CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DASK UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rates are 10c per word the first day copy is admitted and 8c per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change. There is a 12 word minimum. All ads must be paid for in advance. The Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day s incorrect advertising insertion. If your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 p.m. for correction in the next day s issue Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted There is no refund for ad cancellations. The Emerald will not knowingly accept advertise ments that discriminate on the basis of race, color, reunion, sex or age CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE ITOR SALE LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems Foam cut to size. BEST REST MATTRESS CO. 632 Blair 343-0222 01617dfn NEW COMICS, 2-3 weeks ahead, plus posters undergrounds, and old comics At FANTASY SHOP near campus. 667 E 13th 02064:31 THIS YEAR S DUCK DOPE is FREE with 75 money saving coupons. 9:22 FOR SALE BY OWNER: 1977 Park Model Mobile Home. 35 with tjp out in Liv Rm to 12 . 3 rooms home furnished and complete bath with 54 tub and shower Fully shag carpeted Reduced — family illness See to appreciate By appointment — 998-8165. Now set up. Permanent Liv. all seasons Can be moved — tows beautifully — no problem 922 REFRIGERATOR — Dorm size $100. like new. Jerry ext. 3387 or 345-3448 9.26 ftARACE SALES MAMMOUTH GARAGE SALE. Planned Parenthood Association of Lane County s Annual Garage Sale Two pair of skis, reparable sewng machine household goods Saturday and Sunday.Sept. 24»id2S 1459 City View 02067:22 GARAGE SALE BY League of Women Voters Everything you need! Sept 24.25—9:30-5:30 pm — 2474 Agate Prices reduced Sunday afternoon 9:22 INSTRUCTION — BELLY-DANCE WfTH VARVARA — Intermediates — starts Tuesday. Sept 27th. 5-7 p m Beginners — 3-5 p.m. Handmade drums lor sale, too 344-7696 9:30 PLANTS/OARPENS PLANTS You II get used to our prices and good quaiity 5th St. Greenery 5th and High 02068:26 CRAFTS/HOBBIES SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Hand crafted spinning wheels and looms, superbly engineered, reasonably priced, in stock Yams, books on crafts 13853lfn POOKS/SUPPLIES 20,000 USED BOOKS all selling at V6 or less of published price Textbooks Cliff Notes. Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE, 1233 ALDER 144471fn SERVICES RECYCLE EVERY THURSDAY 1:30-3:30 at 13th and University Bring your cans, bottles, cardboard and aluminum BRINGMOBILE ON CAMPUS Additional information: Call SURVIVAL CENTER Ext. 4356. 14754:W THE DOVE'S EYE is a feminist/humanist card and poster shop which helps support the programs of the YWCA Grand re-opening — Sept 26 Open M-F. 10-4 p.m 1414 Kincaid (Koinoma Center) or visit our booth at the Street Faire! 02074:26 TYPING PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. IBM Correcting Selec tric. Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759. 14501 Ifn PROFESSIONAL TYPING. IBM Correcting Selec trie. Graduate approved Work guaranteed Mrs Johnson. 689-3915 9:26 IBM SELECTRIC II. Correctable carbon ribbon! Graduate approved. Call Thelma 747-8290 9:30 TYPING- 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE. IBM Selec tric. Graduate School approved. WiH pick up and deliver. Call Carole at 688-3983 or 688-3627 271 OHn EXPERIENCED. Dissertations, manuscnpts. APA. legal, etc. Correcting Setectric. Pick-up. Delivery Sandy, 343-9391 02054:tfn TYPING 50< PER PAGE. Editing and typing $1 per page Call 484-9464 9:26 P1CYCLES GITANE 15-SPEED, 26 inch, light, fenders, just overhauled, asking S100 343-0355 after 5 p.m. 9:22 TWO MEN’S TEN-SPEED BICYCLES. 23 frames, good condition. Centuhan Le Mans and Fuji Road Racer $100 each 485-5856 9:22 COLLINS CYCLES 60 E. 11th St 342-4878 Authorized dealers for Peugeot Centurion Raleigh Motobecane Service and repair for an makes Featuring a wide variety of accessories. Michelin tires and tubes. 146201fn fARS/CYCLES 1970 VW BEETLE. 71.000 miles Outstanding condition. Mag wheels Radio $1500 Phone 343-5622 9:22 RAMBLER STATION WAGON for sale 65 Clas sic. rebuilt engne. $450. 343-3581. 