Academic Advising .2 Academic student unions.30 Campus Security.24 Career Planning and Placement. 29 Childcare Center.8 Child Care and Development Center.8 Chicken pickers. 28 CLEP .11 Co-ops.21 Dorms.21 Drug Information Center.32 Financial aid.5 Finding a job. 28 Instructional Media Center.27 International Student Services.31 Learning Resources Center. 6 Married Student Housing.21 Non-traditional student programs.26 Office of Student Advocacy. 25 Office of Student Services.3 Oregon Hall. 4 Oregon State Scholarship Commission .3 Parking. 12 Political groups .10 PSI Center. 27 Recycling .26 Student Health Center.6 Student unions . 22 Study tips.*..4 Traffic Appeals Court.22 Tutors.29 The doctor’ is in Advising center boasts drop-in assistance, registration programs By MADELEINE MATTHEW Of the Emerald You might call the Office of Academic Advising one of the biggest 'departments" on campus, even though it has to be one of the smallest in terms of staff size and office space. The office, located in 107 Friendly Hall, handles files on 2,100 undeclared majors. Yet the staff is small, relying mostly on student help and peer advising. The office is “the” academic student service. Its primary services are advising new students and transfer students on what classes to take and running orientation programs and workshops at the beginning of each term. Every summer the office coordinates, along with Registrars office, the Early Orientation Registration Program (EORP). This gives fresh men an opportunity to register early and become familiar with the time schedule and the required University courses. Special programs are also run by the office, including Project Ahead, which is advising flirough the army, and Credit by Exam. The office is also the site of the pre-med honorary, Asklepiads and houses the Academic Planning Resource Area (APRA). APRA provides information on majors, transfer programs, academic planning, special programs, Oregon schools and graduate and law schools. The office also has a center on pre-health sciences. It offers advis ing and information on health careers, admission requirements for medical and dental schools and preceptorships and pracbcums in health fields. Experienced peer advising and professional help with applications is provided. But one of the best services the office provides a lot of is “drop-in advising." So if you have any problems understanding requirements, planning a schedule or finding a major, those at Academic Advising will be happy to lend you its resources. Sr \ i STUDENT HEALTH CENTER 13th and Agate ESTABLISHED AND MAINTAINED TO PROVIDE OPTIMUM HEALTH FOR ALL STUDENTS WVWtf wwvwww ' I . EMERGENCIES will be attended to at any time. If you sustain injury or suffer sudden illness requiring immediate attention, report to the Health Center immediately or call ©^tension 3333 EMERGENCY PHONE APPOINTMENT PHONE EXT. 3333 686-4441 1. General medical attention and treatment including clinical gynecology & family planning counseling. 2. Minor surgery (major surgery and other procedures requiring general anes thesia and specialist's services are referred to private physicians) 3. Care of simple fractures 4. 15 days free hospitalization during one academic year 5. Routine laboratory procedures, including diagnostic X-ray 6. A licensed clinical laboratory 7. The services of a physical therapist 8. A pharmacy and counseling services by staff psychiatrists 10. Immunization clinics for treatment, as indicated 11. Premarital examinations ROUTINE APPOINTMENTSwiththe staff phystdan of your choice may be made in person or by telephone — 666-4441 Clinic hours are 8 00 a m. to 4:30 p.m. daily Monday through Friday, and 8:00 a m to 11:30 a m Saturdays. No appointment is necessary on Saturday mornings THE STUDENT HEALTH CENTER IS OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY DURING ALL REGULAR SCHOOL TERMS WITH A DOCTOR ON CALL FOR EMERGENCY CASES. THE EMERGENCY ENTRANCE IS ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE BUILDING (BEECH STREET ENTRANCE). EMERGENCY CALLS ARE MADE TO ALL CAMPUS HOUSING AND UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS WHEN NECESSARY. THE STUDENT HEALTH CENTER IS SELF SUPPORTED, FINANCED BY STUDENT FEES AND MINIMUM CHARGES FOR LABORATORY, X-RAY, MEDICATIONS, IMMUNIZATIONS AND SPECIAL SERVICES. ALL EXPENSES OF OR CONNECTED WITH CONSULTATIONS. SUR GICAL OPERATIONS OR SPECIAL PROCEDURES MUST BE BORNE BY THE STUDENT. THE STUDENT HEALTH CENTER WILL NOT PAY OR BE RESPONSIBLE FOR BILLS FROM PRIVATE PHYSICIANS, HOSPITALS, LABORATORIES, ETC. YOUR HEALTH CENTER CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH GENERAL MEDICAL CARE. HOWEVER, IT IS STRONGLY URGED THAT YOU AVAIL YOURSELF OF STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE AVAILABLE AT REGISTRATION THROUGH THE ASUO TO COVER UNEXPECTED AND UNPREDICTABLE EMERGENCY SITUATIONS. ■JakULiUaULLkmUoUAMAXaUUUIAIAIAltM J.l.M.HJLlAU.I.LlAHJ.IJ.I.klJ.1 J.U.1J.1.I.1.I.I.T.I1LI.U J. IJ.I.I. II H I 11 III H I II IT1TI I I I IIT*