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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1977)
All my children By GLEN OZONEWOOD Of the Emerald i m worried. I’ve got my mind tuned into this soap opera enough that I'm able to make accurate pre dictions now and then. It's kind of like being a good frisbie player—it’s a sorry indictment of how one spends his or her time. But, that aside, little Phil never made it to Chuck's after he ran away. He made the mis take of accepting a ride from a stranger. Well, not exactly a stranger. The driver turned out to be a guy who used to do yard work for Phoebe, and learned quickly to hate her guts. Seems she fired him and refused to pay him the dough he'd earned. Little Phil offered a chance to get even. A side-trip to a motel, and a phone call to Phoebe, and ev erything was set. One-hundred thousand dollars was the price, and the Tylers were the cus tomers. But the sale didn't come off exactly as planned. Chuck dropped off the money okay, and the kidnap per picked it up, but meanwhile back at the motel things were changing. Little PhH ripped the towel rack off the wall and pounded on a pipe until the manager came to find out what the problem was. He found lit tle Phil and ran to call the police while the guy from the next room stuck with the kid. Unfor tunately, the cops didn’t get there before the kidnapper, and as the screen went blank Wednesday, trouble was just pulling up to the room. As with most crisis situations on this show, waves of guilt are spreading throughout the town, but Phil is feeling the main force. It’s doubtful that Tara can ever forget that it was Phil's spanking that sent Phil into the night in the first place (even though the kid deserved everything he got) and proba bly nobody else will, either. In fact, Phoebe is probably going to step up her efforts to get little Phil under her roof, an effort Chuck might just join given this latest catastrophy. But, times of grief always pull people back together, and Erica and Nick are at least talk ing to each other again. She’s being real sweet and taking care of the Chateau while Nick runs from one house to the other wringing his hands and telling everyone not to worry. There were some interesting confrontations at the Tyler’s through all this. It all started when Donna rushed over to be with Chuck, a gesture Phoebe obviously wasn’t able to ap preciate. Finally Chuck just told his grandmother to flake off, something she’s having to deal with from a number of people these days. Nick, among others, told her the same thing when she was hassling Tara about not sending little Phil to the Tyler’s in the first place. Aside from the kidnapping, little else happened except that Mark dropped by Erica's to try and smooth things out. He left not belieying what he’d heard. He went there feeling that as long as Erica and he had to live in the same town, and since they were blood relations, they might as well be friends. He still hasn’t figured out that logic finds little room inside Erica's mind. Like some roommates I had once, she insists on being unhappy and humiliated whenever she can, and rather than accepting Mark’s offer, she spit it back in his face and advised him to move out of town. Oh, Erica, you ought to just wise up. ‘Gut’ (Continued from Page 3 ) is issued when a car is "going fas ter than is prudent under prevail ing circumstances.’' A committee to explore the Gut problem was established last winter after complaints by resi dents of streets off Willamette Street. The committee’s report and recommendations were ap proved by the City Council Mon day night. The city staff will be ex perimenting with alternative solu tions to Gut problems, the results of which will then go back to the council for a permanent solution. In other action the council a cepted a city budget commit* recommendation to use all sta revenue-sharing funds to redu property taxes. The city plans i receiving $500,000 , which woi lower the estimated city tax ra this year from $8.48 to $8.10 p $1,000 of property value. EMU Food Service BEER GARDEN TODAY 3-6 pm EMU Dining Room Free Popcorn & Entertainment: GREG FIELD 12 oz. glass 350 Hot Dogs 250 Pitchers $1.50 DUFFY’S Friday and Saturday Fox and Weasel 9 to 1 75<2 cover Wednesday Ron Lloyd 9 to 2 * i 13th and Alder The Native American Student Union welcomes all EORPers! NASU is located in room 14A in the basement of the EMU. Drop in and say hi! carnival theatre under the tent c- presents J SAND I PUCKETT » as >n fanny brice £ in the musical directed by TOM LASSWELL luly 2] 22,2327282930 8:30pm. box office 686-4191 U of O students half price