Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 04, 1977, Page 12, Image 12

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    Photo by Lanor* Garwood
Rainmaker, rainmaker
Carnival Theater will present the romantic comedy, “The Rainmaker" August
5, 6, 11, 12 and 13.
The plot centers around a con man and how he affects the lives of a drought
stricken mid-western family-especially the spinster daughter Lizzie. “Rainmaker"
is directed by Melina Neal and Carol Thibeau and Rod Davidson portray the lead
Reserved seats are available at $3 and $4 now at the Carnival Theater box
office. UO students and senior citizens are half-price.
Community center
sets shows, sale
Of the Emerald
The Community Center for Performing
Arts (CCPA) offers not only music this
week, but also theatre, dance, art, and a
garage sale.
Old time American music — ragtime,
country blues, 20’s and '30’s pop and jazz
all wrapped up in two northern California
performers—will occur tomorrow night via
the talents of San Francisco’s Jane Voss
and Hoyle Osborne.
Pianist Osborne has a collection of tunes
and styles from rag-time and Harlem Stride
to the old jazz tunes of Jack Teagarden and
Fats Waller. He has soloed and played in
groups, toured with country singer Rosalie
Sorrels, recorded for the Bay Record label
and written for such publications as Sing
Out! magazine.
Jane Voss has done extensive solo per
forming, and specializes in old time country
music ranging from the Carter family to
Jimmy Rodgers. She also plays old pop
tunes and country blues, as well as writes
many of her own songs.
Their concert will be at 8 p.m. Tickets are
$2.50 at the door.
On Saturday, a three-woman Philadel
phia theatre troupe will perform “Rites of
Women.” The feminist theatre group has
scheduled a 7 p.m. show for the general
public, and a 9 p.m. women-only show. Ad
vance tickets are available at the Book and
Tea and Mother Kali’s Bookstore.
Sunday, from 10 to 5 p.m., the CCPA is
sponsoring its second garage sale. The first
sale held earlier this summer, netted over
$170, leaving both goodies and impetus for
another. The sale features original crafts
and refreshments as well as the garage
sale eclecticism.
Between now and then, items are
needed. Either bring donated items to the
Center or call 687-2746 to have them
picked up.
In other activity, dancers Alex Dunnette
of Eugene's Wallflower Order and Betty
Jean Clark have scheduled an intensive
dance workshop beginning Monday and
continuing until September 2. Registrations
are available for 10 more participants, with
a $90 fee for the workshop. A $5 deposit is
required for registration, and a sliding scale
is possible. Call 687-2746 for further infor
The Community Center’s first showing in
their Basement Gallery includes new paint
ings by several young area artists. The Gal
lery, open from 11 a.m. through 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday, is featuring works
by Bill Schmich, Tova Apollo, Craig
Spencer and Gary Buchendorf. The exhibi
tion will continue through August 19.
The Community Center for Performing
Arts is located in the W.O.W. Hall, 8th and
Truck stop
irritated her. Truckers, on the
other hand, suit her just fine. “If
you remember their names, how
many kids they have, what kind of
truck they drive, they’re just tickled
to death,” she says.
The good-natured lady smiles
and shakes her head at the insults
flying through the cafe. The job of
(Continued on Page 6)
a waitress in a truck stop, she
says, is one for the thick-skinned.
“You can’t take them seriously,”
she says.
The laughing and joking con
tinues without halt as more cus
tomers file into the cafe. The men
are all living and laughing to the
tune of the truck stop rock.
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Calendar of Events
CompiH by Bob W«bb; Campuo mbiwbin: M6-MTO
Benefit for A.B.L.M. and
C.A.T.S. with the Nighthawks,
Slipstream, Schwebke Bros.,
James Throenbury and The Count.
$4. 7:30-2 a.m. King Cole Room,
Eugene Hotel.
‘The Decameron" and “Boc
cado ’70” Cinema 7.
Sonny King Quartet. Free.
9:30-1:30 a m. Eugene Hotel
“The Leopard" $1. 7:30 and
10:10 p.m. 177 Lawrence.
"Rebel Without a Cause” $1.25.
7:30 and 9:30 p.m. 150 Geology.
“Hansel and Gretel" $1.11 a m.
Carnival Theatre.
Still Dreaming. Free. 9-12 a m.
“It’s In The Bag’’ 10 p.m.
KOZY-TV, Channel 11.
Bluesky, singer with duldmer.
Free. Noon. Downtown Mall.
Holy Modal Rounders. $1.50.
9:30-1:30 a.m. Murphy and Me.
"The Lost Horizon" $1. 7 and
9:15 p.m. 180 PLC
“The Rainmaker" $3 and $4,
students and senior citizens Vi
price. 8:30 p.m. Carnival Theatre.
