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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1977)
THE SEARCH PROGRAM is now accepting appli cations (Of the position of SEARCH Instructor Seminar Leader Job entails counseling new in structor s, leading seminar, and general office duties Applesnts must be able to keep office hours and express a willingness to be involved For ^pl cations drop by SEARCH office, Suite t EMU. 686-4377. deadline Sept 30 The ASUO is an equal opportunity employer Women and minorities encouraged to apply 0206 1 30 NEWSPAPER PRODUCTION MANAGER NEEOEO. Full-time position, m charge of supervis ing Oregon Daily Emerald composing room, includ ing daily newspaper and tome commercial typeset ting Experience m newspaper production methods lor offset printing essential Position also entails personnel management and phototypesetting machine maintenance Applications available Sept 26.1977 and must be submitted with resume by Oct 7. 1977 Starting pay S750-W50 per month dependng on work experience The Daily Emerald is an equal opportunity employer, women, mmonties and the handcappad are encouraged to apply Room 300. Erb Memorial Union. University of Oregon 10-3 RECREATION LEADER NEEDED Petersen Bam Commurxty Center s Teen Super visor needs assistant to lead and organize outdoor tnps. sports, dances 3 hours credit Leave resume with Sue Kessler at ESCAPE or call 609-1446 g-29 VOLUNTEER NEEDED to tutor multple handop ped 10 year old gut wshn classroom No experi ence necessary — |ust wiRngness to learn techni ques of teaching mutt pled hand capped 9-12, daily, I possible tt interested cal 4-J Volunteer Services. 667-3472 02128:9-29 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AT SANTA CLARA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Opportune*, metude 6th grade math class si one-to-one situation It 15-12 06. whenever poesASe/daily. assistng teacher in 6th grade reading class. 1-1 45 whenever possbte daify assistance needed p 4th grade ieadng ctass ksienmg to students read, etc . 10 45-11 25. whenever possible daily help needed in sssehng 2nd grade math teacher (Dta tar) 12-12 46 whenever possMedaly wvfhbrary hellers needed on Tuesday. Thursday and Friday next** hours If nteresfed n any of these oppor tunities. 4J Volunteer Services 667 3472 02129 9-29 ASUO ASSISTANT COMPTROLLER, work study required Accoutring students preferred but not necessary 10-15 hours/week. S3 10/hour Apply Sude 4. EMU or cat 606-3724 Apptcafpns ac cepted untt Friday 9/30 0211628 SURVIVAL CENTER SEEKS Special Asswtant lor LegisiMrve Affairs Extensive knowledge of tie legwiabve process and tie Oregon Legaiafiee im perative Feet hand knowledge of bd research and iobbyvig prerequtsae Work-study quaMcabon re qured Appfceations and pbdeecnpfon available at tie SURVIVAL CENTER Suae 1. EMU 686^4356 We are an equal opportiaiay affirmative action employer 02111 28 VOCABULARY TUTORS Assist students enrol led m Vocabulary Development class Expertise xt Engtsh grammar and vocabulary, denotation and connolatxxi word usage and sentence structure Earn 3 hours credt Apply si CSO 207 Emerald Hall 021047 TUTORS NEEDED SCIENCE MATH SOCIAL SCIENCES ACCOUNTING STATS WRITING READING Earn 2-4 upper division credits Apply al 207 Emerald Hal 02105 7 DIRECTOR OF UMVERWTY CRISIS CENTER 30 FTE GTF poaaton Inquire al University Coun sekng Center tor more information 150 Suaan Campbei Hall. 606-3227 02106 30 SCIENCE MAJOR. Workstody S3 50Mour Serxor or graduate Assist w«h supervising tutors Approx - imalely 15 hours ■week Apply at Center lor Self Development. 