CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 PUCE YOUR CUSSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DASK UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rates are 10c per word the first day copy is admitted and 8c per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change There is a 12 word minimum. All ads must be paid for in advance. The Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day's incorrect advertising insertion If your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 p.m. for correction in the next day s issue Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted There is no refund for ad cancellations The Emerald will not knowingly accept advertise ments that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or age CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE FOR SALE ANDREA S BIKINIS $9 75 and 14) Stil lots of sun! Andrea s. 2441 Hilyard, 342-1324 02028:9 BEARDSLEY PRINT PANELS and many others at Andrea s. 2441 Hilyard. 342-1324 02029:9 LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems Foam cut to size BEST REST MATTRESS CO. 632 Blair 343-0222 01617dfn THE BUY AND SELL CENTER 678 Olive Musxal instruments, stereos, photo equipment, etc. Buy sell and trade 00697:8-9 FRESH ROASTED COFFEES ICED TEA AND COFFEE NOW BAGELS AND CREAM CHEESE DORM COFFEE-TEA ACCESSORIES MCKENZIE COFFEE CO. 782 East 11th 342-2071 (Next to Mayflower Theatre) 00980:8-9 S.V.E. A CAMPING STOVE, 6 down sleeping Dag (mountain systems), Kelty (medium) soft-frame backpack, insuite mat; — Best offer — Excellent condition. Kris, 464-2920. 8:9 MARTIN D18S GUITAR (1971). New heads and strings — beautiful Negotiable Call 344-7450 8:9 OUTRAGEOUSLY CHEAP! Smaller Advent loudspeakers, $65 the pair! Vasque Glasser boots size 9%, $30. Bob 343-0773. 8:9 1954 JEWEL TRAVEL TRAILER. Clean Dry Smooth pull. $600 best 344-3554, 688-3684. 342-5717 8:9 TENT — 2 PERSON MOUNTAIN (Caribou, Aspen I), used 4 nights. $110. 485-4258, ask for Brenda 8:9 WATERBED. HEADBOARD WTIH MIRROR and speakers. New King mattress and finer $325 344-9264. 8:9 ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER, auto return, SCM 220 $125. Portable cassette recorder, Sony C-106. with EU-635 microphone: $135 Leave name, phone: John 686-4238 8:9 dARAGE SALES TWO FAMILY YARD SALE. Boat motor, t v., sofa, clothes and more Friday after 6 p.m., Saturday and Sunday. 14th and B' St.. Spnngfield 8:9 MOVING SALE — Basement of 303 Willamette (bottom Skinners Butte). Wednesday-Thursday. 10th and 11th. 8:9 INSTRUMENTS 1968 FENDER TELECASTER — natural finish, maple neck, great action, beautiful, $225. 686-0432 8:9 ROUND SYSTEMS RECEIVER, 46 WATT, *100. Turntable — Pioneer PL-12D belt drive, $100 686-0432 8:9 SONY REEL DECK with speakers — excel ten condition. — $150 or best offer Call Carolyn 345-9779. 8:9 PLANTS/GARDENS CELEBRATE SUMMER with a garden fresh flowei bouquet — $2.50 — every day at RAIN YD AY CACTUS 1361 Pearl 485-8153 01928:h CRAFTS/HOBBIES SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Hand crafted spinning wheels and looms, superbly engneered reasonably priced, in stock Yams, books on crafts. 13853ifn THE EMU CRAFT CENTER, open 10:30 to 6:30 Monday-Thursday. 10:30-3:30 Friday, s available to all members of the University communityWe off er open studio space and equipment in ceramics, woodworking, jewelry, graphics, photography and more. Check us out: ground floor EMU. 686-4361. 01992 9 ROOKS/SUPPLIES J. MICHAEL'S BOOKS We pay the highest prices in town tor your quality, used books 101 West 7th 342-2002 Monday-Saturday 10 a m -5:30 p.m. Formerly Second Hand Book Man Same people, new name. 01622:8-9 20,000 USED BOOKS an seKng at Vi or less of published price. Textbooks. Cliff Notes. Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE. 1233 ALDER 144471fn SERVICES RECYCLE EVERY THURSDAY 1:30-3:30 at 13th and University Bnng your cans, bottles, cardboard and alumnum BRINGMOBILE ON CAMPUS Additional information: Can SURVIVAL CENTER. Ext 4356 14754 W THESIS EDITING GRADUATE SCHOOL APPROVED 687-2556 89 STEREO HASSLES? NOISE? CRACKLES? I do house calls, installs, overhauls on your equipment BOB 484-2740 SAVE THIS AD! 14159:9 TYPING TYPING. IBM SELECTMC II. Correctable carbon ribbon! Graduate approved Call Thelma. 747-8290 8:9 TYPING— 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE. IBM Selec tnc Graduate School approved Will pick up and deliver Call Carole at 688-3983 or 688-3627 2710lfn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST IBM Correcting Setec tric Graduate approved Near campus 344-0759 14501 Ifn TYPING — PROFESSIONAL, FAST. 50-cents a page Pick-up. delivery IBM Correcting Selectnc Sandy, 343-9391 01911Hn TYPING 50C PER PAGE. Editing and typing Si per page Call 484-9464 9:26 OUTDOOR GEAR THE OUTDOOR RESOURCE CENTER HAS CHANGED ITS NAME TO OREGON WILDERNESS SUPPUES Thanks to BARRY WENGREN 02051:9 RICYCLES USED BIKES From Second Nature Buy, Sell. Trade 585 Blair, 343-5362 00899:u Richard’s Bike Shop FREE BIKE BAG with every new bike Full Service on ALL Bikes "Service and Quality 25th and Hilyard 345-0477 01621:8-9 COLLINS CYCLES 60 E. 11th St. 342-4878 Authorized dealers lor Peugeot Centurion Raleigh Motobecane Service and repair for aU makes Featuring a wide rarietv of accessories. Michelin tires and tubes 14620i»n fARS/CYCLES FOR SALE: 1977 CJ7 Jeep 304 V-8. removable hard-lop. tailgate, dock, tach Less than 1.000 miles Relocating, must sell (503) 528-7193 8:9 "68 GMC VAN, new engine, custom ntenor, excel lent condition. $1300. 343-0773. please leave number 8:9 "66 V.W. VAN — HOUSE VEHICLE. Mechanically excellent — refinished interior — must see to ap preciate — Jimmy 345-2735 — best offer 8:9 $175 CAR! 1969 Chev knpala has aged, but stii provides good basic transportation 343-3818 9:2: AUTO REPAIR M A B SWIFT SHOP 747-5605 4-cylinder maintenance and repair Swedish cars are our specialty 1480811: CHUCK S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service. 1938 West 8th 345-7785 J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engme and transmission rebuilding and parts tor Vofcswagons. 342-3952 12070tin WANTED_ PERSON TO MOVE FURNITURE to Dayton. Ohio: September; 747-3138 8:9 WOMAN WITH CHILD WANTS to ind house with same 343-2052. Cindy 8:9 WANT TO SELL YOUR V.W. in one day? Call 688-3712. ask lor Ray 8 9 HELP WANTED A COUPLE TO MANAGE and maintain 42 units in West Eugene Apartment and salary Begin August 15. No children Apply to P O Bo* 2712. Eugene. 97402 02025:9 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SUPERVISOR tor the Oregon Daily Emerald. Some sales and news paper experience necessary Approximately 10 am to 3:30 p.m Monday-Fnday from September 15-June 15 Commission basts should net right person $4000 tor nine months Reply, by resume only, before August 30. 1977 to Advertsing Man ager. Oregon Daily Emerald. P O Box 3159. Eugene. OR 97403 The Emerald is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Women and minorities are encouraged to apply 89 U OF O CENTER FOR GERONTOLOGY is seek ing two Counselors for the newly established Center for Displaced Homemakers One Counselor will work with divorced separated clients, one Counselor wdl work with widowed clients Each position half-time Qualifications Master s degree in counseling psychology and work expenence in area The U of O is an Equal Opportunity Employer Applications from qualified women and mnonties are sought Appicants should send resume and supporting documents before August 15. 1977. to Dr Frances G Scott. Director. U of O Center for Gerontology, 1627Agate Eugene. 