“Grand Hotel” and “Shanghai
Express” Cinema 7.
Guy Westfall, singer with guitar.
Free. Noon. Downtown Mall.
Jane Voss and Hoyle Osborne.
$2.50. 8 p.m. C.C.P.A., 8th and
“Rebel Without A Cause” $1.25.
7:30 and 9:30 p.m. 150 Geology.
“Wet Rainbow” Midnight.
Cinema 7.
"Deliverance" Midnight. 98c.
Mayflower Theatre.
Jon Jarvie. Free. 8-11 p.m. Pearl
St. Station.
“Hitler: The Last 10 Days" 10
p.m. KOZY-TV, Channel 11.
Sonny King Quartet. Free.
9:30-1:30 a.m. Eugene Hotel
"The Rainmaker” $3 and $4,
students and senior citizens %
price. 8:30 p.m. Carnival Theatre.
“Grand Hotel" and “Shanghai
Express” Cinema 7.
Sonny King Quartet. Free.
9:30-1:30 a.m. Eugene Hotel
Jon Jarvie. Free. 8-11 p.m. Pearl
St. Station.
Marcia Parks, harp. Free. Noon.
Saturday Market.
Fiddlin' Earl Willis Band, western
hoedown music. Free. 2 p.m.
Saturday Market.
"Hitler: The Last 10 Days” 10
p.m. KOZY-TV, Channel 11.
“Rites of Women" $2 advance,
$2.25 at door. 7 p.m. general pub
lic, 9 p.m. women only show
C.C.P.A., 8th and Lincoln.
Tommy Smith and John Powell.
Free. 3-4:30 p.m. Parking lot of old
Fiddlin' Earl Willis and the
Hoedowners. Free. 4:30-6 p.m.
Parking lot of old SWOMSI.
"Wet Rainbow" Midnight.
Cinema 7.
‘‘Deliverance’’ Midnight. 98«
Mayflower Theatre.
Kevin Rogers, vocalist. Free.
12:30 p.m. Amazon Park.
Hmmm. Free. 1-3 p.m. Amazon t
Student Optional Recital: Pam
Birreil, Jan Gault, flutes. Free. 8
p.m. Gertinger Lounge.
Sonny King Quartet. Free.
9:30-1:30 a.m. Eugene Hotel
"Grand Hotel” and “Shanghai
Express” Cinema 7.
“Hansel and Gretel" $1.11 a.m.
Carnival Theatre.
Crayhawks. $1. 9:30-1:30 a.m.
Eugene Hotel Lounge.
Student Optional Recital: Alice
Olsen, voice. Free. 8 p.m. Ger
linger Lounge.
"Memory of Justice” Cinema 7.
Willamalane Kitchen Band.
Free. Noon. Downtown Mall.
Recreational Folkdancing. Free.
7:30 teaching, 8:30 request danc
ing. 103 Gerlinger.
Cumulo Nimbus, singing duo;
Jack Leung, "Strange Music;"
Bruce Tomlin and Earl WHVs. old
time fiddle Free. Noon. Downtown
"Sleep, My Love" 9:30 p.m.
KOZY-TV, Channel 11.
Israeli Folkdancing. Free. 8
p.m teaching and requests. New
man Center, 1850 Emerald.
“Hansel and Qretel" $1.11 am.
Carnival Theatre.
Still Dreaming. Free. 9 to mid
night. Tino's.
"Memory of Justice Cinema 7.
Nancy King and Gary Johnson
Free. 9:30-1:30 a.m. Eugene Hotel
"Memory of Justice' Cinema 7.
Still Dreaming. Free. 9 to mid
night. Tino's.
Jeff Lorber Fusion. Free.
9:30-1:30 a m. Eugene Hotel
Masters Degree Recital: Patricia
Mills. Free. 7:30 p.m. First Con
gregational Church, 23rd and Har
Works by Bill Schmich, Tova
Apollo, Craig Spencer and Gary
Buchendorf. Basement Gallery,
C.C.P.A., 8th and Lincoln. Thru
Aug. 19.
"Advanced Escapes sculpture
by Judith Sparks and Martha
Hawkes. Open Gallery, 775 E.
25th. Aug. 7 thru Sept. 2. Recep
tion Sunday, 2-5 p.m.
Summer Group Show. Free.
Gallery West, 1597 Oak St. Thru
Sept 25.
Paintings by David McCosh.
Museum of Art. Thru Aug. 14.
Photographs by Edward Wes
ton. Free. Photography at Oregon
Gallery, Museum of Art. Thru Au
"Mystery Novel in Gallery For
mat” by Richard Howorth. Focus
Gallery, Museum of Art. Thru Au
Nighthawk Band. $1.50.
9:30-1:30 a.m. Friday and Satur
day. Reed Opera House, Salem.