207 Emerald Hal 02103 7 2 WORK STUOENT POSITIONS: Women s Refer ral and neeource Center, needa 2 people to staff the office and update referral information 10 hours per weak. S3 an hour We need your creative commuted energy Oeadane Friday Sept 30 We don t dMcnmnate against anyone 02100S-30 WOMENS REFERRAL AND RESOURCE CENTER needa an Aasetant Director Duties in clude heipvig to coortfcnase office (unctions aa wel as plan workshops and fundraeng tor upcorrang year Salary $54 a month (can be converted to worksfody funds * qualified) 10-20 hours per week Deedbne Friday Sept 30th We don t diacnmnate against anyone 020969-30 U OF O CHILD CARE and Development Center a avaSabte to student in Education Psyc . Library. Dance. PE. Music, (and other deapknee dealing with children) for pracbcums during (at term Cal ext 4364 for into 02112 28 WORK-STUOV OPPORTUNITY available to learn manlenance and ahippmg room procedures of large film for ary Sluders expected to work 15-20 hours/week al a wage of S2 75-S3 25/tiour Must qualify for the U of O work-study program lor academic year 1977-78 Contact Clarence John son. Lane IED. 1200 Highway 99N. Eugene 689-6500 02117:29 PRE-SCHOOL HEAD TEACHER lor CoOp M-W-F 8:30-11 30 and W-F 12-3 $150 per month Send resume to Whiten*or Community School. 21 N Grand. Eugene. 97401 before Sept 29 Ques tions Call Bee. 687-3505 9 28 SENIOR OR GRADUATE STUDENT m )ournalsm Or media and communications wanted for 12 weeks Full-time paid Wiche Internship in Oregon Call area code 303-443-8144 colect lor further information 02056 4 STUDENT ARTISTS. CARTOONISTS AND DC SIGNERS llustrate (aid negotiate actual de sign problems lor production Free-lance assign ments available and agency-ike representation Ml Graphics Co . 484-0560 Ask tor Gene 10:6 RECREATION PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR pfannsig coordination implementation of aty-wide program m small coastal fishing community Bas ketball oriented with degree in Recrealion/P E Medical, denial, lie insurance Liberal vacation Salary D O E Send resume immediately to EYSC.PO Box 117. Cordova. Alaska 99574 An Equal Opportunity Employer 02063:30 SUWCSS/ECON MAJOR Wbrkatudy S330*hour Seoiof or graduate Assist veto supervising Mors Approximately 15 hours/wmk Apply at Center lor Sel-Dsvelopment. 207 Emerald Hal 02102:7 WORK STUDY POSITIONS AVAILABLE: CHILDCARE AJOES SAMTT1ZER CMI 685-4345 EMU CNMcea center QZOMMfn FRESHMAN OR SOPHOMORE needed lo he* manage basket bat learn Experience helpM Phone UdO Baskefcal othoe. 686-4346 930 OPPORTUNTTY TO WORK «th tie tianrtcapped Peed ft** Center. Mual be etgfcle tor work ttudy or can receive prackcum cret*1 through ESCAPE or Special Education Call Laura Krenk at ^♦5-8506 02003:10-7 AUDITION-APPOINTMENTS NOW BEING TAKEN tor any people ntereeled m eurktxximg tor talent work voicing commeraait Previous actag or broadcaskng experience s helplul but nol neces sary Cal 485-5977 9 28 PARTTME FUU.TWE «Al£*PEO<»L£ experience not necessary We *l" j;;»n Car essential Kirby Company 484'®655 12035bn ROOMMATES POAUTY ROOK — pmg bafti on 2B8i street across from WiSamette Plaza *85. 