Industrial hygienist hired An industrial hygienist has been hired at the University to work with technical occupational health problems. Marshall Van Ert will assist Robert Sudmann, director of Environ mental Health and Safety. Van Ert, who holds a master’s degree in Environmental Engineer ing from the University of North Carolina, will work with preventing health problems such as heat stress, dust, noise, radiation and toxic chemicals. Drop-in hours extended Drop-in hours at Westmoreland Community Center, 1545 W. 22nd Ave., have been extended for fall term. Daily hours will be 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fridays until November 19. Free activities available include ping-pong, billiards and use of the gymnasium when it is not programmed for recreation classes. Recrea tion equipment is available at the center. Westmoreland Center is operated by the Eugene Parks and Re creation Department. For information, call 687-5316. Applications due Oct. 20 Applications for Danforth Graduate Fellowships for 1978-79 will be accepted until Oct. 20 by Larry Owens, Honors College director. The fellowships are open to qualified persons with serious interest in careers teaching in colleges or universities and who plan to study for a Ph.D. in any field common to undergraduate liberal arts curriculum in the United States. The stipends are based on individual need. COPIES NO MINIMUM fL KINKO’S 3 L " 344-7894 . • 1128 Alder Also in Corvallis HARVEY FOX’S (The Complete Sporting Goods Store) Why Shop Anywhere Else In Town? ATHLETIC SHOES Adidas Puma Tretorn Nike Tred 2 Converse Bata Tiger THE BEST SELECTION OF TENNIS OR RUNNING SHOES AROUND! Why Shop Anywhere Else? HARVEY FOX’S 13th ft Patterson _ _ „ _ . 342-7021 The Complete Sporting Goods Store Norwegian returns home to edit texts Ingrid Weatherhead, a Univer sity foreign language lecturer, will return to her home in Norway next summer to edit textbook editions of Norwegian literature and his tory to be used for teaching in American universities. Weatherhead has been awarded a travel stipend of about $1,200 through the Norwegian Emigration Fund of 1975 to bring Americans of Norwegian descent back to Noway to study some as pect of Norwegian-American rela tions. Weatherhead teaches on a half-time basis in the Department of German and Russian. Waiver test scheduled Students scheduled to take Writing 121 either winter or spring term may try to waiver the first of the two writing courses required for gradua 1,011 In November, prior to winter term registration, the two-part test will be given at the University Counseling Center. The essay and objective waiver exam involves two and one-half hours of testing. Students successfully completing both parts earn a non-credit waiver for the class. P.E. prof says ‘aloha’ University physical education instructor Robert Ritson will pres ent a speech on perceptual motor Correction The fall orientation issue con tained an error: Jefferson Pool is located at 16th and Jefferson and is indoors. Amazon Pool is closed for the season. movement and movement educa tion for the pre-school youngsters at the Pre-school Educators state convention in Honolulu, Hawaii in October. Ritson will also conduct a work shop with the Kamehamaha Elementary Schools in an effort to improve existing physical educa tion programs there. PEANUTS®^-..** V- JV > tn MlGRATORv ROUTE =0 briefs Mortal Board, senior honor society. *HI hold its first annual meeting today at 4:30 »i the EMU. room to be posted AM members are urged to attend Agenda includes working on final plans tor North west Section Meeting and initiating new projects for the year The Gerontology Association w* hold its first organizational meet rig tonight at 7 in the EMU room to be posted Old and new members are urged to attend The Baptst Student llruon will meet tonight at 7 JO m the EMU. room to be posted Alpha Kappa Psi the organization of under graduate business and economics majors wil C-thru Better Letter rab-on dry transfer lettering up to 25% off some type faces available are: Helvetica Times Roman Souvenir Futura and more 13tk « Kincaid Prices yood thru Oct. 8 interested business and econorrecs students are invited to attend The Black Student Uraon ad be hotdng its Aral general meebng tor tie academic school year today in tie EMU. at 6 30 p m Boom location aid be posted on tie announcement boards m tie EMU University Lbertanans aid hold an organa abonel meetsig at 1 p m today, room to be posted trv terested persona are stvSed to attend The Asian American Student Union aid hold as trst busneas me tang today at 730 p m at 585 E 19#iAve #4 For more sttormabon cat 686 4342 MKCEU-ANEOUS Paul Roberts, tram tie Uraversty ot Nearcastle upon-Tyne. England aid speak today at 3 30 p m on 'Theory at the Magnetic Field ol tie Earth The cotoquarm. sponaored by tie pbytKa department ard be si Room 16. Science 1 Volunteers are needed to complete tie trail m Spencer s Butte from Oct 3 through Oct 6 Toole. but ndunleers are asked to bring gtoves boots hNung boots and ran gaar For mote ntomam contact Thao Mansen at 687-5307 FILMS Tha Urn varsity s Russian A East European Sturftea Cantar a pretentng a tree snowing ot a 1970 Russian him adaptation ot Doaloavsky s Come and Piwatimant at 7 p m today n 177 Lawrence The puMc a cordaKy nvtted ROOCV Tha EmarakTs bneft column a open to anyone ■rating lo announce maatnga lectures or mncat lanaous avanu Boats are nn only once and are subject to space imaalnns They rftosSd be typed and tnple-tpacsd n a 65-char acter margin Include af partnant ntorTTwBon ndudng r» data you want * to run Alao. ndudc a name and phone msnber n case are have quasaons Events with donalons or admaaron chargee wdl not be const derad AS Name must be turned m by noon two days before pubicahon at 9ta Emerald ottce Room 300 EMU WESTSIDE KASH N KARRY Complete Line of Building Materials ( AT A DISCOUNT S! SHELVING PLYWOOD LUMBER PANELING / 0 Mon Sat 8:00 AM 5:30 PM [( \ --__ Sun 10:00 AM 3:00 PM 1768 W. 6th — Eugene 342 3388 \ Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday n cept during exam weeks and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co Inc at the University ol Oregon, Eugene, Ore 97409 The Oregon Daily Emerald operates independently of the University with offices on the third floor of the ErbMemonal Union, and b a member of the Associated Press Emerald subscriptions are $7 per term and $20 per year News and Editorial 686-5511 Display Advertising and Business 686-3712 Classified Advertising 686-4343 Production 686-4381 Editor Managing Editor Asst Managing Editor News Editor Graphics Editor Editorial Page Editor Wally Beneon Tom Wotte Becky Young Chen O'Neil Adrienne Salinger Tom Jackson V Sports Editor Asst Sports Editor Entertainment Editors Wire Editor Associate Editors: Departments and Schools Features State and Local Politics Community State System and Student Services ASUO Environment Night Ed tor Production Manager Advertang Manager Accountant Dan Lindahl Mike Manno Jeml NMson Cheryl Hodert Chris Norman Melody Ward Jock Hat* eld Jane Lehman Kevin Harden Rich Seven Kevin Hacked Kathy Monte Jane Lehman Roes Lines Carl Bryant Ted Johnston