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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1977)
686-4343 CLASSIFIEDS PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD AT EMERALD OFFICE 301 EMU EMU MAIN DASK UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER The rales are 10e per word the first day copy is admitted and 8c per word each consecutive day the ad is run without change There is a 12 word minimum AH ads must be paid tor in advance The Emerald cannot be responsible for more than one day 's incorrect advertising insertion tl your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 pm. for correction in the next day s issue. Errors not the fault of the advertiser which lessen the value of the advertisement will be adjusted. There is no refund for ad cancellations The Emerald will not knowingly accept advertise ments that discriminate on the basis of race, color. reSgion, sex or age CALL 686-4343 FOR ASSISTANCE ITOR SALE LET BEST REST solve your mattress problems. Foam cut to size BEST REST MATTRESS CO. 632 Blair 343-0222 016171fn THE BUY AND SELL CENTER 678 Olive Musical instruments, stereos, photo equipment, etc. Buy sell and trade. 00697:8-9 DIO YOU KNOW that you > find over 350 different posters at OLIVER’S BOOKS? Come see them. 210 East 17th Ave 7:26 FRESH ROASTED COFFEES ICED TEA AND COFFEE NOW BAGELS AND CREAM CHEESE DORM COFFEE-TEA ACCESSORIES MCKENZIE COFFEE CO 782 East 11th 342-2071 (Next to Mayflower Theatre) ._ 00980:8-9 FABRIC SALE STILL ON. From 36C a yard up al Andrea s. 2441 Hilyard. 345-1324 C19B121 RALEIGH 3-SPEED BIKE, good condition 1 G-speed ($50. 12 inch Back & White televisor. Oivetti typewriter, 3 inch foam mattress desk Call 345-1884 7 21 BIKINI SALE, $5 and up at Andrea s. 2441 Hilyard. 345-1324. C198021 MAN'S 10-SPEED SCHWINN VARSITY — $115. Ladies 5-speed Suburban — $100 345-7996 7:19 INSTRUCTION FLUTE INSTRUCTION. Experienced performer, teacher Tone breathing, technique, Iterature All levels Liza Korns 343-7178 7 26 MODERN DANCE CLASSES — Merce Cunning ham tec toque Monday and Wednesday even ings 7:30 to 9 p.m. Call Ena for registration and information 344-4862 01955:21 INTEGRAL YOGA CLASSES continuing Tuesday and Thursday morning 9 - 10:30 a m and Thurs day evening 7 - 8:30 p.m. Call Ena for registration and information, 344-4862 01956:21 INSTRUMENTS FENDER DELUXE REVERB, $15C; Hagstrom Swede solid-body electric guitar, excellent condi tion, $295 Call 686-1778 7:21 FENDER TELECASTER — 1968, natural finish. $250 40 watt Gibson amplifier. $100 Steel stnng acoustic, $20 686-0432 719 FENDER BASSMAN AMP — for bass and guitar 50 watt tube amp — $375 or best offer Steve 343-0319. 7-21 SOUND SYSTEMS TURNTABLE — PIONEER PL-12D, bell dnve, new Empire cartridge, $100 686-0432 7.19 1971 HITACHI STEREO. $75 345-1641 8:4 f?RAFTS/HOBRIES TOP QUALITY HANDSPINNERS FLEECES. Oregon grown Light shades at $2.25 a pound; dark $3 a pound Large stock now at EUGENE FIBER CO. 1157 High 343-0651 Open 11 to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday 01953:21 SERENITY WEAVERS 111 West Seventh Hand crafted spinning wheels and looms, superbly engineered, reasonably priced, in stock. Yams, books on crafts 13853:tfn ROOKS/SUPPLIES 2a,000 USED BOOKS all selling at Vr or less of published price. Textbpoks, Cliff Notes, Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 10% OFF ON ALL NEW BOOKS SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE, 1233 ALDER 14447.1fn J. MICHAEL'S BOOKS We pay the highest prices in town for your quality, used books. 101 West 7th 342-2002 Monday-Saturday 10 a rn -5 30 p.m. Formerly Second Hand Book Man Same people, new name. 01622:8-9 SERVICES RECYCLE EVERY THURSDAY 1:30-3:30 at 13th and University Bnng your cans, bottles, cardboard and alumnum BRINGMOBILE ON CAMPUS Additional information: Cal SURVIVAL CENTER. Ext 4356 14754 W TYPING TYPING — RUSH ORDERS DONE. Reasonable rates Close to campus 344-7689 C0664:muw FOR EXPERT TYPING AND ARTWORK call Mar garet: 687-1153, 344-2116 7:28 FULL SERVICE TYPING —IBM Correcting Selec tric II Transcription, editing, statistical, mathemati cal. Joyce-maine 343-9708. 