^German reliable service for your foreign car. AUTO SERVICE VOLKSWAGEN MERCEDES • DATSUN • TOYOTA GUENTER SCHOENER „ Bus. Ptv 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene. Ore. 97403 Home Ph. 746-1207 Bring this Ad Fri. July 15th HAIRCUTS *3.00 with FRANK HAIR FAME 686-2544 I Thurs. July 14 thru Sat. June 16 1-5 pm 1 coupon per person One Scoop 150 l Treat yourself quality at Prince Puckler’s II 1473 E. 19th Open daily 12:30-11:00 MAX’S Hen r\ Weinharcl .s Pri\ ate Heserx e Now on bratt 550 E. 13th <-'i Oregon Daily Emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald s pubfcsned Monday trough Fnoay except dung atari weeks and vacations by the Oregon Oaky Emeratd Pubfcshng Co Inc. a tie Urwersty cf Oregon Eugene. Ore 97403 tt appears lance woafdy Ounng sunmer passes The Oegon Daty Emerald operates ndependenty of the Umversty anti offices on the tard floor of tie Ertt Memorial Union and s a member of Associated Press Emerald subscnphons are $7 per term. $20 per year Nears and Editorial Display Advertsng and Busness Classified Advertsng Production EAtor Managing Eater News EAtor Graphics EAtor 686-5511 686-3712 686-4343 686-4381 State System Departments and Schools Potties and Commtmity Features. ASUO Night EAtor Production Manager Advertising Manager Accountant Tom Wofle Erer BoeaetieOe Melody Ware kewn Harden Jock HMketO Bactry Vocng kale Seyga Cart Bryant Tec Johnston Page 2 ...et al— French poet discusses life during WWII A visiting French poet and playwright. Claude Herviant, will be on hand this evening to discuss tonight's showing of the film "Lacombe, Lucien.' The film por trays a native who collaborated with the Nazi's during their occu pation of France. Herviant was a boy during the occupation and can speak of his experiences then as well as other subjects dealing with French cul ture or history. The film will show tonight at 7:30p.m. in 177 Lawrence Hall for $1. It’s one in a series of recent French. Spanish and Italian films being shown as part of a Mediter ranean Film Festival being spon sored by the romance language department through August 4. Tickets can be obtained at the romance language department or at the door before the movie. Fiscal analyst named dean A former fiscal analyst for the Oregon State System of Higher Education has been named as a new associate dean of the University s College of Arts and Sciences. She is Alison Baker, 31, named July 6 to a new post as associate dean for fiscal affairs by Arts and Sciences Dean John Baldwin. In her new post. Baker will supervise budget analysis within the University s largest academic college Her appointment, which begins immediately, includes rank as an associate professor Salary for the post is $22,000. Baker holds her B.A. and M.P.A. degrees from The Penn sylvania State University. Before joining the Oregon State System of Higher Education in 1975, she served as assistant vice provost for budget in the State University System of New Hampshire and as a program budget analyst at Penn State. Classes begin at art center Session II of Maude I. Kerns Art Center s summer art classes be gins Monday. New classes are In troduction to Sculpture, Bookbind ing, Romanian Embroidery and I Like to Draw, in addition to regular offerings in painting and drawing, ceramics, jewelry, photography, stained glass, and textile arts. The Art Center also offers lithography and etching. There are 10 children s and teen classes offered, among which are Soft Sculpture, Mime and Theater, Clay and Plaster Sculpture, Frame Loom Weaving, and Nepali Mask Making. Other children s classes are in ceramics, painting and drawing, jewelry, and a multimedia class , All classes are open to the community. The Art Center is open for registration from 9a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Thurs day and 9 a m. to 5 p.m. Friday. Registration will be accepted up until the first day of classes. Film shown The film "Daybooks of Edward Weston," a biographical film based on his diary, will be-shown Tuesday at 1 p.m. in Studio B in the University library. Pros to practice mud play One hundred playground leaders and day camp supervisors will be playing in mud this weekend as part of a workshop to make recreation professionals more aware of the concept of play. The University recreation and parks management department and Oregon Parks and Recreation Society will cooperate to produce the daylong workshop at Fern Ridge Park this Saturday. Orientation for the Play Phactory begins at 1 p.m. Professionals from around the state will gather at the park to participate in a production line consisting of six different forms of play. First individuals will be asked simply to play by themselves, using equipment only as they need it. Next, five volleyball nets will be set up and games will be played in the usual structured way. Later in the afternoon the rules will begin to shift first as rules of the game become subject to change by consent of each team