Compiled by Bob Webb Calendar of Events Campus Information 686-INFO THURSDAY bummer Interlude" and "The Red Shoes” Cinema 7. “Animas Trujano (The Important Man)” $1. 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. 177 Lawrence “Funny Girt" $4, students and senior citi zen* Vi price. 8:30 p.m. Carnival Theatre. "Casino Royal" $1. 7 and 9:30 p.m. 180 PLC. Masters Degree Recital. Larry Gookin, trombone. Free 8 p.m. Gerfnger Lounge. Stm Dreaming. Free. 9 to 12 a.m. Tino's. Herman Burrman. $1.50. 930-1:30 a m. Murphy and Me. Nlghthawk Band. $1.50. 9:30-130 a.m. Backdoor. FRIOAY Nancy King with Tom Gram and Friends. $2.8:30p.m. Community Center for the Per forming Arts, 8th and Lincoln. Jon Jarvie. Free. 8-11 p.m. Pearl St Sta tion. Guest Artist Recital. George Houle, Baroque instrumental. Free 8 p.m. Ger Knger Lounge. "The Autobiography o< Miss Jane Pit man" 10 p.m. KOZY-TV, Channel 11. The Pickle Family Circus. Children $1, adults $2 advance. $2.50 showtime. 3 p.m. Skinner's Butte Park. “Funny Girt” $4. students and senior citi zens Vt price. 830 p.m Carnival Theatre. •Wet Rainbow" Midnight. Cinema 7. “Andromeda Strain" 98*. Midnight. Mayf lower Theatre. "The Wild Bunch" and “Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid" Cinema 7. SATURDAY "Funny Girt" $4 students and senior citi zens Vt price. 830 p.m. Carnival Theatre. "The Wild Bunch" and “Pat Garrett and BHIy the Kid" Cinema 7. Marty Ehrlich and the Multimedia Jazz Event $235. 8:30 p.m. Community Center lor the Performing Arts. 8th and Lincoln. “Hansel and Gretei" $1.11 am. Carnival Theatre. "Wet Rainbow" Midnight. Cinema 7. Nighthawk Band. $1.50 930-130 am. Backdoor. Robert Cray Band with Albert Colins. $2. 9:30-1:30 am. Murphy and Me. "Andromeda Strain" 98*. Midnight Mayf lower Theatre. The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pit man" 10 p.m. KOZY-TV, Channel 11. The Pickle Family Circus. Children $1, adults $2 advance. $2.50 showtime. Noon and 3 p.m. Skinner's Butte Park. Dave and Grady, original Jazz and fofc. Free. Noon. Saturday Market Toots and Titta, vaudeville juggling, dance and comedy. Free. 1.30 p.m. Satur day Market. Masters Degree Recital, Jo Ann Bates. voice. Free. B p.m. Gerlinger Lounge. "Start the Revolution Without Me” $1. 7 and 9 p.m. 180 PLC. Jon Jarvie. Free 8-11 p.m. Peart St. Sta tion. SUNDAY The Wild Bunch” and “Pat Garrett and Bitty the Kid” Cinema 7. Guest Artist Recital, J. Douglas Steinke, Baroque flute. Free. 2 p.m. Gerlinger Lounge. Senior Degree Recital, Julia Rhoda, voice. Free. 8 p.m. Gerlinger Lounge. The Pickle Family Circus. Children $1, adults $2 advance, $2.50 showtime. Noon and 3 p.m. Skinner’s Butte Park. “How to Attain Spiritual Liberation" a talk by Ananda Marga yoga monk Dadaji Yatiishvarananda. Free. 7:30 p.m. Eugene Sufi-Theosophical Library, 860 Lawrence St. M areola Community Benefit Bash with Last Chance Band, Stow Buck and Chicory. Free. 1-8 p.m. Follow signs on Wendling Road out of Marcoia MONDAY "Hansel and Gretel" $1.11 a.m. Carnival Theatre. The Decameron” and “Boccaoo 70” Cinema 7. Masters Degree Recital, Connie Bur THE BAVARIAN 444 East 3rd VocaM wflh aoouaBcat guitar Monday -Saturday. 