7:26 SUMMER STUDENTS cal Thelma for typng IBM Selectnc H Graduate approved 747-8290 7:28 TYPING 50« PER PAGE. Editing and typing $1 per page Call 484-9464 7:21 TYPING — IBM Correcting Selectric Pica, elite Fast, fairly near campus Rebecca 687-9168 728 TYPING— 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE. IBM Selec tnc Graduate School approved Will pick up and deliver. Call Carole at 688-3983 or 688-3627. 2710:tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST. IBM Correcting Selec tric. Graduate approved. Near campus 344-0759. 14501 ifn TYPING — PROFESSIONAL, FAST. 50-cents a page Pick-up, delivery IBM Correcting Selectnc Sandy, 343-9391 01911*fn TYPING BY DONNIE — Professional: graduate school approved Correcting Selectric Near cam pus 344-3840 8:2 CIUTPOOR GEAR SUNDOWN SLEEPING BAG CO. Manufacturer of high quality sleeping bags and of fers them to you at reasonable prices Also complete line of custom fitted backpacks Why pay more when you can get the best? Buy from SUNDOWN SLEEPING BAG CO. 455 High St 485-2341 016657fn RICYCLES Richard’s Bike Shop FREE BIKE BAG with every new bike Full Service on ALL Bikes “Service and Quality 25th and Hilyard 345-0477 01621:8-9 COLLINS CYCLES 60 E. 11th St 342-4878 Authorized dealers for Peugeot Centurion Raleigh Motobecane Service and repair for all makes Featunng a wide variety of accessories. Michelin tires and tubes 14620:tfn LIKE NEW, 26 women s Schwinn 5-speed Chrome saddle baskets, upright handle bars, comfy seat Low miles Over $13C new Yours for $9C Call 485-8152 afler 6 p.m 7:1 S USED BIKES From Second Nature Buy. Sell, Trade 585 Bair. 343-5362 CC899:u NISHIKI OLYMPIC, good condition — $75 Call 343-2838 7:19 HUFFY HIGHLANDER 3-SPEEO ladies bike, ex cellent condition, safety extras. $50 484-1398 or 686-5221 7:19 PARS/CYCLES FIRST $100 TAKES 64 Ford Galaxy 689-0678 7:19 YAMAHA 360 ENDUR01973, low mileage, excel lent mechanical condition. Paul 747-0033, 345-4659. 7:19 HONDA C90, EXCELLENT CONDITION. Only 380 miles Best offer Call 686-9293, or 688-6703 Ms Bond 7 :19 1973 FORD GRAN TORINO SQUIRE STATION WAGON. Air conditioning, luggage rack, power Original owner 687-8450 7:21 1969 VOLVO STATION WAGON. $1700, 686-5585 or 343-6171, ask for Steve 721 FOR SALE: 1977 CJ7 Jeep 304 V-8, removable hard-top, tailgate, dock, tach. Less than 1,000 miles Relocating, must sell. (503) 5287193 8 9 AUTO REPAIR M A B SWIFT SHOP 747-5805 4-cylinder maintenance and repair Swedish cars are our specially 14808:t1n J.B. ENGINE SERVICE 1975 West 7th Custom engine and transmission rebuilding and parts tor Voikswagons. 342-3952 12070ifn CHUCK’S AUTO SERVICE FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST Complete maintenance and repair service 1938 West 8th 345-7785 WANTED_ WANT TO SELL YOUR V.W. last tor a reasonable price? Call 686-3712. ask for Ray 7:21 OREGON SOCIAL LEARNING CENTER s study ing families with very active, out-of-control children (3-10 years old). Treatment available following Study Call 485-2711. 01897:19 HELP WANTED OREGON SOCIAL LEARNING CENTER needs work-study students tor data tabulation Call 485-2711. 01896:19 TEACHERS AND SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS. One year expenence in pre-school, kindergarten, day-care center or Head Start required Apply by July 26 U of O Child Care and Development Center. 