484-0612 Female only Avalable October 3 22 Locterc tapestry loom *35 928 ROOMMATE WANTED; Would the a conger** mature lady to Miare spacoue 2 bedroom apart ment near parks Cat Borne. 687-0456 9-28 FEMALE GRAD STUDENT mails room m house wah tnenray lofcs oner 25 Cal Tnaa ai 343-5707 after 5pm Can pay arotaid *100 9-29 ROOMMATE WANTED TO SHARE three bed room house, large yard, fireplace no pets SlOO'mooth plus utilities Call late afternoon 4850653 10-4 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED lo share too bedroom apartment 1 block from campus Black stone Manor *80 a month plus Can Euroce 686-0116 9-30 FEMALE — 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, turreshed. car pets shop, fireplace Pets welcome 590 686-1980 9-30 1TOR RENT_ ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT lor two AvaSNSe now Large, clean *175 and up 1815 Kincaid 0215229 MCKENZE AREA Large THREE BEDROOM on 1 9 acres 5450month Exclusive TWO BED ROOM PLUS on 1 acre *425mon*i Bo*i about 20 mnutes horn campus LEASE wfth trst last deposit and relerences Call BiU Sheppard 726-1801 or Doug Larkins 686-1701 West Coast Really 379 Coburg Rd Eugene. Ore 97401 484-2091 9-29 LARGE ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. Furnished Near campus S185 month 961 E 19Bi Ave 3438751 9-28 LARGE GARAGE lor storage or crafts Close to U o» O 342-8560 after 5pm 9-30 EFFICIENCY UNITS now ava4able Attractively turrxehed shane kitchen weh private or shared bath at utekes paid covered parting 1810 Harrs From *105 a month 686-2470 or 484-1238 10-7 GRANTREE FURNITURE RENTAL Man was not made tor hoors atone Al Gran Iree you can gel a 10% student dtooouv 48 hour dekvery month to monSi rental 100% purchase opeon Showroom open 9-6 Mon-Fa 10-5 Sat STARTMG OCT. 1ST Open 9-7 Moo-Fn. 10-5 Sal 1st & Lawrence Eugene 343-7717 02132:10-4 T OST 8 FOUND FOUND: JACKET AND OTHER ITEMS n Mac Court Come to 2nd (oor registration othce 9-28 LOST al Sapl 24 Football game, men s brown 3 told water If found contact Butch al 686-4792 9-28 FOUND: SLEEPING BAG. m Moss and Cotumtaa U of O parting lot Cal 687 9202 after 5 30 p m 484-0739. days 9-29 FOUND: Russian textbook m Emerald Othce Come by and identify 9-29 LOST: Favorite, best loved short turquoise tacket Please return to gnef-stncfcen scatterbrain 485-8561 — Marti Black 928 CHURCHES_, LOOKING FOR A CHURCH HOME? Find deep Christian love and concern widi ue. Share die Oood News ot Jaeue Orrtet artMi our growing student group. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 4060 W. Amazon. Eugene. Phone 344-1944 NMe study 10 am Worship 11 ami. Worship service broadcast on KBMC FM 11 a m every Sunday 9-30 FOOD B PRINK OAK COVE SPAQETT1 OMNERS 12 95 and tma 854 £. 1301 5-10 drily 10-11 PETER SELLERS. GOLDIE HAWN IN THERE'S A GIRL M MY SOUP PLUS (tram the 1950 s. a tameless episode d) THE AO VENTURES OF OZZIE AMO HARRCT Saluday. October 1 7 and 930 p m 150 Geology — (1 Sponsored by tie UO YWCA 0207030 THE MGERMN STUDENT ASSOCIATION CALLMGm FOR WHAT?: Ngena Independence Anniversary Cettrafeon wen: October 1. 1977 (Saeuday) at 8 pm prompt WMERE? Komorea Comer. 1414 Kancad. FEATURES: Independence message, abort speeches and GANCE PARTY PARTY PARTY EVERYBODY IS WELCOME 02136 30 gWTERTAPniEMT BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 WameBe 344-0816 Happy Houm: Monday and Wednesday — 930 to 1030. Friday — 4-6 pm MCHELOB ON TAP Emertammem torn najlas a eeek 13888*1 10#i and Ofcre — Atun Butting 667-0733 TOMGKT THRU SUNDAY THE BOGART-BACAU.