Pro-abortionists rally; promise more protests By KEVIN HARDEN Of the Emerald Waving placards bearing slogans such as .“Sacred Heart Sucks," “Our bodies, our choice" and “Keep Abortions out of butcher shops', nearly 200 women and men sang, chanted, cheered and listened to pro abortion speeches on the Eugene downtown mall Thursday. The afternoon rally was held to protest the congressional support for the Hvde Amendment and the recent Supreme Court decision, both of which support the cut-off of federal funds used for abortion. The rally, sponsored by 10 city women’s and citizen s groups was designated to begin a systematic protest for the repeal of a recently passed federal law denying the use of Medicaid funds for abor tions. The Hyde Amendment, which proposed the end of federal funds for abortions, was critized for in sensitivity to the needs of poor and minority women who use Medicaid to pay for abortions. The sponsors, The New Ameri can Movement, the Eugene Feminist Theory Collective, the Red Autumn Sisters, Women's Press, the University's Center for the Sociological Study of Women, Lane County American Civil Liber ties Union, the Eugene chapter of National Organization of Women (NOW), the Oregon Women’s Political Caucus, the Eugene Carter’s recent statement on the Supreme Court anti-abortion rul ing to that of 18th century Marie Antoinette's reply to French Photo by Doug Lamb 200 women and men marched through downtown Eugene Thursday protesting the congressional support of the Hyde Amendment denying Medicaid funds for abortions. MONARCH MAKES IT EASY! 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At present, the hospital has a policy of not giving abor tions. Margie Hendriksen, represen tative of the Oregon Women s Political Caucus, compared Pres. 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Five anti-abortionists stood at the rear of the crowd waving placards saying “Abortion is dis crimination against unborn chil dren,” “Do we really want to kill our children?" and "No tax money for Abortion." Dr. John Bisbee, leader of the small group, explained that he ^ wasn't part of the Right-To-Life campaign but was acting on his own initiative. "I think abortion is a detestible thing — I hate it. I don't hate the people who are for it, but I think they re wrong,” he said. The four other members of the anti abortion group were from Bisbee s family. "I’d put my career on the line for this (anti-abortion) cause," Bisbee said. "I cancelled a very important meeting to be here today, be cause I believe in it so strongly.'’ Moving to the downtown mall 10th Avenue and Olive Street lo cation, the different groups gave speeches on the purpose of the rally and called for the political demise of Sen. Mark Hatfield, R-Ore., who voted in favor of the controversial amendment. One heckler applauded when the speaker announced that Car ter was in favor of denying Medicaid payments for abortions. Several speakers took the plat form and proclaimed the rally a beginning for more protests on the abortion issue “We must stand firm and repeal all laws that deny us the right to our biological free dom," Mary Simon, representa tive of NOW, said Another, explaining the impor tance of the rally on the July 14 anniversary of the French revolution s Bastille Day, said that more protests will be needed to oppose anti-abortion movements “We will be storming the bastille of enforced motherhood We have right on our side and we have numbers on our side, she said Several petitions were signed, including one which will be sent to Carter with the signatures of Eugene women who have under gone illegal abortions Another speaker read a statement from Rep Jim Weaver, D-Ore , which explained his stand against the Hyde Amendment "I believe every child brought into the world should have the right to be loved and wanted The abor tion decision should be left to the woman, through consultation with her doctor and her clergyman, and not left to the federal govern ment,' Weaver wrote Two testimonials from women who had illegal abortions were read with a poem written by a woman who, as a single parent, would be denied an abortion under the Supreme Court ruling One woman wept openly when the poem was read Ending the rally, an open letter to Congress was read which de nounced congressional “sexism and "economic class elitism and warned that its members would be voted out of office if further anti abortion legislation was passed GIFTED PSYCHIC READER & ADVISER / have devoted my life to the studies and the development of the sensitivities necessary to provide effective personal advice on love, marriage, health, business, and career direction. 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