A Typewriter Warmed in Hell. ASUO President Gary Feldman . ASUO Vice-presidents . Accessibility for handicapped. Afrirmative Action. Buckeley Amendment. Cemetery. Center for Sociological Study of Women Computer Center. Conduct Code. Employee Unions . Erb Memorial Union. Forensics. Fraternities and sororities. Grading system changes. High School Equivalency Program. Honors College. Incidental Fee Committee . KWAX. Language Lab. Library . Branch libraries. Music building construction. Oregon Student Lobby . OSPIRG. Outdoor Program . Physical plant... Registrar. Religious groups . Residency requirements. ROTC. SEARCH . State Board of Higher Education . Student University Affairs Board. Summer news roundup.... Survival Center. 3-D program .». University Bookstore. University Gerontology Association .... University President William Boyd. University vice-presidents. PO t\3 00 >—* . . . roNNNWfOMNJMHHH, PO • fOW. M h h> . W N N h . . PO • . t-» ^xJmOOWvDnJO\vjN30'OWnJmOOOWN^^'0'OmUi00^4^WOnJ^nJAMOOOOO'0 L -1 Fall Orientation Issue Staff Editor Issue Coordinators Contributing Editors Cover Art Graphics Layout Copy Desk Wally Benson Tom Wolfe Becky Young Jock Hatfield Kevin Harden Melody Ward Dan Lindahl Mike Marino Cheryl Rudert Steve Sandstrom Adrienne Salinger Erich Boekelheide Becky Young Jerril Nilson Jane Lehman Dave Tripp The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday during fall, winter and spring terms by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co., Inc., at the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 97403. The Emerald is an independent newspaper with offices in Room 300 of the Erb Memorial Union. The Emerald is a member of the Associated Press. Production Manager Kate Seigal Production Karen Anthony Terrea Bryson Heide Didwiszus Tina Gryc Linda Huyler Jerril Nilson Pam Rossi Cheryl Rudert Madelyn Shaull Arden Snyder Laurie Zuckerman Advertising Manager Carl Bryant Classified Advertising Bob Webb Advertising Sales Darlene Gore Doug Daggett Ray Evans Accountant Ted Johnston Emerald subscriptions are $7 per term and $20 per year. News and Editorial 686-5511 Display Advertising and Business 686-3712 Classified Advertising 686-4343 Production 686-4381 Off the Wally At the beginning of the summer I figured my staff and I would have a nice little break between the last twice-a-week summer Emerald and this Fall Orientation Issue and daily publication in the fall. I turned out to be right. What we had was, indeed, a “little break." About one day. We then began work on this issue, what we call here at the Emerald the FOI, or, more af fectionately, the monster. We knew it would be a big under taking, as we expected it to be somewhere in the neighbor hood of 104 pages. It turned out to be, as you all know now, 156 pages, or more than we will usually put out in nine or ten days during the school year. We publish this monster in the hope that you will find it a worthwhile reference guide to the University and the com munity; a guide you will hang onto during the year and refer to from time to time. As far as the rest of the year is concerned, we will have a few new wrinkles to show off. First, the supplements we have had in the past, like the gardening section and the fall voter’s guide, will appear on a more regular basis — once a month if things go according to design. This will allow us to deal with topics that don't necessarily tend themselves to normal news coverage but which should still be made av ailable to you. Another new feature is along the lines of the first one—a sports supplement. This one will come out every week, and will include material we often can't fit into the daily sports page, material that, in the past, we haven't been able to use at all. We also will try to cover national sports more completely. And we’ll also have room to delve into the personalities of the athletes themselves, to tell you what they are like off the playing field. Another feature, one which should make you laugh, is the daily Peanuts comic strip. And we'll also try to make more use of color in the Emerald, if not full-color pictures then a splash of red or blue here and there just to keep things lively. Our staff will be back at full strength this fall. If you have some tidbit of information you would like to see printed in the Emerald, News Editor Cheri O'Neil is the one to talk to. Our writing will primarily be done by our associate editors, and these are the folks you should contact for getting a story into the Emerald if Cheri isn’t around. We also have a large number of reporters to share the writing task. If you would like to try your hand at writing or taking photographs for us, come up and talk to either Tom Wolfe, managing editor, or Becky Young, assis tant managing editor. The Emerald is open to anyone who has a desire to test their skills, journalism majors or not. Now that you know all about us and the Fall Orientation Monster, I should tell you that our offices are on the third floor of the EMU, in Room 300, and our phone number is 686-5511. Feel free to come up and see us. Just don't talk about mon efprc Wally Benson Editor If you have a way with wools The Emerald needs you If you have experience, or an interest in copy editing, headline writing and/or page layout, you may be just what we’re looking for. Come up to the Emerald in 300 EMU... for an application and more information. The Emerald is in equal opportunity employe! Women minorities aid the handicapped ace encouraged to apply Deadline 3 p m Friday, Sept 30