97403 02019 9 MALE SMOKERS, age 21-35. needed for psychology experiment dealing with cigarette smoking Earn $10 lor two one-hour meetings For brief screenng session, come to 256 Straub bet ween 11-12:30 daily For more information, call 686-4954 02021 2 STUDENT ARTISTS, CARTOONISTS AND DESIGNERS Illustrate and negotiate actual de sign problems lor production Free-lance assign ments available and agency-ike representation Mt Graphics Co . ABA-0560 Ask tor Gene 10:6 POSITION AVAILABLE: 3 GTF to advise Secon dary Division oI ESCAPE Field Studes Program An interdepartmental practicum program. ESCAPE places undergraduates m accredited field settings in Eugene-Springfield public schools and commun ity agencies Excellent opportunity to gam skills m curriculum development, field placement proce dures. peer supervision, seminar design, and stu dent faculty program coordination Background in secondary education is highly desired; administra tive skills and counselng experience are also re commended Apptcatons and further program in formation are now available m ESCAPE Office. 327 EMU. 686-4351 ESCAPE is an equal opportunity employer 02036:9 POSITION AVAILABLE STARTING FALL TERM as Assistant Division Head of Community Services — ESCAPE Field Studies Program Major respon sibilities include training volunteers, designing and presenting leader seminars, assisting in policy making, and community outreach, assisting m the supervision of volunteers and leaders, and, assist ing in Vie general mamtamance of the program Seven upper division graded credits are available Appicant must be a U of O student Experience with ESCAPE or other volunteer programs is pre ferred For more information call 686-4351 Appli cations available in ESCAPE Office 327 EMU Deadlne: 8/12/77 ESCAPE is an equal opportun ity employer 02037 9 ARTISTIC? Layout assistants needed for ASUO COURSE GUIDE 2-3 weeks work beginning August 29 at $3 an hour Apply Suite 4, EMU Deadline August 10 02040:9 ARTISTS WANTED! CARTOONS! SKETCHES! DESIGNS! Want to get your work published? The ASUO COUPtSE GUIDE needs small pen and ink graphics for this year’s issue Can you help us? Deadline for Fall issue is August 22. For more information drop m Suite 4. EMU or cal ext. 3724. 1-4 MUW or 1-2:30 H. Leave messages other times 02041:9 SEARCH INSTRUCTORS NEEDED for Fal term Class requests include soft sculpture, Salvador Dal. alternative energy sources Any topic is a pos sibility Please contact SEARCH Suite 1. EMU 2 Deadline September 5. 02042:9 DE Cl SION RESEARCH NEEDS man subiects tor experiments in judgement and decaion making on • 11 jrsday this week Native English speakers only. 32 50 for about an hour Call only if you did not participate in a 12 or 3:30 group with us in July this year, 485-2400 from 9-5 p.m weekdays 02046:9 SAILING LAB INSTRUCTORS NEEDED for Fall term classes Receive 3 P.E. 409 credits ro cash Call James at 344-8797 or Rick at 342-3518. 8:9 PARTTIME FULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessary We will train. Car essential Kirby Company 484-9555 12035:tfn THE BUSINESS INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Is now accepting applications tor student coordinator lor Fan term 1977. Responsibilities Include developing intern placements, monitoring student interns, and organizing seminars. Credt wHl be given and a 9 hour per week commitment is necessary. Transpor tatton also required. The position oilers a valuable experience to meet local business leaders and gain both leadership and management skits Contact Cynthia Hurlbutt. 327 EMU, 686-4351 or 345-0963 02047:9 PRE-SCHOOL LEAD CAREGIVER pos aval, beainning late Sept Appicants must be 21, have two years ol direct experience in group care with children 3-6 years ol age. Applications may be picked up at the Erb Memorial Union Child care Center. Rm #71, UolO An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer 02052:9 ROOMMATES FEMALE WANTED TO SHARE 2 bedroom apart ment with same $96 plus utilities, furnished. 3 blocks to campus Available August 31 485-1797. after 5 p m 8:9 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share two bedroom town ho use-apartment with one other Close to campus Nicely furnished Graduate stu dent preferred 484-1183, alter 5 p.m. 8:9 LARGE FURNISHED APARTMENT. 2 bedrooms. $140 August. $200 September on. no pets 484-1619. 689-1081. 