0-12 ;«n Saaaion every Sunday and Monday 9-130 a m 018083-9 ATRRJM BULDBtt. SECONO FLOOR IMi and 0*ve. 687-0733 TONTTE THRU SUNDAY Two QRTTTY ttma by BAM PECKINPAH PAT GARRETT AND BILLY THE KID PLUS THE WILD BUNCH ReMerad Id orlBlwal uncut adde ectccn colon SHOWTIME S GARRETT 730 pm BUNCH 925 p.m Reduced adm. matnae SaL and Sun at 2 FRL A BAT. MBNTTE SHOWS HARRY REEMS and OOROBIA SPELVM WET RAINBOW The Huaband—The W>a—The EroMc Obaaaaion RATEO X — OVER 18 Requeue Separata AiYmaeim 0201728 EVERY FRI. & SAT. KFIWIY 980 Midnite movies TH» WEEK ARTHUR HILLER LOOKS FOR THE Andromeda Strain A SCIENCE FICTION MYSTERY TWO MOOT'S ONLY, FW. 1 SAT. All seats only 98# MAYFLOWER THEATRE, iflh A ALOER 0201028 ANIMAS TRUJANO (THE IMPORTANT MAN) TOSHIRO MIFUNE ri Si 177 730. 930 p.m. MEDITERRANEAN FILM FESTIVAL 0201320 PSYCHIC can advise on business, love & pei^onal direction Jamil P.O. Box 10154 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone anytime: 342-2210 484-2441 J ACHE 8U0U PRESENTS INGMAR BERGMAN’S VIRJtfN SPRING THWsOAV, JULY 28 8 pm , 180 PLC tm to a (paato ahowtog presented in adtfton to our regular aaaacin 0200628 CARNIVAL THEATRE CHILDREN’S THEATRE HANSEL AND GRETEL A MARIONETTE OPERA July 30, Aug. 1, 2, 3, 4 11 a.m. Aug. 8, 9 — 7:30 p.m. RONNSON THEATRE UMVERSITY Of OREGON TICKETS: $1 888-4191 02012:9 PERSONAL DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS about classroom daoMnatlon? For prvata consultation cat the student Affirmative Action advocate, 686-3177. 02004:26 SELF-STOR MOtVDUAL STORAGE UNIT RENTALS sizes 5 ft. * 5 ft.. 5 ft. x 10 ft.. 10 ft. x 10 ft. and larger. 344-2710 Weet 11ttt and Bertetaan Road 029181*1 — M PEACE BECOME our best company 728 O Positive. 7 units; O Negative. 1 unit; A Positive, 6 units; A Negative. 3 units; B Positive. 1 unit; AB Positive. 1 unit. Donor hours; Monday thru Thursday 10:30 - 11X), Tuesday that Thursday 2:00 - 4:30 and Fri days 3:00 - 6:30. Call lor an appointment at 484-9111 ABEVOt) SHY? H you are a woman who feats uncomfortable in most social situations, he nstruc tionai materials we are davetoping may be of help The materials are designed to teach you ways of comfortably talking to others. If you are interested. Please call the Psychology Department at 8a6"5050 02020:28 tino’S DELIVERS OUR 23 DEUCIOU8 VARIETIES Of PIZZA Piping hot Right to your door. And now we have two delivery trucks to give you faster service Cal 342-8111. Now open until 1 a m. Monday to Saturday: Midnight on Sunday 00628Ifn THERE WILL BE a Christian Science Organization weeidy testimony meeting tonight at Wesley Center (13th and Kincaid next to the U.O Bookstore) 6 p m. Ail ate wetoome to attend 01199:H i am uwk> lo move i-iesvsn and Earth to promote ERA'S raMcabon. Please help me. even to rattle the Gales to Hal Mot 72S U of O CRStS CENTER • open every night from 5 p m to 8 a m to help you with any problem Strictly confidential, 686-4488 145468-9 PREGNANT? YOU HAVE A FRIEND AT BIRTH RIGHT. Confidential information and free pre gnancy teat Call 687-8651. BIORHYTHMS! MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, PHYSICAL CYCLES CHARTED — 1 YEAR. Send name, dale of birth, strati? date de sired, return address with $15 to BIORHYTHMICS, c/o 1237 Ferry St., #4. Eugene, 97401 8:2 THE VIOA BARN — Now takina reservations foe summer term PARTIES, MEETINGS, PICNICS, DANCES, ale. $75 and up. 896-3913. 02885rttn UGLY FACIAL HAIR, HOW EMBAR RAS8INGI Everyone notices. Can be removed safely, and permanently. Phone 687-9181 or 343-5098. Electrology by Marian. 