEETINGS, PICNICS. DANCES, etc S75 and i*> 896-3913 02865tin BIORHYTHMS AS FEATURED IN THE EMERALD! 3, 5 A 7 Cycle Charts. Personal interpretations consultations PETER, 136 E. 11th, 485-9076 Conscious Knowledge Promotes Better Understanding' 10:14 DO YOU WANT to do something exciting this term? Ok junior hgh kids wil knock you out! Get credit, loo! See us at the ESCAPE table in the EMU i°bby 02184:7 TINO’S DELIVERS OUR 23 DELICIOUS VARIETIES OF PIZZA Piping hot Right to your door And now we have two delivery trucks to give you faster service Cal 342-8111. Now open until 1 a m Monday to Saturday: Midnight on Sunday 00628rtfn LANE MEMORML BLOOD BANK DONORS NEEDED O Positive 5 Units. O Negative 1 Unit. A Positive 5 Un4s. A Negative 1 Una, B Positive 1 Unit AB Positive 2 Urvts Cal 464-9111 lor an appointment THE COMPOSITE COLLECTOR S FAVORITE TREASURES: 1) Del s Homy Award 2) Beta's kxiets 3) Kappa Srgs name plate. We love ’em al See you whan tie new compoeitBS come. XOXO, The Composite Coiectors. 106 MODELS NEEDED for fal fashion special Men and women Portloto desired but not necessa^. Bong photo to leave 1 posstote Apply: Oregon Daily Emerald. 686-5511, 300 EMU. THE LOVELY ALPHA CM’S: The year of the DELT is here. The Frat wrth class «wll serve no beer. Arst a powerful pinch, that you I ike a bunch. And dancing tB the morning appears 106 THIS WHOLE INCIDENT is such a hassle Concerning our Oranges. Pears and Apples The crimes of Carson Hal Leave me very much appaled! 106 GRITS — HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope Is a good one even if it s only a 19'er. Snacks and Rhodsie 106 PEOPLE INTERESTED IN playing or teaching (unpaid) png-pong on a championship table should visit the Bavarian at 444 E 3rd to make arrangements 02080:7 If you've got the goods but no place to put them, »t¥ SELF-STOR for Indviduaf storage unit rentals Sizes: 5ftx5ft&5ftx10ft and larger, al units are heated CaH 344-2710 West 11th and Be ft fen Rd. 02098Ifn U OF O CRISIS CENTER is open every night from 5 p m to 8 a.m. to help you with any problem. Strictly confidential. 686-4488 021233b ARE YOU COVERED? ASUO student medical in surance is available fal term from Oregon Hall cashiers through October 7. 02086:7 HELP! We need soccer coaches between 11 and 1 during the term. Need a few credits? Want to work with some dynamite junior high kids? Let us krow at the ESCAPE table in the EMU lobby 02185:7 OAK COVE SPAGETTI DINNERS $2.96 and lees 5-10 dally 845 E. 13th 10-11 UGLY FACIAL HAIR, HOW EMBAR-* RASSING! Everyone notices Can be removed safely, and permanently Phone 687-9181 or 343-5098. Electrology by Manan 0l6161fn PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH RIGHT. Confidential information and tree pre gnancy test Call 687-8651. Page 7 Section A