9 26 ROOM WITH 3 OTHERS. $60 a month Male or female Phone 344-6974 8:9 WANTED — MALE ROOMMATE. Nice house beautiful location near campus New lease starts Sept 15 Christian preferred Mike or Ron. 687-9717. 8:9 1TOR RENT NEW, TWO BEDROOM furnished apartments 1 block from campus. 1414 Alder 344-8302. 345-3711,345-6717. 01922 9 CAMPUS QUADS $95,5115 Utilities paid Air conditioning and private baths 1810 Harris 686-2470 144531th QUAD TRIAD Close to campus Available now and reservations for fail 343-1477 02018 9 LARGE QUADS SPECIAL RATES FOR SUMMER Private bath alt utilities paid furnished vy b*ock from campus Laundry and parking laolmes OS PIRG agreement S72 50 per month S5C refunds ble deposit 738 East 16th. 687 0143 01973 tin $70 SUMMER RATES — QUADS Fully furnished, utilities paid, laundry, parkng Close campus 485-0291 1360 Alder 484-0804 01892 8-9 $25 RESERVES FOR FALL Furnished quads laundry parking 485-0291 484-0804 1360 Alder 01891 9 QUIET, PRIVATE 8-PLEX, 2 and 3 bedroom, fur nished or unfurnished, near Sacred Heart S195-S240 Lease August 15 through June Re serve for Fall term 484-1067 or wnte C & J Rental Co P O Box 2475, Eugene. O SWAPS HAWAII COUPLE TO SWAP 3-bedroom town house next summer with faculty near University Call Larry or Arm Miller—Carson—485-9027 8 9 Gratis_ FREE MALE CAT — 3 years old, neutered, hand some, extremely friendly I m moving and he needs a good home Please call 344-7450 8 9 FREE TO GOOD HOME. Spayed lemale Irish setter English sheepdog mix Excellent with chil dren 343-3661 or 686-4925 7 28 F.OST B FOUND FOUND: CALICO KITTEN with flea collar, approx imately 6 weeks old. Near 7-11 Call ext 3370 8:9 FOUND: BACKPACK, by Valley River Center — name Mark A. Gordon Cal 686-4277 8:9 BLACK LAB PUPPY. 4 months old. lost in the area of Sacred Heart over the weekend of the 30th REWARD 485-9654, <*s for Doug 8:9 MARKET BASKET For All Your Fruil and Vegetable Needs JUST PRODUCE Is Just That 742 East 24th 343-5393 14570 8 9 GOOD PRICES ON Beer, meals, pizzas and more Miller s Grocery, 1065 E 20th Open 10-10 Sunday-Thursday 10-11 Friday-Salurday 14303 8 9 1TOOP U PRINK GREAT LATE SPAGETTI FEED Every Tuesday and Thursday Rag. *4.70 NOW $3.25 PER PERSON all You Can Eat, V4 Liter o( WINE or a Pilcher ol BEER or a Pitcher ol SOFT DRINK ol your choice Sausage A Meatballs excluded on reorder 8 JO to 11 p.m. TUESDAY AND THURSDAY SPAGETTI WAREHOUSE 72S W 1st 484-1819 13976T.H ENTERTAINMENT BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 Willamette 344-0816 Happy Hours Monday and Wednesday — 9 30 lo 10:30. Fnday — 4-6 p m WCHELOB ON TAP Enlertainment lour nights a week '1688 tin HORSES TO RENT Hourly rates scenic trails, no guides WEEKDAYS. EVENINGS, WEEKENDS Telephone lor Reservations Wmdgate Farms 998-6789 1345 dr CARNIVAL THEATRE CHILDREN S THEATRE PRESENTS HANSEL AND GRETEL A MARIONETTE OPERA July 30, Aug. 1, 2, 3, 4 11 a.m. Aug. 8, 9 — 7:30 p.m. ROBINSON THEATRE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON TICKETS: S1 MS-41 *1 02012 9 THE BAVARIAN 444 Easl 3rd Vocal si with acoustical guitar Monday-Saturday 9-12 Jam Session every Sunday and Monday 9-1 30 a m 01608 8-9 CINEMA 7 ATRIUM BUILDING. SC CO NO FLOOR tOlh and Otve. 687-0733 TOWTE THRU FRIDAY FIRST EUGENE SHOWING OF THE MEMORY OF JUSTICE What right have are to fudge? The newest master piece by Marcel Ophul documents human crimnot ogy in Nuremburg. Algena and Vietnam Not to be missed1 SHOWTIME: 7:30 P.M. ONLY 02048:9 HOMEFRIED TRUCKSTOP TUESDAY Breakfast JOHN ANOREWS Lunch DAVID BRUSCA Dinner MITCH UES WEDNESDAY Lunch DON SONNE Dimer RAPHAEL THURSDAY Breakfast: MITCH LIES Lunch BARBARA STEVENS Dinner ROSS HOGARTH FRIDAY Breakfast BRUCE TROTTER Lunch: RICHARD BARKER Dinner: STEVE A JOE SAX SATURDAY Breakfast STRATA VARIOUS Lunch RICHARD SMITH Dinner: ED STEVENS SUNDAY Breakfast USO Dinner DAVID WINTERS SUNDAY BREAKFA8TS Aug 21 UMAJA Aug 28 CHICORY AUDITIONS FOR MUSICIANS EVERY THURSDAY al 3 p.m SEE CLAUDIA GISELLE al the TRUCKSTOP on 14th between HHyard and Alder 02050:9