and them by the individual during a dead ball. Then comes an all-time favorite, playing in mud. “We hope people will loose their inhibitions and really become involved," says Tim McGee, a recreation and parks management student who is helping to organize the workshop. All day long people will be asked to participate in a sixth way, McGee says, by being spectators. A specific set of critena govern those who wish only to spectate. After this workshop is completed McGee says others like it may be planned. Jazzman hosts concert Jazzman Chuck Mangione and his quartet return to Portland s Auditorium for a concert tonight at 8 p.m. Sessions offer circus skills This summer, area residents will have an opportunity to de velop skills in pantomime, theater games, juggling, yoga and theat rical improvisation with the New Mime Circus. The NewMime Circus will be offering studio workshops for both adults and teenagers. The first session will be held during the weeks of July 19 to 30 and will be for adults. The second session is for teenagers and will be held during the weeks of August 2 to 13. Re gistration fee for each session is $20. For the location and times of the studio workshops call the New Mime Circus at 345-3412 or 686-9781. Mangione, who plays the flugelhom and both the acoustic and electric piano, is leaving his mark in jazz as an instrumentalist, lyricist, composer, arranger and conductor Educated at the Eastman School of Music, Mangione served his musical apprenticeship while playing with such jazz greats as Keith Jarrett, Chick Corea, Maynard Ferguson and Art Blakely. The artist, who has had hits with tunes such as "Chase the Clouds Away," “Hill Where the Lord Hides and the highly acdaimed "Land of Make Believe," won a Grammy last year for his "Bel lavia album His latest A & M album is entitled "Main Squeeze The quartet consists of Chris Vadala (saxaphones and flutes), Grant Geissman (guitars), Charles Meeks (bass) and James Bradley, Jr. (drums). Tickets for the Northwest Re leasing event are on sale at the Portland Civic Auditorium Electric rates discussed I A prehearing conterence to de termine the issues and particip ants in Pacific Power & Light (PP&L) Co s rate increase re quest proceedings will be held next Monday, according to the Oregon Public Utility Commis sioner. Commissioner Charles Davis also suspended the proposed rates, which would have become effective August 1, for six months to investigate whether any in crease is justified PP&L has re quested an 18.7 per cent rate in crease, which would raise re venues in Oregon by $36 million briefs FILM A Chinese Mm. The While Haired Girt, a re volutionary operatic drama in Chinese will be shown on Channel 5 television, next Monday The showng will begn at t 30 p m and Iasi about 2 hours Room 201 VUIard wil be available lor those who do not have access to Channel 5 television Students taking Chinese the summer are urged to abend Al interested persons are welcome MISCELLANEOUS Don Hunter, formerly ol the audiovisual media centei. will be honored at a retirement banquet July 23 at the Valley River Inn Dinner will bo al 7 p m loSowed by a program Foi reservations, please cal Joyce Carlisle, serials cataloging. Library >3094. by Wednesday Hunter has been with the Sbrary lor 42 years MEETINGS The Working Condi I tins and Educational Adairs committees ol the Graduate Teaching Fallows Federation will be meeting today at 7 30 p m in Room 205ol the Computer Center The Mjenrta will annually Hates would rise i/.y per cent for the company s ap proximately 305,000 residential customers in the state PP&L s last increase — 14 per cent — was authorized in De cember 1976 On Friday, July 8, the company withdrew its request that a 9 per cent rate hike be au thorized immediately on an emergency basis The preheanng conference will be held at 10 a m. in Room D, Labor and-Industries Building, Salem, under the direction of PUC Administrative Law Judge Richard Sabin delude preparation lor the contract wrung pan of the upcoming negotiations All interested parties especially GTFs tpresen! past and Mure) are invited to attend For mitre n format on contact the GTFF office Each Thursday evening at 6 30 the Baptist Stu dent Union has a meal (SI) and sharng time at 1930 Ony* St . #6 Any nterested person is we) come Call the Langstons at 344-7443 lor more information POLICY The Emerald s briefs column is open to anyone wishing to make announcement of meetngs. lec tures and miscetaneous events &wfs are run only once and are subject to space Imitations They should be typed, triple-spaoed m a 65-umt margin Include all pertinent information especially the date you want it to run Also, include a name and phone numbet in case we have questons Events with donations or admission charges will not be consi dered lor the tv rets column All Hems must be turned in by noon two days before publication at the Emerald office Room 300. 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