Photo by Erich 8oeke(hekfe It’s never too soon to consider how you're going to get out of Eugene, now that you've made it to campus. Amtrak railways is one mode of transportation available. They can get you to San Francisco and back for $82. Ticket-traffic, ride lists assist travel By WALLY BENSON Of the Emerald Though you may have just arrived on campus, chances are you'll soon be looking for a way out of Eugene, just for a while of course. And if you’re without a car, you'll probably need to know about the buses, trains and planes providing daily exits from the Emerald city. The buses come in the form of Greyhound Bus Lines or Continental Trail ways. The Greyhound depot is at 967 Pearl St., 344-6265. Examples of Greyhound fares are $13.25 for a round-trip ticket to Portland, a trip that takes two hours and 10 minutes each way. Greyhound charges $71.75 for a round-trip ticket to San Fran cisco, a venture lasting 12 hours each way. The Trailways depot is right next to Greyhound’s, at 957 Pearl St., and their phone number is 342-5331. Rates for round-trip tickets to Portland and San Fran cisco are the same as Greyhound’s, al though the Trailways trip takes longer: two hours and 40 minutes to Portland and 13 and a half hours to San Francisco If taking a train is your idea of a fun way to travel, the Amtrak Inter-City Rail Passenger Service will interest you. Located at East 4th Avenue and Willamette Street, their phone number is 687-1383. They will charge you $20 for a round-tripper to Port land, a three-hour trip each way, and $82 roundtrip to San Francisco, which takes 13 hours and 52 minutes. And then there’s the plane. Operating out of Mahlon Sweet Airport at 90550 Green Hill Road, United Airlines offers a round-trip coach ticket to Portland for $56 for the 30 minute flight. A round-trip ticket to San Francisco costs $122 and takes one hour and 25 minutes. You can call them at 342-5353. Also at M ah Ion Sweet is Hughes Airwest. They also charge $56 for a round-trip ticket to Portland, which takes 29 minutes each way. Cost for a round-trip to San Francis co is also $122 and the trip is faster, taking one hour and 12 minutes each way. Their phone number is 342-6121. An alternative to making all the arrange ments for your flight, bus trip or train ride by yourself is going through a travel agency. They can book reservations for you at little or no extra charge since they buy tickets in bulk at a discount. There are many listed in the yellow pages under travel agencies and Bureaus, Airline Ticket Agencies, Bus Lines Ticket Agencies and Bureaus, Airline Ticket Agencies, Bus Lines Ticket Agen cies and Railroads — Ticket Agencies. If none of these alternatives sounds excit ing and you’re about ready to climb on your bicycle, there are a few more alternatives you should check into. One is Switchboard, a service that can occasionally find you a ride if you’re willing to pay for gas and perhaps do some of the driving. Their number is 686-8453. You might also call them if you are planning a trip and would like extra riders for company or to share expenses. Another similar alternative is the Ride Board in the lobby by the ASUO offices in Suite 4. The index cards posted on the board supplement Switchboard services. AUTUMN FINERY Functional clothes that make beautiful sense. Everything easy, comfortable, with day to evening versatility. 1630 I . I Oth m < \yaU- \ |Oth> lnutiu 343-0555 Gentlewoman * ror the Scnsiti\e Woman MVVF 10-8 TThSa 10-6 Sunda\ 1-5