Brooks (Continued from Page 11) Brooks. "I’d like to have them win more than one or two conference games, and to have them know they haven’t conceded anything to anybody.” Comerback Reggie Grant is one senior who sees his role very clearly. “We re the foundation for the future. The freshmen that are here now are going to reap the benefits of what we start," he said. “It's been a traumatic experience for me, going through three coaches, because we never had the leader in the head coach. There’s the difference this year. "Rich Brooks has more control of the program," Grant added. “He is the man, and he controls what happens in the program. Coach Read didn’t." Dick Arbuckle, now head coach at Sheldon High School, coached defense for Don Read last year. When comparing regimes a while back, he saw some differences. “The new staff has more money,” he said. It s the old story — one staff has to fight like a dog to get financial support, and the new staff gets everything plus.” It’s an advantage that Brooks and his staff are putting to good use. “We've been recruiting all summer long," said Brooks. ‘We've been all over, and there should be some great players there for next season." Despite getting a late start in recruiting this year, the new staff managed to lure Junior College standouts Willie Blasher and Kenny Bryant, along with fresh men Dan Daly, Vince Goldsmith and Gary Beck, among others. "This year, that talent being utilized,” said Grant. "Before, it wasn't being utilized. Hell, we had the backs to run with the ball — of the six we had, four were junior college All-Americans — but it was wasted talent, because coach Read was going to pass. It's all right to throw, but at some point you're going to have to put the ball on the ground." It was said last year that the Ducks would "live or die through the air," and it doesn't take a genius to call the result. But Ar buckle, for one, feels the pressure was placed on the coaching staff and the team "All the publicity that sur rounded the wide-open business was a concoction by the new ath letic director to sell tickets,'’ he said. "The pressure came from having to fill the stadium and get more money coming in." “Dr. Caine and Dr. Boyd are try ing," said Grant. “Football sup ports the University. Not just odd dollars and cents, but real big money. It’s all economic; if you produce, you're successful. It's like a job.” An old investment rule says that you have to spend money to make money. And the administration had to spend a little to snatch their coaching staff from Cal, UCLA, Washington State, Idaho and two large junior colleges. "All the coaches are trying to do,” says Brooks, "is to make each player the best player he can be.” "The philosophy is that you have to pay the price to win,” said Grant. ‘‘Coach Brooks is the leader, and if you produce he will take care of you. Coach Read tried to take care of everybody, and didn’t have the control that Coach Brooks does.’’ At the outset, it may sound somewhat autocratic to take care of only those who put out, but after all, Brooks is rebuilding a pro gram. “The coaches will perform the job in the way that they do to win — you have to do the job,’’ said Brooks. “It helps if a relation ship develops, but the main thing is teaching these guys technique and their assignment. "If a player hates me and plays good, that’s the way it is,” he con tinued. “If he does things my way, then he can think I’m an ass.” Not many do. “I thought the change was' wrong at first," said Henderson. “But now I’m the first to retract that statement. The coaches are all class individuals. “And,” he added with a tired smile, “I’ve worked harder this fall than anytime before.” Which, in essence, is what the administration and staff are look ing for. "It seems like they’ve commited themselves to win ning,” said Arbuckle, “and if they don’t pull the rug out from under him, I sincerely hope Rich Brooks can do the job.” Thus the season begins minus the proclamations of the past. And to the casual observer, the promo tion might seem a bit mundane. Running Back Dennis Bullock doesn’t think so. ' Coach Brooks is more realistic, and so are we,” he said. We won’t go to the Rose Bowl; it’s not going to happen overnight, but we will be strong and you won’t see anymore 53-0.” You’d certainly hope not. After that loss which sent the Ducks on their way like a punch-drunk fighter, even the billboard at Sambo’s could only say “oops.” This year Rich Brooks would prefer to let his team do the talk ing. 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