9:22 AUTO REPAIR MSB SWIFT SHOP 747-5805 4-cyinder maintenance and repair Swedish cars are our specialty 14808.1lr CHUCK’S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service 1938 West 8th 345-7785 J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engine and transmission rebuilding and parts for Vdkswagons 342-3962 12070tfn PIPES S RIDERS FROM CORVALLIS TO U.O., rides riders wanted Expenses shared 753-4780 (nightsl 686-3032 (Frances). 9:28 HELP WANTED_ THE SEARCH PROGRAM is now accepting appli cations tof the position of SEARCH Instructor Seminar Leader Job entails counseling new in structors. leading seminar, and general office duties Applicants must be able to keep office hours and express a willingness to be involved For appli cations drop by SEARCH office Suite 1 EMU 686-4377 deadline Sept 30 The ASUO is an equal opportunity employer Women and minorities encouraged to apply 0206 1 30 EUGENE DOWNTOWN SHOWCASE Eugene Downtown is now scheduling a year long program of Mall activities This program will show case the talents of Eugene-Springfield and the sur round ng area We need singers dancers, jug glers actors, instrumentalists, choirs, bands scout troops senior groups hobby displays, industrial exhibits, art shows — in short, activities that Eugene Downtown can showcase Please send letters or resumes descnbmg your activity and times for convenient auditions or interviews Be sure to include names and phone numbers since all nqumes wiU hear from us Now let the Eugene Downtown Showcase hear from you Eugene Downtown Showcase 72 W Broadway Suite 220 Eugene Oregon 97401 02062 30 STUDENTS. MEN AND LADIES, earn $6 to $8 an hour serving established Fuller Brush customers Car and telephone necessary Call 689-8585 02055 11-3 RECREATION PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR planning, coordination implementation of city-wide program in small coastal fishing community Bas ketball oriented with degree in Recreation P E Medical, dental, life insurance Liberal vacation Salary DOE Send resume immediately to E V S C P O Box 117 Cordova Alaska 99574 An Equal Opportunity Employer 02063 30 ARTISTS WANTED. Closeline Sale September 24 and 25 Register today $10 Maude I. Kerns Art Center. 1910 East 15th 02066:22 AUDITION-APPOINTMENTS NOW BEING TAKEN lor any people interested in auditioning for talent work voicing commercials Previous acting or broadcasting expenence is helpful but not neces sary Call 485-5977 9:28 WORK STUDY POSITIONS, Center for the Sociological Study of Women SkiUs typing filing office machines, public relations Desirable writing and layout skilles Apply by letter by Sept 23rd to Joan Acker Dept of Sociology University of Oregon 02069:22 EXCEPTIONAL FRIENDSHIP PROGRAM COORDINATOR Opportunity to coordinate big brother big sister program for handicapped children 15 hours/week Must be eligible for work-study Pick up applications at the UO YWCA, Ger linger Hall or call 686-4439 02073:26 WORKSTUDY CRAFT CENTER ASSISTANTS with sound crafts background. Available im mediately Apply at the Craft Center, ground floor EMU. 686-4361 02062:22 VOLUNTEERS TO PROMOTE THE RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL Join other libertarians to work within the system to affect political reform. Call the libertarian Party at 484-1202 or write P O Box 10152. Eugene, and find out how you can get involved 9:22 TEACHING ASSISTANT POSITIONS: Infant, tod dler, pre-school and grade school programs For work study certified, practicum credit or ESCAPE Contact Sue Smith. U of O Child Care and De velopment Center. 1511 Moss St., ext 4384 An Equal Opportunity Employer 02079:30 SENIOR OR GRADUATE STUDENT m journalism or media and communications wanted for 12 weeks Full-time paid Wiche Internship in Oregon Call area code 303-443-6144 colect for further information. 02056:4 STUDENT ARTISTS, CARTOONISTS AND DESIGNERS. Ilustrate and negotiate actual de sign problems for production Free-lance assign ments available and agency-ike representation Ml Graphics Co . 484-0560 Ask for Gene 10:6 SAILING CLASS LAS INSTRUCTORS NEEDED. Receive S2S or three hours credit Cal Richard. 342-8374 9:22 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessity We will train. Car essential. Kirby Company 484-9655 120351fn r*MLD CARE LCC INSTRUCTOR ALREADY HAS excellent sa fer lor two year old daughter. 9-4. Monday thru Friday My sitter wiH take two more children My home — University area. 342-7452 9:22 ROOMMATES LARGE FURMSHED APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms. $140 August. $200 September on. no pets 484-1619. 