1511 Moss St. Eugene 01976:19 OFFICE MANAGER. U of O Child Care and De velopment Center Bookkeepng and secretanal expenence required Typing speed 75 wpm Back ground in child development and counseling desir able Apply by July 29, 1511 Moss St Eugene 686-4384 Equal opportunity employer 0 977 19 CALLIGRAPHY WORK NEEDED Vaned styles and layout work. Call S-T-E-P Ahead. Inc , 485-1041 0197921 APPLICATION DEADLINE EXTENDED FOR SEARCH DIRECTOR! Apply today (Of SEARCH (Alternative Education Program of UO) Director and put your ideas into action You II gam experience in budgeting crea tive and productive administration brochure pro duction, public relations and MUCH MORE1!! Ap pkcations available at SEARCH. Suite 1. EMU 2. deadline July 21 Salaried position We re an equal opportunity program women and minorities en couraged to apply G1962 19 WE NEED A RESEARCH ASSISTANT and a Cler ical Receptionist in our busy, yet supportive office The ESCAPE Field Studies Program provides you with abundant opportunities lo learn skills and gam experience while working Contact Kathy or Susannah, ext 4351 01974 19 APPLICATIONS FOR EMPLOYMENT now being accepted at Pocketdeli Deli cates sen 2445Hityard. Monday through Friday 01965 19 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is now accept ing applications for the position of sports editor for the 1977-78 school year Applicants should have experience m sports-wntmg and coordinatrig a staff ODE experience would be helpful, but is not necessary. Applications are available in the Emerald offices Room 300 EMU They must be turned m by 5 p m Friday July 29. 1977 The Emerald is an equal opportunity employer: women minorities and the handicapped are encouraged to apply 7 28 EARN $2.50 — participate one hour m picture learning experiment Sign up at bulletin board by Psychology Mam Office m Straub 01972:21 WORK STUDY PERSON needed to help us wade through bureaucratic sea Duties include filing, clipping and keeping ship afloat Job lasts through part of the summer and takes about 10 hours a week of your life Apply at Suite 4. EMU by 5 pm. July 19 Minonties and women are encouraged lo apply! 01954:19 PARTTIME PULLTIME SALESPEOPLE experience not necessary We will train Car essential Kirby Company 484-9655 12035Hn ALERT—ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Alert is an advocacy program senring physically knitted students with various types of disabilities The Assistant Director of Alert acts as a consultant on major projects such as Handicapped Aware ness Week, wheelchair clinics and public speak ing Program coordination and some supervisory skils are essential as well as a sensitivity to the needs of handicapped students Salary: $54 per month, beginning September 1. Applications available at ASUO office, should be returned to Jan Eisenbeisz, Room 465 Oregon Hall by noon, August 9. 01940:28 APPLICATIONS ARE NOW being accepted for the position of Director of the Gay People s Al liance Persons interested in applying should con tact GPA at 686-3360 or stop in at Room 318, EMU for information and apphcation forms Dead line tor appkcation is July 25, 1977 The ASUO is an equal opportunity employer Women and minorities are encouraged to apply 01948:21 ROOMMATES ROOMMATE WANTED. Woman preferred Rent $95 (negotiable) — information call Gabrielle 344-3522 7:21 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED. 2 bedroom apartment Call Juke 686-3201 (work). 344-7318 (home). 7:21 ROOMMATE WANTED TO SHARE two-bedroom townhouse Prefer fairly quiet person $87 + 485-2658 evenings and weekends 7:19 1TOR RENT 12*1 ALDER. Two bedroom apartment, $155 a month. Month-to-month Furnished. Call 343-4970 or see manager, Apt #9. 7:19 ONLY A FEW LEFT. One and two bedroom fur nished apartments 5 minute walk to EMU Apply with us lor Fall. Back stone Manor. 1750 Alder. 667-0684 01966 2 LARGE QUADS SPECIAL RATES FOR SUMMER Private bath, an utilities paid, turn shed. Vi block Irom campus Laundry and parking facilities OS PIRG agreement $72.50 per month $50 refunda ble deposit 738 East 16th. 667-0143 01973:tfn NEW, TWO BEDROOM fumahed apartments 1 block Irom campus. 1414 Alder 344-6302. 345-3711 01922 26 NOW ACCEPTING LEASE APPLICANTS lor fall Lease runs September 1 through August 31st 2 bedroom apartments Unfurnished $175, Fur nished $200 No pets or children. 