-HAWKS ctosarc THE BIG SLEEP PLUS ORSON WELLES ■ HARRY UME in THE 3rd MAN BIG SLEEP —8 pm 3rd MAN — 10 pm Reduced ackn mabler. Sal 8 Sim at 2 02126 29 FALL 1977 Oct 4 Ozu: FLOATMG WEEDS (1959) 11 Ozu: FLOATING WEEDS (1934) 18 lAzoguchi: THE BARJFF (1954) 25 Kurmea. RASHOMON (1950) Nov 1 Oshana BOY (1970) 8 Hanr BRDE OF THE ANDES (1966) 15 KabayaNic HARAKM (1982) 29 Shmoda DOUBLE SUCDE (1969) Dec 6 Testagahara FACE OF ANOTHER (1966) ADMISSION FULL; ImAad to enm6ad sbdgrb. Open to anyone no pnueguaaet .AI Bmi are aub Med m Engfcdi Regaler at Department d Oaneee and Japanese 302 Friandy 686-4005 021193 f 1 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PHESEXTS DAVID SYROTIAK’S National Marionette Theatre SEPT. 29 & 30 EMU BALLROOM 8:30 pm. TcfcaW avaMne at *» EMU man desk $150 — U d O students. $2 — General pubtc 50* — Odder under 12 — ALSO — A FREE WORKSHOP TWURS. SEPT. 29 RM 167 EMU. 11 aje. 02097“9-30 _ FALL ACME BU0U PRESENT? POWELL & KEELER IN DANCES BY BUSBY BERKELY FOOTUGHT PARADE, 1933 WED Sept 2B 180 PEC 8 p m Atknesam St 25 wti season ticket 021469-28 MITHRANDIR at MURPHY A ME Wednesday and Thunday September 28 A 29 9-29 HOMEFRED TRUCKSTOP WEDNESDAY Breakfast JM PARFfTT Owner DAVD BRUSCA, pMel THURSDAY fliealifael: JAMES THORM8URY Owner CHICO FFVDAY Breakfast: ROSS HOGARTH Lunch: BRET Owner: JO CHMBERG SATURDAY Breakfast: PAT EYSENBACH Dinner STEPHEN COHEN SUNDAY Breakfast: SUSAN ARROW Owner: CYNTHU CARROWAY TUESDAY Breakfast DIANA HOSBS and DON Uwch: RAY RAPHAEL Owner: DAVD BRUSCA on MBi bain can fWyard and Alder 0215428 STAR WARS Horn see BATTLE IN OUTER SPACE - -. an rtoantfiny and awesome danonsHion ot a taunsbc apace war. PLUS SPECIAL SHORT OR. CYCLOPS Thursday. SapL 29 7. fi:45, 1030 ISO Geology S1.2S 9-29 THE SLOW BUCK SHOW At tie BLACK FOREST TAVERN FWOAY Aiyn SATURDAY — THE WEEKEND 9-30 HAY FEVER , By NOEL COWARD 9:15 pju. S3 BoaoBce open 2 to 7 p m Monday tom Saturday 344-7751 02076 28 THE AMANDA MARGA SOOETY PRESENTS THE MARX BROTHERS M A NIGHT AT THE OPERA Groucho. Harpo and ChKO destroy toe opera m9i toe greatest ot ease in one ot toe tamest films ever made! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 7 and 9 pjn 190 PLC SI 0213330 HORSES TO RENT Houdy rates, scene tads, no gudes WEEKDAYS, EVENBIGS. WEEKENDS Telephone lor Reservations: Mfindgate Farms. 998-6789 1345Hr TO KEEP OM TOP OF LOCAL LIVE HUSK aid concerts comng to Eugene and Porttand. cafi MUSIC BULLETIN. 48S-1411. 10 a_m. to 1 Am. 930 EMU CU.TURAL FORUM PfCSECTS CLOCKWORKi ORANGE . *-US AN AMMATEO SHORT: TWO CASTLES 1WFLC AM) SI mutiny on the bounty ^”**8^1* **** to Ihe Mi smart SELF-STOR ftnr **•***■<■1 Mnu^ tm rvnMi ^SSxSItSSBKlOSrttag,,,^,,. am 5*4-2710 Ute* llte and-, ^ 02098 Tin ** p-m. bo o «m Id hefe) wu wih m. na.i.1. S*% ConteteMM JWJ COVERED? ASUO Mutant mtcX —-x» » «^Mu ta* term tent Oregon w o^eretereughOctetor) CO-OPERATIVE PMKTMG 782 EAST 13h (next to Excelsior Cafe) 485-4899 30 COPIES OR-aet printing, graphics, setting. etc. Co-operatively owned and operated! 10-4 GAYS-MS. Reach out Join in Contact others. In qure: Forum Box 129. Selden. N Y 11784. 