01616ifn PLEASE SUPPORT DEB at P.C.C. in her drive tor ERA. Mot LOOKY HERE!!! TO THOSE NOT CONVERSANT WITH THE SUMMER CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Be acMeed ttal If you want an ad ri a Thusday paper, t’s gotta be h by 1 pm Tuesday. Contariwiee. lor a Tuesday, we have to have it by t pm Thursday The locations lor placing ads remain tie same EMU Main Desk. Uriuersty Bookstore, and tie Emerald OBcee. 3rd floor of tie EMU. So, there you have it in black and whrte A, Pb * •f German reliable service for your foreign car. AUTO SERVICE VW’S MERCEDES BMW’S DATSUN TOYOTA BANKAMERICARD/ MASTERCHARGE Bus Ph. 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Ore. 97403 Home Ph. 746-1207 den, voice Free. 8 p.m. Gerfinger Lounge. Cray hawks. $1. 930-1:30 am. Eugene Hotel Lounge. Recreational Folkdancing. Free 7:30 teaching, 8:30 p.m. requests. 103 Ger lng~ Second Hand Band and Highwater. $1.8 p.m. George’s Garage, 341 Van Buren. TUESDAY First Annual No Talent Show. Free. Noon. Cowntown Mai. “Hansel and GreteT $1.11 a.m. Carnival Theatre. "The Decameron” and Boccaoo ’70” Cinema 7. Stil Dreaming. Free. 9 to 12 a.m. Trw's. Nancy King and Gary Johnson. Free. 930-130 a.m. Eugene Hotel Lounge. Masters Degree Recital, Jeffery Sen sabaugh, trombone. Free. 8 p.m. Gerfinger Lounge. Israeli Folkdancing. Free. 8 p.m. teaching and requests. Newman Center, 1850 Emerald St “Mark of Zorro” 9:30 p.m. KOZY-TV, Channel 11. WEDNESDAY Sonny King QuarteL Free. 930-130a.m. Eugene Hotel Lounge. Polynesian Dancers. Free. Noon. Down town Mai. “Hansel and GreteT$1.11 a.m. Carnival Theatre. "The Decameron’’ and “Boccacio ’70” Cinema 7. Guest Artist Recital, Liza Korns, flute. Free. 8 p.m. Geriinger Lounge. StM Dreaming. Free. 9 to 12 am. Tmo’s. CONTINUING Original Lithographs and Woodcuts by W.C. Wettzin. Alan Anderson Executive Apparel Ltd., 837 Monroe. Through July. Summer Group Show. Free. Gallery West 1597 Oak St Thru Sept 25. Paintings by David McCosh. Museum of Art Thru Aug. 14. Photographs by Edward Weston. Free. Photography at Oregon Gallery Museum of Art Thro August "Mystery Novel in Gallery Format” by Richard Howorth. Focus Gallery, Museum of Art Thru August. Paintings and Drawings by Richard Quig ley. Maude I. Kerns Art Center. Thru July. NORTHWEST America and Poco. $7.50 advance (Everybody’s Records). 8 p.m. Salem Ar mory. Friday. little River Band, with Nils Lofgren and Charlie. $6 advance (Everybody’s Re cords), $7 day of show. 8 p.m. Paramount, Portland. Wednesday. Photographs by Terry Toedtemeier. Camerwork Gallery. Good Samaritan Hos pital, Portland. Thro August 7. Maria Muldaur. $5 advance (Everybody’s Records). 9 p.m. Hayloft Tavern, Van couver, Washington. Sunday. SLEEPING BAG SALE! SAVE 10% to 33% off regular prices on all Polarguard® and down sleeping bags - NOW AT BERG’S! Limited to stock on hand - and for a limited time only - shop earty for best selection! Example: Brand name Polarguard® Three-Season sleeping bags (52 oz. of fill, rated to 20° F.), with quality construction and design that has been used on backpacking & climbing trips all over the world. REGULAR PRICE $67.50 CLOSEOUT REDUCED 32% SALE PRICE $45°° Fourteen models of down & Polarguard® sleeping bags to choose from - with big savings, while they last. Come shop and save at.... Bwtf; food /hoo 11th A MIU 343-0013