1805 Garden Ave , #6 343-5637 01639:8-9 $79.50 QUADS SUMMER RATES LARGE. NKXLY FURNISHED. PRIVATE BATHS. PRIVATE REFRK3ERATORS. UKE FtW. PARWNG AIR CONDITIONED UTILITIES INCLUDED Vt BLOCK FROM CAAFUS AFC TENNIS COURTS RESERVATIONS FOR FALL TERM ALSO BENG ACCEPTED HURRY, ONLY A FEW UMTS REMAN NG CM tret 346-1272 751 EaaMflBl 0190389 CAMPUS QUADS $951*115 Utilities paid Air conditioning and private batis 1610 Hards 688-2470 14453tfn WESTSDE, 2 BEDROOM, hsnahed. near parks downtown, carpets, drapes, fenced yard pate adults, no pets, $185. 343-1178 _T8 $70 SUMMER RATES — QUADS Fully furnished, utilities paid, laundry, park eg Close campus 485-0291 1360 Alder 484-0604 018928-9 SUBLET ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT Homey, fumshed Nice yard Close to University Utilities paid S6C lor July 22 — August 13 687-8379. evenings 7:21 STUDIO APARTMENTS One block from canxxjs Laundramal All utilities except electricity 342-6913 or 485-8348 8 4 GRATIS FREE KITTEN, cute orange tabby Woe eyes 9 weeks Can Carl 3*3-8976 7 19 T OST B FOUND LOST: 8IRKENSTOCK SHOES, brown dress be tween campus and downtown Appreciate return Pam. 345-1192 7 21 FOUND: GOLD COLOR RING outside Oregon Hall If it s yours call 342-4209 between 5.30 and 8:30 pm and descnbe 7 19 MARKET BASKET For All Your Fruit and Vegetable Needs JUST PRODUCE Is Just That 742 East 24th 343-5393 14570:8-9 GOOD PRICES ON Beer, meats, pizzas and more MHIer s Grocery 1065 E 20th Open 10-10 Sunday-Thursday. 10-11 FndaySadurday 14303 8-9 1TOOP O PRINK GREAT LATE SPAGETTI FEED Every Tuesday and Thursday Rag. $4 70 NOW $3.25 PER PERSON all You Can Eat. Vi Liter ol WINE or a Pitcher of BEER or a Pitcher of SOFT DRINK of your choice Sausage & Meatballs excluded on re-order 8:30 to 11 p.m. TUESDAY AND THURSDAY SPAGETTI WAREHOUSE 725 W. Tat 484-1919 13976T.H ENTERTAINMENT BLACK FOREST TAVERN 2657 Willamette 344-0816 Happy Hours; Monday and Wednesday — 9:30 to 10:30, Friday — 4-6 p.m. MCHELOB ON TAP Entertainment four nights a week 13688:tfn THURSDAY, JULY 21 180 PLC THE ANANOA MARCIA SOCIETY PRESENTS THE MAGIC CHRISTIAN Peter Setters and Rmgo Starr star m one of the most outrageous films ever made Set ters and Rmgo are incredibly rich, and their ettorts to demonstrate the corrupting powers of money result m a devastating satire on greed and materialism 7 and 9 p.m. SI SATURDAY, JULY 23 180 PLC THE LONELINESS OF THE LONG DISTANCE RUNNER An »Seriated young man • sent to a refor matory because he d rather steal than work m a factory At tie reformatory, he is trained to be a great runner, but m a senes of flash backs the lonekness of the solitary runner fuses nto the ionekness of a young person forced to bve m a world he cannot relate to 7 and 9 p.m. S1 01975231 HORSES TO RENT Hourly rates, scenic trails, no guides WEEKDAYS, EVENINGS, WEEKENDS Telephone for Reservations Windgate Farms. 998-6789 13451fn CARNIVAL THEATRE CHILDREN S THEATRE PRESENTS SING HO FOR A PRINCE! A FRACTURED MUSICAL FAIRY TALE JULY 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 11 a.m. CARNIVAL THEATRE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON TICKETS: *1 8884191 01966 19 I ~-—-1 ANOTHER EMU BEER GARDEN ENTERTAINMENT BY RAGTIME MILLIONAIRES THURSOAV, JULY 21 34 p.m At the Student Union I D REOUIRED _Ct 9B5-21 CINEMA 7 ATRIUM BUILDING, SECOND FLOOR 10th and Olive. 687-C733 ENDS TONITE JUDY GARLANO In CUKOR S color classic A STAR IS BORN AND BETTE DAVIS In the aH-tlme Oscar winner ALL ABOUT EVE SHOWTIMES EVE 7pm only SATR 930 only C1978 1 9 SUMMER BLUEGRASS CONCERT & DANCE With PICKIN DELIGHT SAWTOOTH MOUNTAIN BOYS GOOD N COUNTRY Wednesday July 20, 7 p m Lane County Fairgrounds 21 and over please $2 5C donation at door Benefit for OREGON REPERTORY THEATRE 7:19 HOMEFRIED TRUCKSTOP TUESDAY Breakfast RAPHAEL Lunch EARL KELLEY Dinner JOHN JARVIE WEDNESDAY Breakfast JIM PARFITT Lunch JEFF DOUGLAS Dinner: JOEL A STEVE AUDITIONS FOR MUSICIANS EVERY TUESDAY at 2 p.m. SEE CLAUDIA GISELLE at the TRUCKSTOP on 14th between Hilyard and Alder _ - 01966 19 THE BAVARIAN 444 East 3rd Vocalist with acoustical guitar Monday-Saturday, 912 Jam Session every Sunday and Monday 91:30 am 01606:8-9