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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1977)
Social agency hires head All my children By GLEN OZONEWOOD Of the Emerald If Center City is any indication, they know how to make drugs on the east coast. Ask Donna Beck. Billy Clyde, that little greaser pimp with the sleazy southern drawl, slipped Donna a goofball. The plan was to wait til she was good and gone, pump her full of heroin and add her to his “stall. The little party was broken up by Donna's pal Estell, who busted a bottle and, pointing the jagged edges at Billy Clyde, suggested he leave the room. Meanwhile, Donna s been going through a trip only a TV script writer could imagine. Monsters, endless running, oceans chasing her down the hall, it's all there, and all partially obscured by video feedback and spacy music. Luckily, Chuck and Benny got wind of Donna's condition and beat feet to Center City, getting there just as Donna was about to fail from a window A little t-l-c from Chuckles, plus some pills from the little black bag, and Donna was as good as new. The whole experience has left Chuck realizing how much he loves Donna, and there seems to be little standing between them and a life together However, not everyone is so lucky. Jeff Martin had a rough week; he found out about Kristina s plans to move in with David. Responding to his own heart chords, Jeff advised Kristina that she shouldn t jump to any hasty decisions, and she decided not to move in. A decision that sent David straight to Jeffs house. “Just stay the hell out of my life, was the basic message David had for Jeff An understandable reaction from someone who just had a good setup blown And the Brents had their problems, too Tara got up to wake little Phil up from a nightmare and on the way back to bed tripped on a skate and fell hard to the ground. Phil finally called Dr Joe and he and Ruth came over to check it out While he was talking to Ruth, Phil kept saying how it was little Phil s fault for leaving his skates out (a statement that only rein forces my feeling that Phil is exceedingly stupid) Little Phil over heard Phil s tirade, and the result is they may not be pals any more It would serve Phil right as far as I'm concerned And there s new blood in town. An old neighbor of the Martin s (actually she s only about 41) and her teenage daughter have moved back to Pine Valley. Seems that husband and father split with some young hussy leaving both his wife and daughter high and dry. Right now they re both having trouble adjusting to their new life style and home, but look for them to have real problems pretty soon. A young divorcee shouldn t have too much trouble finding someone to get involved with. Maybe Paul Martin? With his wife off at the asylum he s got lots of time. 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Z1 24 prove lent ^ K‘ J7* ^J8C I1 r i c/> c *1 ©r K rcrvrt alanti »vnj»vkrtici r 2*i I ,-r. ! ;.c yM £5j hot ’ rv-tva I See/ 5'* § r si »fro^»*m»r to< y»i y;' 78t) t ttlk dVC. "**ttr(hcm.-yflou<«rlnc3lr< f>^>. ,^.3*5A7,3 Lane County government’s largest department, Community Health and Social Services, which serves citizens’ needs in health, mental health, environmental quality and social services, re cently acquired a new department head. Robert Whittaker, 43, formerly an administrator in Merced, Calif., began his position at the begin ning of July. He will manage the department which employs some 325 full-time employes, as well as numerous part-time and volunteer workers, and serves about 200,000 persons in social ser vices in the county. By DINA MILES Of the Emerald He was appointed to the post in May by the commissioners. Whittaker s position puts him in charge of coordinating the variety of social service divisions within his department, which provides services ranging from food stamps to checking restaurant cleanliness to counseling, to name a few. With such a broad diversity of responsibility, Whit taker sees his role as one which must provide balance and har mony among the divisons to "pre vent overlapping holes among the areas. To accomplish this goal, Whit taker believes he is like "a caretaker of funds and says he will become an "advocate for more funds for certain areas which demand social aid. The depart mental budget for the 1976-77 fiscal year included more than $11 million in federal and state funds. Whittaker said the amount of so cial services his department can provide is largely based on these government monies. time is short Whittaker says he brings no major ideas of change to his new job, at least not yet. He is still learning about Lane County and Oregon in general. “I’m not coming in with any pre-conceived notions,” he said. ‘“That would be unwise.” One new change in the organi zation, however, is the fact that Whittaker will manage only the Community Health and Social Services department, and will not direct a department divison as well. The former director did just that and, Whittaker said, much confusion resulted. Whittaker said as director only, he wants to focus his ideas on the whole department. “It will be easier for me to look at broad needs of the community, rather than program needs,” he com mented. Due to recently-awarded funds, Whittaker said the department has expanded its service to per sons seeking alcohol abuse help and it has broadened the CETA r Manpower Services. He plans to meet frequently with Lane County Commissioners to focus on people’s needs in the county. For the past seven years, Whit taker was the director of the Merced County Department of Human Resources. He coordi nated programs in child welfare, homemaker services, family planning, aging, protective ser vices for adults and others. He has also served as head of Family and Children's Programs for Stanislaus County in Modesto, Calif., and was the Child Welfare Supervisor for San Diego County. Whittaker received a master’s degree in Social Welfare from Florida State University and a bachelor’s degree from San Diego State University. The new director replaces Kess Hottle, who vacated the position to become director of the Commun ity Services Administration Divi sion within the department. He had been the department head since 1971. 1 GOLDEN TEMPLE-1211 ALDER STREET-EUGENE I ranscend the Boundaries of Time SHAKTI SHOES A in DUFFY’S Friday and Saturday Fox and Weasel 9 to 2 $1.00 cover Wednesday Ron Lloyd 9 to 2 13th and Alder MMMMMMMMMMMMMMKH M ** Krt K* Krt ****************************** Read the Emerald VW WWW MW WWMWWWWWMW MW MW MM MW MW MW WMkW MW WW WWktf MX WW WW WW MM ktfkMIlK