689-1061 9 26 ITOR RENT CAMPUS QUADS S95/S115 Utilities paid Air cond honing and private baths 1S10 Harris 686-2470 144531fn CHURCHES MCC Metropoltlan Community Church A Christian Church reaching the gay community Ail meetings open Worshp 7pm 3000 Ferry St Wednesday Bible Study Information 404-9286 465-1047 or P O Box 3076 Eugene 97403 14070 H MARKET BASKET OREGON BRAND Dairy Goat Milk and OREGON BRAND Goat Milk Soap available at local natural food stores 9 22 POOD U PRINK GERTRUDE S a feminist cafe open to the whole community Good food good prices on-going entertainment 1161 Lincoln 343-0366 02078 HF IT. VENTS THIS SATURDAY NIGHT 8 p m Live Rock Music — SWEETWATER — 50« admission — FREE POPCORN Shiloh 1910 University St 686-1261 9 22 RUTH GORDON. BUD CORT IN HAROLD AND MAUDE Friday September 23 7 and 9pm 180 PLC — $1 Sponsored by the UO YWCA and Cultural Forum 02071 22 ALAN BATES. GENVIEVE BUJOLD IN KING OF HEARTS Sunday September 25 7 and 9 p m 180 PLC — $1 Sponsored by the UO YWCA and Cultural Forum 02072:22 ENTERTAINMENT HAY FEVER By NOEL COWARD September 22-24, 28-October 1 8:15 p.m. $3 Box office open 2 to 7 p.m, Monday thru Saturday 344-7751 02076 sb BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 Willamette 344-0816 Happy Hours; Monday and Wednesday — 9:30 to 10:30, Friday — 4-6 p.m. MICHELOB ON TAP Entertainment tour nights a week 13888Tin EMU BEER GARDEN ENTERTAINMENT BY SLOW BUCK FRIDAY 3-8 p.m. EMU Diningroom FREE POPCORN I.D. REQUIRED 02873:22 HORSES TO RENT Hourly rate*, scenic traits, no guides WEEKDAYS. EVENINGS. WEEKENDS Telephone for Reservations: W1 negate Farms. 996-6789 1345lfn JPN407 JAPANESE CINEMA FALL 1977 Oct 4 Ozu FLOATING WEEDS (1954) 11 Ozu: FLOATING WEEDS (1953) 18 Mizoguchi: THE BAILIFF (1954) 25 Kurosawa RASHOMON (1950) Nov 1 Oshime BOY (1970) 8 Ham BRIOE OF THE ANDES 11966) 15 Kobayashi HARAKIRI (1962) 29 Shmoda DOUBLE SUICIDE (1969) Dec 6 Teshigahard: FACE OF ANOTHER (1966) AOftBSSION FREE: LIMITED TO ENROLLED STUDENTS 02077 6 CINEMA 7 10th & Otve — Atnum Building 687-0733 STARTS FRIDAY. THRU SUNDAY THE FOUR MARX BROTHERS in DUCK SOUP PLUS HAROLD LLOYD al Ms zanieet MAD WEDNESDAY SHOWTIMES DUCK SOUP — 7 30 & 10 30 MAD WED —8 50 Red admission matinee Sal & Son FRL A SAT MIDNIGHT SHOWS MARILYN CHAMBERS In the X-Rated classic BEHIND THE GREEN DOOR MIDNIGHTS ONLY Requires Separate Admission 02065 22 PERSONAL PEOPLE INTERESTED IN playing or teaching (unpaid) ping-pong on a champcnship table should visit the Bavarian ai 444 E 3rd 10 make arrangements 02060 7 EX-GAYS who have Icund the key Conlidential Counseling Barnabas Ministry P O Bon 485 Veneta Oregon 97487 02053 WH BIORHYTHMS! MENTAL. EMOTIONAL. PHYSICAL CYCLES CHARTED — 1 YEAR Send name date ol birth starting date desired return address with $15 lo BIORHYTHMICS, c o 1237 Ferry St #4 Eugene 9740 1 9 22 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE For information about Christian Science activities on campus and m Eugene call Jim Frake the Chris tian Science Campus Counselor 485*8202 02057 22 PERSONALLY SPEAKING See our very personal coupon in Duck Dope. 9:22 ONE MILLION, ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND little money saving coupons Ouck Dope — It's tree this year Use them 9:22 FREE THE DUCK DOPE 75 SORRY, ITS ALREADY BEEN DONE 922 SELF-STOR INDIVIDUAL STORAGE UNIT RENTALS sizes 5 ft. x 5 It.. 5 ft. x 10 ft., 10 ft. x 10 ft., and larger. 344-2710 West 11th and Bertelsen Road 02918:tfn PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH RIGHT. Confidential information and fraa pre gnancy teat Call 687-8651 UNO’S DELIVERS OUR 23 OEUCKXIS VARIETIES OF PIZZA Piping not. rugm to your door. And now we have two delivery trucks to give you fader service Cal 342-8111 Now open until 1 a m Monday to Saturday; Midnight on Sunday 00628dn THE V»A BARN — Now taking reservations lor summer term PARTIES. MEETINGS, PICNICS. DANCES, etc 175 and up 898-3813 02865Tin UGLY FACIAL HAIR. HOW Etatonn RASSMGI Everyone notices Can be removed safely, and permanently Phone 687-9181 or 343-5098 Electrology by Manan 0l6l6ltn c LASSIFIED f OLLIES in the Classifieds WIN $5 and be famous for a day! Read the classified! daily looking for instructions for the daily FOUIE. Follow those instructions and if |you are the first yoi win: $5 in cash & Your picture in the next day’s paper! Classified Follies Start Monday