9:30 WANTEO: FEMALE GRADUATE to assist anotter graduate (male. foreign) on a protect Write Graduate Project, P.O. Box 3721, Eugene, 97403 9:30 HK ART REPRODUCTIONS Many neatly imported from Europe. Also targe telecVon of neat posters and tapestries. Loar prices THE Id BOOKS AMD RECORDS on campus 1340 AMar 02075:30 HELP! MFORMATKM HEEDED about Canby. WmwoU by aichAecture students. If you have feed in or near Canby please cai Chris. 343-4814 or Stem, 342-1660 9-29 STEREO FOR SALE. AMEM, 8-track Good 00f> <**cn 960 Contact Dianne at 343-5050. After 5:30 pm 9-29 TIC OREGAMA is iw accepting appicat ons for edHorial and stMf posAions. A basic background in fCaanaAem is hefpU. but not necessary. Appfca fions am avariabte in toe Oegana Office. Room M-111. EMU. Appicabons are due at 4:30 p.m. Friday October 7, 1977. but don't wait until tie deadsle to apply! For more information, contact CM Ney at art. 4305 or 342-3179. 02141:4 CI PUT down in words . 9-28 ARE VOU SHY? > you are a woman who feels tnconfertable in most social sAuabons, tie instruc feonal materials we are developing may be of help. The materials are desuned to teach you ways of conAorUbly taAung to otters. If you are interested, please cat the Psychology Department at 696-5060. 02156:9-29 TRt-OELTS: Fun games, good beer, great pledges' Let s do it again soon. Love. The Pices 9-28 OAK COVE SPAGETT1 OMNERS S2 95 and lesa 5-10 daily 845 E. 13th 10-11 PI KAPPA ALPHA PLEDGES FALL 77; Dick Adams. Mark Baker. Jan Barton. Mfee David. John Deblock. Man Dames. John Little. Don IMer. Bruce liter. Pat Morrison. John Mozerta. Stuart Munro. Marty Owens. Robert PaU. Bob Raddifle. Dave Roes. Kiel Sedersbom. Br» Shaw. John Shea. Dan Sinrfiar. Pete Sturdwan. Keen Wamock. 9-29 JESUS SAD FoAow Me" to Inter-Varsity Christian FeAowstsps 1st mooting Sept 28th 7 pm EMU (room to be pasted) WELCOME' 9-28 EX-GAYS who have found toe key. Confidential Couisetng. Barnabas Mmstry. PO Box 485. Vaneta. Oregon 97487. 02053:WH CONTACT LEMS WEARERS. Save on brand name hard and soA lens supples. Send for free Austraeed catalog. Contact Lens Sipples. Box 7453 Phoenix. Arizona 85011 9-29 B.B. Let s be friends — B B 9-28 ROB K. Work lead tow term, or have you forgotten hoar? Did you ever know how? 9-28 A-PWS, We re w-h-nng in anbapabon of you. See ya tonight The Sigma Chi's. 9-28 DUNN is #1 9-28 basketball J.V Tryouts Wednesday Thursday & Friday. 5:15 Mac Court Coach Ernie Kent 686-4349. 021359-30 FEOFti Wit RES TED M playing or teaching (unpacl) png-pong on a diamponsfvp table should visit the Bavarian at 444 E. 3rd to make arrangements. 02060.7 PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FTWENO AT BMTH BKjMT Conhdenbal mtormahon and tree pre gnancy tasL Cal 687-0681 OREGON NORM and We UNIVERSITY DEMO CRATS urge you to Regia tor to vole. I you have moved you mat Re-Regsterl 9-28 THE W3A BARN — Not* taking reservations for summer term PARTIES. MEETINGS. PICNICS. DANCES, etc *75 and cp 896-3913 02865Tin COMPLETE ART AND ARCHITECTURE SUP PLES at dacountod prices N Great Northwest Art SitoPtyCo. 720E I3W St, MHilyard. 2 Stocks from campus. 020959 28 TINO’S DELIVERS OUR 23 DEUQOUS VARETES OF PIZZA Piling hot. fl^jhl to your door. And ncrv we have ton dekvety tucks to jpve you faster service. CM 342-8111. Now open unti 1 a m Monday to Saturday . Midnight on Suvtoy 00628Ifn UGLY FACIAL HAIR, HOW EM8AR RASSMGI everyone nokces Can be removed i«*aly. and petmanendy. Phone 687-9181 or 343-5096 nectiotogy by Marian. 01616Tfn (Continued on Page 24)