Believers search sky for saucers No sightings this time, but once, 30 years ago... By JOCK HATFIELD Of the Emerald A small group of believers stood in the shadow of Mt. Rainier staring intently at the evening sky. “What’s that there?” asked one member excitedly, pointing toward a star-like object speeding across the sky. “Isn’t it moving too fast to be a satellite?” In an attempt to answer the question the group sent out a telepathic message: “Are you a flying saucer?” It almost seemed plausible that the object’s answer — a twinkle — meant yes, for all afternoon members of the group, the New Age Foundation, had been re counting their experiences with the extraterrestrial. Flying sauc ers no longer seemed out of the ordinary. The UFO convention was pre sented last weekend, in a pine surrounded Mt. Rainier retreat, to commemorate a flying saucer sighting exactly 30 years before. On June 24, 1947, nine disc shaped crafts were reportedly seen flying, or rather “skipping like saucers over water” between the snow-capped peaks of Mt. Rainier and Mt. Davis. Though the group held an offi cial “skywatch” last Friday, hop ing for the crafts’ return, it was not the purpose of the convention. "We re not up here expecting to have flying saucers appear again,” explained the or ganization’s head and founder, Wayne Aho. “We've come to gether to celebrate.” From the first meal at the con vention, when members sat around munching on lettuce and sunflower seed salad, a com muned and semi-religious atmos phere prevailed. "Jesus is alive on Venus,” foundation member John Prochaska told reporters. "He was originally sent from space to make us ready for removal. He is waiting to come back again.” Prochaska, a blustery yet con fident man of over 50, does “former life” readings for a living, and calls himself a counselor in psychometry. Through the help of space dwelling “guardian angels” Prochaska reads the Akashic ’<*«> •’osfrafe. >^>^oo^Vv,0v. .96 »\e'-e \1xe°S /x ^,40° >V1 feoVI $178. *A V* -.<#5 '°Vs y^' ca''.®A, ^e^*ca'% •$$&<+** \vft' tf''* S^e ^9 ^ *^£ 3^1 *®T s^6aS „>e< S9' .y yV. '^O' SjSL V*>\°?^' OO'f* f#S30^ WS*,- ^ o^Vjo*'* ba&1 V>Ve ^ ^uV< o*e CCVS ^nS P\8° ifr* , re^e’ r«** itii „ 0p»^c-, o»',s. ^ s^ea^e;>e^ Gaogi.8-^ — Page 4 It's a bird, it's a plane.. but it wasn't a flying saucer, although these participants in last weekend's UFO convention were hoping it would be. Thirty years ago nine UFOs were sighted at that very spot, and members of the New Age Foundation went there to celebrate the sightings. Record which is said to contain information on every man's former lives “I had one man who was deathly afraid of grasshoppers, ’ Prochaska relates. “I read his re cord and told him that on a former life on a different planet he had been out on patrol, and came ac ross gigantic grasshoppers. Though he was armed, the gras shoppers overpowered and ate him." Prochaska said after he re vealed the source of this man’s fear, the man no longer feared grasshoppers. Prochaska said he has not only seen flying saucers, but has met their pilots — twice. “I’ve seen r HIKING BOOTS ARE ON SALE at Berg’s Walk into Berg's right now and save 10% to 40% off on all name brand hiking, backpacking, and climbing boots! Sale Prices are effective June 24 thru July 2 1977 Limited to slock on hand Be there early for the best selection and SAVE' Examples: VASQUE WHITNEY hiking and mountaineering boot Full gram leath er, reinforced padded ankle, Vibram* Lug sole, Goodyear welt REGULAR PRICE 71 00 SALE pR|QE VASQUE SEQUOIA hiking shoe Lightweight yet very sturdy with Vibram* sole Excellent for day trips, hiking, and "knock around CLOSEOUT SALE PRICE *19” VASQUE CARIBOU hiking and work shoe Very comfortable, with durable Vibram * sole CLOSEOUT SALE PRICE *14” SALE ENDS SATURDAY Botf;/Port/hoo 11th 4 MILL 343-0013 V* _ _ —y two beings, one in Phoenix, Arizona in 1973, and a female in 1974. One was from Mars and the other was from a planet called Korendor. They look just like us." A friendly and outgoing man, Prochaska is well aware of the impact his ideas have on the out side world. "You reporters will massacre me," he said with a smile. Lidia Wolff, an 87-year-old woman who appeared to be (Continued on Page 7) MAGIC 8HOWS FOR CHILDREN Wayoa Alan th* maoic rroermxm • CANT AIN CLOWN •Magic -Comady -Storta* •Moon Arimata -Fun AMY PIACC - ANY OCCASION GENTLEWOMAN presents new ideas for your summer wardrobe Where clothes are more than a look, they're a feeling. 1639 E. 19th Ave. 19th & Agate 343-9555 MWF 10-8, T-Th-Sat 10-6, Sun 1-5 Thursday, June 30, 1977